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单词 Amazon
1, They were exploring the Amazon jungle.
2, The Amazon is a giant amongst rivers.
3, The Amazon river basin contains the world's largest tropical rainforest.
4, 400,000 square kilometres of the Amazon basin have already been deforested.
5, Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
6, Others brave danger in the Amazon.
7, Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.
8, The Amazon basin breeds great passions such as Roberto's.
9, Burning of the Amazon forest produces nearly 720 million tons of carbon dioxide annually.
10, With the Amazon Swords, there are lot of very good, very large plants becoming available at the moment.
11, I added several Large Amazon Swords, which looked great for half an hour before the Oscar dug them up.
12, Wild plants, in the Amazon, may contain the required genes.
13, Plant communities in the vicinity of the Amazon arise in accordance with the undulations of the terrain.
14, Choose the larger leaved plants, such as Amazon Sword, Crypts and Vallis which will provide shelter as well as being aesthetically pleasing.
15, And, if he calls the Amazon mighty once more, I will wrap it round his neck.
16, Amazon and others World-wide examples of these brackish waters abound.
17, Last year, the rate of deforestation in the Amazon declined by almost 30 percent.
18, Wages at the Amazon Philharmonic average about $ 1,600 a month.
19, The government's plan is to open up the Amazon to soya farming.
20, The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.
21, A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
22, Too much rain is the problem of the equatorial lands in the Amazon and Congo basins.
23, Here we find immense virgin forests,[http:///amazon.html] similar to those of the Amazon and Indonesia.
24, The Eden Prairie, Minn.-based company is transforming itself into a kind of for consumer electronics.
25, She had come on an errand and was greeted by a mad woman, an amazon.
26, The capacity to generate electricity has been taken even farther by one fish in the Amazon, the electric eel.
27, In time, Chagnon became a legend of ferocity in the Amazon.
28, Furthermore, other ecosystems have suffered greater damage than the Amazon.
29, This does not really square with her reputation as a raging Amazon.
30, Plec is at fault I would be pleased if you could advise me on my plants, especially the Amazon swords.
1, The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.
2, They were exploring the Amazon jungle.
31, A river passenger boat crashed into a cargo ship and sank on the Amazon on March 7 after leaving Iquitos.
32, She was rechristened Nancy Blackett in honour of the redoubtable Amazon pirate who had, in a sense, paid for her.
33, It departs on October 13, with another trip exploring the Amazon leaving on November 12.
34, The flowing lava of need spread throughout her loins, making her a strong forceful Amazon, bending the girl at will.
35, The Amazon rainforests alone are home to many unique animals and to one fifth of the world's bird species.
36, She was the Amazon, with a crimson headdress, eyeing the miniature man she held between thumb and forefinger.
37, The killing, which occurred in 1988, was met with worldwide outrage and focused attention on environmental destruction of the Amazon.
38, The hope of finding wild trees with natural resistance was a major reason for collecting wild cocoa in the Upper Amazon.
39, And you probably would not choose to spend a fortnight up the Amazon with either.
40, Formerly the Amazon region was more thinly populated than the Sahara, containing perhaps some 50000 people, and importing food.
41, Single bamboo canes are also used as rhythm sticks in many parts of the world, including Polynesia and the Amazon Basin.
42, They kept a low profile in Liverpool's Amazon Studio, rehearsing and working on new material.
43, The Amazon of the bird world - the ultimate in hen's lib.
44, It is covered with primary rainforest that rivals the biodiversity of the Amazon.
45, Perhaps, no decision caused more trouble for the past council than the secrecy that surrounded the deal.
46, a gripping narrative of their journey up the Amazon.
47, Do you know the source of Amazon River?
48, Are there many fish in the Amazon River?
49, The last surviving Amazon of Dahomey died in 1979.
50, The Amazon river is a very long river too.
51, Jeff Blackburn joined Amazon in 1998.
52, For example, Amazon is one advertiser.
52, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
53, That said, a scattershot approach won't help Amazon become the single defining platform that bridges digital media and commerce.
