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单词 Impatient
1 An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.
2 We are growing impatient with the lack of results.
3 He waved them away with an impatient gesture.
4 He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
5 He gave another impatient glance at his watch.
6 Beware of being too impatient with others.
7 Try not to be too impatient with her.
8 The children were growing impatient.
9 Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.
10 Don't be so impatient! The bus will be here soon.
11 With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
12 The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.
13 He became increasingly impatient.
14 He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.
15 They are growing impatient.
16 She's impatient for her father's arrival.
17 She seemed snappy and impatient.
18 He turned away with an impatient gesture.
19 Ron's trouble is that he's too impatient.
20 He darted an impatient look at Vicky.
21 She's rather inclined to become impatient.
22 Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.
23 She's getting impatient about the delays.
24 He spoke in a somewhat impatient tone.
25 You're too impatient with her; she's only a child.
26 They were impatient at the delay.
27 The impatient drivers were beeping their horns.
28 People are increasingly impatient for change in this country.
29 He's a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit impatient with slow learners.
30 I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
1 An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.
2 We are growing impatient with the lack of results.
3 He waved them away with an impatient gesture.
4 He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
5 He gave another impatient glance at his watch.
6 Beware of being too impatient with others.
7 Try not to be too impatient with her.
8 The children were growing impatient.
9 Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.
10 With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
11 The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.
12 He became increasingly impatient.
13 He's a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit impatient with slow learners.
14 He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.
15 I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
16 They are growing impatient.
17 She's impatient for her father's arrival.
18 Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.
19 He is impatient of reproof.
20 She was impatient to know what had happened to her son.
31 He is impatient of reproof.
32 She was clearly impatient to leave.
33 He darted Vicky an impatient look.
34 She waved us away with an impatient gesture.
35 Many graduates are impatient to become managers.
36 Impatient horn blasts began to sound behind him.
37 He's very impatient and always interrupts me mid-sentence.
38 Alec strode down the street, impatient to be home.
39 She sounded waspish and impatient.
40 Soames was getting impatient with his daughter's constant nitpicking.
41 He was impatient to get home.
42 The children were impatient to start.
43 Sometimes he is very impatient with his wife.
44 As time went on he grew more and more impatient.
45 He dashed away the tears welling up in his eyes with an impatient hand.
46 She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited.
47 He was eager to talk to Shildon and impatient for him to return from lunch.
48 She was impatient to know what had happened to her son.
49 You'd be hopeless looking after children - you're far too impatient!
50 He is impatient to know whether he has passed the final examinations or not.
51 Sean was a touch impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother.
52 She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over.
53 He's got a lot of exciting ideas and he's impatient to get started.
54 She chided herself for being so impatient with the children.
55 She used to be very impatient(), but she's mellowed over time.
56 People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.
57 He's so impatient that waiting in a queue is sheer purgatory for him!
58 There's no point getting impatient with her; she'll finish the job in her own good time.
59 He became impatient for the thing to begin.
60 He must be impatient to get back home.
61 I hated myself for being so impatient.
62 Boulestin was impatient of written detail.
63 Give it time, I know you, you're so impatient.
64 But he was impatient for Pipeline.
65 You are always so impatient, my dear boy.
66 We hopeful godparents are getting seriously impatient.
67 She was impatient, angry, and scientific.
68 He was impatient and choleric.
69 But there was only a slight, impatient nodding.
70 Why are you so all-fired impatient?
71 I am really impatient with you, my dearest.
72 It was impatient at this long inaction.
73 The kids quickly grew restless and impatient.
74 Some were more impatient than others.
75 Meanwhile we're impatient for a larger return on investment.
76 She was by nature forthright and impatient.
77 Lott, only a junior, was too impatient to wait.
78 He increased speed, impatient to reach his destination.
79 The customs officials were impatient, rude, and unhelpful.
80 She determined not to become impatient.
81 His petulance made her impatient.
82 Dad can be gruff and impatient at times.
83 Behind us an impatient motorist tooted a horn.
84 Leavitt is stout and impatient in his khakis.
85 But, as I'd hoped, it was too impatient.
86 Back home, impatient sports editors waited for them to file as they drank the Latium hills dry of Chianti.
87 That he satisfied so impatient and fastidious a monarch for so long says much for his efficiency and sensitivity.
88 Carrie felt impatient with her - no grown-up should be so weak and so silly - but she was sorry as well.
89 She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer.
90 By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.
91 The new minister was almost immediately the object of attack by politicians and press impatient for results.
92 They are counting on Lebed growing impatient and making mistakes that alienate public opinion.
93 I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe 
94 Emerging from beneath the spray of the shower, she dried herself briskly before dressing with impatient fingers.
95 She laughs, shouts, refuses to give her age and is impatient to explain her problems.
96 The ruggedly handsome face looked impatient and his size was quite intimidating.
97 The temple of the Sun at Cuzco appeared a veritable gold-mine to the impatient conquerors.
98 An impatient mob broke down the doors, took possession of the station, and commandeered the trains without paying their fares.
