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单词 Frantically
1. She bid frantically for the old chair.
2. He dashed frantically across the road.
3. She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
4. The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.
5. We have been frantically trying to save her life.
6. She raced frantically towards the train.
7. The wings of the sea gull were beating frantically.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. She clutched frantically at Emily'sarm.
9. The birds wings were beating frantically.
10. She cast about frantically for an excuse.
11. He frantically searched for the key.
12. He began to scoop his things up frantically.
13. They worked frantically to finish on time.
14. She signalled frantically to us.
15. They scrambled frantically over the piles of debris.
16. The bird was beating its wings frantically.
17. What can I do now? He thought frantically.
18. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.
19. This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.
20. He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens.
21. As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.
22. They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.
23. I've been working frantically all week to get it finished on time.
24. The United manager was to be seen frantically signalling to McClair.
25. Her heart began to pound frantically, as if she were having a panic attack.
26. My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.
27. They stood by the side of the road and waved frantically.
28. His mind was in a whirl as he searched frantically for a solution.
29. "What is wrong with you, acting like that," she raved, pacing up and down frantically.
30. We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.
1. She bid frantically for the old chair.
2. He dashed frantically across the road.
3. She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
4. The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.
5. His mind was in a whirl as he searched frantically for a solution.
31. A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically.
32. Journalists were frantically researching the new Prime Minister's background, family and interests.
33. He's frantically mugging up on Japanese before his trip to Tokyo.
34. I got home to find Lara frantically searching for her keys.
35. Suddenly, the Doctor stopped, frantically searching his pockets.
36. Frantically he cast about, searching the ground.
37. I should have kept my temper, she thought frantically.
38. The driver sounded his horn frantically.
39. The little dog yapped frantically.
40. He scrambled frantically out, coughing and spluttering.
41. He had searched frantically for the hobby section.
42. Frantically she tore open the door to Elinor's apartment.
43. I could hear Kaptan whimper as he pushed the dead woodchuck frantically from him.
44. The moon appears for fleeting seconds, the night speeds up frantically, the clouds bowl along and vulnerability replaces control.
45. They began frantically to scrabble in the stone and dust.
46. Frantically - but much too late - she ran in chase of the pram.
47. David pushed his trolley frantically along the aisles, bustling with lust to see the girl again.
48. After eating a small square of chocolate he became very aggressive and rushed around the house frantically banging doors and kicking furniture.
49. Agents and ambassadors left on the down shuttle, frantically covering their tracks.
50. Suddenly he swung up close to my port side, waggling his wings frantically and pointing downwards.
51. It took all the strength of Perdita's frantically squeezing legs to stop her ducking out.
52. Anything that would grab the eye was jammed together to make the page frantically busy.
53. Frantically, in the last half of the fight, he sought to hold on to his title.
54. He was frantically shifting his weight from side to side.
55. Foreign sellers have led the charge, frantically dumping stocks of banks burdened with mountains of bad debt, according to analysts.
56. The guide, however, stood his ground, frantically giving me unrecognizable signs.
57. They may root frantically under the couch cushions or behind the drapes for a hidden camera.
58. We tried frantically to reach him with our walkie-talkies, but he was somewhere enroute from the island of Gozo.
59. Gone are the days of spending frantically because the end of the financial year was nigh.
60. Frantically wiping her eyes, she went to answer it and found Luke with only a small towel round his waist.
61. His left foot, dangling beneath the slight overlap, stabbed frantically.
62. That is why he manoeuvred frantically, and brilliantly, to fend off the challenge to his party leadership last month.
63. Directly one poor fellow of the escort was dismounted, and his horse galloped frantically over the fields.
64. They circled frantically in her head and in her heart.
65. But today, crews wielding jackhammers are frantically repairing the narrow streets.
66. He pushed past them frantically, his eyes smarting from the dust.
67. Younger folk had grown impatient and were now signalling frantically a hundred yards ahead.
68. Congress was frantically trying to complete a bill raising the federal debt ceiling in time for President Bush to sign today.
69. The darkness of the interior only increased the animal's terror, and immediately it began to struggle frantically to free itself.
70. Panic-stricken parents, their faces twisted in fear, ran to the school and frantically searched for their sons or daughters.
