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单词 Donkey
1. If a donkey brays at you, don’t bray at him. 
2. If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him. 
3. He is as stupid as a donkey.
4. The donkey bucked when it saw the snake.
5. The donkey is eating grass on the field.
6. A donkey can carry a heavy burden.
7. The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden.
8. He's an absolute donkey.
9. The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass.
10. The donkey was so overloaded, it could hardly climb the hill.
11. The man lashed the donkey but it would not go any faster.
12. He tethered a donkey and a horse to a tree.
13. That man's got the brain of a donkey!
14. A donkey mate with a mare.
15. You are an absolute donkey.
16. Our neighbour's female donkey is carrying a foal.
17. Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule.
18. The final leg of the trip was by donkey.
19. He belaboured the donkey mercilessly.
20. He gave the poor donkey a terrible lashing.
21. The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.
22. His donkey threw up his head and brayed loudly.
23. He came riding on a donkey.
24. I did the donkey work but I hired a professional builder for the tricky bits.
25. The donkey broke a leg in the fall and had to be put down.
26. The donkey brayed suddenly.
27. The hybrid from a donkey and a horse is called a mule.
28. This old donkey is a good quiet mount for a child.
29. A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
30. A mule is the product of a horse crossed with a donkey.
1. He is as stupid as a donkey.
2. The donkey bucked when it saw the snake.
3. The donkey is eating grass on the field.
4. The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden.
5. The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass.
6. The man lashed the donkey but it would not go any faster.
7. He tethered a donkey and a horse to a tree.
8. You are an absolute donkey.
9. His donkey threw up his head and brayed loudly.
10. He came riding on a donkey.
31. He gave the donkey a mighty prod in the backside.
32. He gave the donkey a whack across the back with his stick.
33. He would make a good politician—he could talk the hind legs off a donkey!
34. Why should I do all the donkey work while you sit around doing nothing?
35. A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.
36. A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.
37. Please, sir, my donkey Violetta is very sick.
38. The man was wearing a donkey jacket and overalls.
39. He's an old donkey, so stubborn.
40. Certainly better value for money than donkey Deano.
41. A donkey. In the crypt.
42. The very donkey boys were full of it.
43. He had donkey rides out in the parking lot.
44. The students dissected donkeys rather than horses and even Coleman used donkey material to demonstrate horse muscles.
45. Jenks trying to coax Ruess' donkey, Pegasus, on to the back of a pickup truck.
46. In 1878 he tramped through the Cevennes with a donkey named Modestine and discovered the delights of Travels with a Donkey.
47. This has its own 80188 processor on-board, so the cache relieves the main processor of some of the donkey work.
48. Robert Louis Stevenson the novelist and poet who travelled extensively, preferred the donkey.
49. Could mule pregnancies be interfered with by giving the mare a skin graft from her prospective donkey consort?
50. The donkey is the beast of burden, and windmills, originally used for grinding maize, abound.
51. This doctrine is illustrated by a New York case where a student teacher was injured while participating in a donkey basketball game.
52. The same applies to Scrash, although they're about as glamorous as a donkey on Skegness beach and marginally less attractive.
53. Donkeys have no objection to donkey work, but they can not stand being taken for racehorses or tractors.
54. His enemies are not the fearsome ape Donkey Kong or King Bowser the dragon - though they can be as deadly.
55. Chips and mushy peas by the coast are as popular as ice cream and donkey rides.
56. Like a tortured donkey, the klaxon brayed its amplified signal.
57. Garvey was to take the part of Balaam, and Lucie his donkey.
58. The driver yelled curses at her, slashing in fright at the helpless donkey.
59. King Henry is the name given to a donkey, the title character in the children's book, 'King Henry Saves Christmas'.
60. There could be a horse grazing in the field, but not the purple Chagall donkey.
61. It hung limply from the tubercular shoulders of its master like a wet rag on a cardboard donkey.
62. The man in the donkey jacket began to walk towards the back door.
63. Hence the donkey work is taken out of learning how to set everything up.
64. His family were shown outside, loading a donkey and preparing with sad looks for their journey into exile.
65. Lizzie, bouncing along on the donkey, made a comical sight.
66. Some analysts express concern that the new systems will be less secure and incapable of doing donkey work like batch processing.
67. It is your hope that because of your faith in St Francis he will help you and heal your donkey.
68. Ashley glanced up to see that, at long last, the donkey carts had shifted and the traffic had begun to flow.
69. I even drew a donkey playing and a devil dancing.
70. The donkey threw its rider to the ground in a dozen different, hilarious ways.
71. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
72. My favourite moment of that visit was seeing Jennifer the donkey.
73. One particular form of easel is actually known as a donkey.
74. Jane would light the fire, turn the heating on, put the horses and donkey out and do the shopping.
75. Police in Ballymoney, Co Antrim(), yesterday confirmed the donkey was stolen.
76. The lone cyclist, the donkey rider heading for a distant horizon: wherever they are going the eye can not follow.
77. One of the joys of the Atlas is the availability of mules to do the donkey work of load carrying.
78. They did not want to wait until the Messiah came riding on his donkey.
79. The donkey decided to go to Bremen, a town where everyone played music.
80. Which makes it the bargain of the week or a disposable donkey of a release, depending on your perspective.
81. When he made his rounds on a light-gray donkey, people bowed their heads and dared not look at his face.
82. But now a donkey brayed and the faint chant of women drifted with wood smoke from the town.
83. There is an old saying that whipping a donkey will do no good if it's running as fast as it can.
84. There was a swimming pool and a distant view of the donkey field.
85. In some parts of the world you may still see the male peasant riding his donkey as his wife walks alongside.
86. The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
87. There's already too much liquidity. donkey can raise money.
88. That is the donkey boiler.
89. "That no-good lazy donkey!" said he.