99 This troubled them a bit because they were impatient to learn.
100 Everyone was out, and she was impatient for them all to come in.
101 When finally he fitted his lean hips into the cradle of hers she was ready for him, impatient for his possession.
102 An impatient, callous thrust which ended in her impalement to the hilt.
103 Her ability to keep the notoriously impatient monarch amused was greatly appreciated in royal circles.
104 Silber is an impatient, some might say petulant, player on the local political scene.
105 All the talk of weddings made Anne feel downhearted and impatient with the secrecy that John insisted on.
106 He spoke seldom, but he was never impatient with her, always kind, a companionable father figure.
107 She is impatient with the statusquo and the traditional style of decision-making by compromising with the major interests.
108 She let me prove it, but I was too impatient and proved nothing.
109 The rock-walled chimney slid downward, she floated toward the surface with her head tilted back, impatient for the upper world.
110 Chances are your stomach gets knotted and you feel distracted, restless, impatient.
111 Dexter jigged his toes on the floor of Blanche's office, impatient for the night to slip away quickly.
112 He was not about to be railroaded by some impatient young woman.
113 When the Guardian arrived half an hour later, she plucked it from the letter-box with impatient hands.
114 But also added that he easily became impatient with any intellect inferior to his own.
115 Its big annual event in Dade County, a banquet honoring the judiciary, just made me impatient.
116 Often, conservative ex-communists, impatient radicals or politicians seeking to capitalize on popular discontent can give presidents a hard ride.
117 He felt offended that she couldn't say yes and impatient with her hesitation, blaming Katherine for his own confusion.
118 Chesnais, impatient for action, had preceded them, and he and Egbert Rose were escorted into the Grand Presence.
119 Gary grew impatient and finally gave vent to his anger.
120 The more rabid federalists became impatient with procedural delays and wanted to effect a return to the federal system at once.
121 Habibi was an impatient horse and was always in a hurry to do everything before she was even asked.
122 She was eager to talk to Shildon and impatient for him to return from lunch.
123 The children grumble and fidget, getting more and more impatient.
124 The knots took some undoing and then finally an impatient Adam tore off the string before slowly removing the muslin.
125 The thing I have to do is not be impatient to play that well again.
126 He had killed her, not willingly, but driven by the Army impatient for good winds to sail to Troy.
127 The atmosphere was restless, impatient and mad, a word that kept cropping up.
128 Younger folk had grown impatient and were now signalling frantically a hundred yards ahead.
129 Worse still, she longed to reach up and smooth the ruffled disorder caused by his impatient gesture.
130 Don't be so impatient. I'm working as fast as I can.
131 Graham was only a little impatient, and he knew better than to try to hurry Slater up.
132 That way, you stand a better chance of getting the impatient reader to absorb the essence of your message.
133 Not another word, a sigh, no raised eyebrow or even an impatient puff of cigar smoke.
134 Paine, like many idealists in a hurry, was probably impatient of the slowness of legal remedies for existing abuses.
135 Bear this in mind when you feel impatient or impolite.
136 He was too free with his strictures, and too impatient with restraint.
137 Impatient with herself, she went to shower and put on her red velvet dress.
138 He pulls away, past me, like a shark impatient to get back into the swim of things.
139 I stopped my car to observe more carefully what was going on, hoping the man behind me would not become impatient.
140 She was scowling and he felt slightly impatient with her.
141 He is also becoming more impatient with his traditionally inferior status.
142 The important thing is not to panic or become impatient because that way you could damage the document.
143 Compared with the lectures, the book is condensed, elliptical and impatient.
144 But now she was here there was so much to assimilate, and she felt impatient at being so unfit.
145 She grew impatient after a while and went looking for him.
146 Even his hair was distinctly ruffled( ), as though impatient fingers had been frequently run through it.
147 Sean was a touch impatient at the time which Valerie devoted to her mother.
148 For a while an old friend of the Mormons, Thomas L.. Kane, mediated and held off an impatient government.
149 Movie films always run over budget because the artistic temperament is impatient with detail.
150 This goes some way to explaining why the Republicans are so impatient to get back into the White House.
151 Seeing that he was getting impatient, Celestine sprung her surprise: a piece of academic scuttlebutt Lufkin had not known.
