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单词 In terms
1) Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty.
2) The book is well organized in terms of plot.
3) Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.
4) The orchestra is unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.
5) There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.
6) He referred to your work in terms of high praise.
7) These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal,(http:///in terms.html) remain unbeatable in terms of price.
8) You can't just look at it in terms of the immediate problem. You've got to see it in a wider context.
9) Western countries enjoyed considerable advantages in terms of technology.
10) Where do things stand in terms of the budget?
11) A generous miser is a contradiction in terms.
12) The cost in terms of human life was high.
13) In terms of price there's no comparison .
14) 'Permanent revolution' is a contradiction in terms.
15) He thought of everything in terms of money.
16) I like the new Audi in terms of styling.
17) Mining can be costly in terms of lives .
18) We must start thinking in terms of reducing costs.
19) The idea is almost a contradiction in terms.
20) A 'nomad settlement' is a contradiction in terms.
21) The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.
22) He referred to your work in terms of high praise/in flattering terms.
23) In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that we interviewed.
24) The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations.
25) Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.
26) He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.
27) Success cannot be measured merely in terms of the size of your salary.
28) There was certainly no difference between them in terms of intelligence.
29) The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.
30) The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.
1) Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty.
2) The book is well organized in terms of plot.
3) Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.
4) The orchestra is unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.
5) There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.
6) He referred to your work in terms of high praise.
7) These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal, remain unbeatable in terms of price.
8) You can't just look at it in terms of the immediate problem. You've got to see it in a wider context.
31) Did the experiment find any differences in terms of what children learned?
32) It's a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.
33) Many people think that an honest politician is a contradiction in terms.
34) The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.
35) Canada has much to offer in terms of location and climate.
36) United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup.
37) They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success(sentence dictionary), the sky is the limit.
38) It still can be argued that Japanese shares are overvalued in terms of the return they offer.
39) Whatever the objections to this sort of treatment, the gains in terms of the number of lives saved are substantial.
40) These teaching methods are too costly in terms of staff resources.
41) In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.
42) The company has now overtaken IBM in terms of size and reach.
43) Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.
44) We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking in terms of holidays.
45) It's too early to start talking in terms of casualties.
46) Educational expenditure is often expressed in terms of the amount spent per student.
47) His behaviour is only explicable in terms of his recent illness.
48) There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but actually they're quite different in terms of performance.
49) Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.
50) The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.
51) The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in terms of cost.
52) According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.
53) You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand.
54) The success of the Revolution is explicable in terms of the weakness of the king's government.
55) Getting the certificate does a lot in terms of confidence building.
56) We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.
57) She knows I need the work so she's got me over a barrel in terms of what she pays me.
58) In terms of fitness, he discovered that Kate left him standing.
59) How do the two techniques compare in terms of application?
60) I'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding.
61) In terms of weight, anacondas tend to be porkers.
62) Minerals are understood in terms of their molecular architecture.
63) That would be less controversial, since liability could then be explained in terms of aiding and abetting the breach.
64) Their ideological development should be viewed as much in terms of this harmonization as in terms of the abstract thought of isolated intellectuals.
65) People approach this whole issue in terms of the ugliness they are confronted with day in and day out in their surroundings.
66) When a child is learning something new,(http:///in terms.html) they try to assimilate it in terms of what they already know.
67) In terms of artistic production the city of Paris reached its apogee between 1250 and 1330.
68) In Mythologies Barthes discusses advertisements for Omo and Persil in terms of the connotations they invoke.
69) Danske Bank became the largest bank in the Nordic region, with Unibank slightly smaller in terms of overall capital assets.
70) The interpretation of the complex world of human affairs in terms of an experimental analysis is no doubt often oversimplified.
71) In terms of our organizational behavior model, costs bring the fear of low performance immediately to bear.
72) Even in terms of his own quite awesome power he was nothing but an underling in relation to his superior.
73) As we have indicated earlier, though, the dynamic of administrative reform seems to have been fairly arbitrary in terms of central government.
74) In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage.
75) Once you start to think about underprepared students in terms of these overlapping problem areas, all sorts of solutions present themselves.
76) The economic rationale, in terms of economic efficiency, was agreed in terms of increasing competitiveness, rather than the change of ownership.
