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单词 Incorrect
1. Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.
2. The information you gave us was incorrect.
3. Your pronunciation is incorrect.
4. Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
5. Such a view is incorrect, to say the least.
6. He premised his argument on several incorrect assumptions.
7. She asserted the charge to be incorrect.
8. It turned out that our calculations were incorrect.
9. His version of what happened is incorrect.
10. That statement is simply incorrect.
11. It would be incorrect of me to comment.
12. Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect facts.
13. We apologise unreservedly for any imputation of incorrect behaviour by Mr Taylor.
14. The conclusion is incorrect.
15. Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions.
16. Your answer is incorrect.
17. It's incorrect to address people by their first names at these formal events.
18. A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages.
19. This is incorrect and could mislead the public.
20. The information about current prices was incorrect.
21. It carried the latter, incorrect spelling of the word.
22. The assumptions made about the economy's rate of growth proved to be incorrect.
23. A common sign of dyslexia is that the sequencing of letters when spelling words may be incorrect.
24. He denied that his evidence about the telephone call was incorrect.
25. He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears[http://], etc. ).
26. The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect.
27. None of the explanations offered is demonstrably correct — or demonstrably incorrect.
28. A solicitor can give you disinterested advice. However, in speech it is sometimes used instead of uninterested, although this is thought to be incorrect.
29. Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.
30. We printed the report in good faith but have now learnt that it was incorrect.
1. Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.
2. The information you gave us was incorrect.
3. The assumptions made about the economy's rate of growth proved to be incorrect.
4. Your pronunciation is incorrect.
5. Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
6. Such a view is incorrect, to say the least.
7. She asserted the charge to be incorrect.
8. It turned out that our calculations were incorrect.
9. He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears, etc. ).
10. The conclusion is incorrect.
11. None of the explanations offered is demonstrably correct — or demonstrably incorrect.
12. Your answer is incorrect.
31. Is a suntan just politically incorrect?
32. Be sure to completely erase any incorrect answer.
33. It's simply incorrect to say that tobacco advertising does not influence young people.
34. It was, at least in some circles, thought incorrect to suggest that divorce might be a bad thing.
35. As the parse progresses down the input the incorrect hypotheses should fail; thereby reducing the search space to be explored.
36. Epigastric pain is uncommon and concurrent peptic ulcer disease may lead to an incorrect diagnosis.
37. Sometimes, however, a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change.
38. However, incorrect stretching can cause untold damage and even permanent injuries in extreme cases.
39. The new law allows you to withhold payment if you think a bill is incorrect.
40. A student with an incorrect computation may receive some credit for the process used in arriving at it, Pugmire said.
41. The more constrained the grammar the greater the reduction in the number of incorrect partial solutions.
42. She says she now verifies all medications. At a nearby Safeway pharmacy an incorrect antibiotic was dispensed for a small girl.
43. To concentrate on the latter is not only superficial, it is also incorrect.
44. It never seemed to occur to him that anyone would give him incorrect information.
45. This is the case with all deviant social behaviour, such as incorrect marriages or theft.
46. Unfortunately many clinicians use this approach in an incorrect manner and do not follow up at regular intervals.
47. At a nearby Safeway pharmacy an incorrect antibiotic was dispensed for a small girl.
48. The 20-question survey had seven so-called positive questions about health care, which had correct or incorrect answers.
49. A correct liaison between the egg yolks and the butter is obtained, Madeleine cooed: incorrect.
50. With a rule-based approach an incorrect decision can have a devastating effect on the remainder of the analysis.
51. Unlike a defined benefit plan, it does not guarantee that benefit if the actuarial assumptions prove to be incorrect.
52. An extensive use of these relationships will lead to an excess of spellings which are phonologically acceptable but orthographically incorrect.
53. A change in circumstances that could not have been predicted exactly does not mean that planning was incorrect in the first place.
54. Often one simple fault, for example an incorrect protection on a storage account,[] can cause many errors to be reported.
