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单词 Affected
1. Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. 
2. Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.
3. Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.
4. The disease has affected her sight.
5. He thought her smile affected.
6. The tax increases have affected us all.
7. The affected skin turns red and may blister.
8. Sales did not seem unduly affected.
9. Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.
10. Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected.
11. The statistics seriously underestimate the number of people affected.
12. Many of those most affected are elderly.
13. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
15. Road development in the area has been severely affected by the conservation programmes of the council.
16. We have not been directly affected by the latest cuts.
17. He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law.
18. The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war.
19. It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.
20. The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.
21. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.
22. Farmers and market gardeners have been badly affected by the drought.
23. Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
24. No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
25. It's difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change in the law.
26. Protests have been made/registered by many people who would be affected by the proposed changes.
27. The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by the tragedy.
28. It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.
29. By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the skia deer have affected the gene pool.
30. The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
1. Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.
2. Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.
3. The disease has affected her sight.
4. He thought her smile affected.
5. The tax increases have affected us all.
6. The affected skin turns red and may blister.
7. Sales did not seem unduly affected.
8. Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.
9. Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected.
10. The statistics seriously underestimate the number of people affected.
11. Many of those most affected are elderly.
12. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.
13. It's difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change in the law.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
15. Road development in the area has been severely affected by the conservation programmes of the council.
16. We have not been directly affected by the latest cuts.
17. He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law.
18. Protests have been made/registered by many people who would be affected by the proposed changes.
19. It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.
20. The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.
21. The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by the tragedy.
22. It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.
23. By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the skia deer have affected the gene pool.
24. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.
25. Farmers and market gardeners have been badly affected by the drought.
26. Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
27. The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
28. No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
29. The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.
30. Don't grease the affected part.
31. The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.
32. It's true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.
33. The army was badly affected by desertions.
34. Byron affected to despise posterity.
35. The audience was deeply affected.
36. The children were noticeably affected by the divorce.
37. Her death affected him deeply.
38. If the eyes are affected, seek immediate medical attention.
39. The voice was patronizing and affected, the accent artificial.
40. Industrial action by train drivers seriously affected rush-hour services.
41. Do try not to be so affected.
42. The flood affected the town and surrounding villages.
43. He apologized to the people who had been affected.
44. She was deeply affected by the sad story.
45. At university he affected an upper-class accent.
46. No trains will be affected by this incident.
47. Cold weather affected the crops.
48. Those affected have been sent letters of apology .
49. She affected a superior air.
50. Cancer had affected his lungs.
51. Both motor and sensory functions are affected.
52. She affected not to care.
53. I found her very affected.
54. Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area.
55. His health was adversely affected by the climate.
56. This has profoundly affected my life.
57. She showed an affected interest in our subject.
58. Their comments have not materially affected our plans .
59. She had an affected air and a disdainful look.
60. We were all deeply affected by her death.
61. Your pension can be affected if you change jobs.
62. The country has been badly affected by recession.
63. She affected a foreign accent.
64. The divorce affected every aspect of her life.
65. As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.
66. Gently apply the cream to the affected areas.
67. The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.
68. Her death affected me deeply.
69. He affected not to see me.
70. Only a tiny minority of holidays are affected.
71. Only a relatively small number of people were affected.
72. Rub the cream into the affected areas.
73. The war has affected the country's economic sufficiency.
73. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
74. He's recently affected a hat and cane.
75. To all his problems she affected indifference.
76. Her health was adversely affected by the climate.
77. They were well affected towards the speaker's cause.
78. The threat of closure affected the workers' morale.
79. The music affected her deeply.
80. The area affected is very minute.
81. Apply the cream liberally to the affected area.
82. What he said deeply affected the people present.
83. Don't grease the affected part.
84. Freud's work affected widely held views on sexual matters.
85. They covered the affected parts with menthol.
86. Everyone, great and small, is affected by these changes.
87. Large areas of Africa are affected by severe drought.
88. She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self - centered valetudinarian.
89. The entire locality has been affected by the new motorway.
90. The people most closely affected are the passengers who were injured and, worst of all, those who lost relatives.
91. Spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.
92. The shadow of this early tragedy has affected her whole life.
93. People were concerned that pets or wildlife could be affected by the pesticides.
94. Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene.
95. The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter.
96. He was deeply affected by the death of one of his fellow soldiers.
97. Cases of illness and other extenuating circumstances that may have affected a student's performance will be dealt with by a personal tutor.
98. Each of us in turn had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.
99. The mystery illness affected hundreds of people in the city.
100. Much of the workforce in the banking sector is/are affected by the new legislation.
101. The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought.
102. In the unlikely event of a strike, production would be badly affected.
103. Poor farmers, whether owners or tenants, will be worst affected.
103. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
104. These developments hardly affected the public perception of the crisis.
105. Just about everybody will be affected by the tax increases.
106. Aid is being sent to areas that have been worst affected by the earthquake.
107. Ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by the spillage.
108. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone will be affected by the new policy.
