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单词 Recruitment
1 We're going to launch a big recruitment drive in the autumn.
2 The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.
3 Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.
4 She has set up her own executive recruitment business in Paris.
5 In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager.
6 She was given absolute control over all recruitment decisions.
7 One source of recruitment is the civil service.
8 Leyton was over-age for recruitment into the army.
9 The company places great importance on graduate recruitment and training.
10 The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive.
11 It's all part of a recruitment drive intended to increase the party's falling numbers.
12 Many managers take a back seat and leave recruitment to specialists.
13 A specialist catering recruitment company is recommended to you.
14 A recruitment drive amongst blacks was however considered unlikely.
15 They were anxiously engaged on a hurried recruitment policy.
16 On recruitment literature. On application forms and letterheads.
17 They are also facing a recruitment and morale problem.
18 Recruitment of 40 top staff was the last straw.
19 This then is recruitment in the mode of the dogcatcher or the lynch mob.
20 The practice included recruitment through advertising and personnel management consultancy besides recruiting through a direct approach.
21 The manager adjusts recruitment activity to create optimum balance between the number of full-time and part-time staff.
22 My task was to prepare the ground for the recruitment of support workers.
23 This prompted many employers to ap-praise their selection and recruitment policies.
24 The latest promotional material is all part of a recruitment drive.
25 The recession has forced a lot of companies to cut down on graduate recruitment.
26 Your ability to guarantee jobs will depend on the size and nature of your business,[] and recruitment pattern.
27 Mr Kinnock said that the commission would revamp its recruitment and disciplinary procedures and set up a new audit service by May.
28 It has no officer corps and has never developed a uniform central system of recruitment and management.
29 Problems of this sort will quickly undermine the value of a recruitment system, which is designed above all for speed.
30 Freelance soldiers that they were, they depended upon their captains for recruitment, organisation, distribution of booty, and pay.
1 We're going to launch a big recruitment drive in the autumn.
2 The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.
3 Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.
4 She has set up her own executive recruitment business in Paris.
5 In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager.
6 One source of recruitment is the civil service.
31 One aspect of the argument concerns the process of recruitment to the top policy-making positions within the Civil Service.
32 Recruitment was a major source of anxiety following Boer War revelations about the high rate of recruits rejected on grounds of ill-health.
33 Science and technology still accounted for the largest group of students, though recruitment for technology was encountering difficulties in Britain generally.
34 The campaign wants legislation to stop the use of upper age limits in recruitment advertising.
35 An analysis published last year found that the overall recruitment of blacks into such trials corresponds to their proportion of cancer cases.
36 The importance of sound recruitment and selection can not therefore be overstressed.
37 The day was organised by the Gloucestershire Regiment as part of a recruitment drive.
38 Managers - sales and marketing, engineering, research and development, recruitment and personnel, dispatch.
39 With recruitment, too, comes the opportunity for redeploying existing staff soas to widen experience.
40 The provision of transport may uncover an untapped source of recruitment not previously available.
41 Is there a selection of visual aids and recruitment material available for use by staff?
42 Some advertise in the local papers - to my mind quite the most profitless form of contact or recruitment.
43 Some resent the emphasis increasingly being laid upon formal qualifications in the authorities' recruitment policies.
44 She reported sternly to a meeting of the management team that word-of-mouth recruitment might be taking place.
45 They follow you around the room like those of Kitchener's war recruitment poster.
46 Being in work, nomatterhow poor the conditions, opens up the possibility of recruitment into the primary labour market.
47 Members needed: Darlington branch of the Friends of the Earth has launched a recruitment drive.
48 That will do nothing for morale and recruitment in Glasgow.
49 Recruitment has, to a large extent, centred on the key areas of sales and research staff.
50 Bertrand makes no apologies for using hefty incentives, such as the recruitment rebates, to line up new distributors.
51 Boys and Girls A complicating factor in recruitment for church choirs may be the boy/girl issue.
52 We did it simply by foreseeing the situation and starting the rundown early enough by stopping recruitment.
53 Any acknowledgement that there is an impending massive crisis in medical recruitment is missing from the committee's report.
54 Perhaps the greatest deficiencies in the relationship between education and industry occurred in the training and recruitment of middle management.
55 The rapid spread of small arms and light weapons facilitate the recruitment of child soldiers.
56 The data corresponds precisely to the situation described by Ashton etal's recruitment strategies with non-educational criteria taking priority over educational ones.
