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单词 Plumage
1, Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.
2, The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females.
3, He likes the bird with exotic plumage.
4, Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell.
5, The bright plumage of a parrot made it beloved by people.
6, Nightingales have beautiful plumage.
7, Another phoenix is arising, with mutated plumage.
8, It can be instantly recognized by its bright plumage.
9, Their white plumage often has a tinge of pink.
10, Jack, in summer plumage,(http:///plumage.html) glowed with colour.
11, Finer details of plumage only visible at close range.
12, Waders in winter plumage are not easy.
13, In breeding plumage white of body suffused pink.
14, Striking black and white breeding plumage.
15, Male indigo birds sport beautiful metallic blue plumage, while male whydahs sometimes possess spectacularly long tails.
16, It is dark green in plumage on the back with slate colour almost approaching to black below.
17, The plumage of most male and female pheasants is strikingly different.
18, Down: The soft plumage of water fowl, minimum weight ratio 85% down, 15% feathers.
19, A pair of black guillemots, already in winter plumage, fled in panic.
20, By means of his smart plumage and his simple song, the male tries to attract a female to his nest site.
21, Snow bunting males are unmistakable in their all-white plumage with black backs.
22, Plumage greyish-brown, becoming more rufous towards S of range; male with distinctive black-bordered white throat.
23, This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.
24, Upperparts spangled with grey or yellowish or black; no white on nape; underparts in breeding plumage largely black.
25, Sometimes a particularly bold individual will risk a real attack, swooping in from behind the owl and striking at its plumage.
26, But barn owls, famed in folklore for their eerie screech and ghostly white plumage, are declining in Britain.
27, The implication is that males need maintain high levels of vigilance only when in nuptial plumage.
28, This year, the phoenix has risen from its ashes, a phoenix in brighter plumage than he has ever worn before.
29, We were looking for a bird in brown and white breeding plumage.
30, The little tern's numbers have been threatened since Victorian times when it was hunted for its snow-white plumage.
1, Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.
2, The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females.
3, He likes the bird with exotic plumage.
4, The bright plumage of a parrot made it beloved by people.
5, Nightingales have beautiful plumage.
6, This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.
31, With white plumage gleaming, terns hover, tails fanned, slim red beaks pointing down towards the water.
32, Her new dress was the very latest fashion, vastly expensive, unmistakable plumage.
33, He fixed his stare on a shelduck whose white and brown plumage he could easily see.
34, Then an immature gannet came into view away out at sea, a huge bird, still in mottled dark brown plumage.
35, He stood around, stiff, resplendent and uncomfortable in the brilliant plumage of a field marshals uniform.
36, Unmistakable with its black and white plumage, black on the bare head and neck and plumed wings.
37, Curved bill separates from godwits, whose rufous plumage is also distinctive in summer.
38, Crested drake has strikingly variegated plumage, with conspicuous orange-chestnut wing-fans and side-whiskers.
39, These birds are nearly always in winter plumage and presumably are immature.
40, A small proportion of females have a rusty-red plumage, distinct from the normal grey colour.
41, Some were immature birds in brown and black speckled plumage still.
42, The two bunting species are very different in appearance. Snow bunting males are unmistakable in their all-white plumage with black backs.
43, In adult plumage a barn owl is beautiful and Dawn was no exception.
44, Snipe - striped plumage camouflaged the colour of dead winter reeds - probed the mud with bills bizarrely long.
45, These early parties are nearly always found at Thorney Island and include a high proportion of adults in summer plumage.
46, With her bouffant hairdo, elaborate plumage, gushing charm and bright smile she is a caricature of a countess.
47, Then you gently and gradually work the new feather on, positioning it to match the original plumage as best you can.
48, Bateleur Eagles are unusual in having dimorphic plumage, the female displays grey secondary feathers whilst males have entirely black wings.
49, The distinctive black and white summer plumage of the male pied flycatcher.
50, Equally striking and unmistakable with its all black and white plumage, but always associated with water.