77) In terms of electronic records, compliance with rule 24 would effectively ensure that the issue of document authenticity had been dealt with pre-trial.
78) Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
79) To understand this behaviour we must consider the magnetic quantisation in terms of the Landau levels.
80) In terms of funding, there's going to have to be some political decision as to how we allocate those resources.
81) By far the most important medium, in terms of total expenditure on advertising and sales promotion, is the press.
82) Pupils are capable of articulating a need for information and expressing that need in terms of curriculum-based concepts and keywords. 4.
83) In terms of the features which are used to assess class most Shetlanders seem to recognise that they lag behind.
84) Are they planned in terms of transforming abstract ideas or theories into useful learning experiences?
85) Functionalists, therefore, attempt to explain behaviour in terms of mental concepts such as beliefs, thoughts, desires and memories.
86) But in terms of the idea of attachment objects can be very varied.
87) Nor could breakdowns of these awards in terms of age bands and entry qualifications be supplied.
88) The financial benefits gained in terms of productivity and maintaining an occupational income by returning to work are clear.
89) The South East is the leading region in terms of the educational qualifications of its work force and the level of school attainment.
90) How much importance was attached to these initiatives in terms of overall company strategy? 5.
91) The cost in terms of technological advance and the dissemination of fresh and stimulating ideas, is incalculable but colossal.
92) This has led to proposals that the redistributive impact be assessed in terms of lifetime income.
93) It will all without question make the schools and LEAs more accountable, at least in terms of pupil performance, to parents and public.
94) However, in terms of social arrangements, you are not too far off the track.
95) In terms of the leadership style factors described in Chapter 10, different attitudes arise from different responsibilities.
96) A good service may cost more in terms of staffing, but would contribute to a reduction in medical-bed occupancy by providing early assessment.
97) It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts.
98) In terms of government legislation, empirical research has indicated that a consensual model is indeed more applicable.
99) I can most clearly explain it in terms of the absences of thinking and doing.
100) Poor children actually may be subsidizing the middle class in terms of effective per-pupil expenditures in schools that they mutually attend.
101) Such reformulations can not be analysed in terms of a change of plan, since they themselves are part of a plan.
102) The main objective is to find a solution agreeable to the company in terms of its feasibility and cost.
103) Their research has to be applied in the very process of enquiry: it has to be directly accountable in terms of practical pay-off.
104) In terms of spending, it now cost £12 million to administer an annual expenditure of only £17 million on the grant.
105) How would you assess these changes in terms of the assumptions?
106) In terms of dealing with the mistaken image of you, there is not much direct action to take.
107) First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate.
108) But the early debates were conducted almost entirely in terms of comparative anatomy and paleontology.
109) These do seem to admit of answers in terms of the working criteria of veterinarians, farm and abattoir inspectors and zoo managers.
110) This means that both paid and unpaid labour must be assessed in terms of their contributions to society and rewarded commensurately.
111) Make an abacus and write a report about its usefulness in terms of place value and computation.
112) Structures may be mental in terms of team spirit or political aims.
113) It is appropriate to ask, then, about what is going on here in terms of the organisational and operational dynamics of teams.
114) But in terms of add-on cost the calculation is simple.
115) Rewards may be given in terms of pay, promotion, status, official approval etc.
116) Few of us are naturally ambidextrous but in terms of karate technique this can be achieved through training.
117) The only way to decide is to assess the situation in each case in terms of the cat's quality of life.
118) In terms of class background, some of these factors are more sharply tilted than others - and not all the same way.
119) The most lucrative, in terms of quick turnover, was a deal he helped arrange while governor with former Tennessee Sen.
120) International support is urgently needed, both in terms of economic aid and political support.
121) In terms of basic structure there is no doubt that Dame Sirith belongs to the same genre.
122) And it is also good to think in terms of what bad things could happen.
123) Teachers who for years had planned in terms of appropriate actions could not overnight apply their minds to appropriate meanings as well.
124) In terms of economic, cultural and political activities, therefore, the primate city had little competition.
125) The underclass has therefore become separated, both in terms of income, life chances and political aspirations.
126) Cut off from the mass of the people by race and language, the rulers also became increasingly acquisitive in terms of land.
127) Successive abstractions: these define the situation in terms of higher and lower levels of abstraction.
