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单词 Relate to
1. His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion.
2. No one can relate to me.
3. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.
4. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.
5. Laurie finds it difficult to relate to children.
6. Many adults can't relate to children.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. He is unable to relate to other people.
8. Some adults can't relate to children.
9. They can't relate to modern literature.
10. The two brothers can't relate to each other.
11. The charges of fraud relate to events that took place over ten years ago.
12. Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
13. I know he feels upset, and I can relate to that.
14. Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.
15. It's unfortunate when a father and son can't relate to each other.
16. It's too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.
17. These regulations do not relate to children under the age of twelve.
18. Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.
19. To help you relate to your fellow students. 2.
20. We could always relate to the juvenile delinquency thing.
21. How do you relate to them?
22. How does nationalism relate to human survival?
23. How do such changes relate to friendship changes?
24. I can relate to what they are going through.
25. People relate to each other secretly, like Freemasons.
26. The choices here relate to discourse topic.
27. Atalanta was a role model Amelia could relate to.
28. I found a very mixed group of individuals some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.
29. She has great power in her shoulders. Power in a physical sense is more likely to relate to the energy contained in a machine, an explosion or something natural such as the wind:The power of the wind can be harnessed to produce electricity.
30. The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to.
1. His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion.
2. No one can relate to me.
3. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.
4. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.
5. It's unfortunate when a father and son can't relate to each other.
6. It's too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
31. How does it relate to environmental sciences?
32. Some relate to the present legal framework.
33. These may relate to the legislative functions of government.
34. The questions relate to the current situation.
35. How we relate to other women.
36. Such goods entail the existence of consciousness,[http:///relate to.html] so they must relate to conscious experience in some way.
37. Washington, that bastion of deaf ears and self-indulgent thinking, is actually trying to relate to the country it represents.
38. Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual's reactions to an impinging world.
39. Much of the patient's psychological disturbances relate to separation anxiety and difficulties with boundaries and identity formation.
40. The development of overall program goals to be achieved by clearly stated objectives which relate to teacher needs and expectations. 3.
41. Egalitarian feminist psychology tends to neglect gender issues that do not relate to traditional psychological interest.
42. The term structure is taken from the physical world where objects relate to each other differently.
43. This brings us to another group of alleged animal rights which relate to its functioning as a biological organism.
44. The image that has emerged is a bell-shaped curve of how people relate to their work over time.
45. For plans to be effective management should consider the wider environmental factors that relate to the firm.
46. The new timetables will relate to the overall periods up to setting down for trial.
47. This is because lattice enthalpies relate to the formation of bonds and energy is released when bonds are formed.
48. The major differences in rift characteristics relate to their position with respect to plate boundaries and the intensity of volcanic activity associated with them.
49. Ecology is the study of how living things relate to their environment.
50. Those changes relate to fundamental errors and adjustments resulting from changes in accounting policies.
51. The charges relate to trees cleared for a new plantation.
52. Funds made available under the Acts relate to a specified financial year.
53. They relate to his stock portfolio and to the veracity of statements he made to Congress.
54. These will be drawn up by the teacher and should relate to those set by middle managers.
55. Some of the reported difference in rates of metabolism could relate to the severity of the underlying colitis.
56. The factors which, if present, indicate the transfer as a going concern largely relate to intangible assets.
57. Much of the historical data relate to the County Borough area.
58. Typically, indicators currently used relate to science and technology manpower, ReD expenditure, patents, and publications.
59. Enough for them to relate to the characters being portrayed.
60. The only restriction being that a condition must directly relate to the site and must be reasonable.
61. These losses largely relate to 1991 and prior years and to discontinued business.
62. The issues discussed in this section relate to how reliably and validly these functions can be fulfilled.
63. You might attempt to classify countries based on similarities in the way these political structures relate to each other.
