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单词 Federation
1. In the future we envision a federation of companies.
2. He proposed a loose federation of small, local groups.
3. What hopes are there for the federation?
4. The United States is a federation of 50 individual states.
5. The Russian Federation declared itself to be a sovereign republic.
6. The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.
7. The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.
8. The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing sub-sidiaries.
9. The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.
10. Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.
11. It is a federation of 10 regional unions.
12. Two states broke away from the federation.
13. The Federation was constituted in 1949.
14. Some of good men drained from the Russian Federation.
15. The federation broke up in 1989.
16. Many MPs are against federation in Europe.
17. He urged them to remain within the federation.
18. The small countries joined together into a federation.
19. The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies.
20. The federation of the six original Australian states took place in 1901.
21. The German sports federation said it would hold an investigation.
22. The Athletics Federation have banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.
23. He's against European federation.
24. In 1966 the first international taekwondo federation was formed.
24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. The Federation are investigating the Daum drugs affair.
26. Attend your federation meetings and make your voice heard.
27. He is now chairman of the British Olympic Federation.
28. That alliance has now widened into a federation.
29. Mr. Putin was inaugurated as the President of the Russian Federation.
30. They were now ready to create a national labour federation.
1. In the future we envision a federation of companies.
2. He proposed a loose federation of small, local groups.
3. What hopes are there for the federation?
4. The United States is a federation of 50 individual states.
5. The Russian Federation declared itself to be a sovereign republic.
6. The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.
7. The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.
8. The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing sub-sidiaries.
9. Mr. Putin was inaugurated as the President of the Russian Federation.
10. The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.
11. Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.
12. It is a federation of 10 regional unions.
31. Her case was supported by the Chicago Teachers Federation.
32. Best of all, Uulaa is a Freeworld, without local sentient population and so outside the Federation.
33. Federation leaders were annoyed by the redundant demands, but could rarely refuse.
34. Species that have been separate for thousands of generations have, as a result, amalgamated into a federation.
35. That question is not addressed to an association or a federation.
36. To get the message across, the National Wildlife Federation sends out 60 million pieces of mail.
37. The Federation representative could suffer unofficial penalties for any such assistance.
38. The federation drew its conclusions after sending a questionnaire to 3,300 of its members.
39. Gorbachev, Yanayev and the presidents of the autonomous republics were also members of the Federation Council.
40. Chamber of Commerce and Telcom Ventures, is rapidly assembling a federation of state and local chambers of commerce across the country.
41. This attack was repeated again in 1987 in the Federation magazine, for the report had obviously hit a very raw nerve.
42. The Athletics Federation plans to crack down on drug and steroid abuse by athletes.
43. Ironically, it was one of the first broadcasts which extended to the entire federation since its collapse last year.
44. Last month the world chess federation Fide accepted a £1.2 million bid from Manchester to stage the championship.
45. And the Retail Motor Industry Federation forecast an increase of 100,000 sales which would boost 1922 figures to around 1.8m.
46. Another one trying to prevent the Federation descending into chaos; he would be no more successful than the Archon.
47. The order temporarily overrules a four-year ban from competition imposed upon Johnson by the international track federation for failing a drug test.
48. We are a closed world, having little contact with Federation authority.
49. In 1983 alone, 147 violent incidents were reported to the National Abortion Federation by member clinics.
50. Now the county's Police Federation has set up a helpline to give advice to officers facing complaints.
51. The International Olympic Committee probably would foot the repair bill, and the international track federation would pay travel costs.
52. John Collins, lawyer for the federation, said that he had made a fair offer.
53. The defense agencies had learned to recruit wealthy federation donors to their own boards.
54. The term "empire' is often loosely applied to a federation of states.
55. The federation was irate because it had wanted to send them on a world tour after the World Cup.
56. There are five major rationales for a federation: 1. Large size.
57. The Labour Party was ceasing to be a loose federation of political and industrial groups.
58. Further talks on June 17-20 in Bratislava left unresolved the differences over the fundamental principles of a new federation.