128) This research explores the discourses of class in terms of the meanings clustering around the ideas of work and of community.
129) In terms of the aims set out in 1955, it can be said that green belt policies have been fairly successful.
130) The former argues the case of viewing relations between central and local government in terms of tensions generated by uneven development.
131) Nevertheless, in terms of the rights which attach, redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares.
132) When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
133) And surely they are best explained in terms of how these special motives come about?
134) Time has established their worth, which is now unlikely to alter substantially, either in terms of esteem or financial value.
135) In terms of both absolute numbers and numbers of species, beetles are the most successful group of animals on the planet.
136) To these should be added a third group, which are not so abundant in terms of volume, but which are equally important.
137) It refers to the method of accounting which reports in terms of funds rather than in terms of organizations.
138) What's more San Antonio is our biggest resort in terms of numbers of 18-30s who go abroad with us.
139) If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. Albert Einstein 
140) A number of authors, whose work will be considered below, have attempted explanations largely in terms of social class.
141) But in terms of years of potential life lost, the biggest killer is lung cancer, which usually strikes in middle age.
142) In terms of technological progress,the public is slower than focus group. Toba Beta 
143) Finally, the state is fragmented, both in terms of political authority and the organizational form and logic of its component parts.
144) Psychobiologists want to explain behaviour in terms of physiological events occurring in the brain and the body.
145) Lowe Lintas is the country's largest advertising agency in terms of billings.
146) It is an analysis of the actual communications practices in the global system in terms of traffic.
147) It is merely a statement about the desired results of the advertising, in terms of what the advertising is to communicate.
148) It appears that for acute health problems older people are little different, in terms of prevalence, from younger age groups.
149) But they no longer define being a good father almost exclusively in terms of the ability to provide economically.
150) For example, regulation may bring benefits in terms of consumer protection but add costs by making firms less competitive.
151) In defining modules in terms of student effort a basis is achieved for comparing arts and science modules with their differing class contact time.
152) Sections which fall below an acceptable standard in terms of quantity, quality of content, or physical condition should receive priority.
153) Therefore, appraise it in terms of the five fundamental factors and make comparisons of the seven elements later named.
154) It began because baseball fans started thinking about baseball and its stars in terms of dollar values.
155) I would have a certain amount to lose in terms of reputation were I to be apprehended.
156) The results are poles apart in terms of character ... each room has a distinctive style of its own.
157) One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over £700 million a year.
158) The film marks a major advance in complexity in terms of both characterization and narrative structure.
159) Nothing works quite like finger food in terms of complementing a b-ball game.
160) In terms of the analysis of the previous section(/in terms.html), the imperfect industry shares become free to vary.
161) Mr. Sayeed Does my hon. Friend agree that assessing ability only in terms of academic achievement sells young people short?
162) In terms of his overall ability, David is not as much of an apprentice as he himself often suggests.
163) It blights lives in terms of poverty and marginalization.
164) The contrast is stark in terms of socializing.
165) Halley discussedc the problem in terms of his theory.
166) In terms of inner composition, single - morpheme words and compound words approximate in number.
167) In terms of sensitivity, reliability and comfort the Crown Skinless Skin is unmatched.
168) Q . Do you think it can really make some different in terms of overtaking?
169) To analyze the interrelation of PTA, PX and PET in terms of price and profit fluctuation.
170) The power supply company can purchase electricity in terms of forward, options, and spot market.
171) There are probably copyright issues as well in terms of hijacking original works for profit.
172) The addition of the trireme definitely increases your options in terms of ancient - era naval combat.
173) Locations on the earth's surface are specified in terms of the earth's axis of rotation.
174) The mastic coatings are introduced in terms of formulation, properties, influential facts and application.
175) Safety harness is quite necessary in terms of the accidents.
176) The priority, in terms of stemming the panic, is to unblock clogged credit markets.
177) In terms of book - keeping this would almost double the public debt, but that is rather misleading.
178) Unlike military power, moral force is not measurable in terms of ships, tanks, and planes.
179) On viscidity on leveling characteristic, drying rate , in terms of impact surface gloss.
180) Speed is a derived concept defined mathematically in terms of length and time.
181) For each person in terms of culture appear to be very familiar with.
182) Debra Winger had to say goodbye to her children in Terms of Endearment?