64. Berger's views relate to a specifically political motivation, variously apparent throughout the novel.
65. They will definitely relate to customer service and product quality.
66. The strategic and other planning considerations relate to the volume and timing of development and also more recent matters such as planning gain.
67. But the preliminary questions put to Vinelott J., and the issues argued on this appeal[sentence dictionary], relate to issues of principle.
68. These help to define how consumers' participation decisions relate to price changes.
69. Questions on matters of policy should relate to policy options available to the Prime Minister.
70. The most important of these relate to the quality and fitness of goods under supply contracts.
71. The question which hung over this whole discussion, though, was how beliefs about linguistic behaviour relate to the observable facts.
72. The interesting questions relate to how they are expressed in different species.
73. The general position adopted has been that the conditions must fairly and reasonably relate to the permitted development.
74. The path Thompson chose was to study criminal justice because it was something he felt he could relate to.
75. However the quantities derived from these parameters, which relate to biologically meaningful quantities, are very consistent.
76. The missions of these different educational and training programmes and how they relate to each other must be made clear.
77. Hardly a high protein diet in the terms we have come to relate to.
78. More field work studies of systems analysts and how they relate to managers should illuminate this little known area of managerial work.
79. In addition, the warranties encourage the vendor to make disclosures which relate to the quality of the assets.
80. I can see how physics, algebra, trigonometry relate to the machine shop.
81. Both relate to the way in which textual material is packaged by the writer along patterns familiar to the reader.
82. Attribute data relate to the properties of the points, lines and polygons that are stored in the cartographic database.
83. My goal to is to get kids to read books, and for kids to relate to a superhero that teaches non-violence.
84. We can study in detail how the complementary descriptions of position and momentum relate to each other.
85. The balance sheet reveals increasing fixed assets some of which relate to revaluations.
86. Three of these decisions relate to, among other things, health authority provision of long-term care.
87. The following comments relate to the 1988 edition, which contains data from the academic year 1986-87.
88. He had dogged determination and was of undeviating rectitude, although this did not relate to any well-defined religious beliefs.
89. Those changes essentially relate to a slimming down in the industry itself, but also to significant structural changes.
90. Some relate to queries concerning economic theory, others to the nature of the actors involved in political processes.
91. The sisters found him a loner, difficult to relate to in a normal friendly way.
92. Other aspects of acceptability relate to the product behaviour in relation to taint, corrosion and harmonisation with house colour codes.
93. Perhaps the most interesting questions relate to subject demand in public libraries, linked to the activity of stock revision.
94. No longer is the customer at the end of the line, nor does the supplier only relate to raw materials.
95. He is considering ways' to develop exhibitions beyond the permanent collection that will relate to different sectors of the population.
96. When subplots or scenes of local color are introduced, they relate to the main plot in a fundamental way.
96. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
97. The allegations all relate to an incident on Sunday October 25.
98. These relate to electronic systems, sound synthesis, circuits, and transducers and amplifiers.
99. Little old ladies who had relished home baking were a dying breed and the younger generation simply couldn't relate to them.
100. But it did relate to - and therefore change with - the monarch on the throne.
101. The final decision will only relate to where the girl lives and does not affect her parents' other rights.
102. The above examples all relate to phonology, but there are examples of mis-adaptation from the grammar as well.
103. Well-established aspects of the early results relate to the behaviour of sleep mechanisms when REM sleep is prevented by repeated wakenings.
104. The Ordnance Survey grid references relate to the maps, with the grid lines 1 kilometre apart.
105. Most Science statements of attainment are more precise, since they relate to specific areas of scientific knowledge.
106. The best performance might relate to daily production goals, sales targets or inventory levels.
107. A frame should complement the picture, but it may also relate to the room in which the painting hangs.
108. Findings relate to expenditure, degree of forward planning, objectives, workforce attitudes, management awareness and use of consultancies.
109. This will have to relate to when there was only one child.
110. Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
111. But the real questions are: How do such workers really relate to each other? and How effective is their performance?
