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单词 Quantitative
1) He said it was only a quantitative difference.
2) We need to do a proper quantitative analysis of this problem.
3) There is no difference between the two in quantitative terms.
4) They will combine both qualitative and quantitative measurements.
5) By and large, they are quantitative measures, not qualitative.
6) Understandably, they took absolute priority over the quantitative measures.
7) Geophysics: study of the Earth by quantitative physical methods.
8) Application of quantitative techniques in valuation.
9) The summary report included no quantitative measurements.
10) Government is not reducible to a single quantitative indicator.
11) But feminists often use quantitative methods as well.
12) Topocide is an emotional issue; quantitative research procedures were clearly inappropriate.
13) These studies draw a quantitative portrait of ministers, legislators, bureaucrats, businessmen, trade union or party officials.
14) Demanding but worthwhile effort to unify qualitative and quantitative research methods under one logic of inference.
15) These quantitative measures of uncertainty will then be entered in a number of investment formulations to see how they perform.
16) Given present quantitative disparities between East and West, incremental performance improvements do provide something to worry about.
17) Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements, he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
18) The quantitative effects of the drugs were related to the rate of fluid secretion or absorption.
19) In addition each shows a different preference for quantitative forecasts, compared with more qualitative outlooks.
20) Courses may cover general, quantitative and developmental aspects of the subjects and includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work.
21) I believe in discovery and rigor and quantitative correctness and sophisticated analysis.
22) Business graduates must also be numerate, because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics.
23) The qualitative methods provide them with feminist validity, while the quantitative methods ensure the reliability which psychology values.
24) The activity of psychoanalysis in the therapeutic setting can not be adequately grasped and stated in mechanistic, quantitative terms.
25) Thin-section petrology is a more effective means of carrying out such quantitative work.
26) Qualitative forecasting techniques are used to assist and augment the quantitative forecasting process described in the previous chapter.
27) Studies range from a qualitative type of food habit inquiry to a much more precise quantitative one.
28) The methods are restricted to illustrating, supplementing, and contextualizing results obtained from quantitative procedures,(http:///quantitative.html) and indicating future research directions.
29) The above discussion may give the impression that this is a predominantly quantitative study.
30) His argument, if it counts as such, is a dogmatic admission of defeat, unsupported by quantitative evidence.
1) He said it was only a quantitative difference.
2) Business graduates must also be numerate, because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics.
31) So in this case the difference between best-case gloom and worse-case gloom is qualitative not just quantitative.
32) In comparison with the elaborate quantitative data sets on voting we have little empirical information on this group phenomenon.
33) Because of the frequent occurrence of kept, this causes difficulties in quantitative analysis.
34) It is not the quantitative calculations on which we differ.
35) The quantitative dejobbing going on today leads to qualitative dejobbing.
36) I had a miserable quantitative background and ended up copying some assignments and finessing the rest as best I could.
37) Quantitative assessments arc difficult to make, but the most rapid period of growth was probably from about I 580 to 1650.
38) If some form of quantitative criteria can be established then the evaluation process can be carried out objectively and efficiently.
39) There may be a gap between borrowing and lending rates, and quantitative restrictions on borrowing.
40) Journalists conduct interviews, research documents, undertake joint projects with Insight teams and hire quantitative researchers to undertake polls.
41) A strong background in quantitative analysis, careful attention to detail and an ability to work to tight deadlines are essential skills.
42) It uses all sorts of quantitative and qualitative data, and allows all types of subjective and objective assessments.
43) However, these quantitative data tell us nothing about the quality or importance of the relationship.
44) To obtain quantitative information from the mean and variance data requires the assumption of a more constrained model of the release process.
45) I accepted to review this book because for me integration has always been a somewhat impenetrable part of quantitative chromatographic analysis.
46) Together, these arguments may seem to leave very little foothold for quantitative methods in the study of literary style.
47) As the discussion in this section has implied, a general analysis of the phonological system is a prerequisite to quantitative analysis.
48) In recent years there has been more emphasis on the objectives of library services, and less upon quantitative measures.
49) Being purely quantitative measures, they fail to illuminate qualitative advances.
50) In high-technology industries, great emphasis is placed on experience involving quantitative techniques.
