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单词 Casually
1. He threw the keys casually down on the table.
2. I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
3. His arm was draped casually around her shoulders.
4. They were smartly but casually dressed; possibly students.
5. I didn't see him, except casually, in two months.
6. He casually flicked away some dust from his jacket.
7. She was dressed casually in jeans and a sweatshirt.
8. She leaned casually over the railings.
9. 'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually.
10. She was dressed casually in shorts and a T-shirt.
11. He sauntered casually through the door.
12. 'Where do you work?' she asked casually.
13. She remarked casually that she was changing her job.
14. "No need to hurry,[/casually.html]" Ben said casually.
15. They were smartly but casually dressed.
16. They chatted casually on the phone.
17. He spoke casually and toyed with his pen.
18. He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.
19. He walked down the road, casually swinging his bag.
20. She picked up the package and casually tossed it into her bag.
21. Good form dictated that she should dress more casually in the country.
22. He casually waved over the waitress and settled the bill.
23. He sat with his arm draped casually around her shoulders.
24. She'd mentioned it casually once, surprising him by her unconcern.
25. She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.
26. He leaned casually against the door frame, hands on hips.
27. Fred brought out casually, " I saw Mrs. Fortescue going off to work when I came out.
28. She writes casually, with unflappable assurance.
29. I spend most of my time in the house with young children, so I dress casually.
30. 'What did he say about me?' she asked as casually as she could.
1. He threw the keys casually down on the table.
2. I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.
3. I didn't see him, except casually, in two months.
4. He casually flicked away some dust from his jacket.
5. She was dressed casually in jeans and a sweatshirt.
6. He sauntered casually through the door.
7. She remarked casually that she was changing her job.
8. He casually waved over the waitress and settled the bill.
9. Fred brought out casually, " I saw Mrs. Fortescue going off to work when I came out.
31. He was casually dressed and had a rumpled look.
32. We hate them, she remarked casually.
33. They often spoke privately and, Jim thought, casually.
34. What an ill-organized, hotchpotch, casually assembled, patchwork life.
35. Britt casually knotted a silk scarf around her neck.
36. Casually she let her scarf drift to the ground.
37. She and her polite staff dress casually.
38. Casually at first, fishing for indiscretion.
39. Then he casually mentions he needs about 40 ambulances.
40. Does anyone think these superlatives were casually earned?http://
41. Immediately Nathan rose too, casually placing himself between her and the companionway.
42. That vast tracts can be bought and sold as casually as a loaf of bread is immoral.
43. She has been too busy to cultivate many friendships and too concerned about her public image to date casually.
44. A strong likelihood of being fitted up by corrupt cops or being casually blasted out of existence by some one's assault rifle?
45. He slapped her, swiftly and casually, his hand coming back to cover her mouth in case she might cry out.
46. From time to time she would glance back into the room, her eyes coming to rest on the casually seated figure of Tsu Ma.
47. Your children tell you casually years later what it would have killed you with worry to know at the time. Mignon McLaughlin 
48. He was dressed casually, in a rough cotton shirt with sleeves rolled up and workman's style trousers.
49. And whom, casually, Thorfinn had now brought south from his fastness to greet his uncle.
50. I was more casually dressed in corduroys and a black leather jacket.
51. Two workers casually dressed in navy blue shorts and singlets were already in the process of unloading the unwieldy hospital bed.
52. Casually mention that your homicidal six-foot boyfriend is expected in fifteen minutes.
53. It should not casually diminish these hard-won gains by yielding to the pressures and temptations of the day.
54. I stand up(), as casually as a man can who has been kneeling in snow drinking lake water.
55. Liartes brought his mount in to land on the turf a few yards away and dismounted casually.
56. Casually, Kirov dipped his hand into the pocket, encountering the cold hardness of the gun.
57. But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
58. The notion of casually mixing fine art and housewares may be offensive to them.
59. And which, of course, are casually tossed aside whenever the overriding concept of money enters the picture.
60. They can be worn casually too, and this moleskin example from Racing Green is excellent.
61. In a bar one could be reasonably circumspect, casually checking the door between sips of cocktails and snippets of conversation.
62. Marsha sits at her office desk, casually dressed, as usual.
63. It was a hot summer day, and our employees were dressed... casually.
64. Salmon patties sat casually in their Pyrex homestead, just challenging you not to wolf them down as accompaniment.
65. While I was carrying out my examination I would quite casually discuss recent events.
66. There had been the natural initial shock of disbelief at hearing of the unexpected death of any person even casually known.
67. Marty casually manipulates the two contenders for the estate in her quest for the formula.
68. She was dressed casually in a pair of faded Levi jeans, brown ankle boots and a baggy white T-shirt.
69. He compromised by gazing fixedly into the middle distance, where moorland and forest drifted by and could be contemplated almost casually.
