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单词 Uneven
1. The floor felt uneven under his feet.
2. Your work is always uneven.
3. The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.
4. She stumbled a little on the uneven path.
5. She walked back carefully over the uneven ground.
6. He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.
7. His breathing had become uneven.
8. Her works have been rather uneven this year.
9. Your work has been rather uneven this term, Matthew.
10. Emotion made his voice uneven.
11. Her breathing was quick and uneven.
12. The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.
13. He could hear that her breathing was uneven.
14. This was, for him, an oddly uneven performance.
15. The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on.
16. Uneven cash flow proved to be a major headache for the company.
17. The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources.
18. The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.
19. They daubed up the walls with uneven drops of paint.
20. There is an uneven distribution of wealth across the country from the north to the south.
21. Players complained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court.
22. The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.
23. The contest was very uneven - the other team was far stronger than us.
24. It is rushing towards me over the uneven ground.
25. It was an uneven contest.
26. Libraries have recorded collections of uneven quality.
27. The library's record collection is of uneven quality.
28. Also, an uneven terrain made electronic surveillance more difficult.
29. Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.
30. Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.
1. The floor felt uneven under his feet.
2. Your work is always uneven.
3. The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.
4. She stumbled a little on the uneven path.
5. She walked back carefully over the uneven ground.
6. He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.
7. Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.
8. Her works have been rather uneven this year.
9. The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources.
10. The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.
31. The driveway was uneven, with cracks running through it.
32. His teeth were yellow and uneven.
33. Her spirits rose considerably at the sight of an uneven blob of wax.
34. By far the most important aspect of this uneven development was the undermining of the economic dominance of the United States.
35. The president's lobbying on behalf of his programme was uneven and spasmodic.
36. The tremolo would probably need setting up properly because it feels stiff and uneven in use.
37. The kitchen clock croaked and creaked, seeming to match the uneven rhythm of his heart.
38. Uneven allocation will thus lead to some subjects having relatively short notation at the expense of others with relatively long notation.
39. Be careful when wheeling a trolley over any uneven ground if your child is in the seat.
40. Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures.
41. The uneven impact of the debt crisis on developing countries can be seen in each of four groups.
42. Despite the invention of the mechanical clock, for most people time remained uneven in quality.
43. It is certainly the case that sentencing practice to the present day has manifested an uneasy and uneven relationship between the two.
44. About four months ago, detectives searched the one-car garage at Tula Drive and found uneven patches of concrete.
45. Depressed skull fracture, uneven pupils, ragged reflexes - and more fractures than I care to think about.
46. Indeed the overall score of the 1980s has been very uneven.
47. Painting on unstretched paper causes uneven buckling when water is applied, resulting in distorted images or uncontrollable brushwork and washes.
48. This will minimise uneven shading in daylight, which is more noticeable on a plain carpet.
49. An ugly area of fat which is very uneven and very unattractive.
50. His mind concentrated itself on Tolby's footsteps which were slightly uneven(), as if the solicitor had a slight limp.
51. The logs were uneven, making the house list toward the outside bedroom wall.
52. At a slightly uneven stagger the coffin set off down the aisle.
53. But uneven development does not simply mean that types and quantities of physical and social phenomena vary from place to place.
54. But it is also because of the geography of growth of the service sector, which has also been very uneven.
55. This enables service managers to plan around the peaks and troughs created by an inevitable uneven distribution of learners.
56. Uneven blotches and crinkly patches are on the leaf surface.
57. The uneven ground around the mill was created by digging clay for brick-making.
58. Moreover these different forms of uneven development are constructed one upon the other.
59. Suddenly he felt an uneven tug, the string went slack, and he realized that his efforts had been in vain.
60. The sun has now fallen behind the uneven horizon of buildings.
61. This reversal provides the framework for an analysis of demographic change, but the trend has been uneven both spatially and socially.
62. Uneven Commitment Level Companies often discover that the capacity and interest of individual schools to work with employers differ.
63. The light was uneven in that perfect space; the corners in shadow, the long sides illuminated.
64. The woman was slightly fat, with loose sallow skin and a slow and uneven gait.
65. Once again, the focus is upon the theoretical interpretations of the form and pattern of uneven development that are beginning to emerge.