57 Recruitment is not normally thought of as an obvious candidate.
58 The result was a big recruitment drive mounted by the Corporation across a wide parallel of jobs to fill the vacuums.
59 This is a polite way of saying that recruitment normally causes chaos in the personnel department.
60 But, the importance still attached to traditional familial connections provided a readymade network for recruitment.
61 The dealer contemplated suing the recruitment agency until he found a better job.
62 If there is evidence of professional negligence in recruitment agencies, this should be shared.
63 Regarding recruitment of staff, there is little factual evidence available to substantiate the claim either way.
64 The result, even before the Abbasids, was a serious crisis in the recruitment of public officials.
65 Recruitment of top management appears to be through two circuits, but with a predominantly one-way flow.
66 She secured new buildings; and her recruitment of distinguished lecturers and performers from many spheres brought intellectual excitement and cultural richness.
67 First of all, the service operates strict rules concerning recruitment which are not always suited to radio.
68 The quality of recruitment to the Dail is widely held to have deteriorated in recent years for the same reason.
69 They also find that it aids their recruitment by attracting highly skilled applicants trained on their equipment.
70 Recruitment always operates to tight deadlines,[http:///recruitment.html] such as catching the last post.
71 The nature of letter writing has been emphasised, because it is critical to the success of a recruitment system.
72 Have events been organised to raise awareness among all staff of the recruitment problem ahead?
73 Some employers recruit on the basis of interviews held in hotels as visiting recruitment forums.
74 Selection-biases resulting from differential recruitment of comparison groups, producing different mean levels of the measures of effects.
75 But it is not only at the recruitment stage that age ranges can be unlawful discrimination.
76 This abandonment of a Tyneside base by ship owning interests would not necessarily reduce recruitment of merchant seamen from the Tyne.
77 The answers were more selective recruitment and yet more discipline.
78 This is no mean task, especially if they have not been doing any recruitment for the past few months.
79 There is a carefully defined hierarchy of offices which can provide the organisation with continuity via recruitment from below.
80 Apart from recruitment the greatest problem most armies faced was that of giving adequate training to their officers.
81 The Employment Service should always ask employers seeking to impose age restrictions on recruitment if these are strictly necessary.
82 It often saves large sums in absenteeism and recruitment as companies retain a better workforce.
83 The vicar is planning a recruitment drive in the New Year.
84 Recruitment and selection are concerned with the very core of the company - ie using the company's personnel.
85 Logically, a far richer recruitment seam is available where case management is a day-to-day activity-in solicitors' private practice.
86 Not for a moment do I want our standards to drop and I entirely advocate the stringent standards of the Recruitment Committee.
87 In this way the self-interested use of power can restrict the recruitment of talented individuals to highly rewarded positions.
88 In the civil service, for example, recruitment is dependent upon the selector's perceptions of: 1.
89 By using panel survey methods, the recruitment and retention rates of members can be tracked over time.
90 At the very top of the hierarchy, elite recruitment shows the most social closure.
91 Check professional journals, local newspaper employment pages and register with good recruitment agencies-check these on the Internet. 10.
92 At the new airline's operational headquarters - a small warehouse at Lowfield Heath, near Gatwick - recruitment of aircrews began.
93 Four unions have started a recruitment drive for new members after an eight year ban on union membership at the base.
94 In addition to preparing for recruitment the development officers began to prepare for the training and employment of support workers.
95 They established considerable control over recruitment and promotion, and even collected special levies to supplement their basic pay.
96 He stresses the rationality and efficiency of network recruitment for both employers and prospective employees.
97 Even the upper age limit for recruitment and retirement has been made more flexible.
98 This investment would assure further recruitment successes by enlarging the pool of young people from which students could be obtained.
99 In the mid-seventies recruitment fell, and the process of overall contraction in teacher education began[/recruitment.html], and rapidly accelerated.
100 It is not reasonable to expect one person to be solely responsible for fundraising, campaigning or recruitment work.
101 The general weakness in recruitment planning is not helped by such a dismissive attitude to training for administrative functions by clubs.
102 He opened his recruitment consultancy in January 1991, just as the recession was revealing the depths to which it could sink.
103 Finding a niche is also important as many of the big electronics companies have frozen recruitment while they weather the recession.