51) Quantitative indices have considerable appeal for organizations, since they are easily handled and appear to be relatively unproblematic.
52) Some firms prefer candidates with business backgrounds because business courses emphasize quantitative analytical skills.
53) The apparent simplicity of polar land ecosystems gives them a special value for modelling and quantitative studies.
54) Their faults seem so deeply ingrained, from quantitative measures and bogus statistics to valueless currencies and not caring about the environment.
55) Third, a large portion of published literature in comparative politics uses quantitative analysis.
56) Polarised Zeeman correction methods have been used to improve the quantitative measurements from flame instruments giving greater stability and reducing spectral noise.
57) It is also now analysing for the first time in a quantitative way the changing social and cultural characteristics of small towns.
58) It is proposed to investigate these relationships in historical context applying comparative and quantitative methods.
59) Because of their quantitative and analytical skills,(http:///quantitative.html) the demand for economics graduates is buoyant.
60) A comprehensive review of quantitative cross-national studies on economic inequality and political violence.
61) The hydrogen to carbon weight ratio Provides another simple quantitative argument favoring the use of natural gas and coal to replace oil.
62) Chemical reactions which do not produce quantitative yields are sometimes called non-stoichiometric processes.
63) But quantitative and qualitative research methods will be used to gather data.
64) Then quantitative research, testing those themes, reactions and conclusions on a larger sample of people.
65) In an increasingly competitive market, there is evidence of quantitative and qualitative success.
66) These are quantitative decisions, and quantitative analysis must guide them.
67) Third, some are comfortable using quantitative methods while others are not.
68) His critical judgments about quantitative sociology also are not sufficiently illuminating at a craft level to make quantitative analysis more fruitful.
69) This quantitative difference may also account for the beneficial effects seen after surgical interruption of the left stellate ganglion.
70) Properly used, it seems to me that quantitative methods can only lead to advances in our subject.
71) The genetic basis of quantitative genetic variation is being investigated at the molecular genetic and population level.
72) The scope for detailed questions on quantitative techniques in the examinations covered by this manual is very limited.
73) More importantly, we retain the quantitative data that allows for post-inspection review or audit.
74) Studies include analysis of the genetics of growth using laboratory animals and of quantitative production traits in livestock.
75) A chemical reaction which produces a quantitative yield is thus 100% efficient.
76) A chemical reaction which produces a quantitative yield is often called a stoichiometric process Many ionic reactions produce quantitative yields.
77) Quantitative data derived from densitometer traces of these and other cleavage patterns are presented as histograms in Figure 2.
78) This is the burden of Blalock's views,() one of the doyens of causal modelling and quantitative social research.
79) Quantitative MRI showed a reduction in volume of the epileptogenic hippocampus compared to the contralateral hippocampus.
80) Criteria Unless there is a quantitative criterion there is no objective, only a pious hope of better times.
81) Quantitative material is also used as evidence for the criminal proclivities of persons with certain social characteristics.
82) In quantitative and qualitative terms, how extensive have the changes in education been?
83) The present project will complete the preparation of a summary volume on quantitative Soviet economic development, 1913-45.
84) They formulate detailed plans for managing both the quantitative and the qualitative costs they are bound to incur.
85) There thus seems to be quantitative differences in the metabolic processes concerned.
86) Comparisons between countries might be based on qualitative judgement, but a variety of quantitative techniques can be used for analysis.
87) Qualitative considerations Qualitative as well as quantitative factors come into play in the lease or buy decision.
87) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
88) All of these reactions give high yields and are often quantitative.
89) Studies that compare many countries tend to use quantitative techniques to uncover uniform patterns of variation in a small number of variables.
90) Is it then the case that no group of these fundamental quantitative propositions of science can be interpreted as stating causal connections?
91) He noted that qualitative experience is lost when a reductionist empiricism seeks only quantitative generalizations.
92) We need more quantitative research into the relative size of these positive and negative aspects of the sport-health connection.
93) Quantitative data can also be individual, such as that found in the numerous market research surveys and public opinion polls.
94) The setting of such explicit quantitative targets, especially for the first few years, offered regrettable hostages to fortune.
95) Provides qualitative and quantitative measures of personnel and department efficiency Precautions.
96) Results are often open to many interpretations and extension to a reliable quantitative answer is difficult.