59. The course takes two years, and graduates are certified by a new group,[] the International Coach Federation.
60. Shortly before the elections the federal government had released details of an alleged plot to take Sabah out of the Federation.
61. In the early 1930s, a former social club evolved into the Patients' Federation and a newspaper was started.
62. This was a proposal for a loose federation of locally based groups.
63. The Federation have developed an advanced fighter craft called the Epical.
64. Nu advanced the ingenious suggestion that instead of the existing Commonwealth structure there should be a federation of Socialist states.
65. At its peak, 100,000 policemen confronted an equal number of union supporters, mobilized by the militant federation Sohyo.
66. David Tagg from the International Federation of Aromatherapists says there are a number of oils which could help weary marathoners.
67. The promising Belfast youngster has been gaining experience on the international front among the Federation Cup aspirants in Nottingham.
68. A federation representative is on call 24 hours a day by mobile phone.
69. They are likely to influence, for instance, the negotiations between leaders of 2 million engineering workers and the Engineering Employers Federation.
70. A study by the National Abortion Federation found a 21 percent decline in incidents of clinic harassment and violence in 1996.
71. They were something else, a loose federation of animals and plants united into an emergent superorganism exhibiting distinctive behavior.
72. The University Labour Federation failed to carry its motion to reject the report.
73. The issue of the republics' future within the Yugoslav federation dominated the electoral campaigns.
74. The basketball federation in Kuwait offered him a coaching job, and made it worth his while.
75. The International Squash Rackets Federation will introduce random drug testing at next year's world championships.
76. The metal employers' federation says half its members may resort to the escape clause.
77. They draw stipends from the national federation and most players have apparel contracts.
78. If Fabre wins the vote in the Federation Executive then he will take over[], although no one knows for how long.
79. The Police Federation has made it clear that any proposals to reduce the age of consent would be vigorously resisted.
80. But now the medium-term future of the new federation was becoming more clear, the precedents and balance of powers were clarified.
81. The Treaty defined the demarcation of powers between the federation and the constituent republics as a component element of the new Constitution.
82. This is played with multi-armed Klingon and Federation battleships and a ten-sided dice.
83. Denounce Big Labor and start a new labor federation like Lewis did.
84. Nations and ethnic groups, similarly, would have equal rights[/federation.html], at least within the Soviet federation.
85. The only form of constitutional arrangements which socialist states took seriously after 1917 were formulas for national federation and autonomy.
86. A survey of 2,000 federation members had shown that 48% believed police should have the right to take industrial action.
87. By March 1984, forty-four violent incidents had already been reported that year to the National Abortion Federation.
88. A new constitution was adopted transforming a loose federation of affiliated organisations into a centralised national political party.
89. A federation can be an acceptable compromise when strong peripheral governments create a central government.
90. The Federation found the reason for postponing outpatient treatment centers until some future date unclear.
91. The Federation established industrial co-operatives with the intent that they should not be absorbed into or controlled by the Consumers' Movement.
92. However, the Federation used its local mass support to carry the campaign further.
93. One of the states has seceded from the federation.
94. Confederation differs little from federation.
95. the state's eventual separation from the federation.
96. He hopes for a gradual disconnection from the federation.
97. The Federation Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation.
98. The Russian Federation was formed in 1993.
99. The Russian Federation, the Northwest District Council.
100. The method can reduce the code redundancy, enhance the reuse of common services among federates and federation, and compensate OOP insufficiency in solving the crosscutting problems.
101. China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Analysis of Contributing analyst Zhang Liqun said.
102. A member of the Organizing Committee representing the international Federation.
103. Earlier, the international police organisation Interpol issued an arrest warrant, or red notice, for Saadi Gaddafi for crimes allegedly committed while head of his country's football federation.
104. It joined Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe ) in a federation from 1953 to 1963 and became independent as Malawi in 1964.
105. Please pay by bank draft or crossed cheque to: The Federation Of Chinese Associations Malaysia.
106. The Women's Federation of this company wants to wire-pull for them on the basis of their age, basic condition and demand.
