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单词 Browsing
(1) Cattle is browsing in the field.
(2) Jon was browsing through the photographs.
(3) A lot of people were browsing in the bookstore.
(4) I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.
(5) I was browsing through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle.
(6) The cattle were browsing on grass.
(7) Two cows were browsing in the meadow.
(8) He sits browsing over a book.
(9) Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.
(10) Deer were browsing under the trees.
(11) Three deers were browsing in the field.
(12) I'm browsing the bookshelves for books to read.
(13) The trip allows you plenty of time for browsing around the shops.
(14) Armando spent the afternoon browsing in Camden market.
(15) Tired of browsing through art galleries in old warehouses?
(16) Their primary purpose is to speed up browsing.
(17) I enjoy browsing in bookstores.
(18) More often than not(), browsing is presented to the user by default when the system fails to provide an exact match.
(19) I was browsing through a magazine at the station bookstall when I noticed Susan.
(20) The searcher who depends solely on browsing at the shelves can miss other related items scattered elsewhere in the collection.
(21) I'm just browsing around.
(22) Browsing To understand browsers, you need a rudimentary knowledge of what happens when you use one.
(23) Apted also differentiates browsing habits according to the different disciplines and points to its prominence for scholars in the humanities.
(24) It's easy to spend hours just browsing the web without really finding anything.
(25) Browsing the computer bookshelves is a study in marketing psychology.
(26) Some visiting aircraft engineers having arrived just to collect a specific part, spend hours just browsing through the stock.
(27) Programming Director Ron Semiao cast about for ideas by browsing through specialty magazines devoted to skating, rock climbing and bicycling.
(28) Netscape jumped to an early lead with its Navigator software for browsing the Internet.
(29) If you specify this machine's address as your proxy server, it should make browsing faster.
(30) Goats are highly susceptible to Haemonchus contortus particularly when they are precluded from browsing and derive all their food intake from pasture.
(1) Cattle is browsing in the field.
(2) Jon was browsing through the photographs.
(3) A lot of people were browsing in the bookstore.
(4) I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.
(5) I was browsing through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle.
(31) The planners felt that online services are not suitable for browsing for general ideas.
(32) This is airport reading with an impeccable historical pedigree, for those who wouldn't be seen dead browsing in John Menzies.
(33) After browsing in the local bookshop and buying a few necessities for the flat, I decided to leave for the course.
(34) He drove up a gravelled track past a couple of tethered goats browsing in the hedges.
(35) He found Jill in the gallery shop silently browsing through some books.
(36) While San Mateo is a pleasant destination for home shopping and browsing, it also has excellent restaurants and cafes.
(37) However, the negative aspect of this is that without people browsing freely, the magic of public networks will disappear.
(38) Browsing: a definition Various attempts at defining the nature of browsing have been made.
(39) I was browsing through a carp baits catalogue and came out of the experience dazed and amazed.
(40) Over time, doubleclick. net Web servers learn your browsing habits and preferences.
(41) Forms make Web browsing an interactive process for the user and the provider.
(42) Customers can spend hours browsing up and down Gopher menus or Web links without ever finding a specific piece of information.
(43) A: Cookies are one of the more mysterious features of browsing the World Wide Web.
(44) Try browsing along the reference shelves of your local library, or the humour section of the local bookshop.
(45) Before rushing out to buy, consider browsing through galleries and museums to see what fits the objects to be displayed.
(46) Some writers have suggested that this will replace browsing, but they miss the point by a mile.
(47) There is an emphasis on browsing through nodes via links rather than on con-tent addressing where the facilities are often quite limited.
(48) Opposite the Cathay, one of the many new fashion emporiums is crammed with shoppers browsing the designer labels.
(49) Browsing the net one afternoon, I came across Tom's homepage.
(50) The diskette service offers staff the possibility of browsing, searching, and running automated searches based on stored personal-interest profiles.
(51) One company said that up to half of their employees spend over an hour's work time a day browsing the web.
(52) With automated bibliographic files and online catalogues, browsing has also been applied to searching in computer systems.
(53) First, on-line services tend to be considerably slower for Web browsing than ISPs.
(54) They both love browsing in antique shops wherever they happen to be visiting, and appreciate good quality modern and reproduction designs.
(55) Lonesome stein Whilst browsing through one of the local Christmas fairs, I came across a stein, made of pottery.
