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单词 World bank
1. The country had been declared ineligible for World Bank lending.
2. The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries.
3. The project is funded by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies.
4. He's doing a brief stint at the World Bank in Washington.
5. The World Bank should pull out of the project.
6. The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.
7. The World Bank promised assistance to the value of $5 million.
8. Funding from the World Bank lends credibility to the project.
9. The World Bank can use its clout with poorer countries to insist on reforms.
10. According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty.
11. It would be tragic if World Bank assistance is used to pursue the ineffective treatment regimen.
12. The World Bank will only agree to make this loan if certain conditions are met.
13. According to the World Bank, there are up to 700,000 sufferers.
14. There were also senior figures from the World Bank, the United Nations and other international organisations.
15. Mexico has borrowed heavily from private banks, the World Bank, and other international lenders.
16. The World Bank estimates that the value of this trade will be twenty times greater by 2005 than it was in 1994.
17. It also discussed the possibility of a World Bank grant to help industry to adapt to the demands of the protocol.
18. The economy had collapsed: according to the World Bank,() half the population earned less than $ 220 a year.
19. The World Bank is finding it difficult to improve its image.
20. The World Bank presidency has a habit of surrounding its occupants with a warm, well-meaning aura.
21. This project will also be funded from World Bank loans.
22. He also announced that a World Bank loan for the sugar industry was in the final stages of negotiation.
23. Investors can take comfort from the fact that the World Bank is underwriting the shares.
24. The government has entered into an agreement with the World Bank.
25. When a professional considers investments in a government bond fund,[sentence dictionary] that can include World Bank bond.
26. From wealthy countries, as well as from international investors who are willing to lend the World Bank funds.
27. He says negotiations are taking place with the EEC and the World Bank to provide the finance.
28. The euro-bond market Euro-bonds are issued by corporations, governments and international agencies, e.g. World Bank.
29. There is in this a particularly serious challenge to the World Bank.
30. He had a genuine talent for commerce and soon had a brilliant career working for the World Bank.
1. The country had been declared ineligible for World Bank lending.
2. The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries.
3. The project is funded by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies.
4. He's doing a brief stint at the World Bank in Washington.
31. In response the World Bank in September outlined changes which it said took account of the report's criticisms.
32. Though more enterprising than the norm, such guests are increasingly frequent visitors to the World Bank and other international institutions.
33. The 1988 figure had been artificially inflated by a bunching of large contributions to multilateral organizations such as the World Bank.
34. The World Bank has published a guide to help nonspecialists choose a sanitation system.
35. Following the announcement Prawiro invited the World Bank to form a new consultative group for aid co-ordination.
36. Projects financed by multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank, were and are far from immune from this process.
37. It is very hard convincing powers like the World Bank to adopt policies that truly help the poorest.
38. The goal of the World Bank is clear enough: to promote growth in poor countries.
39. The World Bank provides long-term loans although at a market-related interest rate.
40. Their experts are not infallible, as when the World Bank boosted tourism in the 1960s as a sure-fire multiplier of development.
41. At that time Uganda owed billions of dollars to the World Bank.
42. The World Bank also approved in May 1989 a dollars 95,000,000 loan to help finance a dollars 183,000,000 education and training scheme.
43. The latest World Bank figures for the the region show incomes per head still falling and life expectancy plunging due to Aids.
44. A World Bank team arrived in Harare in October to discuss a structural adjustment programme.
45. No wonder the World Bank is targeting the popular-education movement for special attention.
46. The confidence displayed by the World Bank men and other donors in the early 1970s has clearly not fulfilled its promise.
47. The onus is now on Untaet and the World Bank to prove their worth.
48. Stiglitz left this week to become chief economist at the World Bank.
49. The school is lobbying the World Bank for a $ 50,000 grant to repair its broken Soviet-made system.
50. According to the World Bank, fresh water will become the natural resource most likely to cause wars in the 21st century.
51. According to the World Bank, it will be double that size by 2010 and triple that size by 2035.
52. Many of the less developed countries have found it difficult to meet the service charges on their loans to the World Bank.
53. But no matter the cost, no country has ever defaulted on a World Bank loan.
54. However, in 1990 the government launched a full-scale economic restructuring package for which it sought World Bank support.
54. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
55. He says the World Bank could not have investigated his claims thoroughly in only six weeks and is covering up.
56. The World Bank is twitchy about its investment.
57. According to the World Bank, the dollar value of trade is about a third lower than it was a year ago.
58. There , negotiators agreed to create the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
59. In later of 20th century, many countries in east Asia carried out the export orientation policy, improving the rapid increase of economy and the World Bank call this achievement "east Asia miracle".
60. We will provide funding operation as guarantee with gold in gold warehouse from five Continents and effective bank note from 25 leading prime world bank.
61. March 8, 2007—World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz gets a first-hand look today at one of the biggest challenges to the Democratic Republic of the Congo as it emerges from decades of strife.