104 Authorizing expenses, travel and recruitment are forms of bureaucratic control rather than manifestations of subordination.
105 The job description lies at the heart of good recruitment and selection practice.
106 By systematic monitoring and evaluation, they can produce guidelines about approaches, recruitment methods, curriculum and outcomes.
107 It is the first time there has been integrated graduate recruitment and induction events leading into a cross-ROC, cross-functional development programme.
108 They were low in the later years partly because recruitment continued until 1986 and partly because of non-attendance.
109 One especially effective initiative was a decision of the recruitment and training staff to turn themselves into an in house outplacement centre.
110 Experience suggests that it is not just valuable but essential for recruitment, as well as for effective working relationships and enhanced musical performance.
111 All recruitment stopped in mid-1990 and we are now more than 100 officers below strength.
112 Recruitment advertisements on behalf of one licensed dealer or another used to appear every few weeks in London or the national press.
113 Make a note of any recruitment agencies that seem to be advertising regularly in job or geographical areas that interest you.
114 But as a general rule, specifying age ranges on recruitment should be avoided.
115 The recruitment of part-time tutors was a matter of concern: The area is small in population and particularly academic population.
116 Beaver has agreements with 15 recruitment agencies for 200 job vacancies that several companies are trying to fill.
117 The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers.
118 The recruitment of new staff has been proceeding in waves.
119 All of these may be a valuable source for recruitment.
120 Hence it is vitally important that the recruitment of elites into parties or primary races should be competitive and open.
121 Tumin suggests, however, that even relatively open systems of stratification erect barriers to the motivation and recruitment of talent.
122 The Navy realized several years ago that several high-tech fields were not meeting recruitment and retention goals, he added.
123 The campaign to lure doctors from abroad follows a similar recruitment drive for nurses.
124 But there is more to it than just recruitment of people with disabilities.
125 Are staff given adequate training to enable them to undertake recruitment activities?
126 Its goal was to further school-to-work efforts in the United States through a peer-to-peer recruitment of corporate leaders.
127 The research will study the training of farm managers at college and their recruitment by farm management companies and individual landowners.
128 Overall, during this past year salaries have effectively declined by around 4.5%, according to recruitment consultants Challoner James.
128 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
129 However, the limitations upon examinations in shaping recruitment practices are not restricted to the effects of this particular practical exigency.
130 This focus can be used to direct all recruitment efforts.
131 Nevertheless, grazing greatly exacerbates the water-loss impact of annual grasses on oak recruitment by further reducing soil moisture through compaction.
132 Using recruitment companies Recruitment companies can provide an important service for the catering trade.
133 Staff numbers were also reduced by 47 though some selective recruitment continued - and overseas personnel increased by 20.
134 However, recruitment systems are more difficult to design than personnel record systems, and there are complex design considerations.
135 Recruitment and selection is therefore a series of logical and relatively simple steps.
136 As they were demolished, more refined and juster modes of recruitment, selection and assessment had to be developed.
137 The political crisis which vastly increased its recruitment could not help but give it an unusual character.
138 A third preliminary task was to prepare the ground for the recruitment of support workers.
139 This has been the second most successful method of recruitment. 2.
140 And what was the Duke of Northumberland doing for two years investigating recruitment into the veterinary profession?
141 We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment.
142 Special classes of applicant Like other institutions the Polytechnic has paid increased attention to the recruitment of overseas students in recent years.
143 Recruitment into first year full-time and sandwich courses in polytechnics increased by 15 percent in 1981-2, totalling 54(),000.
144 Individual unions are beginning to cooperate strategically and pool resources for membership recruitment and strike funds.
145 This he proceeded to apply directly to the process of recruitment.
146 Bucket shops with more to hide are often more cautious when it comes to recruitment.
147 Nevertheless, it was not until the last pre-war years that recruitment from the intelligentsia declined.
148 The effect of fluctuations is ironed out, so that the personnel department is not disrupted by recruitment activity.
149 Selznick's personal involvement in the recruitment and selection process for the film's star was legendary.
150 They have a formal code of recruitment and selection and a personnel specification for the task of advice worker.
151 An annual black communications conference was instituted to debate issues and encourage black recruitment by the networks and major publications.
