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单词 Not long
1. Not long after that he resigned.
2. Only if it's not long distance.
3. He committed suicide not long ago.
4. Our office was soundproofed not long ago.
5. Not long after that, he got married.
6. It was on TV not long ago.
7. Not long after the wedding, his wife became ill.
8. It was not long since that I returned.
9. It was not long before tragedy struck again.
10. It's not long ago that they arrived in Britain.
11. They arrived in Britain not long ago/recently.
12. She died not long afterwards .
13. It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch.
14. Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city.
15. The new drug began to operate not long after it is taken.
16. Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.
17. The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practice shouting them together.
18. It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas.
19. It was not long before their peace was disturbed by the next wave of visitors.
20. It was not long before they began to complain.
21. But it was not long before a backlash began.
22. Not long afterwards, ugly rumours began to circulate.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Not long after this controversy, Ungar himself died.
24. But not long after, it was back.
25. That main thrust was not long in developing thereafter.
26. Mrs. Steed died not long after she signed her statement on 16 December 1985.
27. Not long ago I had read that each atom was a sort of solar system.
28. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
29. The newly built railway line was brought into use not long ago.
30. She had no head for business, and it was not long before she went under.
1. Not long after that he resigned.
2. Only if it's not long distance.
3. He committed suicide not long ago.
4. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
5. The newly built railway line was brought into use not long ago.
31. However, it was not long before the courts began to use the provision in an attempt to curb insider trading.
32. Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.
33. Implicit in this admission, however, is the possibility of a more critical stance, and this was not long forthcoming.
34. Not long after that he was sent tumbling helplessly through space when a cosmonaut unplugged the wrong cable.
35. Even so, it was not long before the Court would find against every government and against the Commission.
36. The speech lasted exactly forty-five minutes, which, particularly as Baldwin spoke slowly, was not long.
37. And the day, not long afterwards, when she'd first heard some one call her father crazy.
38. This was not long after Wilson's sudden resignation as Prime Minister in March 1976.
39. Dissidents in Havana believe his regime would not long outlast the lifting of sanctions.
40. They were wrong. Not long after they arrived home, Allison began to feel the familiar pains and called the doctor.
41. But it was not long before the harsh facts of economic and social life exerted their pressure.
42. It was not long before such people became the butt of the intellectuals.
43. But it was not long before symptoms of the hypochondria which had always been present showed themselves in strength.
44. They had not long to wait to discover whether Edward was in earnest or not.
45. It was not long before Mortimer was drawing diagrams with the cue chalk.
46. For many it is not long enough to become literate or numerate in any real sense.
47. It was not long before he had found a position in the same firm for young Joseph, as a junior clerk.
48. It was probably not long after this that they made their peace with the Yorkists and entered Gloucester's service.
49. Not long afterwards, the company issued a warning about its likely profits and shares tumbled.
50. She discussed the arrangements with me not long before she died.
51. Not long ago, I was in a nasty argument with a shop steward.
52. Not long after their inception,[http:///not long.html] the welfare programs were under attack.
53. It started sometime in March, not long after Eric's arrival.
54. Alvin wrote in a note to himself not long after the premiere of Revelations.
55. Not long ago, this team coasted along on the road to resurrection.
56. One day, not long before he died, he accepted it.
57. Not long after PageMaker shipped, Apple began overcoming its engineering inertia.
58. That was not long after the Second World War broke out.
59. Not long ago, the Church of England voted to ordain women priests.
60. Her fiance was there; they married and then divorced not long after.
61. Not long after these disclosures, Kasper was murdered by an unknown man with a dagger in a public park.
62. I remember seeing a brochure not long ago for a sport-utility vehicle.
63. Life is not long enough for a faith without meaning.
64. Gwendolen can not long consider facts which do her discredit.
65. It was 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, and they had not long been married.
66. Not long after our purchase, the rotary engine, well, melted.
67. It was not long before the first passenger was sick, followed rapidly by another then another.
68. However, it was not long before the Gospel preached by Richard Baxter began to change her life.
69. Not long ago, they found the original blueprints for the structure.
70. Not long up, her cambric dressing-gown was held tightly about her throat as the chill seeped through the air.
71. Since they were erupted so low down, it was not long before the rivers of lava were flowing through inhabited areas.
72. Not long afterwards the Dams Raid took place, and this did hit the headlines and captured the imagination of the public.
