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单词 Greece
(1) Greece broke off relations with Turkey.
(2) She's the woman whom I met in Greece.
(3) Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
(4) Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975.
(5) Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
(6) When we're on holiday in Greece, we live like the natives.
(7) Are your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?
(8) They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.
(9) We went to Greece two Septembers ago.
(10) Greece was the cradle of Western culture.
(11) They met while on holiday in Greece.
(12) Jane left England and made Greece her home.
(13) He returned to Greece to serve in the army.
(14) The airline operates regular flights to Greece.
(15) Zakro was well situated for trade with Greece.
(16) Yesterday the whole of Greece was in mourning.
(17) Greece is said to be a botanist's dream.
(18) She's off to Greece for a month-lucky devil!
(19) Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel.
(20) Chios is said to have introduced thrall into Greece.
(21) I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.
(22) Chios is said to have introduced slavery into Greece.
(23) They crossed from Albania into Greece.
(24) Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece?
(25) Byron travelled to Italy and then to Greece.
(26) Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.
(27) Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
(28) The Odyssey is an epic of ancient Greece.
(29) Greece is the home of democracy.
(30) They go to Greece religiously every year.
(1) Greece broke off relations with Turkey.
(2) She's the woman whom I met in Greece.
(3) Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975.
(4) Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
(5) Are your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?
(6) They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.
(7) Chios is said to have introduced slavery into Greece.
(8) Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.
(9) Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
(10) Ancient artworks were repatriated from the US to Greece.
(11) They established themselves between the Danube and Greece.
(12) This book gives you a good idea of life in ancient Greece.
(13) I'd like to go away, perhaps to Greece or somewhere.
(31) This book is all about Greece.
(32) Ancient artworks were repatriated from the US to Greece.
(33) He envied your trip to Greece.
(34) Greece just squeezed through into the next round.
(35) They established themselves between the Danube and Greece.
(36) The boys went camping in Greece last year.
(37) Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.
(38) We passed through four countries on our way to Greece.
(39) For some unknown reason , Mark quit his job and moved to Greece.
(40) Alexander the Great beat every opponent between Greece and India.
(41) This time next week I shall be sitting on a beach in Greece.
(42) The route we had planned took us right across Greece.
(43) I'd never tried snorkelling before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.
(44) Greece moved a step closer to the World Cup finals with last night's win.
(45) She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.
(46) It is on pottery that representational art first appeared again in ancient Greece.
(47) The city of greece and asia is despoil of their most valuable ornament.
(48) The main purpose of his holiday to Greece was to go diving.
(49) Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum.
(50) I'm going to Greece in the summer so I've got to be super slim.
(51) Telephones are still a luxury in some parts of Spain, Portugal, and Greece.
(52) The region was split three ways, between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
(53) This book gives you a good idea of life in ancient Greece.
(54) They gave assurances they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas.
(55) The family left Greece in 1974 and emigrated to America.
(56) The company had been in discussion with companies in Austria, Italy and Greece.
(57) The river rises in Bulgaria and flows through Greece to the Aegean.
(58) Under Greek law, all antiquities that are discovered in Greece belong to the government.
(59) She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.
(60) Italy deserved to win, though Greece made them fight every inch of the way .
(61) History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.
(62) Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel.
(63) I'd like to go away, perhaps to Greece or somewhere.
(64) I'd like to go to Greece, but I don't speak the lingo .
(65) An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.
(66) We brought back a few souvenirs from our holiday in Greece.
(67) The day that my father died, I was on holiday on Greece.
(68) This book gives you some idea/a good idea of life in ancient Greece.
(69) The city of Mycenae played a crucial role in the history of Greece.
(70) The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.
(71) They all chipped in fifty pounds and bought their mother a trip to Greece.
(72) He steeped himself in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.
(73) Did you take any snaps in Greece?
(74) The mainland of Greece is mountainous and largely infertile.
(75) In 1830, Greece became an independent state.
(75) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(76) They began their holiday in Italy, and then went on to Greece.
(77) In 1974, democracy returned to Greece after seven years of military rule.
