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单词 Untouched
1) She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.
2) Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.
3) Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.
4) The miser was untouched by the poor man's story.
5) Several papers lay untouched on the desk.
6) He seemed untouched by her sarcasm.
7) The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.
8) She left her meal untouched.
9) The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.
10) Some buildings had remained untouched by the explosion.
11) She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.
12) Ducie is one of the world's last untouched islands, nearly 5,[http:///untouched.html]000km from Australia.
13) He rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched .
14) Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.
15) These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism.
16) For centuries the country remained untouched by outside influences .
17) Otherwise the body was untouched, the journalist said.
18) Most residents found their homes untouched by floods.
19) Scarcely a single social problem was left untouched.
20) The Commission's sole right to propose legislation remained untouched.
21) Open office floors are relatively untouched.
22) The problems of rural housing went almost untouched.
23) Inside, the house is virtually untouched since that date.
24) The same system of privileges survives almost untouched.
25) The guests has disappeared and the food was untouched.
26) Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.
27) Michael pointed out to me that amongst the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched.
28) The desk had been rifled for money, some banknotes taken but cheque-book and credit cards left untouched.
29) The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.
30) She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.
1) She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.
2) Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.
3) Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.
4) Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.
5) The miser was untouched by the poor man's story.
31) Milford, in the Derwent valley just south of Belper, is a complete and almost untouched late eighteenth-century industrial village.
32) People in this beautiful, airy town, almost untouched by the war, feel dishonored by the international scandal.
33) Payments to preserve landscapes untouched by modern agricultural methods are lower - around £40 per hectare.
34) A new broom has swept through everything, but the basic furnishings of the old presuppositions go untouched.
35) But there is a danger that the current reforms will leave untouched fundamental assumptions about the lives and needs of service users.
36) So long as you leave the money untouched for five years the interest is paid tax free.
37) The breakfast lay untouched on the table, but the large knife was missing.
38) This barn conversion had about two acres of totally untouched field surrounding it.
39) A few distant correspondents, untouched by time, still asked confidently for a painting of a particular ship.
40) No community untouched Each North County community has its own set of juvenile crime problems.
41) The stone walls, what remained of them, were weather-beaten but untouched by overgrown weeds.
42) Zali sniffed at the food, looked at me and lay down, leaving it untouched.
43) Untouched, and for days on end, ignored, he was not a child and not a man.
44) In both cases they were left untouched for compensation purposes if the entitlement arose pre-petition.
45) Others plan to leave the Southwest for northern states untouched by the drought that has left Arizona a tinderbox.
46) Geoffrey, the food untouched on his plate, sat sideways on his chair, bellowing into Meredith's ear.
47) Yet, because the technology of the war was at a low level then, the land itself was largely untouched.
48) This little community is still in existence, largely untouched by the march of time.
49) Just under two and a half acres of land untouched for centuries is at stake.
50) Mercifully there are regions, east and north of Central Station, relatively untouched.
51) The Unabomber, carefully sanding down his wooden bomb covers, would have been untouched by it.
52) Though a particular district might remain untouched for years at a time, there was always disease somewhere on the island.
53) The two full glasses of wine still stood untouched on the table.
54) So, how many policies were reversed by the incoming government, and which policies and areas of policy were left untouched?
55) It left the old equitable assignment untouched, and it may be used still.
56) It turns itself off if you leave it untouched for five minutes, a feature sadly lacking on the GameBoy.
57) As a result, the great wealth and resources of the Church were left virtually untouched by government taxation.
58) Indeed little of what had been unchallengeable orthodoxy since the 1920s remained untouched.
59) The trainers are rarely used, and I generally return with the paperwork untouched.
60) For some days the note lay untouched on the table.
61) It covered predominantly skilled and organized workers while the casual labour problem and that of juvenile labour was untouched.
62) He was quite unmoved, totally untouched by the man's obviously severe injuries.
63) The Chancellor spent yesterday making substantial stylistic changes to the speech but the main elements were left untouched.
64) Defence spending, untouched by the previous recession, is falling as the cold war thaws.
65) The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors.
66) The trenches here have been left untouched, eroding away year by year.
67) Irradiation would make things worse by destroying the warning spoilage bacteria and leaving pathogens untouched.
68) The fish, virtually untouched by humans in 50 years, lined up to bite our hooks when we went fishing.
69) No rocks, to our knowledge, are untouched by life in former times.
70) One sheet lay at his feet, as yet untouched by the flames, although it was beginning to curl inwards.
71) None of the other guests had stirred, judging by the untouched food in the covered dishes on the sideboard.
72) It brings us into touch with levels of ourself untouched hitherto,[/untouched.html] and so it has a profound esoteric significance.
73) Roosevelt saw first-hand the hideous results of free enterprise untouched by government regulation.
74) Most factories and other export earners were largely untouched by the floods.
75) Most valuables were left untouched, but file cabinets had been emptied and searched.
76) Back and forth went the untouched pages; the unbearable heat of the locomotive filled the air.
77) We managed to leave our savings untouched when we bought the new car.
78) The storm leveled hundreds of houses, but left some untouched.
79) How long had it been like this, untouched by people, gradually decaying and changing with the wind and the weather?
80) She was given a dry Martini, which she hated and put down almost untouched on a table when nobody was looking.
81) And this great country, which nurtured all of us, has not been left untouched.
82) Two glasses of wine, ready for their supper, remained untouched on the table.
83) In other words they are continuing to operate in their separate ways, largely untouched one by the other.
84) Apart from this, Prague was relatively untouched, visually, by the war.
85) One of the tanks has been planted and left to grow virtually untouched for about twenty years.