152 It was probably legally still mine, I thoughts as I watched it sending up impatient puffs of steam.
153 When he gets really impatient, his keeper says, he starts rolling his head around or making snuffling noises.
154 She is impatient at what she regards as generalities in memos from colleagues and civil servants - even when she agrees with them.
155 It turned out that, among his other endearing qualities, George was an exceedingly impatient man.
156 The engine of the big mechanical monster was ticking over with the deep throb of impatient, reined-in horsepower.
157 Sir Alfred had spent enough of Rubery Owen's profits and was impatient for success.
158 She was also impatient with a number of departments for displaying less than whole-hearted devotion to her policies.
159 Impatient as ever I skipped the help and went straight for the action!
160 What was the trouble today? she wondered, as impatient horn blasts began to sound.
161 On several occasions she has been hurried through them by impatient attorneys and by irate psychopaths on their way to methadone-maintenance clinics.
162 And then an impatient male voice had shouted from the cockpit above.
163 There was something deceitful and impatient about the smiling look in his eyes.
164 A number of young economists, impatient with such fusty arguments, began searching for new models.
165 They were more often obnoxious than not(), impatient with me because my services had been essentially imposed upon them.
166 He was fond of the man who fretted beside him, and a touch impatient with him too.
167 They may be impatient, hurried and quick tempered in an acute illness.
168 For the truth was, nomatterhow hard I found to suppress it, I was becoming impatient with Jim.
169 I could see that Max was getting impatient with me.
170 I was impatient, I wished he would move faster before a guard saw him.
171 Then, through the rain, she heard a scratching sound, followed by a sharp, impatient bark.
172 Carlos was tactful and forbearing even when I was impatient and angry.
173 The line became instantly popular and managements all over the world were impatient to snap them up whenever they were free.
174 Impatient with committee work, he was at his best when exploring new paths and communicating his enthusiasms to others.
175 The flies were troubling them and they blew through distended nostrils, or shook their heads, or stamped an impatient hoof.
176 David discovered to his annoyance that he was becoming impatient already for the end of the evening.
177 The impatient gesture of the guard who had escorted her caught Isabel's eye.
178 When she was alive, she did not seem so impatient.
179 In contact with other women the separatist becomes more and more impatient with women who to them seem stubbornly bogged down in male values.
180 But she is impatient with people who ask teen-age girls why they get pregnant.
181 Patient, helpful people are more noticeable on a snowy road; so, too, are the arrogant and impatient.
182 Roy gets impatient when people drive too slow in front of him.
183 He had reached Buffalo at about five-thirty and was so impatient to see the Falls that he set off immediately after breakfast.
184 Throughout the show's history, for instance, Cleese was the very image of pompous, impatient rectitude.
185 Think about driving in traffic. Chances are your stomach gets knotted and you feel distracted, restless, impatient.
186 If I am impatient to-day, forgive me, my love.
187 They are impatient for jobs and security.
188 I was angry, fretful, and impatient.
189 Impatient drivers beeped their annoyance.
190 How does self cure the impatient cervicitis?
191 "The community are getting impatient," said a representative of the Residents' Association.
192 Give me time to understand what you want from me . Don't be impatient, short-tempered or irritable.
193 The sweat ran into Martiner's eyes. He was irritable and impatient.
194 She was too young, too impatient to live, too unacquainted with pain.
195 David Wimhurst, a spokesman for the Brazilian-led UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti, said: "Unfortunately, they're slowly getting more angry and impatient."
196 Mr. Perdue, a veterinarian by training, is impatient with all the criticism of Go Fish.
197 The goal of this book is to make its readers a little lazier, a smidgeon more impatient, and a whole bunch more hubristic.
198 You are too impatient definitely, must count absorbedly, and count meet to 10 thousand ability effective.
199 He tends to snap at people when he gets impatient.
200 We live in a restless hurry-up age. Even the cars are impatient.
201 But a thorough change in world outlook takes a very long time, and we should spare no pains in helping them and must not be impatient.