(78) Turkey and Greece have long been feuding over the island of Cyprus.
(79) Just wait! In two weeks' time I'll be relaxing on a beach in Greece.
(80) About 3000 years ago a tidal wave swamped the coastal lowlands of Greece, causing massive destruction.
(81) We're going to Greece tomorrow, and I haven't started packing yet!
(82) Greece was our first choice for a vacation, but all the flights were full.
(83) Pompey and his senatorial followers immediately withdrew to Greece.
(84) In Greece there lived once a king named Midas.
(85) Temple of Hephaestus, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.
(86) But Greece is actually an unrepresentative case.
(87) Out-of-control sovereign debt is what plunged Greece into crisis.
(88) They're going away to Greece or somewhere.
(89) Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.
(90) Under existing law Greece cannot be pushed out.
(91) Its budget deficit is about one-half that of Greece.
(92) The colonnaded temples of ancient Greece are famous.
(93) The capital of Greece is Athens.
(94) More treasure of ancient Greece Archeological Museum.
(95) The ship carried the national flag of Greece.
(96) Tower of the Winds, Roman Agora, Athens, Greece.
(97) What we remember today is the story of the messenger who brought the good news to Athens, the capital of Greece.
(98) In 481 b. c. Xerxes built a bridge of boats here to cross the Hellespont and invade Greece.
(99) All the while, the clock is ticking: within a month or so, Greece must receive fresh funds from the IMF and its European rescuers—or messily default.
(100) A vast majority of people in Greece belong to the Greek Orthodox Church.
(101) Still, it remains to be seen whether the tourniquet will hold. Even after the new plan, Greece will have a staggering load of debt.
(102) In Greece, fire - fighters are using water - dropping planes to douse blazes on the island of Samos.
(103) China wants to impose deflationary adjustment on the US, just as Germany is doing to Greece.
(104) Although monistic philosophies date from ancient Greece, the term monism is comparatively recent.
(105) As a result, hedge funds which refuse to agree to a write-down will demand payment in full, from funds provided to Greece under the troika rescue plan.
(105) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(106) She's sent out 30 some resumes since she returned to Greece last year, but has come up dry, save an offer or two to take on non-paying internships.
(107) And a recent poll showed that 65% of people in stick-in-the-mud Greece want civil servants to lose their job security.
(108) The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece, the ancient Roman, and the Christian scholasticism.
(109) It is still made this way today in Turkey and Greece or anywhere else Turkish Coffee is served.
(110) That's a 33% increase in the cost of producing one gimcrack in Greece after you've deducted all the benefits of any increase in the productivity of Greek workers.
(111) The rule of Darius I in the late BC and 492 BC for 40 years and has twice sent troops to invade Greece West.
(112) For a long time, people in the West believed that Greece was in poverty and illiteracy for about four hundred years after the collapse of Mycenae.
(113) The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.
(114) If it left the euro zone, Greece could reap the substantial benefits of a currency depreciation, but doing so would also set off huge runs on banks.
(115) Small terra-cotta figures from 3000 BC have been found in Greece and others throughout the Roman Empire from the 4th century BC.
(116) Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar.
(117) After morning strategizing, the Marines head to Greece, a bedroom community on the outskirts of Rochester.
(118) The Eastern Roman Empire, called the Byzantine Empire, controls Greece.
(119) An island of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. It is the smallest of the Cyclades Islands and was traditionally considered sacred to Apollo.
(120) A bail-out for Greece, once taboo, is now being debated—and German ministers have even come out in favour of a putative European Monetary Fund (see article).
(121) Descriptions are similar on heroical figures and their ambitions of the Janger from Mongolia and Homer Epic from ancient Greece.
(122) He was born in the northern part of Greece, in a city called Stagira, which is part of what is now called Macedonia.
(123) It is also possible that viticultural knowledge reached Greece via Asia Minor or Thrace.
(124) The Italian reforms come as Greece is pushing to persuade international lenders that it has a credible plan to close a financing gap as it waits for an ?bn loan payment it needs to pay its bills.
