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单词 Caveat
1. The sale is subject to the caveat emptor principle.
2. She will be offered treatment, with the caveat that it may not work.
3. He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article.
4. There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.
5. So caveat emptor viridis: let the green buyer beware.
6. It is very much a case of caveat emptor.
7. With this caveat, some trends can be seen.
8. Catherine Destivelle issued a similar caveat from the floor about the situation in the Alps.
9. There's a legal term, caveat emptor, which means buyer beware, so when viewing it pays to be suspicious.
10. The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.
11. Soon enough we were back to believing that caveat emptor was the motto of every good shopper.
12. But caveat emptor, once you're home, you're on your own.
13. The second caveat is that this generalization, like most, while generally applicable, is not universally so.
14. One other caveat: You may have no more need for tax software than you do for an accountant.
15. The caveat pertains too to what follows in this chapter, further conclusions about causal relations.
16. With this caveat, he endorsed the Fifth Army proposal for resuming the offensive on the Right Bank.
17. One major caveat: Some nutritional experts note that there is no consensus on the ideal level of antioxidants.
18. However, this caveat is a special case of the general truth that any scientific theory is necessarily underdetermined by the evidence.
19. My final words would be caveat emptor - let the buyer beware.
20. An important caveat to this is that the agreement must be fair and reasonable.
21. Most important, remember: Caveat emptor(), or buyer beware.
22. Edible commodities, hygiene first Caveat emptor. Thanks for understanding.
23. Did Ms. Awesome For Real just use caveat emptor?
24. Any discussion of legal action must be preceded by a caveat on costs.
25. Using consolidation to get rid of duplicative layers or segments is fine, with an important caveat.
26. This marks the approval record in each module, with the caveat as part of the modification record.
27. Fattah, Bray said, proposed the stock purchase with a caveat that the profit-sharing contract would be terminated.
28. When it comes to polling, surveys, and public opinion research, caveat emptor is the rule, not the exception.
29. But as Professor Smith himself notes, there is one important caveat to this argument.
30. I wholeheartedly welcome and endorse the proposals contained in the Gracious Speech, with only one minor caveat.
31. A Caveat: Are metabolically healthy obese individuals REALLY healthy?
32. Is there a caveat in all this bustle?
33. You're buying a used car? Caveat Emptor.
34. As I have written before, that's quite a caveat.
35. No such caveat applies to Mittal or Arcelor.
36. Caveat: operating system fingerprints are occasionally wrong.
37. SeasonaBle fresh fruits . Please select carefully Caveat emptor.
38. Of course brooms have their caveat too.
39. The defendant entered a caveat.
40. With the caveat about group participation described below.
41. But even this consolation comes with a caveat.
42. However , a caveat must be introduced here.
43. Due diligence will be more onerous, and the whole affair is likely to take much longer, because the purchaser will assume caveat emptor applies.
44. A final caveat or two: Don't ever fall so in love with any fundamental measure that you forget about price; the goal is to buy a great ROIC at a good price.
45. "Guidelines" to emphasize once again that the stock market "caveat emptor " principle.
46. There is one caveat: You don't want to just repeatedly call this function until you hit the rate limit.
47. And then, as my caveat says, there are those instances of overvaluation that are hard to recognize in the same way that overvaluation in the mortgage-backed asset market was tough to see.
48. Ergo: gullible viewers should keep a 24-carat caveat emptor in mind every time they pick up the remote.
49. With or without neuro-scientific breakthroughs, some things - such as caveat emptor - never change.
50. Caveat emptor -- and be sure to unit-test thoroughly during development or prototyping.
51. Finally, there's an important caveat you need to remember: once a database has been created or converted to use automatic storage, it cannot be converted to a nonautomatic storage database.
52. All friends may know, in MingYan famous shops or large business super, everyone could see several characters, alcohol and tobacco belong to special goods from ark caveat emptor.
53. Caveat emptor (or venditor) had found a new meaning—as the paper assignats issued by revolutionary France would soon prove.
54. In production code, this probably shouldn't be taken for granted, but for a simple example like this, it's going to be OK 99.99 percent of the time. Caveat emptor.
55. Caveat lector, of course, so much of this is bound to be wrong.
56. (Total savings: $19.35.) One caveat: whole-wheat pasta often has a shorter expiration date, she warns.
57. With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge.
58. Basically, no - with one caveat I'll get to later.
59. He added the usual "it's too late now, bucko" caveat, of course, saying: "I certainly don't think people should overreact to this information."
60. I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.
61. Investors should fully understand and comply with the securities market "caveat emptor " principle.
62. The only caveat is to be gentle; too much energy can make the patient jittery or headachy.
63. The only caveat here is if the memo is cancelled at this time, a draft copy is still saved due to the background LotusScript classes used.
64. Customers should ensure that a potential supplier's "scope of certification" covers the products that they wish to order. Caveat Emptor !
65. But there's a caveat: it depends on the nature of those goals.
66. A caveat also needs to be applied to the growth case.
67. I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward ?caveat emptor?- buyer beware.
68. One caveat: If you have a formal exit interview, you can share appropriate grievances with HR.
69. But there a caveat on the long - term bullish outlook for commodities.
70. Let me know if you find anything, and in the meantime, caveat emptor.
71. Caveat Emptor, buyer beware, is a salutary reminder to any purchaser.
72. According to the company, both have a maximum HD recording time of 29 minutes but with a caveat — optical image stabilization needs to be turned off.
73. Caveat: While more than 30, 000 patients with diagnosed celiac disease were studied, the calculations for latent celiac disease were based on only roughly 3, 700 patients.




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