97) There is a great deal wrong with quantitative methods just as there is a great deal wrong with qualitative ones.
98) The final example of a quantitative technique in this chapter is that of Inventory, or Stock, Control.
99) Quantitative studies of many countries help in building general theories of politics since they allow other scholars to replicate their findings.
100) However, if the study involves quantitative analysis of data, then some discussion is in order.
101) Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria.
102) Ideally, there should be standard cost tables and quantitative measurement devices for every important element of the health program.
103) Quantitative microbial analysis of bone collected during implant surgery: a clinical and laboratory study.
104) The use of food composition tables is somewhat more precise but still only a crude quantitative expression of nutrients consumed.
105) The point is that some things in health services can't easily be looked at with quantitative methods alone.
106) The second part is a quantitative study which complements the first part.
107) In the methods I described as essentialist,() the underlying assumptions are qualitative rather than quantitative.
108) Chapter 6 deals with strikes and industrial conflict, an area where more specific hypothesis-testing via quantitative methods is possible.
109) When inheritance is controlled by many genes, the cruder techniques of quantitative genetics can be applied.
110) It is more likely to be relevant to medium and long term forecasting and planning than quantitative techniques.
111) We should welcome the initiative of the Advisory Board for the Research Council in looking at quantitative measures of research output.
112) Clean technology - assessing the benefits Quantitative risk assessment has been employed to aid safety management decisions for many years.
113) A series of studies by the research group have examined quantitative developments in capital investment, industrial production, trade and agriculture.
114) However, quantitative information about general trends simply was not forthcoming.
115) Our life. history interviews will help us fill in the meaning of our quantitative data.
116) The quantitative details of classical electromagnetism yield an estimated time of about 10 -8 seconds for this collapse to occur.
117) The second type of analysis is the macro-economic approach, deducing future developments from past quantitative macro-economic observations.
118) Circle 140 Roth Scientific introduced two new products for automated, quantitative sample preparation.
119) The purpose of these techniques is to make quantitative data available to managers in order to aid decision-making, planning and control.
120) This abolished the interest rate cartel between banks and at the same time removed quantitative restrictions upon the level of bank lending.
121) Where quantitative analysis requires mathematical and computer skills, area studies require language training and extensive field research.
122) It is the basis of quantitative chemical analysis, for example.
123) A quantitative measure of the damping is provided by the logarithmic decrement defined as the logarithmic decrease in amplitude per cycle.
124) However, we believe there are limitations in the extent to which such impacts can be assigned strict quantitative values.
125) These are statements of probable sales, costs and other relevant financial and quantitative data. ii.
126) We are, after all, always talking about minor quantitative changes in an existing embryonic process.
127) We question simplistic quantitative measures-based on Gross Domestic Product-of which countries are to qualify for debt cancellation.
128) Simulation is one of the most widely used quantitative techniques.
129) Some ethologists favour a purely quantitative approach, while others prefer a more subjective treatment.
130) Where standards are qualitative rather than quantitative, it is preferable for them to be expressed in terms of end-results rather than of methods.
131) The project makes extensive use of quantitative methods and also analyses institutional and organisational changes.
132) A mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods will be employed to collect evidence about the efficacy and impact of the Plans.
133) Quantitative data By their very nature modular courses generate large amounts of quantified or easily quantifiable data.
134) A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
135) Sound knowledge of demographics and qualitative and quantitative research techniques.
136) One has only to think of the variety of positions that can be taken with respect to qualitative and quantitative research.
137) In spite of its quantitative sound, political equality never means having an equal amount of any chosen characteristic.
138) Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels.
139) A comprehensive review of quantitative cross-national studies of political violence.
140) Intelligence is a quantitative trait.
141) That's the whole difference between quantitative and qualitative research.
142) Classification schemes can be either quantitative or qualitative.
143) Quantitative change is the necessary preparation for qualitative change.
144) Garfield provides us with an important quantitative Citation index.
145) Arms races have a quantitative and a qualitative aspects.
146) It conducts quantitative research of assets combination and management in securities and investment, aiming at providing theoretical support and experience in quantitative risk management.
147) In this paper we derive the quantitative analysis formula of Joule-Thomsonian coefficient from the knowledge of common physics.