66. What is clear, however, is that decentralization ushered in a new form of uneven development.
67. Of late, however, her output has been so uneven, one hardly knows what to expect.
68. We listened to the uneven rhythm of the wind's roar.
69. Uneven development can change in both its pattern and its form over time.
70. For the next seven years life was uneven for the Melville family as they received varying degrees of support from relatives.
71. Further coats of varnish should be applied undiluted and with care to avoid runs and an uneven surface.
72. This shift, however, has had a geographically uneven impact, both between and within the economic planning regions.
73. The Headingley game was played on an uneven pitch that made batting difficult.
74. Empirically, the advance of the Labour Party was very uneven.
75. Uneven as the crowd was, my path had taken me close to an outer edge near the earliest assigned parking area.
76. It will, in that sense, be using the existing form of uneven development to its maximum advantage.
77. In fact, we find tendencies toward both the conservation and the erosion of non-capitalist forms as a consequence of uneven development.
78. The floor was uneven and his shoes became wet as he walked through puddles that had formed in the dips.
79. If you hair looks dull and uneven, brighten the colour with a semi permanent rinse close to your natural shade.
80. But its impact on the world has been uneven both culturally and economically.
81. His hand reached for the corner of a pew, the other scrabbling at the cracks in the uneven floor.
82. Instructional changes were limited and uneven, and educators largely viewed the program as an add-on.
83. The material sprang back into the uneven creases that had been shaped by Maidstone's nervous, insistent fingers.
84. She came into the cobbled yard in front of the coach house walking carefully in her high-heeled sandals on the uneven ground.
85. The problem of the uneven playing-field goes much deeper than those arising from non-compliance.
86. Though it offers more sites and possibilities than any on-line service, it can be confusing, and the quality uneven.
87. From this time on the position of subsistence agriculture declined in other regions, though the pace of this change was uneven.
88. Whatever the factors underlying the different growth rates, it is consistent with the uneven relationship emerging in the inter-war years.
89. The changes in health that have taken place in El Salvador have inevitably been uneven, fraught with difficulties and contradictions.
90. This is an uneven show, driven by a concept that puts too much value on the different for its own sake.
91. In our culturally and ethnically mixed society the degree of emancipation of women was uneven.
92. A cellophane-wrapped, unopened perfume box is on one table, surrounded by uneven stacks of papers.
93. The pitch had recently been relaid and proved itself slow but uneven.
94. Writers often refer to uneven development between sectors, for example, or between firms within a sector.
95. Thus without control, a very uneven spread of available nurses arises.
96. Distribution of guilds was uneven, many rural parishes having none at all, while a town might contain several.
97. There were cracks in the walls and the steps up to the entrance had been reduced to an uneven and rocky slope.
98. Her hair, snow white and abundant, had been topped off in a ragged uneven way by the home's hairdresser.
99. Once round the corner, I moved forward as fast as I dared, though the going was very uneven.
100. As payment comes in big lumps when the job is finished, income, Gare noted, tends to be uneven.
101. Alas, his careful pacing and the stars' restrained performances are undermined by a tell-all trailer and an uneven script.
101. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
102. The former argues the case of viewing relations between central and local government in terms of tensions generated by uneven development.
103. This bread has a rather uneven patchy appearance and a slightly damp, malty aroma.
104. On uneven ground use a base and peg it down or use stones to steady it.
105. She went faster and faster, swinging round corners, bumping over uneven patches in the lane.
106. This happens often when you create a document with uneven columns.
107. The changes during the Nixon administration unintentionally paved the way for the uneven rise of globalisation.
108. Some one swiped one of little Alec Davidson's gym shoes and tossed it ahead to the front of the uneven column.
109. A key concept in understanding such major shifts, and relating them to wider economic change, is uneven development.
110. The Middlemen is uneven and less well-written than Brooke-Rose's earlier novels.
111. Moreover, the cooling would be uneven, and the resultant shrinkage and warping would leave the structure fissured and cracked.
112. Why that change from symmetrical expansion to uneven ejection took place is a mystery, Bond said.
113. In most running shoes, as many of you already know, wear patterns are uneven.
114. So Massey sees relations and changes in the realm of employment as key starting points for understanding uneven development.
115. The demand for electricity is uneven throughout the day, involving certain periods of peak demand.
116. But the right-hand column was a record of growth, though of a very uneven kind.
117. These resources tend to be associated with each other, further compounding their uneven distribution.
118. You designed two uneven columns. the first column starts at the default left margin and is 20 characters wide.
119. The focus on the labour process and on the division of labour allows other forms of uneven development to be picked up.
