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单词 Shot
1. He hit at the bull's-eye in one shot.
2. Lisa shot him a venomous glance.
3. He shot the bird with his gun.
4. He was shot by a lone gunman.
5. The photographer shot the usual roll of pictures.
6. The hill echoed back the noise of the shot.
7. The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the shot.
8. He's acting like a hot shot.
9. The deceased shot her mother before killing herself.
10. The film was shot on location in France.
11. The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.
12. Someone took a shot at the car.
13. Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism.
14. The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.
15. His arm was shot off in a battle.
16. A group of zebras started up by a shot.
17. He drew the bow and shot an arrow.
18. There was a shot, and the bird fell dead.
19. She was shot by her jilted lover.
20. He shot her at point-blank range.
21. He's a big shot in Chilean politics.
22. He was shot down by enemy fighters .
23. The shot was clearly audible in the silence.
24. Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.
25. His shot on goal rebounded off the post.
26. Air fares have shot up by 20%.
27. Sales shot up by 9% last month.
28. The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.
29. The soldiers shot the three saboteurs.
30. They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile.
1. He hit at the bull's-eye in one shot.
2. Lisa shot him a venomous glance.
3. He shot the bird with his gun.
4. I heard a pistol shot.
5. He was shot by a lone gunman.
6. The photographer shot the usual roll of pictures.
7. The hill echoed back the noise of the shot.
8. The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the shot.
9. They shot the lock off .
10. He's acting like a hot shot.
11. The deceased shot her mother before killing herself.
12. The boat shot the rapids.
13. The film was shot on location in France.
14. The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.
15. Someone took a shot at the car.
16. Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism.
17. The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.
18. His arm was shot off in a battle.
19. A group of zebras started up by a shot.
20. He drew the bow and shot an arrow.
21. There was a shot, and the bird fell dead.
22. She was shot by her jilted lover.
23. He's a big shot in Chilean politics.
24. He was shot down by enemy fighters .
25. The shot was clearly audible in the silence.
26. Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.
27. His shot on goal rebounded off the post.
28. Air fares have shot up by 20%.
29. Sales shot up by 9% last month.
30. The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.
31. The oxen were shot or poleaxed.
32. The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
33. He shot a smile at his wife.
34. Her number one single shot her to stardom.
35. He shot the arrow from the bow.
36. The shot echoed through the cave.
37. He feinted a shot to the left.
38. He completely fluffed an easy shot .
39. A fountain of water shot from the pipe.
40. Saivonsac shot the entire film with a hand-held camera.
41. Profits have shot up by a staggering 25 %.
42. He shot an arrow from his bow.
43. The soldiers shot down into the ravine.
44. Any intruders will be shot on sight.
45. She shot him look of pure hatred.
46. He was shot down in enemy territory.
47. He shot an arrow into the air.
48. The soldiers shot up at the windows.
49. Soldiers who deserted and were caught were shot.
50. If Tom hadn't goofed and missed that shot,[http:///shot.html] we'd have won the game.
51. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.
52. Even the big shot has to carry his wife's purse.
53. In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.
54. The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.
55. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
56. Her novel shot to the top of the best-seller list.
57. It's worth a shot.
58. The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.
59. Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration.
60. The boy took a pot shot at a pigeon with his air gun.
31. The soldiers shot the three saboteurs.
32. They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile.
33. The oxen were shot or poleaxed.
34. The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
35. He shot a smile at his wife.
36. Her number one single shot her to stardom.
37. He shot the arrow from the bow.
38. The shot echoed through the cave.
39. He feinted a shot to the left.
40. He completely fluffed an easy shot .
41. A fountain of water shot from the pipe.
42. Saivonsac shot the entire film with a hand-held camera.
43. Profits have shot up by a staggering 25 %.
44. He shot an arrow from his bow.
45. The soldiers shot down into the ravine.
46. Any intruders will be shot on sight.
47. She shot him look of pure hatred.
48. He was shot down in enemy territory.
49. He shot an arrow into the air.
50. The soldiers shot up at the windows.
51. Soldiers who deserted and were caught were shot.
52. If Tom hadn't goofed and missed that shot, we'd have won the game.
53. In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.
54. The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.
55. Her novel shot to the top of the best-seller list.
56. The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.
57. Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration.
58. The boy took a pot shot at a pigeon with his air gun.
59. Police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.
60. His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.
61. Police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.
62. His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.
63. The shot was fatal.
64. Inner-city riots erupted when a local man was shot by police.
64. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
65. At his last gasp, he murmured the name of the person who shot him.
66. The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.
67. He was shot down over Denmark and spent three years in a prison camp.
68. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.
69. The trapped men shot out through the windows at their attackers.
70. Before the poor wretch had time to speak, he was shot.
71. He was shot in the chest at point blank range.
72. He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.
73. He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.
74. Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store.
75. If I had a chance to go to Japan,() I'd take it like a shot.
76. He said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock.
77. The audience loved his performance and the needle on the clapometer shot up.
78. They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle.
79. David has really shot up since I saw him last.
80. The farmer shot two crows and strung them on the fence.
81. As her parting shot she told me never to phone her again.
82. He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
83. He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun.
84. To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.
85. We have shot away all our ammunition.
86. He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun.
87. He was arrested, tried by court martial and shot.
88. Military briefers say no planes were shot down today.
89. "Crack!" — The first shot rang out, hitting Paolo.
90. He hit a magnificent shot with a nine iron.
61. The shot was fatal.
62. Inner-city riots erupted when a local man was shot by police.
63. At his last gasp, he murmured the name of the person who shot him.
64. He was shot down over Denmark and spent three years in a prison camp.
64. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
65. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.