71. On the nearby rooftops street urchins were dancing frantically to the music.
72. In the top of a drainpipe next to our sitting-room, two sparrows were frantically building a nest.
73. She felt her body, the sweat that held them together, Nathan's heart beating frantically against her chest.
74. We sat around the table, searching frantically for explanations and hoping unavailingly for good news.
75. It passed me again, drew into the side and I saw a frantically waving arm.
76. As he did so, he frantically searched his mind for something reassuring to say to the maniac in the back.
77. Patrick suddenly found himself standing in the hallway, his heart tripping frantically, his breathing too fast to be comfortable.
78. His chest is suddenly stained with blood as something pulses frantically beneath his thin shirt.
79. She flung herself into her room and began to pack frantically, wanting to cry with rage and shame.
80. He heard Murtach shouting, some one banging on timber frantically.
81. He worked the pump action frantically to eject the spent cartridge and reload.
82. Firing the bolter with one hand he waved the sizzling power sword frantically in front of his face as if fanning wasps away.
83. We see the smaller imperialist powers frantically attempting to maneuver within this new framework.
84. She wiped it frantically on a piece of waste paper, and threw the crumpled paper as far away as she could.
85. Ross fished around with the scope, looking frantically for his target, but nothing would stay still.
86. There are simple changes you can make to break the cycle of running frantically just to continue falling behind.
87. As soon as he spotted her, he began gesticulating frantically.
88. Pick up something to read and look at it carefully, not frantically flicking through the pages.
89. The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.
90. Again people are asking why, while politicians' knees are jerking frantically.
91. Within seconds an aesthetic-looking gentleman was frantically beating off the attack as the great feet ripped down his waistcoat.
92. During take-off, one passenger began frantically ringing her call button.
93. All I could do was frantically reach for my safety whistle and blow like crazy to alert the raft crew.
94. Midvale veterans would recall frantically pumping out buildings frequently flooded in the low basin at the foot of Germantown.
95. Nearly falling off the roof in fright, Hilary grabbed frantically at the chimney stack to keep her balance.
96. Pencils in the press box flew frantically.
97. He ducked through the door and looked about frantically.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98. Frantically Brown began searching for the trouble.
99. Forget frantically calculating the relative benefits of bananas, tomatoes, spinach, and kale. Just think in technicolor.
100. They're the ones in the back of the gymnasium, frantically writing to the last minute and choking under the pressure of an egg timer.
101. Michael works frantically with a shoe horn and a nail clipper from a hotel toiletry kit.
102. This can save you untold time frantically searching parking lots.
103. The males are frantically wooing the females as they return to this country to breed.
104. Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof.
105. More important, employers somewhat frantically organized company unions as a foil to independent unionism.
106. After all, a chili pepper at room temperature will still “burn” our tongue and cause us to sweat. We’ll crave ice-cold water and wave our hands frantically in front of our face.
107. When I noticed, I frantically started running around knocking the ants off, when a young girl decided she wanted to throw a lacrosse ball at my face.
108. People are frantically looking for fun fixes, but that means they operate under the law of diminishing returns.
109. I ran into my office and frantically called my ophthalmologist.
110. People are frantically looking for fun fixes, but that's the law of diminishing returns.
111. Tu Wei - yueh was now wrestling frantically with two of the girls.
112. " What's going to become of us ? " cried Jui - chueh , stamping her foot frantically.
113. Perlmutter twisted arms and begged colleagues for an hour or two on short notice , calling frantically around the world at all times of the day.
114. Inside the shadowy house Abner and Abraham went frantically through their handbooks.
115. When Anakin confronts the three doomed battle droids in the airlock corridor, the one in the background them panics and frantically tries to activate the controls.
116. This 11)schizophrenic conversation was an acute departure from the daily dissection of celebrities and regular 12)quips about working girl hardships. I frantically posed a flurry of questions.
117. The two boys frantically grabbed rolling pin and the coal shovel and set upon their father.
118. Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machina, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics.
119. First-time parents, writes Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist and author of "Why Dirt is Good", frantically try to keep their babies away from dirt.
120. Aid workers seek frantically for chopper flights to get the wounded out.




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