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单词 Achilles
1, Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
2, Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.
3, You're my Achilles heel.
4, Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.
5, A misbehaving minister is regarded as a government's Achilles heel and is expected to resign.
6, This particular operation involves lengthening the Achilles tendon.
7, Achilles was fated to die after Hector.
8, It consisted of stretching the Achilles tendon.
9, At last Achilles called an assembly of the chieftains.
10, The vase painting shows Ajax and Achilles getting ready for their equivalent of k2 paddling during a lull in the Trojan War.
11, Achilles sat alone in his tent, brooding over his wrongs.
12, Within a few days of its unveiling Achilles was modestly kitted out with a fig leaf.
13, Achilles was kept back by his mother. She knew that if he went to Troy he was fated to die there.
14, Achilles sat by his tent waiting for Patroclus to return.
15, He walked with a lilting gait, his left Achilles tendon apparently shortened, pulling his left heel up.
16, Both Heracles and Achilles wear female clothes for a time.
17, The problem is believed to be either an Achilles tendon strain or a stress fracture of the right foot.
18, Achilles sits in his tent, brooding over the wrongs done to him.
19, There is Achilles, the fearless hothead; the courageous and disciplined Hector; and the wily, imaginative Odysseus.
20, Achilles had spared Priam, but Achilles' son struck him down before the eyes of his wife and daughters.
21, While Achilles stayed in his tent a fierce battle followed, the hardest yet fought.
22, It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.
23, On came Achilles,[http:///achilles.html] glorious as the sun when he rises.
24, Grief took hold of Achilles, so black that those around him feared for his life.
25, Derry's achilles heel so far in the current campaign has been a lacklustre, inconstant midfield.
26, At the first onset of this new band of warriors the Trojans wavered; they thought Achilles led them on.
27, Some say that Diomedes went with him and others Neoptolemus, also called Pyrrhus, the young son of Achilles.
28, It is slightly cut away at the rear and so doesn't put pressure on the Achilles tendon.
29, This is the smell of a herbal rub on great Achilles.
30, Charles has struggled with knee trouble while Wilson has been plagued by Achilles tendon and hamstring problems.
1, Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
31, The scrum-half arrived from New Zealand and promptly injured his Achilles tendon.
32, If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel, then Miss Roocroft's is still her cloudy diction.
33, Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
34, An A major-F major chord progression is heard as the remorseful Achilles reflects on his men who died through his fault.
35, The bike fell on him, tearing his Achilles tendon, which is no joke at all.
36, Although Artemis seems to have disliked all males, she particularly resisted heroes of the stamp of Hercules and Achilles.
37, It is said that the disguised Achilles reveals himself when he chooses a sword over more feminine gifts.
38, First, it was his knee, then an achilles and finally a broken finger.
39, Keywords: ultrasound, achilles tendon, mechanical properties, resonant frequency.
40, Your private battle with Achilles is destroying us.
41, Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.
42, The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles.
43, Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes.
44, Objective : To explore the treatment method of Achilles tendon compound tissues defect by microsurgical reconstruction.
45, India, where Herakles and Dionysus traveled...all these men who went East, Theseus...Jason, Achilles, were victorious.
46, Aurelio has been missing for six months since Achilles tendon.
47, The merged bank's Achilles heel is the corporate - loan book of HBOS.
48, Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of the Achilles (uh-KIL-eez) tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone.
49, They may be suffering from hammer-toe, hallux valgus and Achilles tendon damage.
50, Millions of individuals with coronary artery or valvular heart disease have been given a new chance at life by heart surgery, but the potential for neurological injury is an Achilles heel.
51, A lone, dedicated machine providing some crucial service—say, DNS or centralized authentication—is an Achilles heel and warrants a bullpen for backup.
52, This epic tale leads to the story of Helen of Troy, the Trojan Horse and Achilles.
52, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
53, Conclusion The V Y tendinous flap is a simple and good method for treatment of old rupture of the Achilles tendon.
54, A runner who hasn't had shin splints, Achilles tendonitis , or inflamed feet is like a cyclist who hasn't crashed: It's only a matter of time.
55, Alexander's obsession with the mythological Achilles pleases his mother, Queen Olympias.
56, Inflation has been modest, and sterling, the Achilles heel of governments from Clement Attlee's to John Major's, is if anything too strong for Britain's good.
57, We see ankle sprains, we see Achilles Tendonitis, we see stress fractures.
58, Objective : To evaluate the value of ultrasonography in diagnosing achilles tendon rupture.
59, The most common sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, fractures and dislocations, Achilles tendon injuries, swollen muscles and shin bone pain...
60, The Achilles tendon that connects with soleus, gastrocnemius muscle and calcaneus behaves like a "three stings system".
61, For example, he noted, forefoot strikers place less stress on their knees but more on their calves and Achilles tendons.
62, Once it was diagnosed as Achilles tendonitis Karen tried various treatments including physiotherapy, acupuncture and osteopathy.
63, Background: Nonoperative management of chronic tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon insertion has been poorly studied.
64, What will it be when the increase of yearly production is brought to a complete stop? Here is the vulnerable place, the heel of Achilles, for capitalistic production.
65, Conclusion:It is feasible to repair Achilles tendon defect by free transplantation of iliotibial band with anastomosis of lateral superior genicular artery.
66, Discover the fix for shin splints, Achilles tendinitis and other common running injuries of the lower leg.