109. They examined the extent to which age affected language-learning ability.
110. Your attitudes about sex are affected by your religious and moral values .
111. The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body.
112. She was badly affected by the events in her childhood.
113. The Vatican has agreed to donate $80 000 in humanitarian/emergency aid to countries affected by the war.
114. The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.
115. To protect the food supply , the government ordered the slaughter of affected cattle.
116. There was never any real danger of the children being affected.
117. Truckloads of rice have been brought in to the areas affected by drought.
118. For minor burns and scalds, cool the affected area under running water.
119. Many local people felt excluded from decisions that affected their own community.
120. The government has announced a package of measures to assist affected areas.
121. They feed back to the government the reactions of the people affected.
122. If a war breaks out, many other countries will be affected.
123. His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed.
124. A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts.
125. It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected.
126. There was a lot of heat, and it affected our relationship.
127. The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack.
128. A UN force has been sent in to try and pacify the area worst affected by the civil war.
129. Ultimately, Bismarck's revisionism scarcely affected or damaged British interests at all.
130. All of the automatic body functions, even breathing, are affected.
131. Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, may be seriously affected.
132. She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career.
133. We were deeply affected by the news of her death.
133. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
134. Babies affected by the disease will be born small, deformed and brain damaged.
135. Roads in the Tayside region were worst affected by the snow.
136. Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs, known as viruses.
137. A number of his friends had been affected in a similar way .
138. Ethiopia and, to a lesser extent/degree, Kenya will be badly affected by the drought.
139. Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.
140. Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.
141. In the worst-case scenario more than ten thousand people might be affected.
142. The people most immediately affected by the drought are the farmers themselves.
143. We are profoundly affected by what happens to us in childhood.
144. They were deeply affected by the news of her death.
145. She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree.
146. Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy.
147. You have to strip away the affected manners and speech to get at the real man underneath.
148. After the security alert, most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning.
149. Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.
150. She started to be affected by the ghostly presence she could feel in the house.
151. The drug affected her vision and made her speak with a slur.
152. He was affected badly by the barracking that he got from the crowd.
153. I hate that stupid affected laugh of hers.
154. The rationalisation affected people and products.
155. She treated her guests with an affected politeness.
156. The affected fish are targeted more accurately.
157. That stupid affected laugh of hers really annoys me.
158. Qualitative measure of satisfaction among affected families.
159. The divorce affected Jim deeply.
160. Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.
161. One in three said financial hardship had affected their academic performance and future plans.
162. Both writers and readers are affected by generally accepted ideas, without necessarily having given them independent thought.
163. It is not sufficient to see and to know the beauty of a work. We must feel and be affected by it. Voltaire 
164. How long has the tank been set up and how long have the affected fish been in it?
165. Furthermore, psychiatry has been affected by the general reduction in admission beds.
166. Otherwise, slightly affected fish should be isolated and put into a solution of white spot cure based upon quinine salts.
167. Otherwise, while growth will accelerate, body shape may be adversely affected.
168. We were all deeply affected by the news of Sonia's death.
169. Among third degree relatives, the single affected individual gave a prevalence similar to that in the general population.
170. So, we're in the process of changing the affected addresses on the list at this end.
171. It drapes beautifully and is consequently most suitable for curtains, with the added advantage that it is not affected by sunlight.
172. The other element which affected royal control was the practice of appointing deputies.
173. They were advised to use topical steroids only on severely affected areas of skin,() in accordance with our usual practice.
174. The unit of evaluation was affected children rather than individual congenital abnormalities.
175. Less affected people will move their head back and push forwards on the stick.
176. Both countries already have adopted laws that allow their nationals to sue the United States if affected by Helms-Burton.
177. Most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning; all had moved into temporary accommodation by mid-week.
178. Interestingly, only one of the nine families with an affected child had an above average level of emotional trauma.
179. Nor are the blight years which affected potato crops in about one year in three, in the not so distant past.
180. Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food.
181. Ultrastructural changes in colonic mucosa consistent with increased absorption have been described in ulcerative colitis, in both affected and unaffected areas.
182. The shake-out of labour after 1979 affected women's employment less than men's, both here and abroad.
183. The change affected clinics that primarily perform abortions as well as family doctors who may do the procedure along with unrelated services.
184. Emergency relief will be sent to the areas most affected by the hurricane.
185. The affected fish had previously been swimming on its head and it spine had become deformed due to its awkward position.
186. Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.
187. But of the 28,000 names affected by this scandal, 16,000 are currently taking legal action.
188. In the higher liability classes the probability of an affected individual being heterozygous or homozygous for the major allele was about 0.10.
189. The county government had seen its operation lose customers and revenue, and this affected its ability to borrow money.
190. Although a child like Matthew clearly shows abnormal behaviour, others with hyperkinetic syndrome may only be mildly affected.
191. We chart each separation and see how it affected child.
192. Size of adenoids affected the gains in mean hearing thresholds of only those children receiving adenoidectomy.
193. Keep doing this until any pain subsides,(Sentencedict) then cover the affected area and see your doctor.
194. Worst affected areas were parts of Bishop Auckland, Stanley, and other villages in Weardale.
195. However, no residents in affected houses had complained and many had spoken out in favour of the proposals.
196. I can't bear him -- he's so loud and affected.
197. When dealing with windows, remove all traces of rust and apply a neutralising agent to badly affected areas.
198. The affected areas look like orange-peel and are cold to the touch.
199. An affected young man with acne ordered me curtly to get out.
200. To anyone who didn't live in Birmingham at the time[], it's impossible to convey how much they affected people.
201. But even the best of care may not help the worst affected.
202. Even when removed, the growths may return, and any badly affected fish should be painlessly destroyed.
203. This avoids the water absorption point and is not too seriously affected by scattering.
204. As with lymphocystis, any seriously affected fish should be destroyed.
205. By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the sika deer have affected the gene pool.
206. Because it is carried by a dominant gene, an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.
207. A zoologist attempts to capture a northern gannet affected by the oil spill.




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