55. Some parents attribute incorrect or erroneous motives, desires or ideas to their children.
56. Conversely, correct answers were sometimes treated as if they were incorrect.
57. Nevertheless, if our assessments of these likelihoods are incorrect, the implications would be extremely serious.
58. Most new radical ideas in science turn out to be incorrect; only a tiny fraction turn out to be correct.
59. Even so, the obvious incorrect answer 15 was given by more pupils than the correct answer.
60. Getting it right Editor, - Helen Zeitlin is wrong in claiming that my article about her reinstatement was unjust and incorrect.
61. I regret to say that a number of statements made by the department were incorrect.
62. He has escaped lightly from other brushes with the law, and from politically incorrect condemnations of homosexuality, feminism and contraception.
63. The nerve gas would only be released if the incorrect code was programmed twice into the computer.
64. Nora says it is not her island, that the idea of land ownership is absurd, not to mention politically incorrect.
65. It would, however, be incorrect to deduce that in the nineteenth century only outright deception was commented upon.
66. They discovered later that the doctor had made an incorrect diagnosis.
67. The downside of cutting the Scouts a little slack is too politically incorrect to imagine.
68. Apologies: last week's story on the Sparc Architecture Version 9 specification was incorrect, and based upon incomplete information.
69. But it seems that the assumption underlying this method is incorrect.
70. Placing such tasks in context does not increase success rates but does alter the pattern of incorrect responses.
71. It doesn't really matter if you don't understand relativity and quantum mechanics, or even if these theories are incorrect.
72. Incorrect or invalid names are mentioned following the valid ones.
73. Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
74. Occasionally incorrect spelling can change the meaning of a sentence.
75. These adjacent police forces were physically aberrant in nuance of bodily style and were therefore deemed to be socially incorrect.
76. If a worker is inserting the wrong bolt, institute a system that prevents the incorrect bolt from being inserted.
77. I believe that the popular view that it was the rainbow is incorrect.
78. But grammarians intent on prescribing rules of correct usage preferred he over they and stigmatised the latter as incorrect.
79. He said that he had presumed that Khumalo was speaking on behalf of Buthelezi(), but realized that he was incorrect.
80. And, whispers an politically incorrect imp, than the pre-colonial and post-independence eras as well.
81. They say the survey is inaccurate because it is based on incorrect figures that the Prime Minister gave to parliament this year.
82. The concern is that most contaminated food is caused by incorrect storage at home,[] where fridge temperatures may be too high.
83. But so far, they have not found enough illegal or incorrect votes to make a difference in the DornanSanchez contest.
84. Not only did she shoot 75, she was disqualified for signing an incorrect scorecard.
85. Look especially for incorrect or reversed connections to integrated circuits, transistors etc.
86. Earlier reports that the accident involved many vehicles were incorrect.
87. There are circumstances in which the incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate administration of a thrombolytic would be disastrous; for example, acute pericarditis.
88. You ought never to see nutrient deficiencies because they are a sign of incorrect feeding.
89. However, such naive views, as we shall see later, were to be proved incorrect.
90. The real problem may be that your accumulated pension amounts are incorrect, Lipp said.
91. It would also have helped to eliminate contradictions between authors such as the use of incorrect units.
92. This eliminates the possibility of the wrong person being updated, and enables the operator to see if any details are incorrect.
93. In a statement, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information.
94. Companies do sometimes give incorrect details or omit them altogether on their company stationery.
95. For Mr Johns an incorrect diagnosis led to inappropriate treatment.
96. Once this incorrect impression is accepted and congealed, there is no commanding reason to disrupt the customary rituals of their existence.
97. In many instances, the same incomplete or inappropriate strategy was frequently used, producing the same incorrect answer.
98. It is certainly true that more roses are ruined by incorrect or purposeless cutting than any other cause.
99. It can also be brought on by incorrect or over-feeding, low oxygen levels or sudden temperature changes.
100. The lexical information for the constituent words is probably incorrect in the environment of the compound, leading to errors.
