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单词 Cell phone
1 This cell phone sure is hot stuff.
2 Some guy was yapping on his cell phone.
3 My friends keep badgering me to get a cell phone.
4 Interception of cell phone calls has been a criminal act since 1986, when those devices were included in federal wiretap statutes.
5 You can use the cell phone wherever the cell sites are in use.
6 Can I use your cell phone to make a call?
7 The cell phone has turned into more than a modern day convenience,[] it is a status symbol.
8 Liberal Washington Post reporter Jane Day uses her cell phone to call in the story.
9 The cell phone that allows you to connect, makes it impossible to disconnect.
10 You started with the cell phone the minute you sat down.
11 And put down that cell phone, before it kills you!
12 Whether you can set off dynamite with a cell phone.
13 The cell phone is a relatively recent phenomenon. It's difficult at the moment to assess its effects.
14 Turns out the call was made on her cell phone in her car.
15 The only uncomfortable moment was when a cell phone began ringing behind them and they started smiling at each other.
16 Some guy was yapping on his cell phone behind us.
17 They raised help on a cell phone but were unable to offer details about their location.
18 I have a cell phone, but I don't use it very often.
19 Does your teen-ager have a cell phone?
20 Whose cell phone does Tina use?
21 I usually do not turn off my cell phone.
22 What's the matter with Polly's cell phone?
23 Elimination of a very fun game ball cell phone.
24 This is a cell phone on the Pinball Game.
25 Older cell phone batteries were often NiCad.
26 The working pattern of cell phone H code configuration management is introduced.
27 Services, have already set up networks in most major metropolitan areas to offer Internet access via the cell phone technology.
28 Two men on a train almost get into a fistfight because one refuses to stop talking on his cell phone.
29 So he had to call the sheriff on his cell phone.
30 A look at dice box points to eliminate the cell phone game, very simple!
31 More recent AR systems may superimpose graphics over a cell phone image or project an interactive display on a real world surface.
32 My cell phone is out of juice. Can I use yours?
33 Andre puts an untraceable cell phone into Jack's pocket and he leaves in the van.
34 Have you determined whichever you should buy, a Nokia walkie-talkie or a Motorola cell phone?
35 Visitor: Ah, where is my cell phone? It must be lost on the way.
36 Tell me where you go, bring your cell phone and stay home after dinner.
36 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
37 Message sending software can send cell phone message when the encrypted message.
38 Make a "landing strip" where you can drop your stuff when you come in and out (maybe with an extra cell phone charger and change cup).
39 Earlier this evening, this man received a call from your cell phone.
40 You can't make a collect call to a cell phone.
41 The problem is when switching back and forth from one task to cell phone management is your standard operating procedure.
42 Authorities also found nine cell phone chips and one charger.
43 All the way there(), she ignored me and yak ked on her cell phone to her grown children.
44 Every cell phone comes with a battery and a recharger .
45 Yes: Keep them away from the cell pone if you love the kids. "Life with cell phone" will do no good to their health.
46 Why would you have a prepaid phone card if you have a cell phone?
47 Is the classic game of backgammon cell phone. The screen is beautiful!
48 Ulrich Reuter is part owner of an engineering firm that was building a water reservoir and cell phone towers in Libya.
49 Use them as cell phone charms , key rings, or to accessorize your bag or pouch!
50 Here is the description for our project: Our project is a electronic instrument named "cell phone guarder", so that it can warn us of possible theft or lost in crowded area such as buses or subway.
51 Dark Portal is a very good cell phone game action!
52 If you have a cell phone, pull it out and call your partner in crime, or even fake the call if you have to: "Yes, but it's what I've been looking for...
53 No, he made the cell phone call to a land line -- specifically, to the land line of his chief competitor at Bell Labs.
54 Guy talking on cell phone walks into street sign, also lacerating his head.
55 Tammy Wyman wouldn't be without her cell phone for any amount of money.
56 Wear flats for walks. And remember to bring your cell phone along.
57 The research group generally found little to link cell phone use and caner.
58 In the actual real machine test links, according to the specific BREW terminals, proposed to transplant some of the key low-end cell phone problems and possible solutions.
