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单词 Treatable
1. People sometimes die of treatable conditions.
2. This is a treatable condition.
3. Certain forms of cancer are treatable with drugs.
4. And there is precedent for treatable diseases persisting.
5. However, psychological causes are seen as treatable, whereas biological causes mark the individual for life.
6. The hypercalcemia is easily treatable by hydration and withdrawal of the calcium containing antacids.
7. The symptoms are often obvious, identifiable, and even treatable before the damage is done.
8. Hopefully, it should see many forms of cancer treatable as simply as popping into hospital for minor surgery.
9. Morris said that the pneumonia might be treatable.
10. Kleptomania is treatable, but it takes time.
11. But clinical depression is treatable.
12. She had a treatable but metastatic cancer.
13. It is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics.
14. In most cases, some causes are diagnosable and treatable.
15. The disease is treatable but can kill within hours without treatment.
16. Testicular cancer is a highly treatable condition, affecting either one or both testicles.
17. Maybe we would do better to identify how treatable depression differs from intractible depression.
18. These are in general extremely indolent and easily treatable cancers.
19. Treatable risk factors included anemia in 40% of patients, and elevated total plasma homocysteine or homozygosity for the t-MTHFR mutation in 21%.
20. Canal steno sis is only treatable with surgical intervention, as I was taught in school.
21. Experts say it's treatable if medication is taken as prescribed.
22. Many of these are treatable, allowing brain function to return to normal.
23. Cholera, a preventable and treatable disease, causes watery diarrhea and vomiting.
24. The report found that most of the deaths were caused by easily treatable diseases.
25. Many acute life-threatening conditions, shock states etc. are eminently treatable with homoeopathy.
26. Sacks etal highlighted the importance of prostatic disease as a preventable and treatable cause of renal failure.
27. Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.
28. Many instead look to complementary medicine as a way to prevent or relieve aids treatment side effects, some of which are not easily treatable with conventional medicine.
29. Moreover, since many illnesses have incapacitating fatigue as a symptom, care must be taken to exclude other known and often treatable conditions before a diagnosis of CFS is made.
30. MMMNCB can mimick MND but carries a better prognosis and is potentially treatable.
31. The subtype: so Jobs didn't have a nonfunctioning one, but from what I read (please google to double-check) he even had an insulinoma, which is actually the most common and best treatable type.
32. While this 5% year-on-year decline represents significant progress, the mortality figures are still disconcertingly high for a disease that is entirely preventable and treatable.
33. If decrepitude is driven by an overactive immune system, then it is treatable.
34. They made deadly infections such as tuberculosis treatable, but their role in healthcare is far wider than that.
35. The good news is that mental disorders are diagnosable and treatable—we have the ability to return people to productive lives and positive relationships in the majority of cases.
36. In addition, it may be worth visiting your doctor to rule out any treatable causes.
37. Treatable hyperlipidemia: Hawthorn taking 20 grams, 10 grams Motherwort, 5 grams of tea, brewed with boiling water, this generation of tea a day can be used.
38. Peple have Down syndrome often have other conditions, these include problems with their heart, and with their breathing and hearing. But a lot of these conditions are treatable.
39. Other cases of dementia may arise from treatable conditions, such as alcohol abuse or vitamin deficiencies.
40. Any toxicologist will tell you that mercury poisoning represents a temporary, treatable state.
41. The same as Morgellens Delusional parasititis is a very real and treatable disease.
42. If a treatable cause of cranial diabetes insipidus is found, this will be treated.
43. Fortunately, many of these are thyroid cancers and are readily treatable.
44. Under-immunosuppression can lead to organ rejection, which is almost always treatable.
44. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
45. Early treatment. Problems as BPH bladder inflammation and urolithiasis are all treatable.
46. Aluminum Bronze –The most widely accepted disc material used in butterfly valves, aluminum bronze is heat treatable and has the strength of steel.
47. Regardless of its cause, distress about sex is quite treatable.
48. Pain during sex (dyspareunia) can be caused by many of the conditions we've discussed, most of which are treatable.
49. I told Sara that the thyroid cancer was slow-growing and treatable.
50. Malnutrition makes a child more vulnerable to otherwise treatable illnesses like diarrhea or malaria.




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