(125) Married at the age of 16 to Lysimachus of Thrace, a 60-year-old general of Ptolemy I, Arsino? earned great wealth and honors during her time in Greece.
(126) Latvia has fended off heavy market pressure to devalue the lat -- an important omen for Greece, which insists it will stay in the euro currency zone despite its uncompetitive economy.
(127) 3200 years ago, After decades of warfare, Agamemnon , king of Mycenae, has forced the kingdoms of Greece into a loose alliance.
(128) In these volatile times, it may be best to get a wodge of cash at the airport before you arrive in Greece.
(129) Played the national anthems of the Republic of Greece, or Hellenic Republic flag.
(130) For nearly two centuries—roughly 518 B. C. to 333 B. C. —Persepolis served as the capital for an empire that stretched from Greece to India.
(131) There is so much hysteria in the hard money camp on Greece and the European Union that one had better start looking at the facts otherwise it could cost you a lot of money.
(132) Argumentum ad feminam , as we said in old Rome and ancient Greece in the consulship of Diplodocus and Ichthyosauros.
(133) Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on the territory.
(134) The joint European Central Bank-EU-IMF loan was necessary because, in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, Greece was exposed as having an economy based on phoney data and cheap credit.
(135) Quarterly reports come and go, but Greece will never repay these debts.
(135) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(136) Hephaestus—Lame god of fire and the forge. The Hephaestion near the Acropolis is the most beautifully preserved ancient temple in Greece. He is married to Aphrodite.
(137) I cannot, therefore, feel that he deserves to be put on a level with the best philosophers either of Greece or of modern times.
(138) The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.
(139) The package bomb addressed to Berlusconi last month had been sent via a courier service aboard the courier's cargo plane from Greece to Italy.
(140) An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.
(141) The thought of "harmonious society" put forward at present should be retrospect to the theory of communities in Ancient Greece.
(142) A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about113 km(70 mi) to the Ionian Sea.
(143) Meanwhile Greece will be in the spotlight especially its bond syndication.
(144) Most European policymakers now recognise that Greece cannot possibly repay its debts, and Germany's politics prevent an endless drip-feed of transfers from its taxpayers to Greece's creditors.
(145) She GREece professional dance school dance, also won scholarships to the former Soviet Union countries Dance Academy in Leningrad.
(146) Philip II of Macedon , leader of most of Greece, and his son Alexander the Great decided to take advantage of this weakness.
(147) Scientific wagers date back to Greece in the 5th or 6th century BC and were often a rhetorical device for thinking about a subject.
(148) They have updated their guide to Greece to include current price.
(149) Now that Greece and Germany share the same currency, however, the only way to reduce Greek relative costs is through some combination of German inflation and Greek deflation.
(150) ' Certainly, when Pausanias toured Greece about a century after Plutarch, he found Pan's shrines, sacred caves and sacred mountains still very much frequented.
(151) 2004 - Olympic Games: Summer Olympic Games - The Games of the XXVIII Olympiad open in Athens, Greece.
(152) Don't they normally go Greece - Afghanistan? Why are they continuing alphabetically from Greece?
(153) Ancient Greece is often called the origin of Western civilization.
(154) The Truman Doctrine effectively stopped communists from taking control of Greece and Turkey.
(155) For decades, Greece's conservatives and Socialist parties alike bought votes by dishing out the very cushy, do-nothing government jobs, high pensions, and benefits that brought Greece to its knees.
(156) Greece has said it would reduced the government budget deficit from 12.7 percent to 8.7 percent during the next nine months.
(157) Athens is the capital of Greece and one of the oldest cities in the world.
(158) Alarm about Greece - and other fiscally unstable countries in Europe - has dragged down the euro sharply.
(159) European finance ministers put off a decision on whether to provide an eleven billion dollar loan to Greece that is part of a rescue plan agreed to last year.
(160) Since then, have produced a culture of Crete and Mycenaean culture. 11th century BC, because of "Homer"ancient Greece entered the age of Homer.