54, The Amazon river is the longest river in the world.
55, Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
56, They are among the few pre-Columbian settlements in the Amazon where archaeological evidence can be linked directly to present-day customs.
57, Amazon on Friday released its Top 20 "most well-read" U.S. cities, and Cambridge, Mass., home of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), came out on top.
58, Amazon does provide some downloads of music and video, although it is mainly promotional material.
59, The price factor has caused Amazon to lose some of its market power as it doesn't provide majority of its services for free.
60, Gallery: Tropical Forest Wildlife A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon forest.
61, Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.
62, South America: upper Amazon River basin in Peru and Araguaia River in Brazil.
63, In an eerie way, Chris Rock innovates like Amazon does.
64, A simple way to turn on logging for an Amazon S3 bucket is to use the Cloudberry Explorer applications to switch on logging for an S3 instance (see Resources for more information).
65, Amazon will be hoping to leverage both the strength of the Kindle brand, built up over three generations of its popular e-book reader, and its ability to serve up content such as music and video.
66, This element of the Amazon myth was invented in the 5th century B.C.
67, But if Amazon thinks I'm interested in cookbooks, it's not very likely to show me books about metallurgy.
68, Amazon provides a wide range of infrastructure services to go along with EC2, which you can use to address issues like data reliability and backup.
69, Gazetteer South America: Amazon and Orinoco River basins and major rivers of French Guiana .
70, South America: Amazon and Negro River basins, Orinoco River basin, and coastal rivers in Guyana .
71, The problem is especially severe for asexual organisms such as the Amazon molly – an effect known as Muller's rachet.
72, Amazon, in its unaccustomed position as a buyer rather than seller of books, was represented by London art agent Hazlitt, Gooden and Fox.
73, The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
74, SAN FRANCISCO — It's a formidable high-tech face-off: versus Apple for the hearts and minds of book publishers, authors and readers.
75, The big task he faces this weekend is to mend fences with the Amazon giant after the falling-out the two countries have had over their differing approaches to Iran.
76, As its rivals steadily asphyxiate, Amazon is ringing up 50 percent growth in quarterly revenues, and could reach $50 billion in sales this year.
77, Thus, harvesting the babassu coconuts is more similar to farming than other activities involving more widely dispersed wild-growing trees or vegetation, such as rubber-tapping in the Amazon jungle.
78, One in nine love missives received on Valentine's Day were sent by people to themselves"to save face on the dreaded V-day, "according to a survey released by online retailer
79, Twilightish: Would you like to see spin off movies for the Saga? Perhaps an Amazon Coven movie?
80, Practically, Amazon charges like running free software on their hardware, the customers still having to pay to Microsoft yearly as part of their license program.
81, The mechanisms for restricting content flow into China and for controlling domestic Internet content — down to a single book entry on Amazon, for example — have become sophisticated in recent years.
82, He added, however, "We are not at liberty to discuss exactly when" the comics would be available on other e-readers,[] citing the company's nondisclosure agreement with Amazon.
83, In Summer 2008 I joined a conservation project in the Peruvian Amazon.
84, Confinement and inactivity had chafed on the free-spirited amazon more than it had on Rem, who had been forced to sit out most of the terrible Invid onslaught on Tirol in a bunker.
85, People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " said Philip Fearnside of the government's National Institute for Amazon Research.
86, Some 400,000 women and their families living on the eastern edge of the Amazon jungle depend on the babassu palm (Orbignya phalerata) for a livelihood.
87, Friend gold placer is located in Amazon basin of the south of Peru. It is characterized by the classic feature of selva and unique hydrology.
88, Jungle Fever: When Ed Nichols and Ryan Black took a surf trip to Brazil, they never expected to end up far from the water's edge and deep in the Amazon.
89, Auletta details what happened when Amazon removed MacMillan's buy buttons and the role of e-books in the larger bookselling landscape.
