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单词 Strode
1 We strode across the snowy fields.
2 He strode angrily into the classroom.
3 He strode about the meeting room.
4 She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.
5 She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
6 He strode importantly into the room.
7 He strode purposefully into the room.
8 Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.
9 Shouldering her pack,[] she strode off up the road.
10 She strode past him without a backward glance .
11 He strode purposefully towards the barn.
12 Jack strode masterfully into the room.
13 Paul strode forward, roused to anger.
14 She strode purposefully towards the door.
15 Edward strode purposefully towards the door.
16 His little son strode his shoulders.
17 Alec strode down the street, impatient to be home.
18 He strode purposefully into the meeting.
19 He strode across/into/out of the room.
20 He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves.
21 She strode into my office.
22 He strode off in search of a taxi.
23 She strode majestically through the palace.
24 He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.
25 She strode towards them, her fist upraised.
26 He strode toward her.
27 She came face-to-face with the gunman as he strode into the playground.
28 He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door.
29 He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.
30 She found it hard to keep pace with him as he strode off.
1 We strode across the snowy fields.
2 He strode angrily into the classroom.
3 He strode about the meeting room.
4 She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.
5 She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
6 She strode purposefully towards the door.
31 He swung round and strode towards the door. Benedict obligingly held it open.
32 Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button.
33 He strode across the bathroom, shedding wet clothes as he went.
34 Mortlake strode on, ignoring the car, in spite of a further warning hoot.
35 Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
36 As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.
37 A woman strode into the room.
38 Immediately his face tightened up and he strode away.
39 Damian Flint strode out into the cool night air.
40 Paul strode towards the parlour[http:///strode.html], his misery forgotten.
41 Brian strode out of the room without speaking.
42 Tyler strode off in the direction of Foxwood.
43 They strode confidently ahead in nice straight parallel lines.
44 Gerstein strode past with a retinue of aides.
45 He strode across to the drinks cabinet.
46 So I strode up there to have this man-to-man chat with Nick.
47 His head came around, brown eyes alert as fitzAlan strode out of the alehouse, ducking his head to negotiate the doorway.
48 Beneath it, across the ornately worked rugs Maurice had undoubtedly paid for, Natasha strode purposefully ahead.
49 Driven beyond sense, she made no protest when he scooped her easily into his arms and strode deeper into the forest.
50 It strode through the black rain to the car wreck in the forecourt, sensing the presence of more food.
51 She strode towards them, her fist upraised - but just before she pounded on it, she hesitated.
52 As she watched, Vitor strode into view and lifted the child into his arms.
53 The inquisitive Warlord turned to realign itself with its mechanical peers which strode onward together in line abreast, to massacre Marines.
54 And the worst part was, everyone else seemed to understand it and strode out to the quay full of knowledgeable confidence.
55 Richmann strode over to the injured man, and glared down furiously.
56 On duty she strode about looking as if she could not wait to get off duty and chuck a discus.
57 We lifted a double sculls boat out of its position in the clubhouse and strode down to the water's edge.
58 He heard her mocking laugh as, arm in arm with her sister, she strode off down the corridor.
59 He strode into the room and picking up the kettle with an old cloth he proceeded to make a pot of tea.
60 Suddenly, Boz sprang to his feet and strode towards the group outside the caravan, his face screwed up in fury.
61 She stood looking after him as he strode down the corridor towards the opposite end of the house.
62 Gustave strode in, followed by the five-legged sheep and the showman in the blue blouse.
63 She turned back quickly into the house, closed and bolted the door and strode across to the telephone.
64 He stared into Johnny's face for several seconds, turned abruptly on his heel and strode away without looking back.
65 He flipped just one of the bolts in a casual way and strode off towards the farmhouse across the Paddock.
66 He strode on along the right-hand fork; the sweat stood in beads on his neck and trickled about his ankles.
67 Liz took Anna's elbow and the case, and strode toward the road.
68 Indeed,[http:///strode.html] Percy Lovitch voiced the thought to Rev. Levitt as he strode past the minister and his wife.
69 Tabitha Jute pulled up the collar of her old foil jacket and strode off past the concession stalls, looking for transport.
70 Ezra strode hard over the growing space between dory and raft and tumbled in.
71 He showed a handful of greasepaint and rubber to the officer, who strode over and asked a question.
72 Remembering his duty, he strode briskly up the stairs, keeping his eyes open for any suspicious signs.
73 But the giant duo strode imperiously through the mud during the second half to set up Saints' two match-clinching tries.