(56) Enjoy unrestricted and uncensored browsing with our service.
(57) Choose a dictionary you enjoy browsing in.
(58) Why is my browsing so slow while leeching ?
(59) He sits browsing over [ through ] a book.
(60) A few of people were browsing in the bookstore.
(61) Different WWW servers have implemented hypertext browsing programs differently.
(62) He often spends many hours browsing among his books.
(63) Tabbed Browsing is a modern and time saving feature.
(64) The deer are browsing the hillside.
(65) He is browsing the shelves for something to read.
(66) Suddenly, there's a crashing in the underbrush, and a dozen wisent—Bison bonasus, European bison—burst from where they've been browsing on young shoots.
(67) But, whether you are browsing around an expensive shop, gasping at the price of a Louis XV bed, or rummaging through a bric-a-brac stall, the thrill of antique hunting is the same.
(68) Browsing around the UCOSP blog, I was reminded of why student projects, while laudatory, frequently fail to deliver anything useful.
(69) Now you're ready to dig into the design and development of a small Swing application for browsing, creating, deleting, and modifying phonebook database entries.
(70) The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs.
(71) In order to improve the updating speed, it makes use of non-compact suffix tree to incrementally insert the new user request and delete the outdated browsing information.
(72) My wife and I were browsing in a crafts store when I noticed a display of country-style musical instruments.
(73) In order to realize the CAD model in CAPP system three dimensional browsing and the working procedure chart design, realizes CAD/CAPP integration.
(74) This paper presents an innovative hierarchically browsing and annotating system for news video.
(75) FSRA provide complete audit mechanism for user information: user request must be audited through three steps: browsing, examining and approving.
(76) When I started it up I was browsing in dual screen mode.
(77) The idea is that when the computer is doing something which doesn't require a lot of graphic processing, such as web browsing or writing a document, it will use the Intel graphics chip.
(78) An error occurred while browsing to the selected folder or subdirectory.
(79) As a new affiliate, you'll probably spend some time browsing the product library to find products your customers would find useful.
(80) It parses the original RFC file, and generates a section directory tree as well as a page index for content browsing.
(81) I had three crappy part-time jobs, my bank account was overdrawn, so I started browsing for "exotic dancer" want ads.
(82) Perhaps the key product decision was not requiring user registration, thereby allowing anonymous posting and browsing.
(83) A new window will appear with key file browsing option.
(84) Incorporated into an online store, this approach would let users continue browsing and adding items to their carts without having to wait after each click for a full-page update.
(85) Fervor - enticement - sex appeal - portrait - Attractive - Innocent, achromatic region opening browsing.
(86) This article discussed the process of changing a journal for searching into an electronic version with browsing function, especially the algorithm of the creation of the index file.
(87) It's a rare pleasure to have a pocketable device with such high resolution, and web browsing and video playback truly shine on the N800.
(88) Grab Cover Art Grabber and it will freely fetch those album arts and correct Id3 Tag information for you so you can have a less guilt-ridden time browsing your collection.
(89) Progressive image transmission can help reducing the latency time and raise the browsing speed when transmitting images over low band links.
(90) Web browsing and applications are where it's at, and with tools like jQuery Mobile you can easily put a mobile-friendly face on your application.
(91) Protected Mode is an enhancement designed to protect users from malicious software running in the context of an untrusted remote web page while browsing the internet.
(92) So why not use it like a full-fledged desktop to do a few things like checking your email and browsing the internet.
(93) I was Browsing through the newspaper when I spotted your name.
(94) The news reader checks for updates to the channels that your interested in, and converts them to HTML for browsing.
(95) Overhearing this, a woman browsing at his table said,(http:///browsing.html) I know all about that I'm from New Jersey.
(96) "Contextual discovery" may be the next big thing for search results, using previous browsing trends and location data to deliver useful information.
(97) In the end, private browsing is more of a "me-too" feature than anything extraordinary.
(98) This includes the outline view, package explorer, and the members view from the Java Browsing perspective, plus the views provided by AJDT.
(99) People also find apps through keyword searches or by browsing categories.
(100) Report that is used widely in our life is a trenchancy tool for browsing, analyzing information and printing the results.
(101) Publish the Web without these unsupported features, for browsing and editing.
