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单词 Sown
1. Reap as (or what) one has sown
2. You must reap what you have sown
3. The fields around had been sown with wheat.
4. He has sown coffee on part of his acreage.
5. Sweet pea seed can be sown in May.
6. I have sown the millet in this plot.
7. The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring.
8. The seeds of friendship were sown early, and they remained lifelong companions.
9. We've sown that field with wheat.
10. The grass was sown in the stadium.
11. Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.
12. These fields used to be sown with oats.
13. Now that you've sown doubts in my mind, I'll never again be sure I can trust him.
14. We sowed our vegetable seed yesterday. Have you sown yours?
15. The seeds that had been sown were almost completely washed away by a sudden downpour.
16. The asphalt playgrounds have been grassed over or sown with flowers.
17. Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?
18. The corn was still sown,[/sown.html] cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.
19. Rye has many advantages as a winter - sown crop.
20. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.
21. Seeds of these plants are sown in moist sand.
22. They will flower one year after they are sown.
23. He's sown all his wild oats.
24. He was reaping the harvest he had sown.
25. The seeds of disaster were well and truly sown.
26. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.
27. And in his mind there was firmly sown, A lovely and a wondrous dream.
28. The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.
29. How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth.
30. I respect those who have fallen bravely, but they have reaped what they have sown....
1. The fields around had been sown with wheat.
2. He has sown coffee on part of his acreage.
3. I have sown the millet in this plot.
4. The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring.
5. The seeds of friendship were sown early, and they remained lifelong companions.
6. The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.
7. We sowed our vegetable seed yesterday. Have you sown yours?
8. The seeds that had been sown were almost completely washed away by a sudden downpour.
9. How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth.
10. Rye has many advantages as a winter - sown crop.
31. It was while travelling around the world that the seeds of her future calling were first sown.
32. Slower varieties maturing in two months or more need to be sown in July to ensure a lengthy October harvest.
33. But even before Edward's time, seeds of dissension had been sown.
34. The seeds are sown on the surface of washed sand and then transferred into tanks some months later.
35. Label each container clearly. Place the sown containers in a warm propagator to germinate.
36. When harvested correctly, the seed will be enclosed in a jelly-like material and this should be sown intact.
37. In the manner of converted preachers, he exaggerated the seeds of corruption sown in his youth.
38. He stands aside from the path and is warned that he tramples on sown seed.
39. It was said, only half in jest, that the seeds of future marriages were sown during the kiss of peace.
40. Place the sown containers in a warm propagator to germinate.
41. The land is ploughed and then the seed is sown, the crop sprayed, the harvest taken, and so on.
42. The seed for some was sown while doing voluntary repair work on church buildings which had fallen into disrepair.
43. For several months after seed is sown, nothing can be seen to show that there will be a harvest.
44. Cyclamen may also be raised from seed sown now in pots and pans and put outside in a shaded cold frame.
45. We are reaping what we have sown with a steadily more illiterate society immersed in trivia.
46. It has sown confusion and anxiety among researchers by giving birth to the ambiguous concept of sensitive but unclassified research.
46. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
47. Other plants sown with the reeds absorb heavy metals and harmful bacteria.
48. The global success of football has almost certainly sown the seeds for the game's corruption.
49. In truth the government of Danzig had become a labyrinth sown with pits for the unwary.
50. Seeds of non-comprehension had been sown which were to lead, within a decade, to major hostilities.
51. Every other crop was grazed off and large quantities of well-rotted farmyard manure were returned before cereals were sown.
52. If your review does not stop them, at least your rapier has sown confusion and dismay.
53. Fastmaturing varieties that might take a scant seven weeks until harvest begins should be sown in early August.
54. You may consider the susceptibility as the soil in which the seeds of disease are sown.
55. Upland farms usually have at least 50% or even all of the land classified as enclosed, sown, short-term and permanent pastures.