73. Proof of the growing estrangement between the masses and their new rulers was not long delayed.
74. Not long after, they bought the local inn, which they restored and refurbished.
75. Not long before the race started, a fuel leak developed in the cockpit.
76. I got on the vehicle but the driver had not long been in fourth gear when I came to my senses.
77. She had confided this to Liz in a tearful moment, not long after Jonathan had run off with the Williams girl.
78. Two can be seen not long after the start of the Cliff Walk.
79. One morning not long ago he saw a fox walking past this same window.
80. As his lymphad turned into Duart Bay not long after noon, the bay was empty.
81. Not long ago, the orchestra was the pride of the city. Now it is on the verge of closing down.
82. Both deaths had occurred the year before, not long after John Langford had cut short my visit.
83. Not long ago I met with a group of foreign Service officials who had been ordered to buy their current apartments.
84. Elizabeth visited Ivy not long after the University of Leeds had given her an honorary doctorate, in May 1960.
85. Not long after, Lexandro also tumbled - not down the inside of the heat sink, but certainly parallel to it.
86. Charles, a relative unknown not long beforehand, became the natural choice for the top job.
87. Not long after I'd started the notebook, I became the proud owner of my first pair of binoculars.
88. Not long after expressing interest, general manager Dan Duquette decided he has other priorities.
89. Parsons just disappeared, not long after the fire at Mountpelier lodge.
90. It was not long before several families from Titagarh began making weekly visits to the mobile dispensary.
91. Not long ago, email was a strictly plain text affair.
92. Some saw it as a policy platform for the conclave that could not long be delayed.
93. The pity of it was, not long after my father died in 1933 things improved quite a lot in the material sense.
94. It is not long before their imaginative faculties are reactivated and word-processing becomes a universal withdrawal symptom.
95. He found out about the cancer not long after you were kidnaped.
96. Eisenhower, appearing as calm as ever, shrugged off what had not long before loomed as a crisis.
97. They found the wreck of the Medusa not long ago, off the coast of Mauretania.
98. Not long after their return, he and Jo met with Jim to discuss the next step in the sister-parish relationship.
99. Even now, her missive was not long and, as if to aid its content, was accompanied by a family photograph.
100. Here, you might think, is a piece of the past that will not long endure.
101. Not long after that meeting I was faced with a problem over my official duties and I urgently sought his advice.
102. At the other extreme, they can not long do the job of a local police force.
103. The patient described here took an overdose not long after her marriage somewhat unexpectedly came to an end.
104. It was not long before I experienced my first crisis as her chief of staff.
105. Sure enough, not long afterwards she heard the first faint sounds of pursuit.
106. Not long ago you could have been prosecuted for owning gold.
107. When Paige awoke it was still early, not long past dawn, and she was alone in the sleeping-bag.
108. He became very withdrawn and died there not long after wards.
109. It was not long before the empty site was converted into dwellings.
110. Reginald Mitchell died of cancer not long after the first Spitfire took to the skies.
111. Not long after we had reached the Old parsonage and climbed the stairs to Michael's rooms, Father D'Arcy arrived.
112. This ambition becomes more predominant in his character not long after his encounter with the witches.
113. Not long after my first visit,[http:///not long.html] Navajo country suffered a severe drought.
114. The old corner drugstore is not long for this world.
115. It is not long before this information gets into the newspapers and cookery books.
116. The car queue is not long and I am excited by the welcoming signs in Gaelic.
117. It was not long before the Princess proved that her patronage was not intended as a sinecure.
118. The barrage of public anger was intense, Mr Whitney returned to the backbenches not long afterwards.
119. For not long after his return, Midvale-now like a family to him, if sometimes a fractious one-began to unravel.
120. He had girl friends from the age of twelve and was rumoured to drink beer not long afterwards.
121. This singular passion did not long remain concealed from the Goddess of Passionate Love.
122. It was not long, however, before doubts on another central doctrinal issue began to cause deep divisions among Christians.
123. Some of the village children took the trouble not long ago to collect the present-day names of the animals on the farms.
124. Not long after the lorry driver left, the water became more and more acid and alarms went off.
125. Not long since, my CS force - out.
126. Not long after, we see the decadent Tucheng wall.
127. Not long all -- you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve.
128. Many possibilities which are open to the physicist today were impracticable not long ago.
129. BEIJING - Not long ago, Chinese officials sat across conference tables from American officials and got an earful.
130. Nisan told me that not long ago he had a real girlfriend, but that she dumped him.
131. Not long ago, the Chinese people celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China with an unparalleled excitement and joy.
132. Not long afterward Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole , Dr. Jekyll's manservant, sought entrance.
133. Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent---Samuel Johnson, British lexicographer.
134. I had breakfast not long ago with the chief executive of a large company who is a big pin-up of mine.
135. Children not long bone hard, how can such a high intensity of the exercise?
136. Not long after this, we reached a running stream .
137. Not long after , the elder of his two young sisters died of tuberculosis.
138. However, this five missionaries who had just set foot on this land, not long after the tragic nature of the family of the brutal killing of Oka.
139. China helps advance somebody's career the time of velvet arrowroot is not long.
140. Not long afterwards the Horse, having become broken-winded, was sent by his owner to the farm.
141. Not long after, I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the melodic notes of a classic love song drew us toward a tuxedoed musician playing a grand piano.
142. Not long ago, they undertook ERP successfully carry out,[] advanced in business management domain one stride.
143. Not long ago, Charles Erickson and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.
144. I told this story at one of my seminars not long ago, and afterward a big teary-eyed man came up to me, stuck out his big meaty hand and said, "Mark, my name is Jim Wilson.
145. Not long afterwards the U.S. President Truman made his belligerent State of Union Message.
146. Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese captured him during a battle at sea.
