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单词 Acronym
1 AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
2 The trading name, Agra, is an acronym of their first names.
3 Others say the name is an acronym, formed from the initials of three of the first amateur operators.
4 It was called UDAG-a sincere-sounding acronym that covered a multitude of sins.
5 Making this unlovely acronym come alive is the job of two committees being set up in Brussels this week.
6 Could you tell me what this acronym stands for?
7 Shanghai's acronym, originated from an ancient coastal fishing tools.
8 Sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging.
9 RISC is the acronym for "reduced instruction set computing".
10 The name is not an acronym.
11 ASCII: Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
12 This example demonstrates how to handle an abbreviationan acronym.
13 Remember "ps" as an acronym for "process status."
14 ASDIC is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee.
15 CAD : Acronym for Computer - Aided Design.
16 The letter "C" in the acronym stands for cascading, meaning you can apply styles in one file and import or roll over newer properties in a later file.
17 You may find that your acronym space is better represented by other databases available at, requiring removal of this regular expression limiter.
18 For example, NASA is an acronym for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
19 Leo from Zen Habits coined the acronym MIT to mean most important tasks.
20 Acronym for Association Francaise de Normalisation. France's national standards - setting organization.
21 Officials with the group, known by its French acronym MSF, declined to speculate on a motive for the attack.
22 TSDF is an acronym for Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities.
23 That's a mouthful of an acronym for a very simple technology.
24 But now, the Spaser, which is an acronym for "surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, " has the ability to be as small as needed and can be used in future technologies.
25 In the centre, we find "H2O" acronym extruded under the shape of a circular and rotating water bar such as a theatre stage.
26 This is now recognized as a legitimate English word meriting space in dictionaries but originated as an acronym.
27 The compiler folks called this optimization "Frame Pointer Omission", and it went by the acronym FPO.
28 Its firing chamber is specifically designed for proton torpedoes (the source of the PTL acronym), but it can easily accept different types of ordnance with a field-kit of adaptors.
29 Many examples below talk about SNMP which is an acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol.
30 Ever since that low-key beginning, not even the meaning of the acronym has been safe from controversy.
31 Project Moses is both an allusion to Moses parting the waves of the Red Sea and a neat acronym for the project's name, Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico.
32 KISS is an acronym that he used meaning, " Keep It'simple, stupid. "
33 In Management GPM is an acronym for Goals, Plans, and Metrics.
34 Hamas, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is founded by Muslim Brotherhood members during the first intifada, or uprising, against the Israeli military presence in the West Bank and Gaza.
35 Note that "acronym" was used originally only to label pronounceable abbreviations like "NATO, " but is now generally applied to all sorts of initialisms.
36 This prompted me to look for the earliest example an acronym.
37 The sharp-tongued and nomenclature-obsessed Mr. O'Neill is well-known for coming up with the acronym BRICs, a grouping of fast-growing and large emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and China.
38 Here's a frequently used party acronym , BYOB: Bring Your Own Bottle.
39 he acronym R.E.A.D sums up four easy-to-remember actions for parents to take when teaching babies and toddlers to read: repetition, enthusiasm, attention, and drawing.
40 An acronym is a pronounceable formation made by a combination of letters.
41 The determent policy has been dubbed MAD, an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction.
42 The determent policy has been dubbed MAD appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction.
43 The acronym is built on the first four letters of the Arabic alphabet alif, ba, jim, and dal.
44 But the title of Rubin's post -- "I think I'm having a Gene Amdahl moment" -- explains it all. Amdahl coined the acronym FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) in 1975.
45 CREW is an acronym for an electronic warfare system that counters radio-controlled improvised explosive devices.
46 As an accurate high-quality instantaneous measurement technology,() particle image velocimetry (PIV in acronym) has applied widely in single-phase flow and multiphase flow.
47 But in fact, SOS is the international Morse code signal rescuers, the acronym is not any word.
48 The acronym stands for zettabyte file system, which is a direct reference to its storage capabilities: up to 256 quadrillion zettabytes.
49 RISC: RISC is the acronym for "reduced instruction set computing".
50 The term laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, or a light amplifier.
51 Its foreign branch is known as the Foreign Intelligence Service, known by its Russian acronym, SVR, with its headquarters in Yasenevo, in Moscow.
52 SOS is the international Morse code signal rescuers, the acronym is not any word.
53 Remember the acronym NOW – No Opportunity Waits, so keep going and remain focused on your current task and your long term goal.
54 HTML, which is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language , is frequently used to design websites.
55 The heart of its original embodiment was a metal-oxide-silicon sandwich , with initial letters responsible for the acronym MOS (/acronym.html), as in MOSFET and MOS technology.
56 RISC: RISC is the acronym for "reduced instruction set computing". It is the techniques use in personal computer to reduce the amount of instruction and so increasing processing speeds.
57 Sample for advanced automatic substitution of numbers, measurements, date, acronym, etc.
58 Responsible for the coordination and management of international organizations, the World Expo is the International Exhibition Bureau, the English acronym for the BIE.
59 But the drug, known by the acronym DRACO, is also expected to zap measles and German measles, cold sores, rabies and even HIV – and could be on pharmacy shelves in a decade.
60 The first legitimate acronym seems to be a word abjad dating from 1793 refers to a system of notation using the letters of the Arabic alphabet instead of numbers.
61 Use acronym searchers to discover additional meaning to a domain.
62 You won't have to stop what you are doing to enter in the latest acronym or employee serial number mentioned in the meeting to find out the associated data.
63 The acronym DINK -- double income , no kids -- originated in the US in the 1960 s.
64 These tasks can be collectively referred to as the ACID test; ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
65 A formal dictionary will only take you so far—and will usually stop short when you need the definition of a catchphrase, buzzword, idiom, slang word, or acronym.




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