107. Five states were to comprise the Federation of Malaysia. Four of them were Malaya , Brunei, Sarawak and Singapore. Which was the fifth?
108. Music companies gained just $64 million from China in 2010, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), versus $4.2 billion from the U.S. market.
109. The architectures of data logging and replay in HLA-based simulation system were analyzed. The scope and methods of simulation data logging during federation execution were researched.
110. The federation server included in DB2 AESE simplifies database integration for customers moving from Oracle to DB2 or who are managing a mixed environment.
111. He is also the Technical Adviser to the UK member of the Professional Accountants in Business Committee of the International Federation of Accountants.
112. ILGA is the only worldwide federation campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) rights and was established in 1978.
113. "Banks had an incentive to make sure borrowers could repay," said Barbara Roper of the Consumer Federation of America. "With securitization, banks lost that incentive."
114. But he looks set to leave after the World Cup play-off defeat by Slovenia – with powerful forces inside Russia's football federation now said to be openly plotting against him.
115. The Federation Internationale de Football Association ( FIFA ) has 203 nations as association members.
116. With data federation,[http:///federation.html] the consumer will see a single uniform interface.
117. Worldwide sales of music in the form of CDs and DVDs fell by 15% last year, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
118. There is a wish among competitors that the Federation should change the test every four years.
119. A sheikdom of the United Arab Emirates on the Gulf of Oman. It joined the federation in 97. Population, 32,9.
120. Administrative Districts : The federation comprises 16 states ( Lander ), including Berlin.
121. When supporting write access to this integrated view, the federation server must synchronize the manipulation of data in the various sources into a logical unit of work.
122. The NOC separated from the All - China Sports Federation in 1979.
123. By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo.
124. The International Federation of Phonographic Industries plans to step up action against unauthorized music file-sharing by taking offenders to court.
125. Scenarios that result in large intermediate result sets being moved from the target data sources to the federation server may have significant performance implications.
126. Noncommunicable disease mortality among FSU immigrants to Israel is lower than in the population of the Russian Federation.
127. Victory Day is an apex of glory to the history of Russian Federation.
128. The friends of Chinese National Federation of Trade Unions are always regardful of my marriage. Thank you. I have enough wise eyes to judge which gentleman fit me.
129. BUYER is an EXCLUSIVE Distributor of SUPPLIERs products in Russian Federation for 6 months from the date of signing of the Agreement.
130. Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo could unravel the rump Federation of Yugoslavia.
131. It functions as the official residence of the president of the Russian Federation.
132. The American Federation of Labor is a federal organization of labor unions.
133. The world governing body is the IAAF ( I , DoubleA, F ) The International Amateur Athletic Federation.
134. In order to commemorate Newton's contribution, the International Astronomy Federation decided that names 662 planetoids as the Newton planetoid.
135. The trade deals were opposed by groups including the afl-cio, the largest U.S. labor federation and a frequent Democratic ally.
136. Competition is managed by the OCOG Competition Managers, while the technical control and direction of the competition is the responsibility of the relevant International Federation.
137. The international table tennis federation reformed set-point rules from hundred-year-long 21points per set to 11 points in 2001.
138. Another example is Meng Yung - chien , deputy director of the All - China Federation of Supply and Marketing Co - operatives.
139. The federation says a turkey usually has about seventy percent white meat.
140. According to the International Federation of Phonographic Industries, which represents the global record makers, 99 percent of the music downloaded in China violates copyrights.
141. Following his lead, the Russian Communist Party will cover 1,000 billboards this week with Stalin's mustachioed face and his saying, "The Victory is up to us! Communist Party of Russian Federation."
142. the International Tennis Federation.
143. SUF is a member of IFIA, the International Federation of Inventors Associations.
144. By leveraging advanced query processing capabilities, the federation server can optimally distribute the workload among the federation server itself and the various sources.
144. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
145. Part IV is the monographic study on East African customs union and East African Federation; the two aspects are discussed in more detail to the East African Community Development and achievements.