120. The 1832 crisis in South Carolina offers another convenient vantage point from which to consider the uneven application of federal military power.
121. The outcome of such primary data collection, however, is very uneven.
122. Guiding the plough and following the team up and down the field over the uneven ground was very hard and tiring work.
123. Conflict was exacerbated by the uneven distribution of resources and development effort between the different regions of the country.
124. However, the geography of service employment growth is less uneven than that of manufacturing decline.
125. Overall service provision may be stabilized, but a more uneven distribution may result.
126. A few days later the few uneven patches were shaped up with a second mowing, with the greatest of ease.
127. I hovered over the uneven ground of row three looking for an empty pad to park.
128. Early development is likely to be uneven because of differentiation in initial conditions.
129. As with all the economic forces affecting firms' behaviour, the impact of change is uneven and defies generalisation.
130. I stand behind her as I try, unsuccessfully, to help her up and over the uneven pavement.
131. That the ultra-competitive Johnson would focus on the uneven aspects of his game was a lot less surprising than his actual play.
131. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
132. In this low undergrowth their disorganized progress and uneven, differing rhythms of movement delayed them still more than in the wood.
133. Aitken and Ellis designed a double set of uneven parallel bars unlike any other in the country.
134. His work, to be discussed in a later chapter, was very uneven.
135. The old uneven brick sidewalk was ripped up and replaced.
136. Intermediate frequency instability has had the most uneven history.
137. As uneven plaid is uneven both horizontally and vertically.
138. The acting is wildly uneven.
139. The jeep barreled along at about 60 mph on an uneven road.
140. The uneven economic performance is translating into frequent sharp reversals of sentiment in markets. Goldman's Mr. Wilson says it is most evident in the short-term bond markets.
141. The geographical distribution of heat flow data is very uneven.
142. When in use, the multifunctional adhesive bandage can be torn to respectively adhere on uneven regions.
143. This book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work.
144. Its performance for cystic artery widened, or interruption of the phenomenon of uneven thickness.
145. Hierarchical road map considering the uneven feature of terrain and its establishment.
146. Stanley fingered his mustache, which was still thin and uneven despite the care he gave it.
147. Availability: The color is uneven, flesh and so on dark pouches, pockmark.
148. A well - crafted beer produces a tightly knit, dense, uneven head comprised of small, uniform bubbles.
149. Postwar oil discoveries have been very uneven distributed among countries.
150. This article gives some discussion on the prevention and maintenance of the straight rails with alternative uneven side wearing in the heavy-load and fast-speed section.
151. To expound the reasons and eliminating measures of the thickness uneven of the spun yarn.
152. The monitoring results show that the uneven settlements of tower crane base and data fluctuation range of tower body deformation are small enough to meet safe usage requirement.
153. The cooling in gradient method was applied, the uneven cooling speed was avoided.
154. Cellulite is a common term used to describe superficial pockets of trapped fat, which cause uneven dimpling or "orange peel" skin.
155. She gazed round the church at the grey uneven walls and the vivid stained glass windows.
156. It consists of the following layers: the upper homogenous layer, with uneven external and internal surfaces, the intermediate homogenous layer, the alveolate layer, and the lower homogenous one.
157. Wild flooding is used to irrigate forage crops and sometimes small grains on uneven topography.
158. Nissan X - Trail's suspension will be more ups and uneven road surfaces effectively filter out.
159. Adenocaecinoma was seen in3cases and was manifested as irregular, lobulated mass of uneven density.
160. The pieces of wood are uneven in length and can't be used.
161. The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.
162. The main appearances of the X-ray and CT were osteolytic bony destruction, eccentric and expansive growth uneven bony septations, and rim osteosclerosis and ossification.
163. Its performance for the cystic artery widened, or interruption of the phenomenon of uneven thickness.
164. By using water bath heating instead of resistance wire heating directly, the puzzle of uneven and uneasy temperature controlling was solved.
165. Awed by the dimensionless task, students struggle with uneven success to assimilate and survive.
166. After the victory of the Cuban revolution, it has experienced an uneven progress to the socialist modernization.
167. Glinoma reinforcement wall were uneven, blood capillary stria reforcement can be showed in the.
168. The analytical results should be modified by a difference coefficient when the uneven character analysis is based on all the arriving ships.