70. On one famous occasion Diana, barefoot and casually dressed in jeans, buttered toast for an astonished footman.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
71. As Balfour talked, the men casually watched the infested pasture.
72. Fergie's title has been casually lined through with a ballpoint pen.
73. She usually waves goodbye to men as casually as she greets them, but this time she is hooked.
74. The envelope remained in my pocket for another half hour, after which time I casually strolled out to the gents.
75. He casually allowed his jacket to fall open revealing the bleeper and the computerized personal memo on his belt.
76. Because they are casually told and even more casually heard, we hear without alerting our more critical faculties.
77. It was rather small and it had been hung, quite casually, on a nail protruding from the wall.
78. Converse carried the briefcase through the hurrying evening crowds on Le Loi, walking as casually as he could.
79. There were invitation cards and calling cards arranged along his mantelpiece, apparently casually but giving no doubt of his social success.
80. He was leaning casually against a nearby brick pillar, his dark eyes watching her carefully.
81. He dressed casually in a red golfing sweater, pale blue trousers, and deceptively ordinary-looking hand-made shoes.
82. A few picture postcards casually sent could not be considered remembering in any serious sense.
83. They took this descent into Hades as casually as she would go down a flight of stairs.
84. By Rockville Centre I was at the first car, casually edging my way t6ward the door.
85. At the song's end, he casually tosses his guitar over his shoulder and into the drum kit.
86. I casually wondered how I would get out if a bomb went off down at ground level.
87. Once or twice, Jack had casually goosed her as she reached for a file.
88. Having secured your trade the guard will lean casually on the bonnet in full view.
89. The cheaters were caught when one teacher set a trap by casually leaving a copy of the test on her desk.
90. Neither are ethnic jokes, which are tossed off casually and somewhat cruelly.
91. BankAmerica employees like dressing casually so much they are willing to pay for the privilege.
92. Except Basueldo, who lounged in his chair, his arm casually around a cushion.
93. He was putting on his heavy overcoat, asked again casually if he could have a look at the glass.
94. As far as Liz can remember the idea came upon them rather more casually, one Saturday morning in early November over breakfast.
95. Casually he holds his small pistol towards me, butt first, for inspection.
96. BelLa is casually looking at the painting that sits beside William.
97. Kirov glanced casually at a pair of tripod cameras and an umbrella floodlight.
98. Picking up a sheet of paper, she casually unfolded it, and then gave an exclamation.
99. His shirt was casually unbuttoned at the chest, the trousers high at the waist and tight about his hips.
100. All fatalities associated with this species have occurred when swimmers or divers have casually picked up and handled the octopus.
101. Casually our host suggested that we might like a further demonstration of the rats' boldness.
102. He tried to maintain an outward in-difference by chatting casually with members of his group.
103. He was dressed casually in narrow white trousers and a white short-sleeved shirt and Ruth knew the shirt would be silk.
104. Then one day in 1742 the employer casually asked his clerk to write up a bill of sale for the woman.
105. The virus opened the door for an onslaught of illnesses Pieters lists casually: hepatitis, pneumonia,[] shingles.
106. She had casually mentioned it while glancing through Philippe Bonard's brochure.
107. Some people react so strongly against the morbid view of doubt that they treat doubt casually, even celebrate it.
108. Jimmy went back to his conversation with the tattooed man, his thumb now resting casually in Sean's belt loop.
109. And what about all those nude women casually festooning the stage?
110. People milled about casually, talking amongst themselves, eating and drinking.
111. It was a hot summer day, and our employees were dressed... casually. In jeans and shorts.
112. The two-minute video shows the protesters casually entering the office before linking arms through the tubes.
113. He seemed to find the spirit relaxing, and sat down himself, crossing his legs almost casually.
114. Cantor had been sitting in one corner, legs casually crossed, one arm thrown over the back of the sofa.
115. Among them: Free everyone to dress casually because there are no credible studies linking job performance with attire.
116. She thanked him without warmth and stuffed the notes casually into her bag.
117. Before each performance, he slid casually through an unnoticeable stage door into a world unknown to most.
118. Casually remove articles of clothing throughout the course of the meaL Insult your companions.
119. Then he turned and casually sauntered back to the gaming room.
120. He casually leafed through the book.
121. Such cases casually appear normal and probably escape detection.
122. " All's well that ends well,'said the Warden casually.
123. It's improper to drop in on him so casually.
124. How could you answer him so casually?
125. Client: W ell, we can't use hypotensor casually.
126. Like Hollywood executives, hedge-fund chieftains are often the most casually dressed guys in the room (though their Seven jeans and untucked Lacostes cost as much as some suits).
127. A Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness.
128. Approaching this casually could cheapen the very institution same-sex advocates appear to idolise .
129. He had casually conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood.
130. He mentioned the problem casually with no advertence to its importance.
131. Henry casually said,[] " David decided to stay over at Tom's another day. "
132. Comment on: the author by life's feel directly pen, the seemingly casually to write, but write a wonderful end writing method, using this method and can receive to win the effect of opportunely.