202 Impatient with people who are always pokey about getting things done.
203 But over the past year Mr... Blair has got gradually more unpopular, the Tories have discovered an electable leader in David Cameron and Mr... Brown has grown more impatient.
204 Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship.
205 We first time study queueing model with different arrival rates and impatient policy.
206 Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious.
207 It seemed as if his first instinct on hearing a proposition was to controvert it,() so impatient was he of the limitations of our daily thought.
208 Of a sudden, the oft-told family tales to which she had listened since babyhood, listened half-bored, impatient and but partly comprehending, were crystal clear.
209 Your impatient self clearly suffers from a similar fixed cost of carrying out subtraction.
210 He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off.
211 Secondly, for the impatient, there is the PVM manual that explains already step by step how to build activities and start playing with it.
212 The man I was relieving in the observation post was impatient when I arrived.
213 I must say I am a little impatient about the American scepticism.
214 My patience is not inexhaustible, ie I will eventually become angry or impatient.
215 I tried to ignore the impatient shuffling and barely suppressed exasperation.
216 He was a ready scholar as you are, but more fervid and impatient.
217 In 1964, impatient with Arkansas backward image, he challenged Faubus for governor.
218 How numerous annuals, he is apt come over here thus. But today, he namely particularly impatient, absence to look in that orotund of host.
219 While many Cubans are impatient at the pace of such changes, they do represent an important shift in thinking in the Cuban leadership.
220 The impatient horse which will not quietly endure his halter only strangles himself in his stall.
221 She snapped, blushing, and impatient with his beating around the bush.
222 He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.
223 He was a very impatient chicken, always in a bad skin.
224 Yet Pushkin said, " If life has deceived you, don't be sad and don't be impatient! In the heavyhearted days, it is needed to remain calm.
225 If you converse with those that despise and injure you, strengthen yourself against impatient, revengeful pride.
226 The God of Isaiah and the prophets was still impatient with injustice.
227 First(), this paper studies multiple servers queues with impatient customers of preemptive priority.
228 Chen Xianglai, money talk nineteen to the dozen the woman kept saying anything, nobody can understand, moreover, saliva flow, gives off a smell, and impatient.
229 The adoption vitreous body ablation surgical operation is able to treat the impatient retina in earlier period necrosis effectively.
230 Finally the big count down, the impatient hunters marched on.
231 Roosevelt seemingly wheeled in the 20th century single-handed, a thoroughly modern man whose impatient, vigorous personality matched that of the nation he led, itself on the precipice of greatness.
232 As the frontline of seriously sick infant's rescue and treatment, Neonatus intensive care unit has to confront emergent sick infant and impatient family members.
233 If nothing has happened after ten seconds or so, your impatient correspondent hits the browser's stop button followed by the reload key.
234 I get very impatient with people who are always pokey about getting things done.
235 I am that kind of impatient person. At the beginning, i did mesmerise by him, until i had lost my sanity,(http:///impatient.html) this is such a disgrace of mine...
236 One customer urge the vendor to heat the soup to boiling point, but the packman is impatient with any suggestion.
237 Kim grows impatient and starts to head toward Rick in the water tower.
238 The court emphasized that Congress was impatient with EPA's slow progress in regulating toxic water pollution.
239 He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.
240 It's true she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn't?
241 Test for strongest, untwist and split impatient of the ferro - concrete products.
242 " The brothers were waiting in a room down - stairs, impatient to ride away.
243 Jacob Nielson reports that web users are becoming much more impatient while shopping and browsing online.
244 You already were whether impatient want to participate Enters the active page understanding details immediately!
245 I am impatient to restore every body, not greatly in fault themselves,(http:///impatient.html) to tolerable comfort.
246 Bluntness of speech is a trademark of Sagittarius, where these people get impatient with indirectness . They like to outspoken and always will make others annoy and angry easily.
247 The impatient day player will fare not poorly lacking inside information or market - controlling power.
248 There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community , Jean Monnet.
249 EXAMPLE: The impatient boss angers his employees by arguing with them over niggling little details.
250 This orotund inside many sound out for several cents and impatient.
251 It is this political lacuna that makes optimists about Brazil so impatient.
252 Graduation to me is overhyped, commercialized and not to be impatient of heart.
253 Aims : to explore ways of treating Female and impatient gonorrhea.
254 He turned back abruptly to her as if impatient with her slowness.
255 Aristolochia L herbs encounters the denial as a result of the kidney toxicity, so it is impatient duty to explore the substitution materials for medicine.




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