62. Eduard Bos , a population expert at the World Bank, is unimpressed.
63. The International Development Association ( IDA ) is an affiliate of the World Bank.
64. When a World Bank team visited Novosibirsk as part of project supervision, Stepanova, a chirpy 46-year old carefully attired against the autumn chill, was alive and well.
65. There is a high infant mortality rate (60 for every 1000 births) and the prevalence of HIV among those between15-49 is 2.2 percent, according to World Bank estimates.
66. The investigators still cite the "cancer of corruption" denounced by James Wolfensohn, an ex-president of the World Bank, in 1996.
67. One milestone in the Cool Japan campaign is, bewilderingly, a gathering of the IMF and World Bank in Tokyo next year.
68. On September 29th, Bob Zoellick of the World Bank called for a profound “change [in] how we conduct development research”.
69. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
70. The World Bank extends loans to its members on conventional terms commensurate with prevailing interest rates.
71. The International Development Association ( IDA ) is an affiliate of the World bank.
72. The trend, identified in research by Citigroup based on World Bank and Eurostat data, has continued since the second quarter with government bond auctions attracting almost exclusively local buyers.
73. Nor do World Bank projections lend undivided hope for the future.
74. Hans Timmer, director of economic forecasting at the World Bank, told the Wall Street Journal that "China will be among the first countries to lead the global economy out of this recession."
75. Inclusion: The World Bank Group is to strengthen its procedures for local community participation with respect to extractive industries projects.
76. Deaton, Angus . The Analysis of Household Surveys . World Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1997.
77. With the adoption of a progressive disclosure policy, the World Bank has set the standard for which the other IFIs should strive as they review their respective information disclosure policies.
78. After graduation, I was assigned into a team working for a World Bank loan project.
79. Today(), a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less.
80. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will meet in Washington, D . C . Saturday and Sunday.
81. Grist: How have these problems been affected by the actions of the IMF and World Bank?
82. Mr Wolfensohn has been running the World Bank Group for the last 10 years.
83. The event in Nairobi was the second mapmaking conference hosted by Google and the World Bank, following a first effort in Washington in April.
84. The Siemens agreement is the first to involve a financial settlement,[] a World Bank spokesman said.
85. Earlier in 2010, the World Bank and four other development banks launched a “cross-debarment initiative,” under which a contractor blacklisted by one of the banks can be sanctioned by the others.
86. Same as the World Bank, International Financial Corporation is reluctant to admit lending default or investment failure.
87. Like every good couturier, the World Bank has played a role in designing those styles.
88. Saudi Arabia ranks a relatively high 23rd on the World Bank’s list of countries for ease of doing business.
89. World Bank sustainable development expert Inger Anderson said small farmers are at the center of the hunger problem.
90. The IMF and the World Bank therefore prefer to convert GDPs into dollars using purchasing-power parities (or PPPs), which take account of price differences between countries.
91. Recently, a joint team brought together World Bank and WCS staff to take a closer look at conservation and protection efforts in the NT2 Watershed.
92. The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
93. According to the new method of national wealth calculation proposed by World Bank, national wealth is grand sum of artificial capital, human capital, natural capital and social capital.
94. The board will advise INT, the World Bank President, and the Bank's Audit Committee on the operations of the unit, its performance, and interactions with other parts of the World Bank Group.
95. November 22, 2006—Developing countries in Latin America and East Asia may be a world apart, but both regions are locked in a similar struggle to educate their young people, a new World Bank book says.
96. LANZHOU, October 12, 2005 — World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has arrived in China for his first visit to the country since taking over as head of the global institution.
97. The nongovernmental organization GlobalGiving, founded in 2002 by two former World Bank officials, also offers a way for donors to meet like-minded donors through the Internet.
98. According to a 2009 report by the World Bank, private investment in the water industry is set to double in the next five years; the water-supply market alone will increase by 20 percent.
99. There, negotiators agreed to create the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
100. The World Bank expects Sana, where the water table is falling by six meters (20 feet) a year, to have exhausted its remaining water supply by 2010.
101. The World Bank has set various rules for its loaning operation.
102. The World Bank was created with European reconstruction in mind.
103. "I feel we have now entered a danger zone, " said World Bank Managing Director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria.
104. The strength of the World Bank Group is in its global expertise and knowledge.
105. Knowledge is key to development, and the World Bank Group can share not only its own knowledge but also the expertise and experience of other developing countries with our clients.
106. These agencies include all the official bilateral aid programmers, the World Bank and the other multilateral development banks, and the many United Nations specialized agencies.
107. Among the 45 countries for which the World Bank has January trade data, the average fall in exports from a year ago was a staggering 32%, and 37 countries saw exports decline by more than a quarter.
108. Kurlantzick notes: "China's Export-Import Bank has become the largest source of loans to Africa, surpassing the World Bank."