66. The trapped men shot out through the windows at their attackers.
67. Before the poor wretch had time to speak, he was shot.
68. He was shot in the chest at point blank range.
69. He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.
70. He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.
71. Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store.
72. If I had a chance to go to Japan, I'd take it like a shot.
73. He said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock.
74. The audience loved his performance and the needle on the clapometer shot up.
75. They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle.
76. David has really shot up since I saw him last.
77. The farmer shot two crows and strung them on the fence.
78. As her parting shot she told me never to phone her again.
79. He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
80. He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun.
81. To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.
82. We have shot away all our ammunition.
83. Our goalie deflected their shot.
84. He shot a pistol at me.
85. They shot a savage lion.
86. The canoe shot the rapids.
87. He was shot for collaboration with the enemy.
88. He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal.
89. An arrow with a four - edged head is shot from a crossbow.
90. This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.
91. He shot a pistol at me.
92. Two alleged collaborators were shot dead by masked activists.
93. They shot a savage lion.
94. He fluffed his shot and missed the goal.
95. The dog was after the rabbit like a shot.
96. We shot up heroin in the playground.
97. They were small, low-budget films,[] shot on location.
98. The movie was shot in New Zealand.
99. The group had shot dead another hostage.
100. They shot him down in cold blood.
101. The canoe shot the rapids.
102. Troops shot anyone suspicious on sight.
103. The report was shot through with inaccuracies.
104. He was shot for collaboration with the enemy.
105. Much of the movie is shot in close up.
106. Alfred shot him a sideways glance.
107. The close-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper.
108. His father is a big shot in steel industry.
109. A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards.
110. He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal.
111. He hooked his shot over the bar.
112. The cat shot across the garden, and up a tree.
113. They showed little sign of equalising the Portsmouth striker's glorious 55th-minute shot.
114. An arrow with a four - edged head is shot from a crossbow.
115. The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.
116. She was shot during an armed raid on a security van.
117. Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist.
118. He had shot three people dead earning himself a reputation as a tough guy.
119. It's a long shot, but you could try phoning him at home.
120. He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.
91. I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.
92. The elevator shot upward.
93. The new player was a shot in the arm for the team , which played noticeably better.
94. With his last gasp, he murmured the name of the person who shot him.
121. The President's own supporters are firing a warning shot across his bows .
122. Their kids have shot up since I last saw them.
123. Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random.
124. The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.
124. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
125. Travis had left the door open—she seized her chance and was through it like a shot.
126. A neat move between Black and Keane left Nigel Clough in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post.
127. Her father shot himself in the head with a shotgun.
128. His latest theories have been shot down in flames by the experts.
129. The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts.
130. This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.
131. Unfortunately he was in the line of fire and got shot.
132. The deal was a long shot, but Bagley had little to lose.
133. As he stepped off the aeroplane, he was shot dead.
134. Photographer Weegee shot to fame with his shocking pics of New York crime in the 30s.
135. He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.
136. A miskick gave Mark Leonard a clear shot at goal.
137. He was shot for desertion in the face of the enemy.
138. The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen.
139. I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.
140. He was shot in what seems to have been a case of mistaken identity .
141. He was shot dead earlier this year in unexplained circumstances.
142. With an open goal in front of him, Wiltord sliced his shot wide of the left post.
143. The elevator shot upward.
144. He had murdered Perceval at point blank range with a single shot.
145. In 1929 she shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.
146. He decided no assassin would chance a shot from amongst that crowd.
147. There are unconfirmed reports that two people have been shot in the neighbouring town of Lalitpur.
148. The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.
149. The new player was a shot in the arm for the team , which played noticeably better.
150. I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.
151. I'll need flash for this shot; the light isn't good enough.
152. With his last gasp, he murmured the name of the person who shot him.
153. The improved trade figures are a much-needed shot in the arm for the economy.
154. He was shot this morning by unidentified intruders at his house.
155. Paula reached for her camera, guessed distance and exposure,[] and shot two frames.
156. Brian, an air steward, shot to fame on the television show 'Big Brother'.
157. Most of the movie was shot on location in Africa.
158. The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield's world title.
159. The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison.
160. I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan 
161. I don’t want to be thought of as the “girl who was shot by the Taliban” but the “girl who fought for education.” This is the cause to which I want to devote my life. Malala Yousafzai 
162. A doctor can only treat patients. A doctor can only help the people who are shot or who are injured. But a politician can stop people from injuries. A politician can take a step so that no person is scared tomorrow. Malala Yousafzai 
163. If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now. Douglas Adams 
164. Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba... Hunter S. Thompson 
165. Gunmen shot dead the brother of the minister.
166. Then came Howard's misses and Fisher's first big shot.
167. He's a big shot in this city.
168. Mr Smith is a big shot in commercial circle.
169. My grand - father was a big shot.
170. Intercoms, wiring - everything would be shot.
171. Commerce big shot assistant having automation move people?
172. Keyword: shot campaigns; Huabu; Finally forceful; Specialized exercises; Convergence.
173. His plane was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967.
174. The man standing there is a big shot in our company.
175. Capote Duncan , a big shot in the pub - lishing world.
176. B : Sure, I saw him there acting like a big shot.
177. The man standing rhere is a big shot in our company.
178. The sparks shot up like thousands of shooting stars into the still night air.
179. The shot seemed a little empty and bereft of depth.
180. You'd better not act a big shot among your old friends.
181. He has done me such an unscrupulous shot in the eye.
182. His father is a big shot in the steel industry.
183. Then came his second big shot, followed by his smile.
184. I was aiming at a pheasant and he shot it in front of my hide.
185. Our enemies were caught unprepared and we disposed of them without firing a single shot.
186. Her volatile spirits shot up from deepest depression to excited happiness.




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