112. There were plenty of books and magazines scattered around, but none seemed to relate to any academic studies she could identify.
113. The association is divided into seven sections which relate to specific areas of security.
114. Explanations, information and annotations in the user's native language relate to the procedures and practice in the foreign language.
115. There are economic considerations, and they just don't only relate to today.
116. Only Faust, unstintingly and imposingly sung by Thomas Hampson, is required to relate to the audience.
117. They relate to universally accepted behaviour patterns - salutations, manners, dress, etc.
118. The charges relate to 24 separate mortgage advances, ranging from £61,750 to £17,500, worth a combined £803,000.
119. The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.
120. His counterpart in Tenderloin has equally pressing concerns on his mind, but the kind that pop kids can relate to.
121. Management should agree on an annual major unifying exhibition theme which should relate to our main activities.
122. That's one word you don't even know how to relate to.
123. I plan to consider these questions as they relate to the human need to create and maintain self-identity in a social context.
124. Such factors relate to the conduct of the employee and the total compensation received.
125. The other commonly assessed abilities have not been found to relate to managerial performance.
126. The present account concerns that middle stratum and how its views might relate to wider and more powerful forces of society.
127. Not uncommonly,[] studies of this kind which relate to relatively uncharted areas raise more issues than they solve.
128. The definition given by M.. Mauss has attained classical status, and more recent theories relate to it in some way.
129. We may indeed find the concept horrifying, but we do not relate to it on a practical level.
130. In this area, solicitors can specialise in matters such as child care and other areas which specifically relate to local government.
131. Relate to hypothetical activity of roller, grinder, sieves and mill, he wrote.
132. It occurs when teaching programmes do not relate to the final assessment of learning.
133. The paper devotes more attention to establishing basic ideologies than to the problems of how they relate to specific strategies.
134. The charges relate to 342 items, valued at around £5m.
135. These relate to her previous business activities in the gas industry, which she now says she is reforming.
136. We do not know whether our findings of early changes in rectal dialysate eicosanoid values relate to the risk of late complications.
137. This may relate to its revival in the garden, where the style, as architecture, first secured a footing.
138. How do these different ways of understanding contemporary racism relate to the ideologies of reading which were applied to the study texts?
139. As a result, the amount of the proceeds deemed to relate to the debt will be less than par value.
140. A third of the recent records relate to birds found dead or dying inland after severe gales.
141. These relate to the writer's current research in the Design Discipline at the Open University.
142. Rates and the benefits of local services Rates do not relate to the costs of providing services to different residents.
143. These relate to changes in self-concept, life experiences, readiness to learn and orientation to learning.
144. Part of this process requires the team to reach conclusions as to how the corporate centre will relate to the operating businesses.
145. According to Williamson, the five principles generic to any comprehensive quality assurance system relate to the following: 1.
146. How does the necessity for action relate to the necessity for mental holism?
147. The act of being creative should relate to the Creator - the Architect of the Universe.
148. All recent records are for the Channel and most relate to single birds.
149. And the majority of changes relate to content, more time-consuming and frustrating than an all-red jigsaw puzzle.
150. Some have already been mentioned; others relate to jury trial.
151. Good examples of intractable causal variables are those that relate to genetic make-up.
152. The more generalized view which I have thus adopted is that we have goals which relate to our work.
153. Given that pollution levels relate to fuel consumption, private cars and taxis are also the greatest polluters.
154. He began to seek further alignments which might relate to far more subtle astronomical changes - and found them.
155. Group work helps children learn to share things and relate to each other.
156. The video showed everyday situations which the staff could relate to, and enabled them to make very constructive comments.
156. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
157. This may relate to collateral development and/or remodelling of the lesion during the period following thrombolysis.