59 Shit happens ! I just dropped the new cell phone into the flush toilet.
60 Inside the right slash pocket is a 3" x 3" smaller pocket, which will fit my cell phone or keys.
61 By mid-February, Voila plans to have 1,500 merchants accepting payments by cell phone all across Haiti.
62 The M-dress is a wearable cell phone with a sim card and antenna integrated into the fabric, and while it's not necessarily perfect, it does make carrying a cell phone around a non-issue.
63 The forming technology of the cell phone piece was analyzed. The structure of the mould was redesigned to improve the strength of the thin slanted ejector pin.
64 In stands at his daughter's basketball game, his cell phone chirped.
65 Users can select from eight DTACH attachments, including a penholder, cell phone holder, swivel hook, and more.
66 Extra pockets for keys , wallet[ ], cell phone or diaper.
67 If he should not put on your cell phone vibration private part, will you still love him?
68 Xinhua News: Egypt, 28 people continue to hold mass protests brewing, the current capital of Cairo Internet, cell phone service interruption.
69 In the invention, a cell phone can be employed to control the 'parental control' function program in the computer, the setup method is more flexible, faster, so that service quality is improved.
70 If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.
71 Oh, That cell phone sure is a hot stuff, It has so many features.
72 Ramesh Raskar: You would add a plastic clip-on to your cell phone and a software from, say, an app store.
73 LL: I didn't get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don't know what's wrong with it.
74 The pape presents an efficient synchronization mechanism for wireless MMORPG, which aims at decreasing network communication throughput, due to the restriction of cell phone and wireless network.
75 Roland re-routes his cell phone to make it untraceable and texts a message to the number on the paper he found from Mahone.
76 Full patch pocket with overlapping cell phone pocket and additional accessory pocket at the front wall.
77 But Ilaug grabbed his iPad and cell phone, and donned a bright-yellow jacket, a red helmet and red water-shoes to protect himself from the driving rain.
78 A mere half second of time lost to task switching can mean the difference between life and death for a driver using a cell phone, Meyer said.
79 How can I find such a new type of cell phone?
80 Another of his firms is the top cell phone operator, and he wants to get into convergence services to offer television and interactive media.
81 To crown it all, I lost my cell phone there.
82 As Jack figures out how to do that Gaines leaves a cell phone message for Kevin (who is posing as Alan York).
83 So it stands to reason that cell phone viruses are a threat, as well.
84 "The cell phone is the best point-of-sale terminal ever," says Mark Pickens, a microfinance analyst with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor.
85 In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy's cell phone.
86 The jewelry and cell phone were indeed stolen by me and pawned in Lingyun Pawnshop.The pawn ticket is under my pillow.
87 When was the last time anyone got a signal on a cell phone?
88 Furthermore, a typical cell phone incorporates several hundred million instructions per second of processing capacity that is largely dedicated to unique cellular standards.
89 If you have a cell phone and can get a signal, call ahead for help. It's possible that emergency medical personnel could meet you on your way out or at the trailhead .
90 She brushes past a guy in a Yankees' baseball cap who is talking on his Motorola cell phone about the Martin Scorsese film he saw last night.
91 IntroductionIn the communication systems, echo and noise will seriously affect speech communication quality, such as IP telephone, videophone and hand-free digital cell phone systems etc.
92 The service, which begins Monday, has one drawback: it consumes as much battery power as normal cell phone rings.
93 The cell phone has become the nexus of our sales activities because it enables efficient coordination.
94 If you do manage to leave your cell phone, camera, or other battery-powered gear out in the rain — or worse, drop them in a toilet — the prognosis is usually pretty grim.
95 If the cell phone is a certain distance(which is called "guarder distance") from you, the sensor will ring or shake so that you can notice the potential theft or lost.