152 Nearly all the unemployed men aged 60-64 in our study mentioned the bias towards younger people in recruitment.
153 The authors define five recruitment strategies which can be summarized as follows: 1 educational qualifications perform a determinative function.
154 It will compare different methods of recruitment, identify opportunities for involvement and stress the importance of a programme of social events.
155 We will also continue to support the recruitment and development of trainees to provide a firm foundation for our future development.
156 The second stage is a set of interviews with those managing the fast growth businesses to investigate the process of managerial recruitment.
157 Recruitment procedures focus on individual skills and potential for flexible working.
158 Recruitment into the trials depended on patients satisfying the entry criteria and giving their informed consent.
158 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159 This randomised controlled study began in August 1979, and recruitment continued until June 1986.
160 Discover these by careful scanning of job adverts in local and regional papers, at job centres and recruitment agencies.
161 But the scale of recruitment to the revolutionary underground suggests that it can not be explained in terms of individual maladjustment.
162 Rotary's primary responsibilities include fundraising, advocacy, and volunteer recruitment.
163 Recruitment exclusive distributor throughout the country.
164 There must be no new recruitment of child labour.
165 Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.
166 Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole.
167 Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
168 Randomisation was done independently from recruitment and treatment.
169 Templars Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights.
170 Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
171 In the recruitment plan, we can predefine recruitment activities.
172 Fiber recruitment affects oxidative recovery measurements of human muscle.
173 Responsible for recruitment of DL, maintain and search vendor.
174 The rapid development of Sike company benefits more from the new thinking of qualified personnel's recruitment.
175 Work on the personnel administration: internal transfer process, recruitment and termination process.
176 Unlike other recruitment agencies we don't send CVs off speculatively or without your permission.
177 Information about studentship , research, publications, recruitment and seminars are offered on the website.
178 Are you involved in the recruitment or the placement of vocational or technical skilled or semi-skilled staff?
179 The categories of human subject research tort, involves defective performance of informed consent, defect of protocol, defect of subjects recruitment and violation to the legal procedure.
180 Objective:To investigate the condition of flatfoot of soldiers and its relation to motor ability, thus to provide basic data for recruitment and training of army.
181 The recruitment of key staff personnel involved in the planning, resume collection, selection, recruitment and staff induction training.
182 Kitchener's poster spawned, in 1917, the famous recruitment poster for the United States army, which showed Uncle Sam in a similar pose.
183 Voluntary recruitment for these Services should however be strongly encouraged.
184 This paper considers an SIS epidemic model with constant recruitment and acute and chronic infection stages.
185 Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.
186 Concerned that my Elysian existence is not sustainable, I went to see a recruitment agency and described what I've been doing since my last job.
187 Back then, Ford's recruitment policy was to visit fifty universities and select one student from each.
188 Improved conjugacy was observed in the more severe INOs, and may be due to adaptive mechanisms, such as recruitment of vergence to aid gaze shifts.
188 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
189 Be responsible for training new SR how to sales and recruitment.
190 Termination of contract is only possible if the employee does not meet the recruitment requirements.
191 This helps to establish the reputation of the company and affects the recruitment of new employees.
192 Responded to a recruitment call for dubbing artists in 1981 but became an actor subsequently.
193 Responsible for the company's software outsourcing staff recruitment interviews and induction training new employees.
194 The recruitment for silver carp and bighead carp stocks is assessed by Pope cohort analysis method.
195 In addition to direct e-commerce and recruitment Web sites, this domain includes portals where business partners can find information about manufacturing, procurement, or delivery information.
196 Recruitment is also strong for the Army National Guard, according to Pentagon figures.
197 However, the recruitment, training and adjustments of employee as well as material incentive, are based on performance appraisal.
198 Recruitment is now open for a raiding of the leet shadow dps type.
199 The key is to give a detailed description of how you dealt with the problem, according to Wang Xijin, HR/recruitment and training manager of Diebold China.
200 Female university student Anna is by a French Intelligence agency recruitment young blood.
201 Inkstone Consulting is an executive search and consulting firm offering recruitment services and strategic staffing solutions.
202 Miss Song made public site, something the United States and the financing of a capital surplus wrist rich country, why the local government development funds to the national immigration recruitment?
203 The applicant must pass all four tests to continue in the recruitment process ... ... on the job training law enforcement personnel, as appropriate, crude palm "oil, " is.