90. China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, Donkey cart.
91. Ya can't raffle off a dead donkey!
92. What a donkey, dolt and dunce!
93. It was as good a donkey hepatopulmonary.
94. The bray of the donkey absorbed us.
95. They mated a horse with a donkey.
96. This donkey can carry two sacks of grain.
97. A burro is a small donkey.
98. Rig up a donkey engine.
99. A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey.
100. The little donkey rolled on the ground.
101. Once Mulla Nasrudin was going somewhere on his donkey.
102. It is cruel of him to make the donkey carry such a heavy load.
103. One does not need a saddle on his back to be a donkey!
104. Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare.
105. This kind of antelope has long ears, looking rather like a donkey.
106. While every shovelful of dirt hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt .
107. The product is a new resource food made of main raw materials including cordyceps fungi powder, ginsenoside, yak spermarysheep spermary, donkey spermary, hartshorn and so on.
108. A tiger saw the big monster, considering it as a god peer at the donkey.
109. One day a farmer's donkey fell into a dry well.
110. A donkey who last summer shot to international fame after being forced to parasail above the beaches of southern Russia has died after her heart gave out, her minders said.
111. Ma Rou and the donkey meat cannot with the food,(http:///donkey.html) otherwise can typhus and so on.
112. The reliability lab ship fuel oil donkey boiler controlled by relay control system is evaluated using counting method, and mean time to failure (MTTF) of the control circuit is educed.
113. His end finally know that if wishfully believe love to can replace everything, that is a Qian donkey to exhaust all tricks forever.
114. In Liumiao, every child plays with toys in Brock's home, and at Christmas she always brings a batch of candies and takes them by a donkey cart to schools for students.
115. Alkaline lipase was applied in the donkey and colt skin production process.
116. The motorcyclist remained in the hospital on Tuesday. The donkey, whose legs were hurt in the crash, is being held at a pound in Arauca till the investigation is concluded.
117. The rain pelts down as the doctor and a burka-wearing midwife cling to their horse and donkey as they trot up a slippery slope, leaving the roaring river below.
118. Democratic Donkey Glycerin Bar Soap : This one is for the Democrat in your life.
119. Then I hauled Lulu's dollhouse to the car and told her I'd donate it to the Salvation Army piece by piece if she didn't have "The Little White Donkey" perfect by the next day....
120. Police in the northeastern Colombian city of Arauca said that they had detained a donkey named Pacho after a motorcyclist crashed into the animal and suffered serious injuries.
121. German donkey is making an ass out of herself after falling in love with a gander.
122. Imagine 22 horses and a donkey ( racing ), you just wouldn't stand a chance.
123. IF a donkey brays at you, don't bray at him.
124. One day while taking a contemplative walk he came to a well, looked into it, and saw his donkey shape in the mirror-like water.
125. By now Masurium's Li harbored the saint, also is in labor close, Must ride the donkey and Joseph walks slowly.
126. A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.
127. The farmer said 'You can't raffle off a dead donkey! '
128. They are nomadic omnivorous, and roaming like a wild donkey.
129. On Saturday, man and boy in the village came to the donkey fair.
130. Without more ado, he took a whip and gave the Donkey a hearty blow across the legs.
131. A doting grandmother harnessed a donkey , pursued the boy and rode to guerrilla headquarters.
132. Finding a jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.
133. But the two didn't notice that. They hummed relaxedly and tossed on the back of the donkey!
134. His first effort, in three languages, was a re-creation of an old folk tale about, what else, a boy and his donkey.
135. Due to the difference of geographic enviroment and ecologic condition, and long time artificial tameness, XinJiang donkey became different populations with different character in these 3 area.
136. Now the firstling of a donkey you may redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then break its neck. You must redeem all the firstborn of your sons. No one will appear before me empty-handed.
137. Issachar is a rawboned donkey lying down between two saddle bags.
138. Donkey, Donkey I beg you, please don't sing heehaw .
139. Tamar, cured meat or fish cake roll wraps, if the rejection cake with wax donkey meat to eat on a roll, folk known as "rejection cake volume bacon."
140. But in the midst of the progress in China, the donkey cart is a reminder that life has still not changed much for some people.
141. Perissodactyla hide and skin refers to the raw skin of horse, donkey and mule treated with salt cure, direct drying or drying after salt cure, or the primary-processed limed pelt and pickled skin.