148) The quantitative relation reflects the relation between the exploration input and output(Sentence dictionary), and makes the exploration planning be more scientific.
149) But also accompanied by popping , a 2 w multi - injury in adherent quantitative low.
150) The main quantitative factors and rainfall-class prediction method under stable shear situation are given.
151) Cluster analysis as well as principal component analysis were performed for 12 quantitative characters of 30 inbred lines of rape genotypes (Brassica juncea L. ) .
152) Quantitative information on these aspects of protein metabolism is scarce.
153) A gas chromatographic method for quantitative analysis of urotropine is described.
154) Traditional loop gain simulation method is based on two-port network models, which is complex to analysis and it is not suitable to get quantitative analysis of the loop gain fast.
155) Objective Based on a computerized color object segmentation technology, a novel ultrasonogram color flow pels quantitative analysis method is proposed.
156) Quantitative estimation of inorganization discharge from tanks was important content during the pollution auditing in petrochemical industry.
157) In the third chapter, there is the analysis theory, carrying on the quantitative data analysis on the basis of international balance of payments.
158) The model is required to satisfy the IRB approach, to effectively identify and measure the credit risk and to extensively cover a full range of quantitative and qualitative factors.
159) In the process of ultrasonic testing, the quality of flaw echo signals in A-scan lay a better determinant foundation for locational, quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
160) The two recommended quantitative criteria for the renewal of HV circuit breaker in Japan are also covered in this paper.
161) Chapter 4 establishes evaluation index system of MICE industrial cluster competitiveness, and discusses data processing method of weighting the indices and quantitative analysis.
162) Objective : To establish quantitative determination method of nudicauline in papaver nudicaule.
163) The quantitative chemical analysis of dioxins requires sophisticated methods that are available only in a limited number of laboratories around the world.
164) The decreasing extent of amplitude of quantitative patellar tendon reflex was statistically larger than that of maximal electrical twitch of femoral nerve.
165) A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given.
166) Over time, however, these quantitative changes turn into non - incremental qualitative changes.
167) Based on the target of profit maximization, a quantitative method to optimal product pricing is presented theoretically by supply and demand and marginal analysis.
168) The research applied quantitative and qualitative Methods: To elicit rich data.
169) Signed Digraph incarnates the coalescent modelling thought of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the standardized modeling for a complex system can be realized by signed digraph.
170) The quantitative error analysis using this method for a multi-port reflectometer is given also.
171) A method of quantitative analysis for allethrin, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide in insecticidal aerosol for household has been studied by GC FID.
172) An economic model based on available datums is established for quantitative assess this damage.
173) The result has proved that RS theory can solve the problem of electronic countermeasures equipment collation with and qualitative quantitative methods.
174) The experiment approves that the theoretical analysis quantitative descriptive model consonants with actual V-free bending' by comparing.
175) Under the same chromatographic condition, gas chromatography quantitative analysis of the butachlor and simetryne were discribed.
176) A quantitative method for simultaneous determination of ursolic acid and oleanolic acid in Rosa laevigata Michx.
177) This paper summarizes the quantitative analysis method of some down blend products and test various methods of correction factor of the precision and the remaining components.
177) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
178) Discuss methods of traffic analysis, how to count traffic , discuss quantitative methods.
179) Quantitative approaches to forecasting involve the use of statistical or mathematical technique; they are the approaches used by theoreticians and professional planners.
180) On the basis of experience data and man-machine engineering principles quantitative bases for engineering safety are provided.
181) This paper presents a survivability quantitative analysis method for network information system based on intrusion scenario.
182) The quantitative assessment of the visual system in the performance of a visual task.
183) Objective To study the distribution of Oncomelania hupensis with generalized negative binomial distribution (GNBD), and provide the theoretical support for quantitative study.
184) The strain of the proeutectoid ferrite in hypoeutectoid steel drawing measured and analyzed by quantitative metallography.
185) The proposed model can be used not only to reveal the quantitative relation between flash points and molecular structures but to predict the flash points of organic compounds for chemical engineering.
186) Quantitative andqualitative changes of growth factorsand heparan sulphate are possibly quite important forstromal cellmediated hematopoiesis.
187) The quantitative evaluation method of the mine fire risk is discussed.
188) Each quantitative analytical procedure should be designed to minimize assay variation.