51, In winter like a straight-billed Whimbrel, in summer reddish plumage precludes confusion.
52, Plumage of drakes predominantly black, of ducks mainly brown; tail short, pointed.
53, Do not be discouraged from drawing by complexities of plumage or the mobility of smaller birds.
54, The actual knee is concealed beneath the plumage and is almost contiguous with the body.
55, She began to shed the brilliant borrowed chameleon plumage, she wanted to let Lucy in.
56, Plumage grey-brown, darker on underparts, with white under tail coverts.
57, They look more a fake down than real plumage.
58, The birds were in immature plumage.
59, Its plumage had turned grey.
60, The baby bird has already grown its full plumage.
61, A small Eurasian finch(Carduelis carduelis)having brownish plumage with black wings boldly marked with yellow and a red patch across the face.
62, Any of several tiny North American birds of the genus Polioptila, having bluish-gray and white plumage, a long tail, and a small, slender bill.
63, Rosy pipits seem to have broad and long supercilium in non-breeding plumage.
64, The first group had their plumage colour enhanced with a marker pen.
65, The jet black plumage, highlighted with buff-coloured wings and a chestnut - coloured back and tail, is set off by the striking red feet and face, and yellow bill.
66, Peacocks attract mates with the repeating patterns in their plumage.
67, Perhaps this may lay to rest the suspicion surrounding the Aardens of red or mealy plumage.
68, A common Old World bird (Columba oenas) having grayish plumage.
69, Any of various wading and swimming birds of the family Rallidae, frequenting swampy regions and characteristically having dark(), iridescent plumage and a red bill tipped with yellow.
70, Any of various marsh birds of the family Rallidae, characteristically having brownish plumage and short wings adapted only for short flights.
71, Either of two Old World songbirds (Sylvia communis or S. curruca) having brownish plumage and a white throat and belly.
72, I propose to make the Jackdaw king, because of the beauty of its plumage.
73, The species has olive-gray body plumage, a black cap, orange-yellow eye markings, and yellow, red, and white patches on its wings.
74, A scarlet macaw is caught munching a snack in Brazil's Amazon rain forest. These birds are best known for their loud cackles, four-toed feet, and brilliant plumage.
75, Turkey gobble A large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
76, Any of several species (genus Carduelis, family Carduelidae) of songbirds that have a Short, notched tail and much yellow in the plumage.
77, A common North American sparrow (Melospiza melodia) having streaked brownish plumage and noted for its melodious song.
78, Plumage color is an important economic trait. It plays an important role in determining breed purity and phylogenesis.
79, Fawkes unlike other Phoenix's has gold plumage rather than red.
80, The willow ptarmigan in Ireland, for example, has a slightly different plumage than the willow ptarmigan in Scotland, which differs in turn from the one in Finland.
81, A fishhawk ( Pandion haliaetus ) having plumage that is dark on the back and white below.
82, A large tropical American stork (Jabiru mycteria) having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head.
83, European thrush common in rocky areas; the male has blackish plumage with a band neck.
84, The wings of the ostrich flap joyously: Are they the pinion and plumage of lovingkindness?
85, The soft brown plumage has a texture like velvet; they have insuppressible crests and a face pattern to inspire a make-up artist.
86, A raptor (Elanoides forficatus) with bold black and white plumage and a deeply forked tail, found along the southeast and Gulf coasts of the United States and common in Florida.
87, A parakeet(Melopsittacus undulatus )native to Australia and having green, yellow, or blue plumage. It is a popular cage bird bred in a variety of colors not found in wild populations.
88, Food: Turkey, a large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
89, A Peacock teased a Crane about the dullness of her plumage.
90, Asian breed of large fowl with dense plumage and feathered legs.
91, Any of several auks of the genus Cepphus, having black plumage with white markings.
92, There he plumed and dressed himself and washed his coat, but all to no purpose, for his plumage remained as black as ever, and he himself soon perished for his usual food.