90, Other places on the list include Kauai Island of Hawaii, the Mississippi Delta, Manhattan Island in New York, Hudson Bay in Canada, Panama Canal, Caribbean seacoast and the Amazon rainforest.
91, The business activity of bookstore in Amazon mainly expresses an activity for the marketing movable kimono.
92, September 29, 2006 - One hundred and fifty-four people are killed when a Boeing 737-800 operated by low-cost Gol airline crashes in the Amazon rain forest.
93, Between 1580 and 1610, Nicotiana tabacum, a species originally from the Amazon, became a fixture in every inhabited part of the earth.
94, Amazon does provide some digital downloads of music and video, although it is mainly promotional material.
95, Christopher Columbus, encountering the Amazon river's freshwater , thought it must flow from paradise.
96, In a two-year court battle, Toys "R" Us argued that Amazon had violated the exclusivity agreement and that the rising competition had hurt its online sales.
97, Any questions, please email me. You need at have access to a developer account with Amazon, you can't test with our live account.
98, The site, which launched last year, links celebrity red-carpet photos to online retail stores from Neiman Marcus and Barneys to
99, Amazon RDS offloads from the customer's staff a number of routine MySQL maintenance operation tasks. It begins with hands-off database computing resources scalability, and performance monitoring.
100, Backups of the application data will be made to Amazon S3, eliminating the need for tape storage.
101, Alternatively, you could write a simple Bash script to use Amazon EC2 with Load Balancing and Auto Scaling.
102, From the jungles of the Amazon to the slums of cities like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, soccer is a constant that unites Brazilians from all walks of life.
103, You've got more pubes than the Amazon has trees, and you haven't seen the inside of a men's
104, Amazon horned frogs achieve their enormous girth by being generally indiscriminate about what they eat.
105, Amazon may have the most at stake, given that it's a major book seller and is mining the Kindle for even more sales.
106, Amazon will use a variety of market factors to determine what price it wants to use, and you get a 70% cut of the proceeds of each sale (which is the industry standard).
107, Websites like started manufacturing swine flu protection kits, which included hand sanitizer, bacterial wipes and surgical masks.
108, This lets you track top books in your news reader, or include information on your Web site about related books for sale at Amazon.
109, And Amazon did little to gain user's trust with an ironically Orwellian intrusion of owners' Kindle devices in order to delete copies of 1984 and Animal Farm.
110, Online bookseller Amazon has plans to unveil a wireless electronic book reader, a kind of literary iPod, which already has UK publishers scrambling to digitise their entire range of titles.
111, These new devices appear to be distinct from electronic readers such as Inc's Kindle, which are best used for books and periodicals and have little multimedia functionality.
112, All-or-nothing comments like those have made him the leader of a fledgling movement that now includes Google and Amazon, and likely Apple in the near future.
112, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
113, Nearly all the growth has come from large, mechanised farms in the south-central region—hundreds of miles away from the Amazon rainforest.
114, Timothy Albee is very well known in the visual effects industry for his studio work as well as his 7 best selling books (books on amazon here).
115, The chief reason is rapid slash-and-burn deforestation in the Amazon Basin.
116, Brazil is frequently criticized for the destruction of the Amazon rain forest.
117, Amazon’s place here may appear odd to some, since the company started as an online book seller and has evolved into the Web’s biggest mega-retailer.
118, You turn on your Archos device and are greeted with a request to enter your Amazon login and password.
119, As this thought comes into our head we then remember that our copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was lent to a friend so maybe we should shoot over to Amazon and buy a fresh copy.
120, The Amazon River apparently changed its mind a few times in history.
121, The first thing that stands out about the Amazon horned frog is its size.
122, Even today, some groups of people — such as those in the Philippine Islands and along the Amazon Rover in South America — still live in houses built over the waters of lakes.
123, In a wide-ranging interview, Turow talked about everything from his disagreements with to getting robbed at gunpoint.
124, They are from Suriname , in the Amazon Basin tropic tropical forest.