146. Where XQuery and XSLT overlap is in the problems they solve: transformation of XML data, federation of XML collections, and advanced query of XML data.
147. In March 1994, Bosniaks and Croats reduced the number of warring factions from three to two by signing an agreement creating a joint Bosniak-Croat Federation of BH.
148. He had convinced himself that a "central agency" was behind attacks against Scientology, and his suspicion focused on the World Federation for Mental Health.
149. New features of the calendar include federation and a horizontal scroll bar.
150. In Sierra Club v. Costle, 657 F .2 d 298 ( D. C . Cir.1981 ), however, the court distinguished D. C Federation.
151. The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies was established to advance research and education in the neurosciences.
152. He said his federation and a number of Hong Kong industrialists were now lobbying local Chinese governments to freeze plans for this wage hike.
153. "I do think there's a desire on the part of the public to see people held accountable, " said Barbara Roper, director of investment protection at the Consumer Federation of America.
154. A task force has been set up by the International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation, (IWWF), to drive the programme, andSingaporehas shown a keen interest to contribute to this effort.
155. Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Yugoslavia: Pres . - Momo Colakovic.
156. But the Federation is like a house of cards: disturb one and the whole structure wobbles.
157. In con- federation period, he advocated revising "the Articles of confederation" actively, and promoted to hold the constitutional convention.
158. The Cuban labour federation said half a million jobs would go by March, and the total redundancies could exceed a million, one in five of all Cuban workers.
159. On this spot, the International Table Tennis Federation should also adopt a more practical effective method.
160. Ten years ago, he transformed into a spare bedroom cabin Federation starship enterprise number.
161. Heming Temple headed the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Vice-Chairman of the Federation of Buddhist Youth, Found Buddhism issue "Lu fate of".
162. Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, Pacific Fleet, Northern Fleet and the Russian Federation Navy's four fleets.
163. Vast, yet to the Galactic Federation it presents no problems when you bear in mind we have millions of ships at our command.
164. On the eve of International Women's Day, there was a lecture on health joined hold by Shenzhen Women Federation and Women Sodality of Shenzhen DPF. About 40 disabled women present.
165. Smokejumpers are employed in large numbers by the Russian Federation and the United States of America.
166. To improve performance, federation frequently uses caching, materialized query tables (MQTs), and distributed query optimization and execution.
167. The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies was established to advance research and education the neurosciences.
168. Also today, China and the China Association for Music Book audio-visual Association, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry to join a record company Taofa Baidu's camp.
169. National Real Estate Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber of Commerce , said Nie Meisheng.
170. The revised rough draft script of Episode I described the Trade Federation invasion spearheaded by AACs, or Armored Attack Craft.
171. Likewise, the largest U.S. labor federation, the AFL-CIO, recommends extending unemployment insurance and aid to states.
172. The National Retail Federation cited consumer credit woes when it predicted holiday sales will fall 1 %.
173. In 1886 it was reorganized and changed its name to the American Federation of Labor.
174. Firstly,[http:///federation.html] the World Disasters Report of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies cites an overall decline in Official Development Assistance (ODA).
175. A very significant benefit to the data federation pattern is the ability to mask off many model changes which may be implemented in the source systems.
176. An Earthling is employed by an intergalactic federation to watch over a Way Station they secretly set up on Earth.
177. A world governing body, the Federation Internationale de Football Association ( FIFA ) , was created.
178. Rugged, tempestuous and pretty dapper in a skin-tight federation uniform, the man was born to lead - and break hearts.
179. Tennis star donates US $ 100,000 to eight Chernobyl recovery projects in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
180. It seems likely that for return of a result set, the overhead of federation is more than compensated for by an apparent performance difference between the JDBC drivers.
181. Among the organizations he met with are Universal Music Group and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, the trade group representing the music industry worldwide.
182. Members of Confindustria include ANIMA, Federation of the Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering Industries.
183. Margaret Sanger (US)-Founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she led the movement for family planning efforts around the world.