101. Even in revised for, however, their position remains substantially unchanged and clinically incorrect.
102. Bad luck is the result of laziness, bad choices, incorrect decisions and negative actions. Dr T.P.Chia 
103. Where a statement is found to be incorrect, Customs will issue a warning.
104. How do we determine exactly where a word should begin and end if hypotheses on either side are incorrect?
105. Another ruled that a grassy lawn was politically incorrect on the grounds that not all children have gardens.
106. This is the primary reason for the incorrect determinations and incorrect nomenclature of many cryptocorynes in the existing literature.
107. If you suspect your meter has given an incorrect reading, you can ask for a check by government examiner.
108. How can be incorrect handstand pose brought about?
109. The target internal file identifier is incorrect.
110. Their statement incorrect we disprove as follow.
111. It's a politically incorrect question, of course.
112. Incorrect use can lead to condom slippage or breakage.
113. Miscue - incorrect striking of the cue ball.
114. To call by an incorrect name; misname.
115. A lackey?Oh, I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect ?
116. Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect.
117. Sort failure. Prevented incorrect extent deallocation by aborting sort.
118. Incorrect cure can make a symptom aggravating instead.
119. The quality of dilution water, which if contaminated leads to incorrect BOD values.
120. The grading of the lexicon can deduce the number of the incorrect entries in the high level lexicon effectively, which makes the translation lexicon more practicably .
121. Their main reason is improper position, inactive movement, overabundant hand action, incorrect and bad time cover action.
122. To change or falsify ( a text ) by introducing new or incorrect material.
123. A little girl writhes on water face about, I ask what she has incorrect.
124. Quantum mechanics showed classical mechanics to be incorrect for describing the internal motions within atoms.
125. The filename name , or volume label syntax is incorrect.
126. Perhaps the most influential guest has been Thomas Woods, a conservative scholar whose previous books include "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History" and "Who Killed the Constitution?
127. Arcing balls are inclined to mislead umpires to incorrect judgements.
128. An incorrect setting for this parameter (for example, setting the initial loading of an empty database to DELTA), can result in a number of errors that can cause execution to abort.
129. The anti-taking degating device in substation is an important measure to prevent personal and serious facility accidents caused by incorrect operation in electric equipment running.
130. Based on the BASDA BTH-50 portable color ultrasonic diagnosis project, it aims to make it easy to operate and reduce the incorrect operation rate in weak light.
131. The old password is incorrect. Please retype your old password for the server.
132. The result of this comparison can potentially point to out-of-date statistics — for example, used by the optimizer to select an incorrect access plan.
133. So this article analyse and illuminate incorrect understand and research the financing feasibility of Documentary Collection.
134. Other methods internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio - can lead to incorrect decisions.
135. It is incorrect to say that the progenitor of man is ape.
136. On submission all the errors are listed in a single message or alert box and the user is returned to the first incorrect field using the fields focus() method to correct the errors.
137. Mould should have safety features to protect accidental damage, incorrect assembly and mould.
138. Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.
139. No politically incorrect xenophobia intended – it's just that nerves got the better of me.
140. If the singer has trouble reaching those notes, Auto-Tune can change the incorrect pitch into the correct target pitch.
141. Especially in engine running-in period before use, correct checking methods should be adopted to avoid the damage caused by incorrect ways.
142. What behavior should they change?Scribble down all your most controlling, accusatory, politically incorrect thoughts.
143. System error 1396 has occurred - Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect.
144. Incorrect toe-in or toe-out is the most frequent cause of rapid tire-tread wearing.
145. The filename, directory name , or volume label syntax is incorrect.
146. But they are based on na?ve and incorrect assumptions about the essence and history of astrology, and therefore they miss the target.
147. Because of the similar texture of cartridge case, the original feature-based registration has incorrect matches, and the traditional method of removing incorrect matches bears unsatisfactory results.
148. Does anybody know, Tianjin, Hebei District, Admiralty Park, River Street, Haida Ming bottom merchandise to that of Beijing and Tianjin Ticket Center phone number incorrect?
149. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.
150. There is a freakish misconception that he is rich, but this is every incorrect.
151. Provide information of discrepancies such as incorrect locations, quantities, damaged goods and deviations from procedure.