(102) Folder Browsing and Manipulation Applica - This application lets you browse folder and files on your system, view folder properties, and create or delete folders.
(103) Trigger the creative flair in you by browsing through our extensive library of ready-made designs for inspirations.
(104) From the surface structure, the life-sustaining behavior of modern people, such as reading books, listening to radio, seeing films, or using mobiles and browsing the Internet, are the media.
(105) Lois is browsing around a used-car dealership in Columbia, South Carolina when Murray, the dealer, approaches her.
(106) The founder Geri Weis-Corbley, who was a CNN camera operator and editor in the 1980s, spends her days browsing for reports of positivity and posting them on the site.
(107) This paper is to research and develop a set of enteron wireless endoscope image processing system and image browsing workstation.
(108) Due to insecure Internet browsing your PC can easily get infected with viruses, worms and trojans without your knowledge, and that can lead to system slowdown , freezes and crashes.
(109) The iPad has a near life-sized touch keyboard and supports Web browsing. It comes with a built-in calendar and address book, Jobs said, calling it "awesome."
(110) Web browsing, clockwise Guoquan, to enlarge page, counterclockwise Guoquan narrow website.
(111) Disable Image Toolbar for all future browsing sessions or this session only?
(112) WRES adopts faceted classification scheme to facilitate repository browsing and effective search.
(113) There was a problem using the existing connection for browsing files.
(114) NetBIOS provides a name services layer responsible for network browsing and name lookups.
(115) All the flashiness in the world won't appease me if I still don't know what your product does 10 minutes into browsing your site.
(116) When the collection grows bigger, he hopes to set up a semipermanent museum for these books, returning them to their original lives: browsing copies.
(117) When browsing with Fit to screen off, moving the joystick left or right also scrolls horizontally.
(118) If you need to replant the flower bed but don't know what plants thrive in your area, you can clear away the debris and prepare the soil prior to sitting down with flower brochures and browsing.
(119) We do not track information about your personal Web browsing habits.
(120) Entire numerous document file integrated management system mainly includes: Records management, retrieval browsing, file borrowing, table of contents printing, data maintenance, initial establishment.
(121) The basic functions of the system include member registration, logging on, book demonstration, book inquiry, browsing online, long-distance purchase, long-distance transaction, and so on.
(122) To see the true power of modularized behaviors in developing a UUE, look at the familiar functionality of browsing through multiple records.
(123) You stroll magisterially through your dwelling, browsing your music collection on your phone.
(124) Set its type as bool by browsing for the types from the imported CSharpPrimitiveTypes library.
(125) His grandfather spent a whole afternoon antiquing and browsing in the dozen or so antique shops.
(126) This article discussed the strategy for the electronic map browsing through two aspects: interface design and the map information browsing design.
(127) Graph based database system for heterogenous data that allows ranked search and browsing.
(128) The resulting name index is cross-referenced to current global taxonomic datasets to provide context for browsing the publications by taxonomic group.
(129) Special human - based design for highlight button by one click , Browsing webpages cozily, Watching your work clearly.
(130) Jacob Nielson reports that web users are becoming much more impatient while shopping and browsing online.
(131) Publish the Web as is, for browsing but not for editing.
(132) Users spend an average of 10 minutes browsing the pages of the eBay Fashion app--40% more time than they spend with eBay's catchall app that connects them to all things eBay.
(133) LTFL lets you add tag-based browsing, book recommendations, ratings, reviews and more to your OPAC, by integrating with LibraryThing and its high-quality book data.
(134) Personnel Management System code, able to add, delete, basic features, such as browsing.
(135) And those in the humanities,(/browsing.html) arts and social sciences still embrace the serendipitous discoveries made while browsing.
(136) Immediately to the left in Sainsbury's is another familiar sight: a "chill zone" for browsing magazines, books and DVDs, tempting impromptu purchases and slowing customers down.
(137) Provides just-in-time generation of publication previews in dedicated browsing perspective that allows rapid configuration switching.
(138) Days like today, where I spent most of the work-day browsing different websites, feverishly checking to see if I got any new email, checking web stats, and Facebook updates.
(139) NET technical realization user's registration and debarkation, manuscript uploading and inquiry, online browsing and realization multistage edit function.
(140) Select an EAR file to deploy by browsing either a local or remote file system.
(141) This subsystem consists of two modules: a retrieval module and a browsing module.




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