147. Not long ago, at the passport office in Baghdad, I met a young heart surgeon.
148. Not long on the heels of the diet's popularity, Arrested Development released an episode called Let 'Em Eat Cake using several characters' taking of the diet as a sub-story and running joke.
149. Not long ago you wouldn't mention China and supercomputing in the same breath.
150. It is understood, not long ago in the sixty-fourth Cannes Film Festival, France Paris Grand Mercure MATZO PARIS and Luc to attend the dinner Besson talked about a film director.
151. Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that.
152. Not long ago, President George W. Bush was considered naive for suggesting that the promotion of democracy in the Arab world should be a staple of American foreign policy.
153. King Jie became suspicious and imprisoned hin, but set him free not long after.
154. Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics, and this truly has a far-reaching significance.
155. When they catch a fish, they will measure toss back if it is not long enough.
156. Not long after those results came in, he crashed during a race, snapping his collarbone.
157. Not long ago, the American National Standards Institute(ANSI)studied out a new standard called Fibre Distributed Data Interface(FDDI).
158. When Gordimer met Robert Mugabe, not long after he came to power, she thought "he really seemed to be a good man. It's the old thing of absolute power corrupts.
159. Martin Van Buren was sworn-in as the eighth president of the United States in eighteen thirty-seven. Not long after he took office, the United States suffered an economic depression.
160. The letter was not long, but in it Baryshnikov devoted an entire paragraph to Toronto.
161. Although the game entry time is not long, but the rich collection essential factor and the enormous degree-of-freedom can let the human always enjoy.
162. This plog, I should have known, would not long immobilize the steamroller.
163. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not long hours alone at the typewrite.
164. Not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province.
165. An old industrial plant is always inharmonious with a rapidly developing international metropolis city, and then it is not long before its gradual disappearance.
166. The time that nevertheless mist lasts is not long, lift as air temperature, mist is fast also and abreaction, this also is the characteristic of radiation mist.
167. Not long ago, our country began to invest in some American financial investment institution.
168. Not long after World War II, a small-time impresario in Los Angeles named Irwin Parnes heard what he thought was a great pianist at a cocktail party of Hungarians.
169. Not long, our education revolves to take an exam the link unceasingly for the student turbo - charged, "the force feed duck" the type education has gotten the Chinese brand mark deeply.
170. It was not long before Olympias and Philip were bitterly estranged.
171. Doggedness is the watchword here: with a sweltering equatorial sun and almost no freshwater, it is not long before 70-pound water-loaded packs begin to buckle knees and strain backs.
172. Not long ago, it would have been obscene for ritzy restaurant menus to name-drop their brand of coffee./not long.html
173. Use hyphenated filenames, but not long ones - two or three hyphens only.
174. Fish - aquarium is not long moss, fish disease-free surial high.
175. It will still take some time to mop up these enemy remnants, but not long.
176. Reported by CNN, 22nd night, local time, a boeing 737 airplane with 114 passangers disappeared not long after it took off from Lagos, the economic capital of Nigeria.
177. Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested.
178. It was not long before he got to the enchanted moor.
179. Not long after, the wall was flecked with green vines and leaves.
180. Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and N. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design.
181. However, Fleming soon abandoned Penicillin, and not long after Florey and Chain took up researching and mass producing it with the funds of the U.S and British governments help.
182. As to'Post - Pidgin 'English , its history is not long Nearly in late 1990 s, some articles about it appeared.
183. Not long ago, my friend quit an American architectural firm where she had worked for two years and applied to work on a new construction project in Dubai.
184. You know I have not long to live, therefore I will live fast.
185. Not long ago, people have a half blood, the heart suddenly tense up, asked if people living with HIV.
186. Not long after Steve Jobs got married, in 1991, he moved with his wife to nineteen-thirties, Cotswold’s-style house in old Palo Alto.
186. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
187. They had not long persisted in this course of starving the Belly into subjection, ere they all began, one by one, to fail and flag, and the whole body to pine away.
188. Not long after that, Boomtown and other Reno casinos faced the loss of out-of-town customers from California to Indian casinos closer to their homes.
189. The time that ambry introduces from Europe is not long, because mistake of this a lot of consumer is quality of homebred ambry brand, did not assure and idolatrous foreign brand.
190. Not long afterwards the U.S. President Truman made his very belligerent'state of Union Message "
191. Usually the finger is not long enough, and the orangutan prepares a stick tool.
192. One makes felonious Romanian convict not long ago sue god, local court gives 12 days to this reject.
193. Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation aion kinah emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin aion kina boards.
194. Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man's nose from a Roman nose to a pug nose.
195. Not long after that I found myself in London, and bought a Daler sketchbook and a drawing pen. This would have been in the art supplies store across the street from the English National Opera.
196. Another is that a single drug-free day is not long enough for the effect of their last smoke to have disappeared.
197. The time interval between two stations was not long . The car door opened and closed.
198. Sure enough, the Kuomintang dropped the slogan not long after, and prices and taxes rose steadily.




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