96 I can make or receive cell phone calls through the radio,[] as well as listen to music.
97 That cell phone company is going to come out with a new smart phone.
98 Lifetime testing is one of the most common types of production tests that cell phone handsets undergo.
99 Here, I brought you your cell phone and a roll of duct tape.
100 In moment of fluster , instead of calling her parents, she dialed new boy's cell phone.
101 Since we opened, we have only had one cell phone, one wallet and one ghetto blaster stolen.
102 We can pinpoint the exact location of whoever answers my call on a cell phone?
103 From palmtop computer email to cell phone voice mail, controlling these ways of receiving information is becoming a serious management problem for the people who use them.
104 He led us to the ministry official, who removed her cell phone from her ear and listened as we pled the case.
105 Hudson Bonk 's Return All Versions The world's oldest head banger is headed to your cell phone !
106 Wife : And give me your cell phone. Mine run out of power.
107 Do you have any ea what's going to happen if this cell phone rings?
108 Companies don't have to pay workers' compensation and FICA on an extra week of vacation, a trip or increased car or cell phone allowances.
109 This handheld cell phone jammer comes complete with battery, charger and carry case.
110 With cotton lining, the inside offers cell phone and PDA pockets.
111 For every 100 people in Macau, there are 206.43 cell phone subscriptions, according to recent statistics from the International Telecommunications Union.
112 According to the Sun-Times, the group has actually helped prevent crime in the city, catching a cell phone thief and a purse snatcher and breaking up fights.
113 Armed as DJs, we really only lack one thing to take our wide-open musical access and turn it into something revolutionary: cell phone radio.
114 Here we would like to make a brief introduction of the cell phone advertising markets in the USA, Japan and Korea, so as to straiten out something useful for our local market.
115 Larry:I didn't get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don't know what's wrong with it.
116 Cell phone photons cannot add up to become UV photons or have their effect any more than microwave or radio-wave photons can.
117 Cell phone conversation while driving creates "inattention blindness, " a cognitive state that slows a driver's reaction time and limits his ability to detect changes in road conditions.
118 Nick's father enters the living room followed by the man in the trench coat who spoke with Nick at the cell phone store. The man stands confidently, gun in hand.
119 In a recent sting operation in Texas, an undercover officer was offered $200 by a prisoner for a cell phone and only $50 for heroin.
120 The main work is based on Bluetooth technology for J2ME mobile phone game against the application, the realization of a cell phone Gobang 2 war game design and development and debugging work.
121 Tarati ( Sanskrit, meaning through ) is a step towards rewriting cell phone history.
122 I'm a Mac and iPhone developer and I've just spent the past week using a Google Nexus One as my primary cell phone rather than an iPhone as I have for the past three years.
123 With his baggy pants and his cell phone dangling from a cord around his neck, he looked like a typical teen-ager, but he seemed deeply traumatized.
124 With the widely use of CD, MP3, DVD, cell phone and HDTV, digital audio power amplifier (DAPA) prevails in audio amplifier field for its high efficiency, low distortion, low cost and portability.
125 The wristband was getting close, but you still had to take out your cell phone to look at the information.
126 According to "The New Yorker,[Sentencedict]" Rescorla used his cell phone to call Hill to get updates on news footage as he directed employees by bullhorn.
127 Whenever possible, use the speaker-phone mode or a wireless Bluetooth headset, which has less than 1/100th of the electromagnetic emission of a normal cell phone.
128 From the Romans' ballista to Motorola's cell phone, humans have relied upon machines to enhance the success and lifestyle of their society.
129 Make sure others know you are going on the date and maybe go as far as having a friend call you on your cell phone midway through the date and you can have a coded signal.
130 That official station this summer broadcast a groundbreaking singing contest in which viewers were asked to vote for their favorites by cell phone message, "American Idol"-style.
131 For the Des Moines, Iowa, teenager, her 14,000 texts-per-month habit reaped its own rewards, landing her the competition prize of $50,000 just eight months after she got her first cell phone.