133. When the Red Queen says 'I need a pig here, ' it's a regal request for a footrest issued casually; she's clearly accustomed to comforting her feet with warm pork bellies.
134. But he handled it carefully, yet casually, wiping and brushing and blowing.
135. Um, he, a formal kind of guy, or does he dress casually?
136. The Jews will speak the sentence casually with meaningful looks, if possible beyond SS earshot.
137. "Why didn't you tell me, Archie?"— "Because you might have casually mentioned it to somebody else.".
138. Were it not for its thorns, more people would perhaps have picked it wantonly and casually.
139. One day the piggy ate a banana and he throws the banana skin away casually, too.
140. But arrived 2000 when, walk into an Internet bar casually, computer screen is right the penguin figure annunciate that next horn blink ceaselessly is worn QQ already on the pace drive.
141. AMERICANS do it guiltily, Russians casually, Africans lethally and the French habitually.
142. Kitty kept her hand casually and frequently on the horn.
143. He stands casually in slacks, bluet-shirt, red scarf and a long open trench coat, one hand by his side, the other with his thumb hooked in his pants' pocket.
144. It is a long time for human beings to detect the lies from unscientifically to scientifically. The lie detecting tool has been developed from casually to intensively and from easy to complex.
145. He walked by my table and, casually as you please, picked up my address book.
146. He was not a regular customer here, having dropped in casually today.
147. According to the raw materials on hand casually in a bowl of soup, the taste is very delicious.
148. In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.
149. What had apparently been happening was that, as people gathered informally over their sandwiches in the coffee room, useful information was casually being exchanged.
150. "Hollo, son, " said Gant , casually entering the room; his heart shriveled as he saw the boy.
151. There are financial management problems in higher schools, which are using revenue too casually , managing the extra-budgetary revenue and fixed property too loosely and not auditing strictly.
152. At a dinner event earlier this week, Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield casually mentioned a site called Wordie, whose tagline is “Like Flickr, but without the photos.”
153. Brother got a passel of old goods casually. It will keep you busy these days!
154. Afternoon sunshine is watering along the window and my desk. Spreading out the pencils and the blank card paper, I drew this simple flower sketch casually.
155. The answers to these questions lie in the business books that many literary editors so casually toss out.
156. While Americans might casually flip out a card from their wallet, for example, Japanese executives will carefully present their cards with both hands as a sign of respect.
157. Selling these control weapon not only break the law, be being bought casually also is unallowed .
158. A figure reclines leisurely on a bed of flowers by the seaside, leaning casually on his wrist, his head arched back and lips parted suggestively.
159. In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit - guarantee schemes that destabilise banks elsewhere.
160. A young dromedary camel peeks underneath its mother as she casually drinks in the Guelta Arche,[/casually.html] a steep canyon in the Chadian Sahara.
161. Swinging his stout frame, Pierre slouched through the crowd, nodding to right and to left, as casually and good-naturedly as though he were walking through a crowd in a market.
162. This title too gain is big, be afraid not allow the Everyman as mycomments casually.
163. I blinked rapidly – but casually – and stepped forward through the disembodied door frame.
164. With the spread of ultrasound machines, what families in Haryana casually call "the wipeout" has become much easier.
165. In those days she valued her affection too highly to bestow it casually.
166. A few days later, during a fire drill, (20) I casually went up to her and asked, "Ever been to the Aleutian Islands?"
167. She directed him - casually , she hoped -- to park the pickup around behind the house.
168. We need to know asset portfolio earning ratio distribution function uniting , but the distribution function uniting so are sometimes unable now casually express out.
169. He stood at the boardroom table casually, shoulders slightly hunched as usual.
170. My brother, Fred, a lecturer at Baruch College in New York City, dresses very casually, usually in clothes that have seen better days.
171. But we casually get the wrong end of the stick, for we live in a different age and a different kind of lifestyle.
172. But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually.
173. He remembered Sonny as being sometimes casually brutal but essentially warmhearted.
174. Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness. A female cop surveys a field near a highway, her firearm in tow.
175. Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.
176. In the early 1980s, as a dogsbody in a paper mill, she noted that the waste paper her superiors so casually discarded was actually worth something.
177. Marian Diamond asks her students on the first day of anatomy class as she casually opens a flowery hatbox and lifts out a preserved human brain.
178. You might find someone who's already in your business and isn't actively looking for a job, but is just casually flipping through the trade journal and comes across your ad.
179. Five buildings are all books leave a stub, does not permit the external loan, but may look casually.
180. The cold weather, shepherd's purse will also be frozen to death, so casually, then that is a question, it did not seriously.
181. He passes by the dead drop and deposits the message casually, without arousing suspicion.
182. I put down Connor's milkshake and walked casually over to the two insects.
183. Her hair bounces with each step, the sunlight brightening its faded blondness and she looks casually pretty in a way that he had forgotten about, and is now being reminded of at unexpected moments.
184. Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.




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