125, This month, Amazon lowered the price of its Kindle reader by $ 60 to just under $ 300.
126, It required spending more than a month on the Amazon in 2001, subsisting on fried piranha and collecting tissue samples by nicking the aquatic mammals with a crossbow.
127, One such device is the Kindle , launched by Amazon, an American online retailer, in November 2007.
128, Fiona Dias, ShopRunner’s chief strategy officer, says that by locking in a new wave of customers with the Kindle Fire, Amazon will make their jobs even harder.
129, It's classic Amazon: unostentatious, and no company signs on any of the buildings.
130, Remember the 1980s, when it seemed the Amazon rain forest wasn't long for this world -- and that humanity was threatened as atmospheric oxygen levels correspondingly declined?
131, Will the Kindle similarly put Amazon in a dominant position , while weakening publishers?
132, Because of the St. Vincent Amazon parrot's status, trade of the birds is highly regulated.
133, "Our advice would be for customers who are unhappy with the price to throw the book at Amazon - or vote with their wallets at least, " he said.
134, The entry of two tech heavyweights in the cloud storage space is sure to make Amazon squirm as Apple's iCloud will launch on October 12, [ 1] and Google's GDrive will soon be rolled out.
135, First of all, the yellow swoosh looks like a smile: want to have the best customer satisfaction.
136, I chose to use the M3 phone, but I could have chosen any number of SIP phones. Here are four pages of SIP phones you can buy on Amazon.
137, A 52 - year - old Slovenian man has successfully swum the Amazon River.
138, This meant that I needed to build a prototype that booted an image, took input of what video file to transcode, hit the API we'd already built, stored the results on Amazon S3, and shut itself down.
139, Until recently it was a fully working OPAC style interface on to Amazon.
140, Digital content has already proved itself to be a money-spinner for Amazon.
141, Last February I got an offer from Kroll, one of the world's largest private investigation firms, to go undercover as a journalist-spy in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
142, Gazetteer South America: Amazon and Negro River basins , Orinoco River basin, and coastal rivers in Guyana.
143, Gazetteer South America: Amazon and Paran á River basins and coastal drainages in Guyana and Suriname.
144, Organic babassu oil Provides 12 rural communities of women with the rare opportunity of regular work and income, whilst help to preserve the amazon forest.
145, And like Dell, Amazon earned interest on immediate customer payments before paying its suppliers.
146, The St. Vincent Amazon parrot, found only on St. Vincent Island, was first listed as endangered in 1970.
147, Companies such as FedEx (FDX) and Amazon weren't instant hits with a skeptical -- or downright dismissive -- investment community.
148, “Just because we're starting with Amazon, this is not the be-all and end-all of our digital strategy and distribution,” said Jim Lee, co-publisher of DC Entertainment, the parent company of DC Comics.
149, Even some of the more muted coverage has, more or less, characterized Amazon as a shopaholic or spendthrift of sorts.
150, ting, thanks to street-facing signage that looks more comfortable in the Amazon than the concrete jungle.
151, Sent in 1910 to live with distant relatives who own a rubber plantation along the Amazon River, English orphan Maia is excited.
152, More competition is due from Alibaba Group's, an online retailer and auction site, like and eBay rolled into one.
153, Faced with these deals, Amazon has reportedly agreed similar terms with several big publishers.
154, The biggest rainforest is in South America, it's called the Amazon.
155, This next sample I'll pass around is a microcline mineral, also called Amazon stone. You can identify it by its bright green colour.
156, The lending library reflects a broader effort by Amazon to lure consumers to Prime, a service that costs $79 a year.
157, The Amazon dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, parted company with its oceanic ancestors about 15 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.
158, Reddit, one of the better-known sites to go down due to the error, said it has 700 EBS volumes with Amazon.
159, In the world, second only to South America's Amazon River, Africa's Congo River ( Zaire River ).
160, Nikolas Kozloff is the author of No Rain in the Amazon: How South America's Climate Change Affects the Entire Planet (Palgrave, 2010). Visit his website, nikolaskozloff.