158. The universe is not only informed by number, but the numbers of things relate to one another harmoniously.
159. Before 1989, Benetton's images still seemed to relate to the genre of studio fashion photography.
160. Thus the data relate to spontaneous miscarriages as well as to induced abortions.
161. When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them. Brene Brown 
162. The external loan repayments relate to the cash flows out of the authority enforced by maturity dates earlier than 60 years.
163. The slightly lower figure may relate to the more discursive nature of the subject.
164. Many entries relate to the two world wars.
165. Unsolicited data often only relate to exceptional performance.
166. The problem relate to homiletics.
167. Forensic science often relate to questioned documents writing ink.
168. Relate to acute angle circular functions.
169. All these questions relate to philosophy.
170. Many poems relate to diseases like cough and jaundice, to male and female demons that cause diseases, to sweet-smelling herbs and magic amulets, which drive diseases away.
171. Another facet of your system's vulnerability would relate to the communications protocol being used and what security mechanisms it supports.
172. The publicist replied: " I just changed your message so people could relate to it. "
173. The Act does not cover and / or relate to astrology and / or allied sciences like Palmistry, Vaastu Shastra etc.
174. How does it relate to what you have encountered in Tacitus, Suetonius , the Res Gestae?
175. Reducing and preventing teenagers' sex crime relate to the stability of a society and the healthy growth of the teenagers.
176. A user - defined data type can relate to its base type.
177. The Company has carried out the system of keep the Score lease property right presentation and lease with drivers, and so on. Provide accompanying practice and technological consult relate to drive.
178. The effect of the beta - glucoside enzyme relate to the consistency and the proportion.
179. Operating activities relate to the purchase, production and sale of goods and services an ongoing basis.
180. I have declared all material facts which relate to this application.
181. The operation performances of phase-controlled cycloconverter relate to the circuit scheme of the rectifiers in the converter and the methods controlling phase.
182. Sections 301 - 311, added in 1988, relate to indoor radon abatement.
183. The ASCI uses a "multiple indicator" approach that creates scores based on responses to three different questions that relate to customer satisfaction.
184. We will examine Cairene architectural types and urban patterns to see how they reflect various regional influences and relate to their counterparts in the wider Islamic and Mediterranean contexts.
185. Explain how the income statement and the statement of retained earnings relate to the balance sheet.
186. In choosing to ascend, one recovers their genetic abilities to relate to the nonphysical realms.
187. In the age of knowledge economy, there are three key capitals: credit capital, physical capital and manpower capital that are relate to economical growth of an area.
188. The party concerned of the liability insurance contract of the automobile third party is policy holder and insurer and relate to artificial insured.
189. The development degree and predominant direction of extensional fracture relate to deformational curvature produced after force is exerted on rock.
190. Many people often compartmentalize these things and fail to how they all relate to one another.
191. A formula of a bactericide and preparation technology thereof relate to a pesticide, in particular to the improvement of a benomyl bactericide formula.
192. Can you relate to the life of the people in Somali?
193. The cultural change is a complicated process, in that psychic culture is most difficult for changing. The change or fixedness of psychic culture relate to the sacred crowd.
194. In recent study, above - mentioned manifestations deeply relate to myocardial fibrosis.
195. Conclusion The onset of BPPV may relate to ischemic internal ear but is not relevant with gender and age.
196. Again, in terms that the BSD UNIX world used to view things, static and journal file systems relate to the way in which the UNIX File System (UFS) organizes and secures files.
197. The Army is seeking information from small businesses on their capabilities as they relate to supporting its future combat systems program.
198. The 10 patents in the lawsuit, filed in the U.S. state of Delaware, relate to technologies fundamental to devices using GSM, UMTS and/or wireless local area network (LAN) standards, Nokia said.
199. The matching impedance and wastage relate to the TWT can or can not work up to snuff. They are the problems which need be solved when we design the input and output apparatus.
200. He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to.
201. Viscoelastic wormlike micelles are important microstructures that relate to rheological properties of fluid in different applications.
