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单词 Hilarity
1) Their appearance caused a great deal of hilarity.
2) What was all the hilarity about?
3) Eva joined in the hilarity as much as anyone.
4) The announcement was greeted with great hilarity.
5) The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth.
6) There was much hilarity when Geoffrey steamed in ten minutes late.
7) Gloria's costume caused a good deal of hilarity.
8) The intrinsic hilarity of the double entendre?
9) The seeds of hilarity spring from within me.
10) With some pushing and shoving and much hilarity we changed and appeared in reasonably good order for our ten minute rehearsal time.
11) I flipped from fury straight into hilarity and collapsed on the ground beside him,[http:///hilarity.html] rolling around in helpless laughter too.
12) And then I would be overcome with a hilarity which made everything I saw comic, two-dimensional, utterly without significance.
13) There was much hilarity when Geoffrey steamed in ten minutes late pleading a mix-up in his diary.
14) The general hilarity began to infect me and I could see Louise catching it.
15) Wine gives not light hilarity, but noisy merriment.
16) Sasha's on court passion borders on hilarity.
17) By midnight the hilarity had increased.
18) Radolph's sceptism excited Winterbourne to further hilarity.
19) The company doubled up with hilarity.
20) The room rocked with laughter. The hilarity relieved the tension of a moment ago.
21) I drove without a word, letting myself float on the wave of their hilarity.
22) Pantomime - what a good excuse to forget your age and join in with the booing, hissing, singing and hilarity.
23) The women stole more work time in celebration of the marriage with much hilarity and sociability.
24) From an attitude of generosity, warm feeling and motherly goodness, she now had shifted into a mood of high hilarity.
25) To say that the men were in good spirits would but faintly express their good humor and hilarity.
26) Fortunately there was little damage, so I can remember the event with hilarity.
27) But the result on the Buckingham Palace balcony was undoubtedly hilarity - to all but the Queen.
28) Joe wondered whether their prudery would ruin things, or add even more hilarity.
29) The square, resounding with the roll and clang of music , presented a scene of noisy hilarity.
30) A 50 year - old English, died due to fatal hilarity.
31) It'seems to me that he grew more erect as the fraternal hilarity increased.
32) The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in'till the bittersweet enthralling end.
33) Still it makes for a bit of hilarity in the tent every morning.
34) If you've never seen "The Threepenny Opera" before, its hilarity may surprise you.
35) BUT there was no hilarity in the little town that same tranquil Saturday afternoon.
36) The movie, " Trains, Planes, and Automobiles " treats this with hilarity and poignancy.
37) The dialog is chock full of the zingy hilarity we all loved in the movies.
38) The hilarity at the association's expense burst all bounds, now.




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