152. This article suggests that it is incorrect to equate Adiabatic Approximation with Slaving Principle in Synergetics, as the former is a special case of the later.
153. Check the C ++ Language Reference to determine where code is syntactically incorrect.
154. And the proof given in the paper for the "equivalence theorem" is incorrect. Actually, this theorem is not true.
155. The Army is afraid to embrace the close fight publicly, because to do so seems anachronistic, politically incorrect and illogical.
156. This will reveal any possible errors in the software, such as incorrect switch closures or device address errors , as well as timing problems, excessive crosstalk, etc.
157. Can say that can write incorrect, that an armchair strategist.
158. When accessing a new tape of a multivolume partition, the current block size is incorrect.
159. Hundreds of euphemisms have sprung up to cope with politically incorrect vocabulary.
160. The master sees countrywoman says: "This sister-in-law, those who be a hard job to me is prentice be you is incorrect, such, I also guess a word then please " .
161. The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.
162. Most of the RIP configuration errors involve an incorrect network statement, discontiguous subnets, or split horizons .
163. Yeomans cannot be liable for any misapplication or incorrect installation of its products.
164. The main causes of breakage were concrete tube pile instability of foundation pit or failure of its bracing, soil squeeze due to pile driving, incorrect excavation and incorrect heap of soil.
165. In case of any incorrect declaration, we confirm to undertake additional terminal handling charge and agree with carrier's rejection of loading.
166. It is incorrect to say that Nirvana is negative or positive.
167. Due to incorrect calculation formula,() the regular wage for non-full attendance employees are insufficient.
168. Some problems as incorrect adjustment on the degree of superheat, general failure of the thermometer bulb, matching of the capacity and freezing of the TEV are presented.
169. Unsupervised learning, as you might guess, is tasked with making sense of data without any examples of what is correct or incorrect.
170. Nowadays it would be politically incorrect to view it like that and the engraving is a little bit confessional.
171. You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password.
172. 'This "mind-reading" experiment, is quite a sensationalist term,' says Dr Demis Hassabis reflecting on the media response to a recent experiment, 'but it's not entirely incorrect either.'
173. Undesirable or incorrect end-of-line htyphenation of a word, e. g. the first or last line of a page.
174. Remember, if a spark plug is fouling it's usually a result of engine side factors or incorrect heat range selection.
175. It is pointed out that, it is incorrect to speak of the ovoid spiral scanning system as an elliptical scanning system.
176. The extension of the sclera could accordingly be due to incorrect enzymatic control with increasing softening of connective tissue cement and ground substance (Gatzino, 1956).
177. The incorrect reclose of line protective devices in electric power system will result in personal injuries and system accidents.
178. Second, many people equate laid - off workers with unemployed people, which is incorrect.
179. Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.
180. The paper narrates the status of modern car wheel orientation, and the effect of incorrect wheel orientation on steering is analyzed.
181. This helps users to recognise spelling mistakes and to filter out incorrect words.
182. Enter your email address format is incorrect. please re - enter after the check!
183. The terms rack and cabinet are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect.
184. Inspector was found measuring a component to an incorrect but similar drawing and instruction sheet.
185. Since greenside bunker shots travel only a short distance, the golfers will swing short and easy, which is also incorrect.
186. The main causes of this fakement phenomena lie in the factors of being prompted by profit, of the loss of morality and of incorrect administration.
187. MISMATCH: A discontinuity caused by incorrect mating of tool components.
188. This is an incorrect assumption, and the firing of Bishop Morris provides us with a teachable moment in ecclesiology.
189. Shaft repair defects due to the impact of multi-shaft bending load, belt pull too tight or causing incorrect installation.
190. Supposed the functional model is correct, the influence on the statistic of test for uniform variance with incorrect stochastic model is analyzed in detail and its formula is derived.
191. What happens when you dont use pull resistors is you get erratic or incorrect logic operation.
192. It might be politically incorrect on my part, but I question her ability to take on the VP role while managing a large family with young children.