141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
142. Balaam's donkey sees an angel and takes evasive action to protect Balaam.
143. Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.
144. The donkey became extremely angry and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly.
145. Jim Sutler and his donkey arrived at the wooded Indian well about noon.
146. The donkey moved firmly forward on the mountain trail, the bell ringing rhythmically .
147. Donkey milk has the character of lactoalbumin, the content of lactalbumin and lactoglobulin is over 60% of total protein content.
148. Does the wild donkey bray over his grass, Or does the ox low over his fodder?
149. This scenario makes sense, given that all the other domestic animals (except the donkey) and plants were introduced to the Nile Valley from the Fertile Crescent.
150. zebroid is the offspring of a cross between a zebra and any other equine, usually a horse or a donkey.
151. Really, his steadily four legs, an easy mark, two long ears: He sees panic-stricken , oneself turned a donkey.
152. Together with three other families, they are using a donkey cart to transport their big bags of millet home.
153. See what you make of the curious donkey cart, camel sledge, sheepskin raft and dugout canoe: examples of how tradition and newer technology can complement each other.
154. It is still illegal to bring a donkey or a mule onto a trolley car.
155. The father told the family to flee in their donkey cart, but a second missile exploded, fatally injuring him, too.
156. DNA sequence variation in the same species of animals was only observed in human, donkey and mouse, and the number is less than 4 (1.3%), other animals showed no intraspecies variation.
157. Playing Shrek's 1)talkative buddy, a 2)donkey, is 3)veteran 4)comedian Eddie Murphy, another great 5)improviser.
158. Ten red apples hanging on a tree. Yippee , fiddle-dee-fee! But they are not there for long. Horse, cow, donkey, pig, hen, and the other farm animals each eat one.
159. Before the burial , there was a long trek by donkey or mule.
160. The tibetans not to eat donkey, horse and any other Perissodactyla, not to eat dogs, cats and some claw animals, in some areas not to eat fish.
161. Fluid of donkey - hide gelatin calcic profess to convinced ( industry of Hua Shidan drug limited company ).
162. Even though Janes retired from politics ten years ago, he can still talk the hind leg off a donkey.
163. Pakistani men ride on a wood-laden donkey cart in the British-era Lea Market on Jan. 28.
164. Playing Shrek's talkative buddy , a donkey, is veteran comedian Eddie Murphy , another great improviser.
165. Popular at kids’ birthday parties pin the tail on the donkey can be more fun if you make the donkey yourself drawing it and cutting it out of construction paper.
166. And by installing a dynamic imitation screen, adopting the communication module, the automatic lev-el of donkey engine system is improved.
167. The village seemed deserted except for small boys and a meandering donkey.
168. Because the soybean flour on the surface looks like the dust a donkey raises when it rolls in the wild, hence the name Lvdagunr(rolling donkeys).
169. A farmer, Mohameed Abdallah Sharkawi, helps push a donkey cart carrying harvested corn out of a mud hole on his farm.
170. 1870-the Democratic party was represented as a donkey for the first time in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in "Harper's Weekly."
171. Bly traveled by ship, train, jinrikisha (a seat on wheels pulled by a man), sampan, horse, and donkey to make it.
172. So, you think Uncle Sam sends us that donkey milk for love?
173. Marion Stephenson's husband took her on a date to a field near their home, where he presented her with Maggie, a two-year-old donkey.
174. Enough of that ... The donkey later came back and kicked the crap out of the farmer that tried to bury him.
175. It's true. He told me that his grandma could talk the hind leg off a donkey.
176. The donkey was so scared that he began to bray.
177. Lulu was about 7, still playing two instruments, and working on a piano piece called "The Little White Donkey" by the French composer Jacques Ibert.
178. Then a lion walked up to the donkey and the rooster.
179. In the past, he has called Bush a "donkey, " US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice an "illiterate" and former Mexican President Vicente Fox a "lapdog of imperialism.
180. So don't fooled if you see an old nodding donkey standing idle, rusting in the sun.
181. To play joke on him, someone led a donkey into the Palace, what's more, on whose head hanged a note, it read: Zhuge-jin.
182. Donkey find donkey, tiger find tiger, dung beetle rape mole cricket.
183. In addition, the GPS device is placed on the saddle of the donkey and is connected to a central data base controlled by the environmental group that organizes the forest clearing for the council.
184. Objective: To extract keratin of donkey skin for the preparation of colla corii Asini by polyfunctional extraction apparatus.
185. They heaved up the anchor by means of a donkey engine.
186. Any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build and longer ears, and including the domesticated donkey.
187. Some highlights of the film involve Shrek being gross, Fiona being tough, Donkey talking endlessly, Puss being fat, and Rumpelstiltskin trying to suck people into his contracts.
187. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188. We have known a bag full of foreign mail detained for some days between two cities twelve miles apart, because the carrier's donkey was ailing and needed rest!
189. Gines steals Sancho's donkey, whose name we now learn is Dapple.
190. This kind of gear pump return route's model application is on the engineering machinery Chang Ke sees walks, the rotation gear, it saves a donkey pump.




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