183) In terms of musical performance, there are many very good French musicians, but few virtuosos.
184) David Chan Ke strategic experts may think in terms of price and non - price competition.
185) MRI in terms of fibroid embolization has been shown to have several advantages over US.
185) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
186) Results CLIA attained the clinical demand in terms of its precision, sensitiveness, recovery and anti - interference .
187) Hooke's law was originally stated in this form , rather than in terms of stress and strain.
188) In terms of mental anguish , we kept hearing negative comments pertaining to Nantah's special circumstances then.
189) From being deflationary in terms of manufactured goods, it will become neutral to inflationary.
190) In terms of transportation, Hainan has 17 ports and 59 berths.
191) The M é tis constitute a distinct ethnic group in terms of history, judicatory, politics, language and culture.
192) As a devotional photographer a very tough man in terms of the handicraft of photo making.
193) We're at a critical juncture in terms of his domestic program.
194) The ABC company is number one in terms of net sales in Taiwan.
195) In terms of subject matter, the wall paintings fall under five categories.
196) The dipole oscillator sum can be expressed in terms of the integrated photo absorption cross section.
197) The spin coefficients are determined in terms of the eigen - values of the invariant polarization operator.
198) In terms of EMRs, we now have two antithetical requirements.
199) In terms of expression method, post - modernistic design irrationalism.
200) In terms of the remediation pattern of registration system administration process and administration litigation.
201) The SBA will be different from the current TAS in terms of the requirements and flexibility.
202) The rainforests of Brazil's Atlantic coast are the world's richest in terms of biodiversity.
203) In the last 30 years, both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations, roles and relationships.
204) The mode of production development project management is analyzed in terms of organization, WBS and CIPMS.
205) Goodwill is a special intellectual property right in terms of nature, exclusiveness and space - time quality.
206) Both in terms of principle and realpolitik, the Lehman decision was sound.
207) This wine bar in terms of quality for the growing Rose market.
208) This paper, in terms of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics dynamic evolution of Xichang Compound Basin.
209) In terms of promoting its resources, Saskatchewan has no shortage of global marketing experience.
210) How is inequality naturalized in terms of ethnic and gendered identities?
211) Finally, speech developmental link considered in terms of speech intelligibility, phonemic contrast, and acoustic features.
212) You must first describe your problem abstractly, in terms of fundamental structures and properties.
213) Sometimes the stability is stated in terms of the added rearward travel possible without instability.
214) However, there exist contradictions in terms of legislative content and practices in investigatory proceedings.
215) Ezekiel 11 : Regeneration in terms of a new heart.
215) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
216) Fourthly, China enjoys a promising market in terms of its high - tech industry.
217) Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors.
218) The behavior of collision is usually expressed in terms of a cross section.
219) STANLEY FISCHER : Thailand had fixed the value of its currency in terms of dollars.
220) People born or grown in underprivileged circumstances can be privileged in terms of other things.
221) The first Bush administration was a mixed bag in terms of economic policy.
222) Discuss the cause of these two diseases in terms of their anatomical, genetic and neurotransmitter basis.
223) I am doing so here , in terms so plain, you cannot misunderstand.
224) The calculation formulas of parameters of straightener are given in terms of principle of straightening wire.
225) Even mental phenomena are assumed to be ultimately explicable in terms of the physical brain.
226) Taichung is the most livable city in Taiwan in terms of climate.
227) The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities.
228) The expression for g can be rewritten in terms of trigonometric sines and cosines.
229) Migraines can also be characterized in terms of flexibility and resiliency.
230) I hope you would leave us some leeway in terms of payment.
231) Necking and cleavage cracking are discussed in terms of prior concepts.
232) Under Lin v. US, the Formosan nationality was put in terms of political purgatory of SFPT.
233) The carefully scripted congress in Beijing produced no big surprises in terms of personnel or policy.
234) While existing federal law Yucca in terms of tons of waste, the real limit is heat.
235) A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.
236) Each sentence could be analysed in terms of grammatical construction.
237) They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM ).
238) China compares unfavorably with many other countries in terms of per capita agricultural land.
239) As has been argued, traditionally organized libraries have reached an impasse in terms of usability.
240) However, in terms of the sequence and importance of the transporting forces, aeolian origin is first.
241) There are prepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position.




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