202. How, for example, does Marcel Duchamp relate to the Dada movement and how did Dada dissolve?
203. Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
204. The remaining provisions of subtitle C relate to standards and enforcement.
205. Conclusion: The enhencing effect might relate to slow release of rhTNF coated with FCA.
206. One relate to magical contending for of carry with one forum magic power mountain peak peak.
207. The invention provides an all-metal material packaged type quartz-crystal resonator and a preparation process thereof, which relate to the technical field of quartz-crystal resonators.
208. Dido : Yeah , nobody can relate to it really.
209. Conclusion: Constant magnetic field might influence fetal development of mice, which is probably relate to the intensity of the magnetic fields.
210. Consumption activities closely relate to the state of social ethic.
211. Financing activities relate to raising capital via issuance of capital stock or borrowing.
212. Many problems that we often encounter in the economic activities relate to environmental condition.
213. His new wave BLOG inside, the topic much relate to train.
214. The former relate to the cosmism and adoration to the mysterious nature strength in ancient times, it is based on the Yin-Yang and Five-element theory.
215. With its 76 percent visible minority population, many election issues in Scarborough-Agincourt relate to immigration.
216. Conclusion: FRR can relax isolated rabbit aorta, which may be endothelium - dependent and is relate to NO.
217. These standards relate to the degree of faecal pollution measured as E.
218. Make use of the layer analysis method, misty evaluation method sets up an evaluation model, borrow this relate to to the oil ground of the diapason degree carry on the evaluation.
219. The new tax law does not relate to land used for farming.
220. The positive rate of AsAb may relate to the deficiency of active spermatozoon.
221. Its strength seems to relate to the evolutionary salience of the item in question.
222. I knew in my head I was the valedictorian of my class. I was a straight-A student. I knew what it was like to be under so much pressure. I could totally relate to this girl.
223. Forming factor of alcohol dependence relate to family position, economic condition, family drinking alcohol hobby.
224. The discovery is believed to relate to mass and how objects obtain it -- a persistent riddle to experts and one of the most sought-after answers in all of physics.
225. It is the most common genetic cardiac disease, there are at least 11 genes that encode sarcomere proteins, more than 200 types of mutations relate to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
226. The nodular lesion and the small area of low density in liver parenchyma may relate to the inflammatory granuloma and periangiocholitis.
227. Costume text and game of signifier in costume, relate to discourse's construction of body.
228. Admiralty , bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken. Most of these cases relate to employees' wages and severance pay.
229. It is rational that this kind of noun collocates with the measure word one, relate to structure within one's own semanteme characteristic and noun, there are very strong two-way alternatives.
230. The row entries relate to the destination of the outputs.
231. These people, usually men, seem unable to relate to the opposite sex.
232. The state-owned business enterprise is still the predominance of the national economy, its system conversion and structure adjustment relate to the graveness .
233. Specific duties may relate to regulation, promotion, agricultural research, price supports and agricultural subsidies, plant diseases and invasive species.
234. Paradoxically, some of the conditions may relate to the narrowing and the limiting of the subjectivity.
235. The owners of Salem Funerals & Cremations, based in Winston - Salem , can relate to that.
236. All these factors relate to lentectomy, vitrectomy, anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy, silicone oil, and gas for tamponade.
237. The results show that they relate to the dipole-dipole coupling strength between two atoms and atom-field coupling constant and nonlinear coefficient of field.
238. Descriptions which relate to uphill and downhill edges or skis are relevant only when both skis are pointed across the fall line, that is, the path a ball will take when rolling down the hill.
239. I am a character space bright girl. I relate to with classmate in the class harmonious, also relatively take pleasure in help others. I like to paint at ordinary times, reading a book.
240. "The leaders are outdated," he stated baldly. "They don't relate to young people.".
241. They also sere that readers can relate to the stories.
242. The rules relate to hexane, a product used to extract edible oils from seeds and vegetables.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:44:36