93, Any of various tropical American birds of the family Ramphastidae, having brightly colored plumage and a very large bill and feeding mainly on small fruits.
94, Have you seen the brightly - coloured plumage of tropical birds?
95, North American blackbird whose bluish - black plumage is rusty - edged in the fall.
96, North American bird ( Cyanocitta cristata ) a crested head, predominantly blue plumage a harsh, noisy cry.
97, American nocturnal goatsucker with gray - and - white plumage.
98, Any of several small, plump North American birds of the genus Parus, having predominantly gray plumage and a dark-crowned head.
99, " Ay, indeed! " cried good old Mr. Wilson. " What little bird of scarlet plumage may this be? ".
99, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100, The costs of melanin - based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this.
101, Not only does the male Bird of Paradise have fantastic colorful plumage, he dances, poses and completely changes his shape to woo the less exotic-looking females.
102, Any of several wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the male.
103, An Old World robin (Erithacus rubecula) having olive-brown upper plumage and a conspicuous orange breast.
104, The Swallow and Crow had a contention about their plumage.
105, Any of several North American songbirds of the genus Sialia, having blue plumage and usually a rust-colored breast in the male.
106, One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose-colored comb.
107, A large Eurasian owl (Bubo bubo) having brownish plumage and prominent ear tufts.
108, A large North American owl (Strix varia ) having barred, brownish plumage across the breast, a streaked belly, and a strident, hooting cry.
109, These birds are best known for their loud cackles, four - toed feet, and brilliant plumage.
110, They also moult more or less continuously from juvenile through to adult plumage, so can be very variable at any time "in between".
111, A New World bird (Piranga olivacea) the male of which has bright scarlet plumage with a black tail and wings.
112, A shore bird (Aphriza virgata) of the Pacific coast of North and South America, having dark, spotted plumage and a black tail with a broad white base.
113, A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus) of the vulture family, ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage.
114, Jupiter: I propose to make the Jackdaw king,because of the beauty of its plumage.
115, A large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare, wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
116, Either of two related game birds, Scolopax rusticola of the Old World or Philohela minor of North America, having brownish plumage, short legs, and a long bill.
117, An Old World wading bird ( Limnocryptes minima ) having brownish plumage and a long bill.
118, A large diurnal owl (Nyctea scandiaca) of Arctic and subarctic regions, having snow-white plumage with dark markings.
119, Any of various small North American birds of the genus Junco, having predominantly gray plumage, a gray or black head, and white outer tail feathers .
120, Any of various chiefly tropical Old World birds of the family Meropidae that have brightly colored plumage and feed on bees and wasps.
121, Any of various birds of the family Paradisaeidae, native to New Guinea and adjacent islands, usually having brilliant plumage and long tail feathers in the male.
122, A small North American quail ( Colinus virginianus ) having brown plumage with white markings.
123, Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.
124, The interaction of sex-linked gene for plumage color in quails was first discovered and identified by genetic test.
125, A sea bird ( Alca torda ) of the northern Atlantic, having - and - white plumage and a white - ringed , flattened bill.
126, A small North American diving duck(Bucephala albeola) having black and white plumage and a densely feathered, rounded head.
127, Any of various small insect-eating New World songbirds of the genus Vireo, having grayish or greenish plumage.
128, A small European warbler ( Phylloscopus collybita ) with yellowish - green plumage.
129, An Old World shrike(Lanius senator) having black and white plumage with a reddish crown.
130, And now a team of paleontologists has published a full-body portrait of another dinosaur, in striking plumage that would have delighted that great painter of birds John James Audubon.
131, The common ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) of Arctic regions, having brownish plumage that turns white in winter.
132, Any of numerous migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae, usually having brownish upper plumage and a spotted breast and noted for a clear melodious song.
133, " What little bird of scarlet plumage may this be?
133, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
134, A sea bird (Alca torda) of the northern Atlantic, having black-and-white plumage and a white-ringed, flattened bill.
135, Though they are partially orange, they also have and brownish - olive plumage.




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