74 I modelled them on the shape of your abdomen when you strode out of the sea last month.
75 I knocked on the open door and strode into the front room trusting that Patterson was right behind me.
76 He stepped aside and the auburn-haired girl strode forward into the empty road carrying the roses loosely in her arm.
77 As he stepped out of the elevator and strode towards her, she felt her heartbeat do a funny little dance.
78 Jeremy Strode, the chef from the 90-seat Belvedere restaurant, has devised a Californian-style menu.
79 Then, almost in the same breath, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room without another word.
80 Ready to give somebody a piece of her mind, Aunt Pat strode to the front door and flung it open.
81 Bernstein was trying to explain his headline problems to Ruby when Gerstein strode past with a retinue of aides.
82 She strode down the aisle towards the front of the nave her footsteps brisk.
83 He strode off along the companionway and Rostov turned to watch him.
84 When no reply came, he strode off towards Derby Street, casting not one single glance in Pol's direction.
85 He opened the gate, walked up the drive and strode confidently through the front door.
86 Romanov rose from the table and without bothering to offer an explanation strode out of the room and headed straight for the lift.
87 Once his boots were satisfactorily freed of mud, Jonadab strode into the house, leaving the rest to follow.
88 She flicked him a haughty smile, then strode briskly on.
89 George put down the bucket and strode over to her to give her a pat.
90 He came out of the station restaurant into the bitter wind and strode across the car park.
91 Nutmeg now strode off down the street towards Scruffy's house.
92 Smiling for the first time since he could remember, Sonny strode back to the house.
93 Just as they propped David up against the side of the display counter, the manager strode self-importantly along the aisle.
94 She wedged the door open with a stone and then, without once looking back, strode off through the woods.
95 Wrenching the swing door open, she strode out of the building and headed for the street.
96 With that, he turned on his heel and strode into his cabin, slamming the door behind him.
97 Then he turned on his heel and strode from the room.
98 She strode through the door to the outer office of his sanctum, past his personal secretary, who blinked in astonishment.
98 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
99 Caroline strode to the windows and plumped her hands down on the sill.
100 When he did arrive he strode across the stage and pushed his way through the pass door without a word.
101 The tall woman strode to his desk and laid the folder open in front of him.
102 Luke pulled open the door and strode down the drive to Sonny who was waiting in the trap.
103 She tossed the end of her red scarf over her shoulder, flung back her head and strode over to him.
104 A triumphant smile lit his perspiring face as he strode along the corridor to the kitchen.
105 All eyes followed the Collector as he strode about the enclave grimacing and muttering to himself.
106 Rohmer and Duvall strode away down the corridor with Gilbert close behind.
107 I strode over to the bookstall and bought myself a map of the place.
108 Cardiff strode down the corridor towards them, followed by Lawrence.
109 He watched as she strode purposefully towards the de Courmont house, her back straight, head up.
110 Lukewarmness was far from his prevailing mood as he strode onwards.
111 As we strode on to the pitch, preparations were being made for the big game.
112 Through this garden of artificial delights and into his inclement mood, Sofia Mendes strode purposefully.
113 Then he released her abruptly and strode from the room.
114 Corbett strode across and the figure turned to greet him.
115 Roirbak strode purposefully towards the light, his long hair being blown into disorder.
116 Then, turning his head from her, he strode down the slope towards the horses.
117 Chiding herself for her reflex reaction of fear, Meryl strode to the window and examined the catch.
118 Colin Campbell strode through the lengthening shadows, pausing now and then to try a door handle before moving on.
119 Full-back Liley strode into the left-hand corner for a splendid try and there was still a man to spare.
120 Ahead of him, Peng Yu-wei strode purposefully up the path, his long legs showing no sign of human frailty.
121 Rory did not switch on a light, but strode to the window and jerked back the drapes.
122 He zipped himself up and strode onwards. - strange sense of purpose filled him, even a sense of honour.
123 As Lachlan knocked, Luch opened the door and he strode past her unseeing.
124 Stafford strode to the podium, adjusted the height of the microphone and commenced his talk.
125 The doctor strode ahead to the end of the corridor, and waited there for the others to catch up.
126 He strode across the marble floor and stopped only when he reached the lift gates.
127 Manion strode past her and down the hallway toward the kitchen.
128 Weaponless, Aenarion strode down the steps of the shrine towards the stunned enemy.
128 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129 As the car moved off, the man strode into the road as if his intention to confront Elliott had simply been mistimed.
