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单词 Civilization
1. The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity. 
2. Education is the transmission of civilization
3. Liberty and civilization are only fragments of rights wrung from the strong hands of wealth and book learning.  
4. Civilization does not remian static, but changes constantly.
5. The book explores the relationship between religion and civilization.
6. Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
7. Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.
8. It is too late to Ruskinize their civilization.
9. The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.
10. Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
11. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
12. Some records of ancient civilization were discovered recently.
13. Environmental damage threatens the whole of civilization.
14. Gold was totally unknown to their civilization.
15. We were reaching the limits of civilization.
16. Rome was the matrix of Western civilization.
17. Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse.
18. I finally reached what we laughingly call civilization.
19. Has civilization advanced during this century?
20. The ancient civilization fellinto oblivion.
21. Charity is the daughter of civilization.
22. Our civilization remains enslaved to materialism.
23. The book treats of the progress of civilization.
24. It is said that civilization is always on the move.
25. The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization.
26. Art and music are among the great products of human civilization.
27. Scraping away patiently in soil with their fingers, the team of scientists discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization.
28. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
29. People have no letters at the primary stage of civilization.
30. The Sung Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.
1. Civilization does not remian static, but changes constantly.
2. The book explores the relationship between religion and civilization.
3. Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.
4. It is too late to Ruskinize their civilization.
5. Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
6. The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization.
7. Art and music are among the great products of human civilization.
8. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
9. Scraping away patiently in soil with their fingers, the team of scientists discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization.
31. The civilization of Britain by the Romans took years to complete.
32. We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.
33. It's good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a tent!
34. You may encounter the same question when you retrace the progress of civilization.
35. After a week in the mountains all I wanted to do was get back to civilization.
36. Civilization may be expunged if there is another world war.
37. It is generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
38. In some ways, civilization does not seem to have progressed much in the last century.
39. It's good to get back to civilization after living in a tent for two weeks!
40. The British press has gone bananas, proclaiming the end of civilization as we know it.
41. You'd better get petrol here where we're going is the last outpost of civilization.
42. How does it feel to be back in civilization after all those weeks in a tent?
43. He believes European civilization was the high point of human achievement.
44. European civilization was the first to impose itself across the whole world.
45. Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of civilization.
46. Could this be the end of civilization as we know it?
47. Once humans had invented civilization, they never lost it.
48. The first requisite of civilization is that of justice. Sigmund Freud 
49. The higher civilization ultimately can claim a higher right.
50. Energy is the primary requirement of modern civilization.
51. When humor goes, there goes civilization. Erma Bombeck 
52. Surely this was nothing but a backwater to civilization?
53. Learning is the foundation of human civilization. Dr T.P.Chia 
54. As modern civilization spreads, population increases become more manageable.
55. He just came in and destroyed this really high civilization and then left.
56. Silently, desperately, it is struggling against a new and all-powerful adversary, the civilization of the capitalist West.
57. In its new sense, civilization meant broadly the opposite of barbarism.
58. But there is a sense in which religion is no less essential to civilization than literature and the fine arts.
59. The grating broadcasts sometimes switched to tapes of radio call-in shows and other background sounds of an electronic civilization.
60. The Beta stands on a much higher plane of civilization and is more developed.
61. His philosophy is that we were seeded by an ancient civilization.
62. What we certainly can see is a tendency towards synthesis and dynamic development, a typical feature of Minoan civilization.
63. When the time came for civilization on the planet of the Perks, they built war-trains, undermining engines,() mole bombs.
64. In one sense, he seems to argue that cinema has failed civilization.
65. To see them clearly one has to withdraw, mentally at least, from the civilization of which one is a part.
66. The blight of western civilization has been to divorce our thought from our emotions.
67. Through this astounding revolution, she rediscovered her original pride and her dignity as a great civilization.
68. Britain stood for political ideals that must prevail if western civilization were not to break down.
69. Much of the hostility towards civilization felt by people in the suppressed classes is understandable.
70. Only one desert civilization, out of dozens that grew up in antiquity, has survived uninterrupted into modern times.
71. It is quite another to attribute a sense of mechanical consciousness to ancient pre-industrial civilization.
72. On the outcome of the race between man and power depends the future of modern civilization.
73. Comte suggested that a society's political institutions provide an indication of the stage which has been attained by civilization.
