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单词 Turnout
1, The concert attracted a large turnout.
2, Voter turnout was high at the last election.
3, On the big night there was a massive turnout.
4, The turnout was unusually low.
5, I'll give my room a good turnout.
6, This year's festival attracted a record turnout.
7, There was a good turnout for the concert.
8, Election officials said the turnout of voters was low.
9, He gives little thought to his turnout.
10, Voter turnout was very low.
11, The poor election turnout dismayed politicians.
12, A high turnout was reported at the polling booths.
13, The poor turnout for the election will hopefully be a wake-up call to the government.
14, There was a good turnout for the meeting - twelve of us to be precise.
15, Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.
16, The 'yes' vote was vitiated by the low turnout in the election.
17, The voter turnout in most precincts is expected to be high.
18, Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.
19, The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.
20, Wilson attributed the low turnout to the networks.
21, The poor turnout among young voters dismays retiring Rep.
22, Turnout for the game was lighter than expected.
23, Turnout: 86 percent of total electorate of 5,600,(http:///turnout.html)000.
24, The high turnout will boost the beleaguered opposition leaders.
25, The turnout in the referendums was 45.1 percent.
26, Yet statistics show voter turnout sliding down.
27, Turnout dipped despite an increase in voter registration.
28, Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.
29, Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout.
30, There has been a great increase in the factory's turnout this year.
1, The concert attracted a large turnout.
2, Voter turnout was high at the last election.
3, On the big night there was a massive turnout.
4, I'll give my room a good turnout.
5, There was a good turnout for the concert.
6, He gives little thought to his turnout.
7, Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout.
8, There has been a great increase in the factory's turnout this year.
31, The high turnout means that Khatami has another chance.
32, Mulholland said the open primary would not help turnout.
33, Outside groups also will be pushing voter turnout.
34, Voter turnout will be in the single digits Tuesday.
35, The total turnout casting valid votes was 64.1 percent.
36, To win another term Labour needs to ensure the turnout of its heartland supporters and those who switched to Labour in 1997.
37, Democratic strategists say a strong turnout by women is essential to re-electing Clinton and returning Congress to Democratic control this year.
38, The turnout at a local election is also on average little more than half that at a general election.
39, Or did the high turnout suggest a letting off of steam after three intense years of flood recovery?
40, Hamas leaders had said in recent interviews that they would claim victory if turnout was lower than 50 percent.
41, Voter turnout was down by 3.1 percentage points to 62.9 percent.
42, The turnout was recorded as 74.66 percent of those eligible to vote.
43, We drove back to the turnout where we had parked not a quarter hour before.
44, Last winter, I suggested giving the early primaries to the states with the highest voter turnout in the prior presidential election.
45, A total of 406 candidates contested the election and a 72 percent turnout was registered.
46, Participation is measured using voter turnout(), or the percentage of the eligible voters who actually voted in national elections.
47, The turnout in the four referendums was between 39 and 40 percent.
48, The turnout continues a downward voter participation trend that started in 1964.
49, Male speaker I was amazed by the turnout - with 150 at the meeting and at least 100 turned away.
50, The lower turnout came despite a surge in voter registration around the nation.
51, The highest turnout rate in the past 60 years came in the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon race when 62. 8 percent turned out.
52, We had a much better turnout for the company picnic this year than last.
53, Preliminary results indicated a turnout of about 58 percent, of whom 69.2 percent voted in favour and 25.6 percent against.
54, Turnout is becoming as important an electoral indicator now as the share of the vote that each party achieves.
55, Initial estimates put turnout at more than 70 percent in Gaza(), lower in the West Bank.
56, San Francisco elections officials predict a 30 percent turnout at best; campaign managers and pollsters think election officials are optimistic.
57, The news agency Interfax on Oct. 16 put the turnout as between 70 to 90 percent.
58, However, city officials warned that they might ignore the vote because of the low turnout.
59, Officially, turnout was 61 %; local journalists say it was under 10 %.
60, But other analysts said they expect a much higher independent turnout.
61, Another factor cited for low voter turnout by young people was their greater mobility.
62, And if the turnout was any indication, the parish was welcoming them with open arms.
63, On Whit Bank Holiday we had a big turnout of 24 member volunteers.