86) It landed in a land then untouched by Bergerac via Derbyshire and Birmingham to clear customs.
87) Trim any excess fat from the lamb, leaving the skin untouched, and rub the joint with salt and pepper.
88) Brother Salvator Rivera cleared up the untouched dishes at nine P.M., muttering darkly about the waste of food.
89) The female Lionisers left the rest of their hollands untouched and began to think in terms of returning to the hotel.
90) Our bottle of water, that remnant of respect for the old days, lay untouched on the seat.
91) These wider, non-material aspects of unemployment and poverty remain untouched by any legislative provision.
92) They zero in on dopamine while leaving other neurotransmitters untouched.
93) These have been mainly Government-owned and public lands, leaving the large private landowners untouched.
94) The room has remained untouched, its files and papers in the same neat piles the actor had left them in.
95) The McHugh and Conable bill left PAC and candidate spending untouched.
96) That day in the garden ... you were so innocent, so gentle, so untouched by war and betrayal.
97) He was sitting before the log fire, his Armagnac untouched, his face in repose sombre.
98) In advancing the tenets of racism, Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.
99) He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched.
100) The ideology of what it was proper for women to do remained largely untouched.
101) And the list of sensible gun safety measures that deserve attention lies on the table untouched.
102) The mid-1960s were the watershed of postwar society, and the creativity and anarchism of the period left nothing untouched.
103) Some sceptical arguments attack the notion of knowledge directly but leave other related notions, crucially that of justified belief, untouched.
104) But I had to face the fact that most of the pupils were completely untouched by every part of the curriculum.
105) Alternatively, these assets are left untouched, and are inherited by the grandparents' children.
106) This is indeed the landscape of one's dreams, a paradise still largely untouched and unspoiled by the activities of man.
107) The mean wastage rate therefore is 37.5 %, which gives us a figure for last year of 375m untouched desserts.
108) Nina made herself a cup of tea and then let it cool untouched on the table.
109) The contents of the racist pathology and the material circumstances to which it can be made to correspond are thus left untouched.
110) Evans followed with a nine-yard run and Hoard went off-tackle untouched for the winning touchdown on the next play.
111) They happened at every siege; they have left rich and often still untouched pickings for the determined detectorist.
112) The Library, which contains also the world famous Old Master drawings collection, was untouched.
113) Naturally, little has been left untouched by the high-tech world, and that includes outdoor sports.
114) His skin was unmarked, unlined; the flesh of youth, untouched by time or the ravages of experience.
115) Clare had eaten half her beans, but Becky's and her own were virtually untouched.
116) This part is pristine, untouched with vast forests, mountains and interesting people including original gypsies.
117) B-52s went all-out, bombing vital targets that were heretofore untouched, such as Haiphong Harbor.
118) And Andrus would be untouched, impregnable behind his rigid simplicities.
119) Untouched for thirty years, ideal for a nature trail - the undisturbed habitat of birds and animals.
120) We must allow, too, that this argument as it stands leaves our understanding untouched.
121) Jerry Lewis, left the title untouched but drained financial support.
122) I had been on the borders of a virtually unexplored land inhabited by dangerous, untouched tribes.
123) Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place.
124) He was fully justified in leaving the matter untouched.
125) The subject remains untouched upon.
126) On the bed, his bedding was untouched.
127) Vested interests were left untouched.
128) He set down his glass untouched.
129) And no wonder if, as she said, she lived untouched these last twelve years.
130) It's important to note that the JSON support described above was activated simply by making changes in the various views, with the action code remaining untouched.
131) The White Sea, where these pictures were taken, is one of the most remote and untouched places left on Earth.
132) He was already living on borrowed time, for three times shells had freakishly left him untouched.
132) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
133) A land of untouched beauty , South America's Patagonia stands to be dramatically altered by climate change.
134) The code is then regenerated and the new classes are added in the target Java project, leaving the protected code untouched.
135) He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process.
136) Meanwhile, hulking 159 - meter structure has stood largely untouched.
137) Today tourism booms there, drawing adventurers to the frontier's glaciated peaks, untouched wilderness, and abundant wildflowers and wildlife.
138) Computers are permeating almost every aspect of our lives, including many areas previously untouched by technology.
139) The base was just a smudge on the untouched hundred - mile coast of Manila Bay.
140) Legendary oceanographer once described the tiny 12 - hectare island as " an untouched piece of art. "
141) A flawless jade ornament or a coarse, gross brick will always remain silent if it is left untouched, but who can draw an equal sign between them?
142) Elkan recently piloted his Cessna north of Juba, along the White Nile, then east into an immense territory that reached toward the sunrise. For hours we flew over untouched land.
143) That night, when he ate a granola bar, she left hers untouched. Once he was snoring, she stashed it under the seat.
144) The country is, for example, largely untouched by international terrorism.
145) In the box was another treasure, remarkably untouched: our nativity set.
146) By this method the untouched, unsteady, instantaneous concentration field has been measured.
147) -- There is also potential for exploiting untouched arable land resources.
148) She entered Melanie's room and saw that the breakfast tray was untouched.
149) The notion of a largely untouched pristine environment has become a quasi-religious idol for many.
150) Tess was full of strong feelings, but untouched by experience.
151) If left untouched it will automatically apply these settings and exit after its 10 second count-down timer expires.
152) In Ireland and Scotland "Halloween was largely untouched by the Protestant Reformation " writes Rogers.
153) The study on financing lease of healthcare industry is in very superficial phase. And the study on marketing channel is still an untouched area in the industry.
154) He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.
155) In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched.




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