74. Only after the last ice age did modern civilization, such as it is, evolve.
75. Elaine was now chatting happily with Francis, and Bernice had learnt more about the strangely anachronistic civilization of Arcadia.
76. Theirs is a consummately selfish act, no less than a low-life betrayal of civilization.
77. The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
78. Truman, Harriman, and others viewed the United States as the chief defender of Western civilization.
79. For Leese, the Nordic or Aryan was the sole creator of culture and civilization.
80. Such a state tends to be rare in contemporary western civilization.
81. Sanders is merely the athlete who best defines the decline of Western civilization.
82. It may have wiped out the Minoan civilization in Crete.
83. Our modern civilization has convinced itself that the morality and conventions of civilization are somehow basic reality.
84. In this it closely resembles that of civilization, with which it is so often linked.
85. A civilization generally refuses to accept a cultural innovation that calls in question one of its own structural elements.
86. All told, the cradle of civilization has been tearing asunder for some 30 million years.
87. Its traditional civilization, which already embodied many different beliefs and attitudes, acquired new religious elements from outside.
88. Historically, they are rooted in the values of Western civilization.
89. This being so, civilization in the singular has lost some of its cachet.
90. Education is the heart of human civilization, and the source of human creativity, power and greatness. Dr T.P.Chia 
91. Beauty has no obvious use; nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it. Sigmund Freud 
92. But it is in politics and in the broader field of civilization that the greatest uncertainties arise.
93. Hunger, disease and civil disorder would destroy what was left of civilization.
93. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
94. I told them that we have dramatically transformed the relationship between human civilization and the earth.
95. There was nothing down there on the earth-no towns, no light, no signs of civilization at all.
96. Westerners call what they have established out here a civilization, but it would be more accurate to call it a beachhead.
97. The expansion of human civilization into space is feasible because of the availability of vast asteroidal and planetary resources.
98. By accepting it, the world is not taking on Western civilization lock, stock and barrel: far from it.
99. In her second semester she arrived late one day for her World Civilization class.
100. The pattern of devaluing women's contribution is as old as human civilization.
101. Called to attend at 10.15 in the morning, we started in the time-honoured way of civilization with a coffee break.
102. It takes about a kilowatt per person to maintain a technologically advanced civilization with a high standard of living.
103. The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular.
104. Our century has seen greater climate changes than any period since the dawn of civilization.
105. In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office. Ambrose Bierce 
106. Without them society would be swamped by new barbarians, both from inside and outside the civilization.
107. What makes them different is their talent and their skills, without which our civilization would lose a priceless artistic heritage.
108. Britain would advance to a higher stage of civilization via favourable environment and sound heredity.
109. On the one hand, they possessed no deep appreciation for what Latin civilization was, or how it functioned.
110. Probably this text on the ancient civilization of Sumer would not be a good place to begin.
111. The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself. Albert Camus 
112. Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.
113. The course covered all of western civilization.
114. By 1100 the civilization of Europe was somewhat stabilized.
115. Modern Asian cultures are influenced by Western civilization.
116. Los Angeles is a premonition of this new civilization.
117. Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate.
118. Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.
119. The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record.
120. China has the wold's oldest living civilization.
121. The Yellow sea is the cradle of Chinese Civilization.
122. I feel lonely, a wanderer discovering a lost civilization.
123. A colossal tsunami destroyed the minoan civilization in minutes.
124. Mayan civilization; the civilization of ancient Rome.
125. It is the work of civilization(http://), therefore unquestionable.
126. You should make a point of civilization and manners.
127. Crisis in Western civilization has mean danger period.
128. In a sense, Chinese modernization was wholly modeled after the Western civilization.
129. I have to finish preparing a paper for my Western Civilization class.
130. Fortunately for western civilization, the links with the past were never totally lost.
131. Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams, matriarchal society and mythology.