64, As in the first round, the turnout at 55 percent was relatively low.
65, By comparison, the turnout for the 1992 primary election was 29 percent.
66, There was an unusually high turnout in the election, nearly twice the number predicted.
67, The official figure for voter turnout was over 1,600,000 people, representing just over 90 percent of those registered to vote.
68, Turnout was 86.3 percent of the 46,000,000 people eligible to vote, compared with over 89 percent in 1985.
69, Labour officials have already launched Operation Turnout in an effort to galvanise the core vote.
70, In 1992, when Democrats had a contested presidential primary, the turnout was 5 percent.
71, But 17, 000 people ran, and we had a higher turnout than they get in suburban school board elections.
72, One is that the pollsters overlooked the potential effect of differential turnout.
73, Turnout rose as the opposition parties recovered from their disarray of 1918 and there was a large turnover of votes.
74, I thought the turnout was good: 3, 100 members voting out of 11, 000 or so.
75, Official results showed that 98.7 percent of voters had endorsed the document, and that the turnout had been 97 percent.
76, This constituency had, with Belfast West, the lowest turnout of voters in the Province at 59%.
77, Heavy voter turnout has been predicted for the first primary of 1996.
78, So you may see a pretty good turnout for him.
79, A voter turnout of 59 percent of some 13,300,000 registered voters was recorded for the Dec. 26 poll.
80, Analysts also blamed diminished turnout on the relatively healthy economy.
81, Black turnout in Florida set records-893,000 cast ballots on November. 7, a 65 percent jump over 1996.
82, There was a relatively low turnout of just over 60 percent.
83, Turnout for the primary was high with about 75 percent of registered Republican voters showing up to vote, state officials said.
84, There was a turnout of 4,892,242 or 63.15 percent of the total electorate.
85, Although the turnout was only 43 percent, 99 percent of votes cast gave backing to the Constitution.
86, These shows are always popular, and we're expecting a big turnout.
87, Her evening turnout by Kay Unger is described as a burgundy velvet gown with a renaissance back.
88, The constituency saw the highest fall in turnout in the province from 72% in 1973 to 61% in 1975.
89, But Labour's huge landslide on a low turnout of 59 % leaves Britain with the worst of all worlds.
90, Voter turnout in local elections was frequently as low as 25 percent, in contrast with over 70 percent in national elections.
91, Over 90 percent of the 97.05 percent turnout voted for constitutional changes allowing for multiparty politics.
92, In most parliamentary democracies voter turnout tends to be around half to three-quarters of the electorate.
93, On polling day, the Information Ministry estimated turnout at 85 percent.
94, Yet statistics that show voter turnout slowly sliding down, down.
95, Although the national turnout was officially given as 60 percent, the elections were marked by a high rate of regional abstention.
96, Low turnout may benefit Buchanan, whose fervent backers are by far the most committed.
97, The turnout in the second round of voting was about 40 percent.
98, The total electorate was 12,319,787 and the turnout was 75 percent.
99, San Francisco Registrar Germaine Wong said turnout in the city was about the same as the statewide average.
100, The 1996 presidential election, costliest in history, produced the lowest percentage of voter turnout since 1824.
101, That was the highest rate of turnout in any U. S. presidential election.
102, It was a motley but highly motivated crew, and in a poll with just 32 % turnout that did the trick.
103, Gans' preliminary estimate about the Tuesday turnout means the spurt four years ago was an exception to the trend.
104, And the swing from Tory to Liberal Democrat was highest where turnout was highest.
105, Gans predicted last week that the turnout would drop to 51 percent of eligible voters.
106, The referendum was reported as recording an 87.01 percent turnout and 99.87 percent approval for sovereignty for Kosovo.
107, The majority of eligible voters said they would rather not cast ballots(/turnout.html), leading to the worst percentage voter turnout since 1924.
108, But first harness, tack and carriages had to be spruced up to ensure top marks for turnout.
109, Forty celebrities were invited to take part and every single one turned up, a tremendous turnout for a small village.
110, Official results put the turnout at 82.88 percent, of which 98.17 percent had voted for Snegur.
111, He was a complete mess; and please, let me claim, in complete contrast to my own turnout.
112, It was an excellent day with the largest turnout for several years.