(161) Andriy Voronin claims he has not given up on his dream of representing Ukraine at next year's World Cup finals despite being left out of his country's squad for the double-header with Greece.
(162) Ms. Tsangari, who grew up in Greece and has a master's degree in performance studies from New York University, was an associate producer on "Dogtooth," a New Directors selection from last year.
(163) Annie: In the 7th century BC, Romans inherited the traditions of Greece and built racetracks and unroofed amphitheaters.
(164) In Ancient Greece, pederasty a same-sex relationship between an older man, known as the erastes, and a beardless boy, the paidika became a cultural ideal.
(165) An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea.
(166) The ECB has warned that Greece and Ireland should not default on their immense debts or impose haircuts on senior bond holders.
(167) While talk of kicking Greece out of the eurozone and pursuing a two-speed Europe may score some political points, it doesn't reflect the reality of today's interconnected European economy.
(168) Greece is the biggest farmer of Mediterranean fish, exporting over 60,000 tonnes of bream and bass.
(169) Caption A bather stood under a hot waterfall a medicinal bathing complex in Greece Monday.
(170) The holy Mount Athos of Greece is a rare resort occupied by 900 monks. It was listed in UNESCO's World Culture Heritage catalogue in 1988.
(171) Passengers from Greece, where peanut allergy is rather rare, might have been more concerned about the melon in the fruit salad.
(172) That would help ensure the European economy can continue to expand while economically troubled countries like Spain and Greece make wrenching cutbacks to reduce out-of-control deficits.
(173) Greece can't pay that bill by cutting public-sector wages, eliminating extra holiday pay or the like.
(174) If announced forcefully enough, the ECB's monetary howitzer would almost certainly drive down yields even in Greece.
(175) Cyprus is positioned just south of Greece and looks suspiciously like Crete in shape.
(176) Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the island in response to a coup in Nicosia by supporters of a union with Greece.
(177) Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
(178) Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus, in Greece, will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution.
(179) The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.
(180) A bid by European leaders at a July 21 summit to cordon off Greece, Ireland and Portugal has had little effect.
(181) Analysts also say the seriousness of the crisis will depend on whether Greece stays within the euro common-currency zone or is forced to leave it, and return to the drachma as its national currency.
(182) Greece is also a deep tradition of male chauvinism country.
(183) Our commander-in-chief in Greece has just flown back for further instructions about massacring the Greek people.
(184) I can read the alphabet, but I don't speak more than a few words: I only worked in Greece a few weeks, though my children went to school there for a while, and they speak modern Greek.
(185) While the technical default of Greece -- inevitable as it is -- took around 18 months, similar defaults in other peripheral eurozone members will probably come much faster.
(186) People sit on a super-long sofa in Thessaloniki, Greece, May 9, 2009.
(187) B. C. Alexander the Great, a student of Greek teacher Aristotle, proclaims himself commander in chief of all Greece and spreads Greek culture to the many lands he conquers, At the time of his death.
(188) Aphrodite helped Paris of Troy win the beautiful Helen of Greece.
(189) Platonism began the West's pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.
(190) This paper examines how Greece nearly went to war with Turkey in 1996 over the uninhabited islets of Imia, to the detriment of the Greek decision makers involved.
(191) The 29 th General Assembly of IASPEI at Thessaloniki , Greece, from 18 - 28 August 1997.
(192) Long, long ago there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas.
(193) We send off for a brochure about holidays in Greece or about ferry service.
(194) More treasure of ancient Greece lies in the National Archaeological 13 Museum.
(195) In Greece pita bread replaces the bun, in Israel it's kosher(http://), in the Middle East halal.
(196) Greece is, of course, the land of ancient sites and architectural treasures---the Acropolis in Athens, the amphitheater of Epidaurus, and the reconstructed palace at Knossos among the best known.
(197) The island of Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean, was divided in1974 when Turkish troops invaded to stop Greek military plans for enosis ( union) with Greece.
(198) Andhad gone over those parts and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece.
(199) And in Europe as in Asia, the northern countries (Finland, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Austria, Germany) outscore the southern (Greece, Italy, Portugal).