56. Our herb garden was designed, sown and planted by 10 and 11-year olds and has given pleasure to many people.
57. The grass is then sown and it is periodically burnt thereafter to improve palatability.
58. Greenhouse varieties are sown in early March; those for outdoors in late March or early April.
59. As has been evident, our procedural rules are sown in an adjudicative framework.
60. This community is cultivated land and grasses will probably have been sown.
61. Land cress, a dry-land watercress, should be sown in August outdoors, or in modules for transplanting later.
62. Malekith became his personal ambassador here and thus were sown the seeds of tragedy.
63. The first crop was sown in February 1619, on 100 acres, but a proclamation banned tobacco growing on 30 December.
64. Mice munch away on aconites and love to nibble newly sown peas and beans.
65. In this sense farmers today are in danger of reaping the whirlwind sown by their forefathers.
66. And as the Saatchi shares peaked ahead of the 1987 stock market crash the seeds of its financial decline had already been sown.
67. We have already sown the seeds of what needs to be done to bring about job regeneration in my area.
68. Sown in March, they will be full and leafy by the time the roses burst forth in early June.
69. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body.
70. This grass is newly sown. Keep off!
71. The place was sown with salt.
72. The seeds were sown broadcast.
73. Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes.
74. The grain was sown in drill.
75. Creativity is like a journey, we are experiencing sown, burgeon and land on wonderful destination.
76. French climbing pea is already exploring makeshift supports from twigs in their pots and a native American pole bean heirloom, famed for its copious crop, will be sown at the end of the month.
76. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
77. One must tramp down the earth over sown seed , which is good for the plants.
78. The Franco - Prussian war had sown seeds of enmity which were eventually to bear fruit.
79. A numerical model of heat and water movement in furrow sown water-repellent sand was developed and validated by the authors in Western Australia in 1991.
80. A randomized block design was adopted to study growing characteristics, winter-survival rate and hay yield of alfalfa sown in dryland-farming regions of southern Ningxia province on different dates.
81. Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower.
82. Two thirds of the crew went on shore leave. They spent too much money, painted the sown red.
83. Grass and clover seed should be sown at a depth of 12 - 20 mm.
84. The breeding technique of increasing generations for winter wheat sown in summer using cool conditions of an air-raid shelter were studied for 5 years in 1984—1988.
85. It is sown in dishonour. It is raised in glory.
86. Castanea mollissima was treated after being sown with the following four methods: shed manure application, Plastic film covering on or over the ground and CK treatment.
87. But Florence fennel is a gamble, it should really have been sown at the start of July – so pray for an Indian summer.
88. Nitrate of soda may be sown pasture that does not eat off.
89. We will pound the rocks sown into suitable road - building material.
90. There is both mad delight and infinite irony in the thought of my ashes scattered to the four winds, sown frenetically in space, an eternal reproach to the world.
91. Through these causes Louis XII of France quickly occupied Milan, and quickly lost it; and Ludovico sown forces were enough to take it from him the first time.
92. The tragic nature of Eugene O Neill splays is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek tragedy, the expressionism of Strindberg, and O Neill sown experience.
93. Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off.
94. Seeds of love between Lucky and Aditya are sown in the cemetery where they share many subtly romantic moments.
95. ' sorry,'says the head lumberjack and sown, " you're just too small. "
96. You have not just sown the seed of change but nurtured sensitively.
97. And counterintuitively you become wiser about the future because you saw its seeds being sown in the past.
98. There and then were sown the seeds of future misunderstanding.
99. A crop can be sown, weeded, irrigated, and fertilized uniformly.
100. Effect of winter sown Chinese vetch on soil enzyme activity in calcarious dirt soil is studied.
101. They work legally, and are respectable, those who reap where one has not sown are the rubbish.
101. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
102. The seeds of FedEx (FDX) were sown in 1965 in a report written for an economics class by Yale University student Fred Smith.
103. Once you've sown, you just have to trust to luck.




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