161, Today Amazon moved to address this issue with the release of Elastic Block Storage (EBS).
162, And what better way to see the Amazon River than on a riverboat!
163, On the other hand, a macaw requires considerably more environment than an Amazon.
164, Out of personal interest I have sketched up some ideas to use Spring Integration for auto scaling environments that would work with Amazon EC2.
165, Emma Frost could be a forties pin-up or in a back-up amazon in an eighties Robert Palmer video, but those two icons have different features.
166, Amazon (AMZN), the e-retailing giant, just announced its new Video on Demand service, which will stream 40, 000 movie and TV titles directly to Internet-connected Sony Bravia TVs and other devices.
167, Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would thenactsact to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
168, Find: The seabed river flows from Turkey's Bosporus Among the largest of these channels is off the coast of Brazil where the Amazon enters the Atlantic Ocean.
169, Just as Amazon collapsed distance by bringing a huge range of books to out-of-the-way places, it is now collapsing time, by enabling readers to download books instantly.
170, Amazon has become the 26 retail stocks in the number plate " to send up. "
171, Recently, Grand Circle overhauled its Amazon River itinerary based on feedback from employees that had vacationed with a competitor.
172, This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea.
173, It involves pertrolian ( petroleum ) pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon between 1964 and 1990.
174, You can preorder a copy of the book today at
175, The rich dust that falls from the sky, and the rain storms caused by that dust picking up moisture during it's transoceanic journey both fertilize the Amazon rain forest.
176, "She left me with more than I left her, " he said once to a boozy riverboat pilot in a place called McElroy's Bar, somewhere in the Amazon basin.
177, Amazon itself is sold out, although some other sellers are offering it on Amazon's site, but at prices well above its suggested price.
178, When taking a boat to travel along the Amazon, you will be fascinated the beautiful scenery.
179, Like when I was checking out this cool New York motif mug and Amazon suggested I buy it with a coin bank.
180, The Amazon: The razing of the Amazonian rainforest, a key stabiliser of the globalclimate system, by logging, mining, crop planting and beef production.
181, September 29 - One hundred and fifty-four people are killed when a Boeing 737-800 operated by low-cost Gol airline crashes in the Amazon rain forest.
182, A proposed hydroelectric dam on the Madeira river (a tributary of the Amazon) was denounced, and the country's new oil find claimed for its people.
183, "eBay is about getting the lowest possible price, even if it's a little more work, " says Lee. "Amazon is about ease and convenience over always having the lowest advertised price.
184, Shaking hands with a local Chinese villager in his own home or tasting the cooking of a friendly tribesman along the Amazon River simply cannot be done without traveling.
185, But it was in 1925 that he disappeared while with his eldest son Jack in the Amazon jungle in Brazil, looking for a mythical ancient city he named "Z" but others called El Dorado.
186, You can get started with these products (and more) on Amazon EC2 by visiting the developerWorks Cloud Computing Resource Center.
187, Amazon (AMZN, Fortune 500) has been tight-lipped about the incident, and the company said it won't be able to fully comment on the situation until it does a "post-mortem.
188, Amazon is offering a Cluster GPU instance for those who need a HPC platform but cannot afford one or do not want to support the initial cost of setting up one.
189, SAVE THE RAINFOREST: An indigenous person shot video at the SOS Amazon event Tuesday in Belem,[] Brazil. The event is meant to bring attention to saving the Amazon forest.
190, A water plant with a showy purple flower, the Water Hyacinth, was a native of the Amazon Basin and is now seen as the most important nuisance aquatic plant worldwide.
191, Since this was the first year they compiled the list, Amazon representatives told me that they had no expectations about which cities would be on it.
192, We decided to hook up our in-office transcode solution to store transcodes on Amazon S3 and record the location through an API call to our website.
193, South East Asia and parts of the Amazon jungle are similarly well-endowed, he says.
194, Brazil Hevea original wild Amazon in South America, is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asia.




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