(200) A mere three decades after the end of the Peloponnesian War, a Theban army under Epaminondas crushed the Spartans, but Greece was so weakened that it lay at the mercy of Persia and the Macedonians.
(201) Greece says it needs an 8 billion euro aid installment in November to avoid running out of money to pay salaries and pensions. Its next bond redemption is due in December.
(202) Caption :SERENE SCENE: A bather stood under a hot waterfall at a medicinal bathing complex in Greece Monday.
(203) Diagnostics is a word of Greece origin , which means discriminating, specifying.
(204) Three century Diophantine one of the outstanding contribution that Greece algebra simplify, simplify algebraic created.
(205) Eddy: You are right again. It was held at Olympia in Greece.
(206) Think all allies of the consociation of Ba Da2 king constituted strong Greece allied troops to go on expedition Troy.
(207) Jeff: I went to a very sacred place - Olympia, in Athens, Greece.
(208) Greece is painfully familiar with militant extremists, its modern history scarred by the violent acts of groups like the Revolutionary Organization 17 November and the People's Revolutionary Struggle.
(209) Second was the failure of the recent Truman Doctrine – an outspoken scheme to help Greece and Turkey fight Soviet pressures – to indicate a constructive way forward for all.
(210) Ancient GREece produced many well - known historians such as Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, such as Polley than Oslo.
(211) Drier and more potent than anisette, this semi - sweet anise liqueur is made in Greece and Cyprus.
(212) That brings up another similarity between Greece and America: that the necessary may be impossible, that baby boomer politicians in the age of Twitter may not be up to addressing problems this big.
(213) Greece, one might wager, will play out in similar fashion.
(214) Athens is the capital of Greece as well as Greece's largest city and industrial center.
(215) The concept of natural law traces its origins to ancient Greece.
(216) One key to Spain's run of success which has seen it brush aside the Russians twice, Greece, Sweden and Italy, is their mental fortitude, a point underlined by Fabregas.
(217) In antiquity Greece doctor-patient relation stresses the medical ethics of benefiting patients in the west.
(218) Theseus: Come forward. Let us finally see who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece.
(219) Two hills of southeast Thessaly in northeast Greece. The Theban general Pelopidas was killed in battle here (364 b. c. ).
(220) The 29th General Assembly of IASPEI was held at Thessaloniki, Greece, from 18—28 August 1997.
(221) The temples of ancient Greece served as safe-deposit vaults for the valuables of worshipers.
(222) He carried an ancient Greece heptachord hither and thither, chanting his poems to people he met.
(223) New Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has said the priority of his incoming coalition cabinet is to seek unity to keep Greece in the eurozone.
(224) Math in ancient Greece provided such a key matrix to form a metaphysical tradition in the West, through Pythagoras to Parmenides, Plato, and finally to Aristotle.
(225) After examining thoughts of western philosophy, especially thoughts of ancient Greece, Martin Heidegger alleged that the inquiry of "Sein"was just the concealment of it.
(226) The ideas about the law of sufficient reason can be traced back to the ancient Greece.
(227) An island group of southeast Greece Aegean Sea between Turkey and Crete.
(228) Athens, with the rest of Greece, was at that time a protectorate of Macedonia.
(229) The Aegean Sea is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea located between Greece and Turkey.
(230) Finally it became the capital of Greece in 1834 mostly for its location and historical importance.
(231) After his defeat at Plataea in 479 BC, Xerxes, king of Persia, was retreating from Greece when his ship, overloaded with Persian warriors, was caught in a heavy storm.
(232) In ancient Greece, people felt it necessary to consult the Oracle of Apollo when they were puzzled at their future.
(233) Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.
(234) They love Epicurus and his simple pleasures from ancient Greece.
(235) They reckon the pork chipolata mirrors the exact curve of the England captain's famous free-kick against Greece which booked the team's place in the World Cup finals.
(236) A client from Greece looks for laser engraver machines to engrave portrait on crystal & opal.