204 In different countries the way of recruitment of employees is different.
205 Rationale: The pivotal role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) in leukocyte recruitment makes it an attractive target for immunomodulatory therapy.
206 Caravansary greatly increases trade, and allows the recruitment of elite camel cavalry.
207 Description: Assist HR manager to recruitment website updating maintenance, release position, resume, primary screening for inform interview arrangement.
208 From the personnel recruitment point of view, it'll allow us to get the right staff.
209 The St. Johns ' Headquarters allows the recruitment of veteran Hospitaller knights.
210 Don't give the potential employee a snow job in recruitment.
211 The St. Johns' Hospital allows the recruitment of veteran Hospitaller knights.
212 The enterprise shall and develop the recruitment method based on competency.
213 Guangzhou book center on the sixth floor have scale recruitment of qualified personnel.
214 A single lionfish can reduce recruitment of other fish on a reef by a staggering 85 percent, and these apex predators are threatening both commercial fishing and tourism.
215 Thanks to some all-night efforts, we now have a code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel.
216 St. Johns' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.
217 On March 13 th, the school dining car enthusiasts association launched recruitment.
218 All information will keep confidential and for recruitment purpose only.
218 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
219 The volunteer training achieves good performance in which the recruitment is comparatively better in-service training.
220 We think it's one of the most sophisticated recruitment campaigns of all of the jihadi groups operating right now.
221 In 2008, for example, America's Congress passed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, banning the use of genetic information in job recruitment.
222 We will use the confidential job application data only for recruitment within the Jebsen Group.
223 Web site monitoring QQ; [ recruitment ] DJ Station is responsible for family - related management.
224 In May, the World Health Assembly approved a global code of practice on the international recruitment of health workers.
225 He was drifting and it was a period in his vulnerable to recruitment.
226 Another important aspect of Chinese statecraft is recruitment of officials on the basis of examinations.
227 Why were recruitment centres set up in the West Indies the 1950 s?
228 Make monthly, seasonal and annual recruitment cost summary which provides data for annual recruitment budget.
229 This removes the stimulus for further eosinophil and basophil recruitment more rapidly and halts the allergic response.
230 Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Teutonic knights.
231 Mainly work on fish population dynamics, including growth, mortality, recruitment and population dynamics.
232 Diplomats QQ; [ recruitment ] diplomatic mission responsible for family policy and exchange forum for communication between sites.
233 Some new type of two-hybrid systems, such as split-ubiquitin system, protein-fragment complementation assay, repressor reconstitution assay and SOS recruitment system, have been developed recently.
234 A TCS must be capable of organizing and controlling complex business operations including resource recruitment, business function management, concurrency control, and failure recovery.
235 Preparation of recruitment Adv. for applicant placement. Ensure that advertisement match with Company" vacant for required positions."
236 Employment interview is a subjective evaluation process concerning the interviewer and the interviewee, and it also is a vital method for recruitment.
237 Recruitment target training , training graduates were commissioned the implementation of the contract system.
238 Through the "black brickkiln" in Shanxi province, people pay great attention to slave worker, illegal recruitment, kidnap migrant workers, forced labor and child labor.
239 This recruitment company within the industry will certainly adverse opinion.
240 To reinforce and perfect the system, measures should be taken in terms of philosophy, the placement of positions, recruitment, assessment, distribution of incomes, and unemployment.
241 Nursing Management Services - international healthcare recruitment company specializing in staffing acute care medical facilities throughout the USA.
242 We support the aggressive development and recruitment of the best people.
243 While life-time employment has unraveled during decades of economic stagnation, the recruitment system remains much the same.
244 Provides IT outsourcing services including hardware maintenance, call center and helpdesk, recruitment and secondment, IT project mgt.
245 Even though unique job titles are usually created by employers themselves, recruitment agencies should be cautious of using titles which are too abstract as this can baffle job seekers.
246 Songperiod in the history of China the only country entirely by the regular army recruitment times.
247 Sarah Churchman, director of student recruitment and diversity at PricewaterhouseCoopers agrees.
248 You are viewing the World Bank in Beijing Network Technology Co. , Ltd. sales recruitment sales reception class of people receiving job information.sentencedict .com
249 Newcastle United have begun their summer recruitment drive with the signing of utility man James Perch from Nottingham Forest.