193. An SSL VPN that simply denies users access as if they had typed an incorrect password would lead to numerous frustrating helpdesk calls to an already overburdened support department.
194. Incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive. Please check your CAPS lock key.
195. Or else, the abstraction may throw away so much information that the theorem prover may yield results that are correct for the abstraction, but incorrect for the program being analysed.
196. The teacher crossed out several incorrect words in Helens composition.
197. Make sure you have the Canon Firmware 1.0.9 first! Running Magic Lantern on an incorrect firmware version may brick your camera!
198. Incorrect air speed readings could have led the pilots to fly so fast that the plane broke apart.
199. Answer (D) is incorrect because audit program tend to be evolutionary. An auditor rarely anticipates every circumstance or condition that will be encountered during the audit.
200. "Swine flu", the word previously used to describe the A/H1N1 flu, has been named the most politically incorrect word of 2009 by Global Language Monitor, a group that studies word usage.
201. Earthenware casserole is with the casserole soup, stew can keep food color, smell and taste. However, if the incorrect use, the casserole is easy to damage.
202. The habit that most person walks is ' mound ' calcaneal, this is incorrect, ... if who always exerts oneself to do sth. mound calcaneal walks, in can turning into very quickly,[http:///incorrect.html] spend fat-witted.
203. Lasting peace, though, would be better served by candidly facing the truths of our shared past, however politically incorrect those might be.
204. Most IGRP configuration errors involve a mistyped network statement, discontiguous subnets, or an incorrect AS Number.
205. When you remove the focus from the Condition column or the Expression column, the expression text may change to a red color indicating that the expression syntax is incorrect.
206. A common phrase that is incorrect is, " Practice makes perfect. "
207. No deletions were made to conceal incorrect assessments or faulty conclusions, or to remove information embarrassing to the Agency or the Intelligence Community.
208. Of the two propositions stated above, the first may be correct in the political sphere, but it is incorrect when transposed to the military sphere.
209. Yet it is the unashamedly politically incorrect comments he makes that have attracted the most attention over the years.
210. If the address is incomplete or incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its part, endeavour to as certain the proper address.
211. Whether you entered the incorrect queue name, no longer need the print queue, or simply want to see how to remove a queue, removing a virtual print queue in AIX is easy.
212. Revered Shasta, since the above two explanations are incorrect, the mind must be hidden in my senses.
213. Its only aim was to give rules for distinguishing between correct forms and incorrect forms.
214. Items "Spiegel" and "Contour" Thermic plating had incorrect variations in the variations tab.
215. However, many researchers and managers misinterpret teacher performance assessment as "incorrect" teacher assessment, while they apotheosize teacher professional development assessment as "co.
216. As statistician, I expect variation among students both in correct and incorrect solutions.
217. If the person is not met on bathing body sapid , if the freezer in the home is long be not cleaned or clean a method incorrect also can have a bad taste, what reason is this after all?
218. Mould should have safety features to protect accidental damage, incorrect assembly and set up of mould.
219. The goal that replaces a website is incorrect, the work that also can cause you is infructuous completely.
220. Bad break: Undesirable or incorrect end-of-line hyphenations of a word, e. g. the first or last line of a page.
220. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
221. 'Swine flu', the word used to describe the killer viral infection, has been named the most politically incorrect word of 2009 by Global Language Monitor, a group that studies word usage.
222. System Version Checker finds and fixes incorrect system file versions.
223. The solution: Make an Ajax call in the background to a server-side checking routine; if there are errors, warn the user, highlight incorrect fields, and so on.
224. Using the answer code, answer which of the following statements about the transport through the plasmatic membrane of the animal cell is correct or incorrect.
225. It is incorrect that only stoma density and stomatic chamber size are used as xerophilous indexes.
226. Actually if a top pro were to take a conventional tennis lesson he would be completely incorrect in most of what he does.
227. Unable to process the custom attribute value -- it may be corrupted or incorrect.
228. Incorrect timeout value received! Timeout value must be greater than zero.
229. It is politically incorrect in China to say we want a stronger U. S. hegemony.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 13:54:49