(237) This is a natural chewing gum from the sap of the mastic tree that grows wild in Greece.
(238) More treasure of ancient Greece lies in the National Archeological Museum.
(239) Increasingly, it appears that the answer to this question may be incompatible with what should be Europe's central goal in this exercise, namely putting Greece on a sustainable debt path.
(240) Greece will sell its full stake in OTE telecoms immediately, and in Hellenic Postbank and the two main ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki by the end of this year, raising up to 5.5 billion euros.
(241) Between Macedon and Thessaly of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain.
(242) The bared breast was even seen to invoke associations with the nude sculptures of classical Greece that were exerting a huge influence on art, sculpture, and architecture of the period.
(243) In ancient Greece, sacred groves were preserved as the habitats of divinities.
(244) Greece is the birthplace of philosophy, where Aristotle to teach and Plato's Academy located.
(245) However, in Sardinia and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there.
(246) In the dreamlike scene, star trails arc over an old ship run aground on a beach near Gytheio, Peloponnesus in southern Greece.
(247) At times, certain populations fared somewhat better — in ancient Greece and Rome, perhaps, and in China during the Sung Dynasty (960–1279) — but those cases were exceptional.
(248) Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece.
(249) Marks on a clay tablet fragment found in Greece are the oldest known decipherable text in Europe, a new study says.
(250) In the 1820s, as it waged a war of independence against the Ottoman Empire, Greece became an early symbol of escape from the prison house of empire.
(251) The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Parthenon in Greece, the downtown police station in Venice.
(252) If you're planning a trip to Greece in the future, you'll want to schedule a visit to the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
(253) Alexander was born in 356BC to the king of Macedon , in northern Greece.
(254) The Greeks slaughtered the Persians at Plataea and succeeded in driving them out of Greece.
(255) Greece has suspended international air mail for 48 hours after several parcel bombs were sent on Tuesday, including one to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
(256) The Humabio project, based in Greece, is involved more in blue-sky scientific thinking than in intelligence work.
(257) Economist Dev Kar says Greece got into trouble by having too many government employees, spending freely on retirement pay and misleading investors.
(258) "Greece is definitely one of my favourite events and I really want to go flat out next week and finish on top of the podium, " he said.
(259) An ancient city is S Greece; center of the Mycenaean civilization.
(260) An island of northeast Greece Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos.
(261) Eldorado Gold Corporation, based in Vancouver, Canada, is one of the leading Gold firms in the world active in development exploration in Brazil, China, Greece, Turkey surrounding regions.
(262) Another aim of the plan was apparently to use the media to galvanise nationalist support against Armenia and Greece.
(263) It is possible that Greece may yet muddle through this crisis.
(264) Greece will never change its misguided policies if the E.U. and IMF infuse it with new cash, just as no teenager who has overspent an allowance will reform if the parents merely expand that allowance.
(265) But in Greece, an OECD country with the worst ranking on Doing Business indicators, the jobless rate is 10.9 percent.
(266) It would destabilise the euro—for some euro members, such as Ireland and Greece, are not in much better shape than eastern Europe.
(267) Some have been even banking on Greece exiting the euro so that they can then use the billions of euros squirrelled away outside the country to purchase the assets for knock-down drachma prices.
(268) That, in turn, could mean a sudden financing crisis for fiscally - challenged countries like Greece and Portugal.
(269) Alteration is very extensive in some areas and serpentinites are common in Greece.
(270) Mount Athos is situated in the most beautiful peninsula of Halkidiki. It is the only place in Greece that is completely dedicated to praying and worshiping God.
(271) Politically, unburdening itself of debt can then be portrayed as ridding Greece of a dysfunctional past.
(272) Typically normal and well-mannered until a Full Moon kicks in, werewolves are cursed shapeshifters that have appeared in the legend set of nearly every culture going back to ancient Greece.
(273) I have also visited France, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Romania, Moldova and China.
(274) In quick succession, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Hungary –the last unabashedly currying political favor from Beijing –have pleaded for China to rescue national budgets.




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