250 The St. Johns' Chapter House allows the recruitment of veteran Hospitaller knights.
251 Today this site advertised, you can input at any time in a year-to-date information and search for talent recruitment, recruitment and job content can be increased and modified at any time.
252 He was drifting and it was a period in his life vulnerable to recruitment.
253 Join student recruitment activities when needed especially during peak season.
254 Objective To discuss methods of hearing aids fitting for hearing - loudness recruitment.
255 Work on the personnel administration: internal transfer process, recruitment and process.
256 Recruitment of participants for psychology experiment: A chance to get $50 and win up to $250!
257 This role includes the recruitment of foreign staff to the school and acting as a liaison between the school management and the foreign department,() of which he is in charge.
258 Being in charge of human resources of sub-company, including recruitment, training, examination, transferring and procedures of dismission .
259 Because SUNY "doesn't have a lot of liquidity to invest in recruitment," it makes sense to "pay for success," said Mitch Leventhal, vice chancellor for global affairs.
260 The Alliance and several of its partners, in particular WHO, is also working on a Global Code of Practice on ethical international recruitment of health workers.
261 Usually, you can try the internet recruiting, headhunters and also campus recruitment.
262 Objective To explore the application of ventilatory function examination of auditory tube in the physical examination for pilot recruitment.
263 Shanghai, a fund company executives of the Castrol This analysis of overseas recruitment.
264 Recruitment activity management can be enabled according to the preset activities in the recruitment plan or by hand.
265 In addition, number of discussions and coordination, such as experimental implementation plan, the patient recruitment programs.
266 She says children are at risk of sexual violence, killing and maiming, and forced recruitment into armed groups.
267 The establishment meeting's minutes ( original ), apply to incorporated company which established by recruitment only.
268 This swelling demographic of young, unemployed Yemenis represents a significant socioeconomic concern and a potential target for radicalization and recruitment by terrorist organizations.
269 Talent training, talent recruitment, and talent utilization are crucial to the survival and development of college-sponsored enterprises and are issues meriting attention.
270 Responsible for the recruitment of new staff, induction training and in-service staff training; D.
271 Those who are interested in the above recruitment campaign and horse racing, please complete the form below and return to The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Human Resources Department before 26th July 2004.
272 Improving human resource policies for employee recruitment, placement and retention?
273 Recruitment information will be in the network, such as media advertising column contains power.
274 We now know that both the waggle and the correct sound pattern are necessary for communication: When either is omitted, recruitment to observer stations doesn't occur.
275 In order to get a permit for operating lease space, personnel recruitment and other related matters.
276 Templars' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Templar knights.
277 Through the choice of channels affect recruitment factors analysis, channel selection affecting corporate recruitment main factors have time, quantity, quality and cost of four factors.
278 The essay mainly discusses the middle-level managers of photovoltaic industry, and builds a whole set of recruitment flow based on their competency model.
278 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
279 Follicular development is a complex procedure, which includes follicular initiation, recruitment, selection, dominance, ovulation, and luteinization .
280 General store door or wall must be posted recruitment notices, you can go to ask.
281 The pictures show the site of PKU recruitment consultation in central China's Anhui Province.
282 Objective To study histologic changes of rat external ear allograft and recruitment of inflammatory cells.
283 For a long time, we took a special priority policy in the process of the recruitment of minority masters.
284 Avoid companies which stress more on recruitment and pays for recruiting.
285 Performance in it will be a prime factor in recruitment.
286 The effects include inappropriate sequence of muscle recruitment, loss of joint stability, altered motor output, and muscle fibre transformation.
287 Corporate policies emphasizing human relations potential in the recruitment of employees drive many job seekers to visit cosmetic surgery clinics.
288 The major reasons for these problems include inadaptability in mentality, deficiency in responsibility, interest-driven for behaviors, and sluggishness in methodology for Party member recruitment.
289 To assist in the recruitment and provide regular coaching and on the job training for the Sales Representatives and Promoter.
290 St. Johns ' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Hospitaller knights.
291 Interview, due to its flexibility in use and high validity, is widely used in personnel selection and recruitment.
292 Knights of Santiago Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Knights of Santiago.
293 Beijing Gift Company - Pacific Gift networks, long-term recruitment of a number of part-time clerk, and specific requirements are as follows.
294 The maximum net recruitment therefore occurs at an intermediate density, when intraspecific competition is relatively low yet there are many reproductive individuals in the population.




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