113, Both rounds were marked by a very low turnout, with only 20.87 percent of the electorate participating in the second round.
114, Another concern was the exceptionally low turnout, estimated at only 21.09 percent over both rounds.
115, Tack and Turnout Tack requirements vary for different classes and may be stated on the schedule.
116, The state media reported a very high voter turnout.
117, Voter turnout was low for the election.
118, There was a large turnout at the rally.
119, Highway Patrol directed him to a scenic turnout.
120, In 1988 the turnout was 50%.
121, Despite low turnout, Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll.
122, The guard rail plays an im po rtant role of ensuring the vehicle passing through the turnout zone successfully .
123, She had a good turnout at an initial information meeting to present the idea to small woodlot owners.
124, Some conservative commentators, who didn't have much else to gloat about, dwelt lingeringly on what they evidently regarded as the upside of the huge, Obama-sparked African-American turnout.
125, The results can be used to guide the design and the maintenance of jointless turnout on bridge.
126, This model guarantees to simulate the vibrative characteristics of the turnout system.
127, The voter turnout was small and the margin tiny, in contrast to the previous election, when the Populist Party swamped the opposition, which was widely touted as a pro-business lobby.
128, Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.
129, Jointless turnout is a key technique in developing CWR track across section.
130, The turnout in the referendum in the German capital was too low and of those who took part, the majority voted against the proposal.
131, The third feature of the elections was a sour and negative mood, shown not merely in a low turnout but also in wide support for a ragbag of far-right, populist, anti-EU or plain nutty parties.
132, There's a scenic turnout a few miles up the road.
133, Lee Cheuk-yan, general secretary of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, said: "The strong turnout means that we will raise the temperature in our dealings with the government."
134, Rove instructed the Republican National Committee to reinvest in registering voters and building its turnout operations.
135, Voter turnout came out to be 43.6 per cent , with 1.33 million registered voters casting their ballots.
136, The increased turnout among young voters "really changed the face of the electorate in the primary process," Belcher said.
137, But did all these innovations turnout to be successful under the existing objective conditions of Chinese financial market and facing those unfledged investors?
138, State election officials reported a huge voter turnout on Tuesday.
139, Based on existing experimental data and the energy variation principle, generalized variation methods for analysis of railway welded turnout structures are presented.
140, Based on the general formula for the stability analysis of common jointless trac ks, the calculation method for the stability of switches of a jointless turnout is put forward.
141, It was a marvellous afternoon with a huge turnout of people.
142, According to three kinds typical welded turnout combination system,() a mechanical model of welded turnout combination system has been established.
143, A clone system designated SAC was established from a SRS-82 mouse ascitic turnout cell line by using limited dilution method.
144, Romantics were undeterred by the small turnout and sought to preserve Paris's reputation.
145, She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout aboutpercent 85 percent and in Irbil it was percent.
146, Bush strategist Matthew Dowd calls them a key " persuadable group. "Married women who don't work outside the home are solidly Republican - a "turnout group. "
147, Designed specifically for a compete set of fireman's turnout gear. Three-sided zipper with weather flap permits complete access. Exterior storage pocket ideal for gloves and paperwork.
148, After the huge turnout in Berlin on Thursday, Obama stood side by side with Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris in the kind of photo op normally reserved for a head of state.
149, The officials noted that similar attacks on Election Day could significantly impact voter turnout.
150, The gluteus maximus turns the bent leg hip outward. External rotator muscles deep in the hip assist in maintaining the turnout.
151, When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
152, Heavy rains forecast for the northwestern and southeastern U.S. could affect voter turnout in those areas.
153, A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
154, Another concern is a drop in voter turnout compared to the 70 percent seen in 2004.
155, The turnout was at least 62 percent of registered voters.
155, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156, Voter turnout was high, hovering at around 62 percent , compared with 51 percent four years ago.
157, She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout about 75 percentpercent and in Irbil it was percent.
158, Indeed, the only danger for the Kremlin is the possibility of an embarrassingly low voter turnout.
159, Manufacturer shall notify TCDD 20 (days) before the readiness of the acceptance of the each manufactured turnout delivery.
160, This year, local politicians are projecting an 85 % turnout in the Santa Fe area.




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