132. All this, he writes, " began with water, the sine qua non of any civilization. "
133. Yan Yiming says, announce public general affairs publicly transparently, be political civilization is indispensible.
134. The goal of political liberty is to achieve real socialist political civilization.
135. They were nearer the level of the ancient Sumerians or of the Maya civilization of America.
136. Tibet is in an era of severe conflicts between modern civilization and theocratic caste.
137. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, European civilization has entered a dark period.
138. In contrast, in Beijing's view, the return of the Chinese civilization - state simply restores Asia's natural order.
139. Keeping abolishing the streetwalker system is one the standards to measure women's liberation and social civilization.
140. This plague spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed.
141. In Western civilization, interest in human cognition can be traced to the ancient Greeks.
142. Among them, the concerning capitalism political civilization research is weak oppositely.
143. His magnificence are Chinese civilization magnify and expression of ages atmosphere.
144. Ancient Greece is often called the origin of Western civilization.
145. The exploration of the Chinese ancient civilization involves the analysis of the early vassalage.
146. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer ( the First Region ).
147. The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God omnipresent.
148. Which of the Two Can Represent Greek Civilization —— Sparta or Athens?
149. Strengthen system building is the pith of modern political civilization.
150. Celestial civilization cultivates a Temporal - Space Ontology which is essential for this.
151. Culture or civilization in a degraded state of sentimentality and vulgarity.
152. Postmodernism is a trend of thought in philosophy under mordern western civilization.
153. The Nile River gave birth to the immortal civilization of the Egyptians.
154. This is the story of a civilization known as the Raisin Bread Culture.
155. Early Lemurian civilization was oneness based and self sustainable in nature.
156. Major rivers, such as the Nile Basin, Niger River basin,() formed his own brilliant ancient civilization.
157. Developing teleology is the organic union of corporeal civilization, politics civilization and spiritual civilization.
158. Buddhism is a main composition in ancient civilization of China, bamboo is also major symbolization.
159. Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
160. Carry out various forms of mass culture, sports and activities to build spiritual civilization.
161. Socializing culture and building socialist spiritual civilization is a dynamic process with intersects in their development.
162. The progress of civilization - indeed, the survival of civilization - depended on the successes of Moses . E . Herzog.
163. Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash.
164. In western civilization, underwear is a private fashion style, with profound connotation.
165. It is safe to say that the scientific method made possible the technological civilization of today.
166. Rather our technological future is headed toward a neo - biological civilization.
167. Endowed with terra firma grandeur , China is as the single uninterrupted civilization the world.
168. Credit is an outcome of humanity civilization, and is the social relation in essence.
169. Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization.
170. The independence of procurator is an important content and symbol of civilization of ruling by law.
171. The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God is omnipresent.
172. Their condition only proves what squalidness may consist with civilization.
173. Mayan civilization is closely related with Mayan outlook of universe, philosophy and their sacrificial activities.
174. Chinese civilization lays emphasis on pursuing goodness, and western on trueness.
175. The congregativeness and pervasion effects of the city caused the quantum jump of Xia civilization.
176. According to this viewpoint, the Sumerian tribe who the Mesopotamian civilization the Korean race.
177. God is the spiritual pillar of American civilization and the unshaken belief of Americans.
178. It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.
179. Diversity of political civilization is its basic character, existing mode and motivity.
180. Act responsibly and in my heart, expensive line of civilization.
181. Pastureland culture is an important source of modern civilization construction.
182. It concentrates the quintessence of Chinese opera, integrates the modern fashion with the ancient civilization.
183. The separation between civilization and the wilderness began, and the schism widened gradually.
184. A modern history is one moves toward the sea civilization from the interior civilization the history.
185. Specially the public toilet, took the city civilization the window, is playing the pivotal role.
186. They may or may not portend a collapse of civilization.
187. What are the other civilizations that are contemporary with the Sumerian civilization?
188. This is a basic requirement for modern civilization and nations subject to the rule of law.
189. Here I am talking tommyrot about civilization when your Tara's in danger.




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