130 The lieutenant snorted in disgust, and strode off around the room to bully his men.
131 Klepner's big moment had arrived and the ex-Harvard Business School man strode confidently to the podium.
132 Looking pink and refreshed after a short break, Mr Smith strode into the pokey committee rooms to a rabble-rousing welcome.
133 Alexei gestured at the still-quivering sword, and then strode on into the house.
134 He strode across the road and headed towards the quayside, leaning against the black metal fencing that ran along the embankment.
135 As a buoyed-up Blues strode towards their first championship in four years Martin Bayly, another southerner, joined the ranks.
136 If she strode out she would just about do it; her office was only across the road and down the side-street.
137 Unheeding, he picked up his greatcoat and strode towards the door.
138 The driver and another soldier leapt over the ditch, put on pleasant expressions like masks and strode towards us.
139 He strode past with his retinue of aides.
140 Daisy strode alongside her, breathing heavily but keeping pace.
141 The Badger strode heavily into the room.
142 Laurie Strode: Was that the boogeyman?
143 Just then the old man strode stiffly into the courtyard.
144 ' It was the story of an Athenian boy who grows to manhood during a 25·year war, but great, real figures such as Socrates and Alcibiades also strode through the novel's pages.
145 Finally Richards got up and strode aimlessly about the room, ploughing his hands through his hair, much as a somnambulist might do who was having a bad dream.
146 Laurie Strode : [ crying ] Was that the boogeyman?
147 This homemade banner greeted the world's best player, Lionel Messi, as he strode onto the pitch for Saturday's Copa America quarterfinal between heavily favored Argentina and underdog Uruguay.
148 American, French, British and Polish troops strode across Moscow's Red Square for the first time on Sunday, in the annual Victory Day parade.
149 The eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the wall followed Snape and Yaxley as they strode past.
150 I held a florin tightly in my hand as I strode down Buckingham Street towards the station.
151 I rose like a phoenix from her mentholated bosom, and strode into the world, Armani clad and fully awesome.
152 As he strode over a gutter, he apostrophized a bearded portress who was worthy to meet Faust on the Brocken, and who had a broom in her hand.
153 The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging.
154 Meanwhile the choleric Captain strode wrathful away to the council.
155 They strode on some moments longer Qantaqa had grown bored at last, or had thought better of sharing her lupine enthusiasms with these cloddish humans, and had disappeared over the top of the rise.
156 Chueh - hui strode into the room with the heroic quotation still on his lips.
157 One summer day in the Middle Ages, a strange man in multicolored (that is, pied) clothing strode into the German town of Hamelin.
158 He strode into the office of MGM raja Louis B. Mayer, the most powerful man in town, and said, according to Horne, "I wouldn't like her to be demeaned."
158 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
159 Exasperated, he leaped the stream, and strode towards beech clump.
160 Colonel Curgill thanked him crisply and glowed with self - satisfaction as he strode across the area.
161 She strode past all this, retching a little, feeling acid bile churning in a stomach sac made by now of what?
162 The lights were flashing as the officer strode from the police car, hat on her head, pistol at her side, nightstick keeping time on her leg.
163 The missionary sprang to his feet and strode across the room.
164 One morning in late January, Epstein strode briskly into Julian's room.
165 Dave stood there, speechless with fury , as Clarence strode off, triumphant.
166 As music by Shakira played, she strode up to grab the portable pole in the living room of her well-appointed lakefront home here, wrapped her right leg around it, swung wide with her left, and spun.
167 George harbored no misgivings as he strode across the meadow.
168 Sporting a pair of smart white trainers, he strode through a grain field in the village of Yangbei, Henan province.
169 Over on the east side this ravager strode boldly, smiting his victims by scores, but his feet trod slowly through the maze of the narrow and moss-grown 'places' .
170 In the sequel, it is revealed that Laurie Strode is his sister, spawning a variety of sequels dealing with this dysfunctional family.
171 He strode into the office without another look at his still - sobbing wife.
172 The eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the walls followed Snape and Yaxley as they strode past.
173 The general with the bandaged head, bent forward as though fleeing from danger, strode towards Kutuzov, his thin legs moving swiftly.
174 The accompanying photographs, shot at locales for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, succinctly depict the loneliness of where the long-distance runner once strode.
175 Finally he strode home reluctantly, with his poor head full of visions.
176 A pair of younger, massive warriors strode by. Nearly seven feet tall, each as wide as two of their human adversaries, the tusked fighters dipped their heads briefly in recognition of his rank.
177 She strode off down the restaurant with Cavendish following close at her heels.




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