67, The hopes of's 1.3 billion people rested on's dodgy achilles tendon - and just after midday today it failed.
68, Methods: Eleven cases of Achilles tendon defect were repaired with tendon transposition and iliotibial band transplantation.
69, Magnetic resonance imaging is an effective noninvasive technique for early detecting the raptures of Achilles tendon.
70, The secondary Achilles tendon repair was performed on 13 patients before the neurovascular flap was performed.
71, Did Patroclus doubt Achilles when the stood side by side at the seat of Troy?
72, From 1964 to 1982, 16 cases of achilles tendon rupture were encountered.
73, Even if l could make peace with Achilles, the man won't listen to me!
74, We all know the so-called sophism of the ancients, proving that Achilles would never overtake the tortoise, though Achilles walked ten times as fast as the tortoise.
75, When Achilles was still a baby, Thetis was that her son would die in war.
76, Just like Herakles and Achilles, and all the characters in the Greek what we think of as mythology, but these people actually lived a lot of them.
77, Achilles makes a secret pact and I have to honor it?
78, Trojan prince, the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba, killed by Achilles in Homer's Iliad.
79, He thinks small business is the Achilles heel of the French economy.
80, Achilles was a great Greek warrior and son of the sea nymph Thetis.
81, Because what Zeno hadn't seen is that the tortoise does not escape the destiny that weighs upon Achilles - its step too gets shorter and shorter and it never arrives at the limit either.
82, When Achilles was born, Thetis learned that her son would die in combat.
82, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
83, In the American film Troy, the character shaping of Achilles and that of Hector have their respective advantages, with failures preponderating over success.
84, Objective To discuss a new operative procedure and the results of transplantation of iliotibial band with vascular anastomoses to repair Achilles tendon defect.
85, David Beckham says he is doing well after an operation on his ruptured achilles tendon.
86, On hearing this, Thetis, the mother of Achilles, went to Zeus's palace and asked him to make the Greeks repent14) of their injustice to Achilles by granting success to the Trojan army.
87, Patroclus is killed, and as a result Achilles is filled with fury and remorse.
88, Our great leaders, Achilles and Ajax , had both died fighting.
89, Recovery time is the achilles heel of a HX system in high volume cafes.
90, Achilles, my master, thinks of me as a warrior whose skills on the battlefield are unequalled.
91, According to another tradition, Achilles was the victim of a plot.
92, "It was like being hit by a hockey puck, " he said of the moment he felt his achilles snap.
93, Bent on revenge, Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnon, and putting on his new armour made by Hephaestus, went out to avenge his friend.
94, Achilles and Agamemnon for her angrily out of strife and war.
95, During an attack on the walls of Troy, Achilles caught the sight of the beauty of Polyxena, daughter of Priam .
96, A few days earlier he had ruptured his Achilles tendon in a basketball game.
97, But he regularly treats weekend warriors with chronic tendonitis and, more seriously, ruptures of the achilles tendon, which require prompt medical attention.
98, Achilles looks out to the sea. Thetis, tears in her eyes, smiles bravely.
99, Small branches of posterior tibial artery for the distribution: the former industry front tibia, s sector semimembranosus muscle only points to the Achilles tendon mid-point of the connection.
100, Methods The peroneus brevis muscle flaps were translocated reversely for repair of the soft tissue defects on the lateral malleolus and Achilles tendon.
101, The Jiage replace Diarra, Raul overcome an Achilles tendon injury, and striker Ruud van Nistelrooy partner.
102, Objective To conclude the method and experience of reconstruction of Achilles tendon rupture with peroneus longus tendon transfer.
103, Objective:To report the applied anatomy, biomechanical character and operation method of peroneus longus muscle tendon transposition repairing Achilles tendon defect.
104, Tony's wound is at competition time from the very beginning a regulation, wound to Achilles tendon.
105, The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles in this team.
106, Objective To evaluate the surgical method and results of the treatment of chronic rupture of the Achilles tendon using V Y tendinous flap.
107, Milutinovic did not take long to identify his team's Achilles heel.
108, Objective:To provide anatomic basis for Achilles tendon defect repair by great adductor muscle tendon combined tissue flaps.
109, Achilles Heel: Bond’s always been a ladies man, and that’s where we spy potential for his comeuppance. Chuck a glamorous STD-carrying blonde his way and that’s the end of our favourite double-O.
110, A Trojan prince, the eldest son of Priam , killed by Achilles.
111, He recounted the scene where a messenger tells Achilles how scared he would be to confront the giant Thessalonian, whom Achilles was preparing to battle.
112, Objective To investigate the management of the soft tissue defect after Achilles tendon repair.
113, The defect of Achilles tendon was 8 to 10 cm(http://), to repair it.
114, Conclusion: MRI scan is an accurate method of choice in the diagnosis of close injury of Achilles tendon, therefore, it is helpful in the surgical planning of Achilles tendon tear.
115, He told Achilles the sad condition of affairs at the camp.
116, Stress experiment: A total of 32 Achilles tendon rupture models were involved in the result analysis.
117, Greek mythology a mythical Trojan who has killed by Achilles during the Trojan War.
118, Objective:To provide anatomic basis for Achilles tendon defect repair by transplantation of iliotibial band.
119, Objective To provide a clinical anatomic basis for the bi-pedicled gastrocnemius myocuta- neous flap which is to be used to repair defects of the Achilles tendon and posterior skin of the ankle.




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