132 At last, analog simulation of system and experiment showed that suspicious cell phone messages filtering system can be good to find and kill suspicious cell phone messages.
133 June 25, 2007— Before Nelia Mangate had a cell phone, it wasn't easy for her to communicate with clients far away from her shop in Maputo, Mozambique.
134 Shirley: I need a phone card for this new cell phone.
135 Come with a speaker a built - in microphone turns your Bluetooth cell phone into a first - class speakerphone.
136 It increases your cell phone performance by making more memory available for both your applications and the mobile system.
137 This can include switching over to a different cell phone or cable service provider or buying unbranded breakfast cereal.
138 One of the most ill - mannered things to do at ameala cell phone.
139 Teri tries calling Jack but her husband doesn't pick up his cell phone.
140 Many cell phone users were harried by cell phone message, and we hardly bear the harassment.
141 He can't even afford a secondhand cell phone, not to speak of a brand - new one.
142 A cell phone that uses the wireless "hotspot" from the shoe would use much less power than if connected to a wireless telephone network.
143 Answer, reject or end cell phone calls with the remote control.
144 On the criminal side, from what we know, it's the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and perhaps some privacy violations, or mail fraud or wire fraud as to breaking into cell phone records, " said Fahy.
145 Most cell phone companies and Internet providers change the time for us, since they get their time from the National Bureau of Standards.
146 Kimberly and Janet run into Rocco, a pimp talking on a cell phone.
147 Shirley: I want to buy a cell phone for my daughter.
148 Cell phone company Qualcomm (QCOM) has teamed with American Airlines (AMR) to develop satellite-based air-to-ground cellular service.
149 The results: hearing just the "tete" in a cell phone tete-a-tete leads to poor performance in other tasks.
150 But Rescorla grabbed his bullhorn, walkie-talkie and cell phone and began systematically ordering Morgan Stanley employees to get out.
151 You may have experienced with cell phone message go to vote?
152 He is the chief executive of the English soccer players' trades union, the Professional Footballers Association, whose cell phone was hacked by a private investigator hired by News International.
153 For years, the postpaid business model has dominated the US cell phone market.
154 Never use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!
155 Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan.Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.
156 "At one point I was woken up at two in the morning by a guy on a cell phone hunting pest beavers in Montezuma, " says Gorbunova.
157 Jinan where selling Scud or other brand cell phone batteries, battery L 7 want to buy.
158 So we created the ET114 Satisfaction Guarantee, to help take the stress out of choosing the right cell phone. Order any cell phone, PDA/Smartphone, or wireless PC card with a wireless service plan.
159 The police demanded that she turn over her cell phone, computer records, and notes about her contacts with the paramilitary Real IRA organization.
160 Solar lights, solar yellow flashing lights. Solar cell phone charger, solar flashlights, solar power supply system.
161 Your teacher called the old man to confirm , you imitated his voice on the cell phone?
162 Skyhook's solution is to triangulate a user's location using three sources of spatial information: GPS, cell phone towers, and most innovatively, any nearby Wi-Fi hot spots.
163 She was holding the cell phone to one ear while the special-events producer in New York was on her earpiece in the other ear, almost shouting, "Andrea, Tom Brokaw is coming to you! Are you ready?"
164 Please never use cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!
165 Called "New Love Meetings, " it was filmed in a MPEG4 format with a Nokia N90 - a regular, higher-end cell phone on sale around the globe, documentary co-director Marcello Mencarini said.
166 With a gloved hand, she digs into these and finds a cell phone.
167 Will we be in the habit of carrying a small device with us that can be used as a cell phone, a fax, a microphone and an internet connection?
168 By 2000, China's cell phone use had grown to about 85.5 million from near zero a decade earlier, according to the International Telecommunications Union.
169 I didn't get your message.My cell phone has been on the fritz.I don't know what's wrong with it.
170 For all we know, calls came from him, from another cell phone in his house.




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