189) By comparing the differences of path choice behavior between URT and urban traffic, the major qualitative and quantitative factors influencing the path choice are proposed.
190) Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for cannabis samples in the illicit traffic.
191) An activity cost estimate is a quantitative assessment of the likely costs of the resources required to complete schedule activities.
192) The method of evaluation is combined by quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation.
193) The site also includes a select bibliography and a metrical introduction to quantitative verse.
194) AHP is the one which conjoint the determine the nature method and quantitative analysis.
195) An experiment system for the gas quantitative detection, which is based on non-heating semiconductor gas sensor and artificial network, is introduced in this paper.
196) A new method for quantitative determination of Schiff bases by the 2nd order differential oscillographic chronopotentiometry was established.
197) Quantitative analyses and dynamic simulation were undertaken on vernalization, photoperiod response, and their relationships to development progress in wheat.
198) In addition, this paper gives an example of quantitative analysis of the annual variation of apparent resistivity.
199) Last, the directional control, the sequencing control, the set control, the quantitative control and the qualitative control in the control supervisor theory should be used wisely and flexibly.
200) Fractal is used to quantitative describe the interrupted, stochastic, non - linear physical and chemic phenomena.
201) The results of calculation on theoretical models indicate that this is a handy quantitative interpretive method that provides stable calculation results and directly figured spatial positions.
202) Objective : To establish a polarimeter method for the quantitative determination of morphine sulfate injection.
203) We do not imply that adequately measured quantitative characters will invariably yield high heritability estimates.
204) This paper describes the quantitative determination of chlorpromazine in analgin and chlorpromazine injection by dual wavelength spectrophotometry.
205) The corresponding aldehyde acetals were obtained in almost quantitative yields when alcohols were treated with aromatic aldehydes bearing an electron-withdrawing substituent such as a nitro group.
206) Momentum may be thought of as a quantitative expression of inertia.
207) Detection for EDS - 76 antibody by DIGFA combined the advantaged of qualitative and. quantitative analysis.
208) As to types, there may be formal or informal evaluation, internal or external evaluation, pre-evaluation, executory evaluation or post-evaluation,(http:///quantitative.html) and qualitative or quantitative evaluation.
209) Second, the Court held that the test for standing was qualitative, not quantitative.
210) Platelet disorders are either quantitative (thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis) or qualitative (thrombocytopathy).
211) According to the parameter calculated and the model from the yield test, the quantitative pattern for high yield and low comsumption was established.
212) Surface conditions will always be a hazard in quantitative work.
213) The simulated - spectra will be useful in quantitative assessing performance of FTIS sensors and spectral - discriminator.
214) A method was described for the quantitative analysis of triazophos by HPLC. The result showed that average recovery rate was 99.2 % , variation coefficient 0.83%, relative coefficient 0.9986.
215) Additive variance was higher than dominance variance, which indicates quantitative inheritance.
216) According to this principle, we made a quantitative interpretation on thickness of oil-bearing sand bed in bottom member of Dongying formation in south Bohai sea.
217) Create a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. Choose two of the quantitative variables from your data table, and apply them to the axes.
218) Based on the concept of synergy, this article uses two enterprise valuation models for the synergy's quantitative analysis, and elaborates the way of payment in mergers and acquisitions.
219) A calibration transformation matrix method is described for the quantitative detection of adulteration of peanut oil based on fatty acid, sterol and tocopherol contents.
220) Up to now, there has not been definitively qualitative and quantitative theory and formula, because the interaction between solute and solvent is complex.
221) Objective To choose the best regression curve equation in the quantitative analysis system of resistin and to establish the regression curve equation.
222) Moreover, on the basis of that, this paper constructs the first-order autoregression error model to get the quantitative relationship of macroeconomic influence on stock market.
223) The evaluation method of search periodical can be divided into two methods of quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
224) Objective To obtain more quantitative descriptive data of Chinese patients with xeroderma pigmentosum ( XP ).
224) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
225) At the evening of the Yom Kippur War the IAF suffered from quantitative inferiority compared to its enemies air forces.
226) If the track and field training is to be made scientific, the research on the quantitative control method in training load turns out to be more important.
227) Genetic linkage between independent quantitative characters was not expected and did not occur.




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