184. It has over 80 co-sponsors, and has been endorsed by over 80 organizations, including the AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers, NAACP, and United Farm Workers of America.
185. And in 1968 the international lawn tennis Federation gave in to the demand.
186. If you think that a Russian Federation wants to restore a Soviet Empire, that's a rubbish.
187. In this mode, Federation Server generates COUNT(*) and COUNT (DISTINCT...) queries against the nickname objects themselves to deduce table cardinality, column cardinality, and index key cardinality.
188. Wagner, Alfred E. Smith and Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, headed the commission.
189. New figures from the South Korean branch of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) suggest the pioneering law has had an effect.
190. The conference is being convened by the Russian Federation and WHO. It aims to help Member States develop and strengthen policies and programmes on healthy lifestyles and NCD prevention.
191. The membership card of the Democratic Federation , designed by William Morris.
192. I represent the Russian Federation; I cannot take direct responsibility for the actions of another country.
193. "In France they have made an 'affaire d'Etat' with football, but football remains in the hands of the federation, " Blatter said.
194. Hamas has also won Fatah's agreement to share the running of Gaza's football federation.
195. He said that the Automobile and Motorsports Federation had filed application for land required for construction of the racing circuit and got positive response .
196. Cache and data replication patterns can be used to supplement the data federation or in the creation of a composite pattern.
197. First and longest - serving president of the American Federation of Labor ( AFL ).
198. A fourth set attempts to measure progress in the way the International Federation as a whole works together, particularly the development of cooperation strategies leading to long-term partnerships.
199. The galactic federation, the Christ council and the Archangelic realm along with all the Ascended Masters have decreed this.
200. Father Davis Chiramel, founder of the Kidney Federation of India, made headlines two years ago by donating one of his kidneys to a Hindu casual laborer.
201. The easternmost reaches of the Russian Federation, blanketed in snow and ice, appear in the upper left corner of this image.
202. The point in the data flow at which the input data set is significantly reduced, usually represents the most beneficial boundary point between federation and WebSphere DataStage.
203. You are warmly invited to our performance hosted by the Silicon Valley Women Federation, 99 People, CPAA Arts Center and the Bay Area famous artists.
204. In 1886, the American Federation of Labor was founded in Columbus, Ohio.
205. The loss of independence is worthwhile, according to Zhang Zhongxian, the former head of Xixiang village, who is now working for Huaxi's labour federation.
206. By Federation rules, all sponsors must remain anonymous - for their own protection.
207. Houllier will not be in charge of Villa's Monday night game against Stoke because he is still negotiating his departure from the French Football Federation.
208. After the stage of confederation, the Boeotian unification fell into conflicts between the two ways of federation and empire.
209. Malaysia was formed in 1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation.
210. This is a document drafted by the Executive Council World Federation for Medical Education ( WFME ).
211. When the Trade Federation blockaded the peaceful system of Naboo, Valorum circumvented bureaucratic procedure by dispatching a secret mission of Jedi ambassadors to negotiate an end to the crisis.
212. OMAC is a founding charter member of The Automation Federation.
213. The federation will set up joint meeting system of special education work.
214. Federation of Trade Unions: f .1898; Pres . - Finn Thorgrimson.
215. The data federation pattern focuses on the integration of data sources and provides a single system image through a data-oriented interface.
216. The National Retail Federation found that almost one-fourth of shoppers this year arrived at stores by five o'clock in the morning.
217. TODAY is World Kidney Day, a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations.
218. In order to address the latter question, the federation server must also utilize a range of information about the operational environment as well as statistics of the source databases.
219. Following the federation"s renaming to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1963, the People"s Republic of Macedonia was likewise renamed Socialist Republic of Macedonia.
220. He broke away from the traditional theories of five productive modes and tribal federation, analyzed the theory of group standard.
221. The Ethiopian long-distance runner Gebrselassie and the American sprinter Jones have won the International Amateur Athletic Federation awards for the Male and Female Athlete of the Year.
222. The documents say he continued spying for the Russian Federation until his arrest Sunday, February eighteenth.




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