169. A pneumatic tire in which shoulder regions of the tread has improved resistance to uneven wear and the rigidity of the tread in the tire's lateral direction is uniform.
170. Grind all uneven surfaces until the actuator cam barrel extends flush with the knuckle face plate.
171. He added that the helicopter is guaranteed to crash land safely because the array will detect the aircraft's orientation on uneven or sloping surfaces the very moment it touches the ground.
172. The founding of New China, the Lahu socioeconomic development is very slow and very uneven.
173. The country's forest resources feature inadequate supply , low quality and uneven distribution.
174. In the simple fibrin gel carrier group and blank control group, acetylcholine esterase enzyme activity was weaker, staining was uneven, endplate had sparse structure and irregular perimeter.
175. Taking into account the rolling load is uneven, to balance electrical loads and reduce the electrical capacity slowdown in the increase between a flywheel and electric motors.
176. Horizontal freezing induces ground frost heave and ground displacement. Excessive uneven displacement or deformation may damage the surrounding building.
177. This essay also analyses the strength of steering knuckle's stress, according to three dangerous work situations: emergent braking, sidewise slide, and passing uneven road surface.
178. In the uneven bars, the entire routine should flow from one movement to the next without pause or extra supports.
179. The growth of home ownership has been both socially and spatially uneven.
180. Flesh of tongue of additional exterior examine has without atrophy, if glossal face is uneven, for glossal amyotrophy.
181. Such differences result in uneven eddy current density on electrode surface, which will affect the electrode remelting rate.
182. I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels. I enjoyed the hushed, uneven ticking of a windup watch. I love handwriting.
183. The air conditioning on market a list of things of fish of special electrical outlet is jumbly , quality is uneven.
184. Soon the heart monitor showed a subtle change-an uneven curve instead of a flat line.
185. an uneven road surface.
186. The uneven distribution of the reduction ratio of Mo square bar swaged into the circular bar and the Practice calculation method of reduction ratio were discussed.
187. For the purpose of walking on uneven terrain, the main features of BR2 include geniculate legs and a translatable balance weight in the body.
188. Of or relating to certain hoofed mammals, such as horses and rhinoceroses, of the order Perissodactyla, that have an uneven number of toes .
189. wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.
190. Passion fruit leaves are green, uneven surface, like a block of the hill as uplift.
191. The Heat Map displays values on either a clustered, linear or logarithmic scale, to help spot uneven distribution of data across threads.
192. When the reshaping machine presses the plane, because of uneven stress[http://], the anodes will result in bigger partial load which is not allowed.
193. But the surface of overglaze ceramics is uneven. Overglaze ceramics have exceeded risks of heavy metals.
194. The result is an uneven landscape of empty know-nothing interrupted by hills of self - organized knowledge.
195. Uneven distribution of drill lixiviant for stope leaching was solved by adopting micro-irrigation technology.
196. The results show that the uneven distribution banded carbide due to abnormal spheroidization is one of important factors causing the quality problems of the valves after electric upsetting.
197. When training sets with uneven class sizes are used, the classification error based on C-Support Vector Machine is undesirably biased towards the class with fewer samples in the training set.
198. She excels in vault , balance beam and uneven bars.
199. Uneven hardening, with the formation of soft spots, increases warpage.
200. However, students were uneven understanding of AIDS, let the presence of experts dumbfounding.
201. However, due to poor working conditions for mine belt conveyor, the uneven load distribution, load fluctuation features, it has its particularity in the process of using and maintenance.
202. We develop a function iterative method to solve the complicated equation for the uneven nematic molecular orientational distribution function.
203. By using water bath instead of heated resistance wire directly, could solve the problem that it was uneven and uneasy to control temperature.
204. Some nine or ten lines of writing in Julia's uneven and sprawling handwriting came below.
205. Magnetic particle inspection method can be applied to the surface of magnetic materials in iron or near the detection of cracks and other defects uneven.
206. Bao ancient group plans for a major deep-sea - a half deep in the ash, black ash-like TLC tuffaceous siltstone, shale tuffaceous, with gray green, with thin gray-tuff interbedded uneven.
207. For concrete cast against uneven surfaces, the minimum cover should generally be increased by allowing larger deviations in design.




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