109. In India,() World Bank financing under an on-going project has already helped fishermen in the state of Andhra Pradesh resume their livelihoods.
110. 'The world is in a danger zone, ' said World Bank President Robert Zoellick.
111. In partnership with SEB, the World Bank raised approximately US$350 million via several key Scandinavian institutional investors.
112. Requests for assistance are up at the International Development Association (IDA), part of the World Bank Group that focuses on the 78 poorest countries.
113. Source:World Bank World Development Indicators Database, International Labour Organization LABASTA Database.
114. According to the British "Financial Times"reported, during 2008-2010, China's foreign loan amount is about 100 billion U. S. dollars more than the amount of World Bank assistance.
114. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
115. How can the World Bank Group support and facilitate your investments in Africa?
116. David Beckmann became president of Bread for the world in 1991. before that, he worked on poverty issues at the world bank. he is an economist and a Christian clergyman.
117. The risk that world bank borrows money basically is exchange rate risk.
118. As a global institution, the World Bank Group can help countries learn from the experiences of others.
119. He also added that managing fraud and corruption risks is a prominent feature of the World Bank Group's Governance and Anticorruption (GAC) agenda.
120. The IMF and the World Bank grew out of an international conference held in the United States in nineteen forty-four.
121. The World Bank estimates all developing countries could face an infrastructure financing gap as high as $270 billion a year.
122. The World Bank used new tools to compare the economies and buying power of people in one hundred forty-six countries.
123. The loss of another 2%, according to a World Bank study last year, could start to trigger dieback in the forest's relatively dry southern and south-eastern parts.
124. From a recipient of World Bank assistance, has become a proud donor.
125. 'Water prices need to be allowed to rise to reflect its full scarcity value, ' recommended the World Bank study.
126. "The World Bank intends to remain an active partner for Bangladesh in working to achieve its development goals," he said.
127. Mr. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
128. IMF and World Bank studies show a carbon-based bunker fuel tax, for example, could raise $30 billion annually by 2020.
129. The G20 plans, which include a banking clean-up and a $1tn dollar pledge for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, triggered hopes of a quicker recovery from global economic woes.
130. At the Development Committee we will discuss the adequacy of World Bank Group resources, including what we are doing now, what we can do in coming months, and how we can mobilize more resources.
131. The law in question was the basis for a legal agreement between the Republic of Chad and the World Bank," said Mr. Wolfowitz.
132. the World Bank has pioneered livestock insurance for Mongolian herders; a Malawi weather derivative against drought; and the Caribbean catastrophe insurance pool.
133. The IMF and World Bank were set up at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 and their governance still reflects the dynamics of the 1940s.
134. "Dairying is a very good means of improving livelihoods, especially for poor farmers," says Simon Bell, World Bank sector manager in the South Asia region.
135. She said, we have it now at Swiss Re and, of course, The World Bank sponsors crop insurance for farmers.
136. Wolfowitz said the World Bank hoped to remain an active partner for Bangladesh as it pursues its development agenda.
137. Sturdy, cheap water filter for Nepal wins World Bank Prize.
138. It established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
139. The World Bank Group must reform to help play this role.
140. Up to US$1 billion in zero interest loans will come from the International Development Association (IDA), a World Bank body that provides no-interest loans to the world's poorest countries.
141. The project is financed through the International Development Association, the arm of the World Bank that provides grants and no-interest loans.
142. "Water prices can be a life-or-death issue for the poor in developing countries, " says Washington - based Jamal Saghir, director of the Energy, Transport and Water Unit of the World Bank.
143. Though expatriates whinge about bureaucracy, the World Bank ranks Mexico the easiest place in Latin America to do business and the 35th-easiest in the world, ahead of Italy and Spain.
144. The World Bank is providing $28,000 to the Bo Sign Language Training Center through the Sierra Leone National Social Action Project (NSAP).
145. However, different from the World Bank, IFC used to cancel some bad loans after verification.
146. All the business activities of the World Bank are subject to this rule without any exception.
147. The search committee is headed by World Bank Managing Director Juan Jose Daboub and includes senior Bank staff and representatives from the staff association.
148. World Bank or International Monetary Fund austerity packages in return for debt renegotiation are central to neoliberal programs.
149. A new World Bank paper prepared for the G20 finance ministers' meeting in Horsham , UK, this weekend warns that the financial crisis could have long-term implications for developing countries.
150. Male preference in South Korea “is over,” says Monica Das Gupta, a demographer and Asia expert at the World Bank.
151. The World Bank Group will work with the UN agencies represented here to identify countries most in need so that, with others, we can provide concessional financing and other support.
152. Of the 3.14 million irrigable hectares of land in the country, the World Bank says only 7 percent is currently being utilized.
153. The officials say that according to a World Bank report, about 6-7 per cent of the consumption will do down if the taxes are increased.
154. IFC, the World Bank Group member that promotes private sector investment, is proposing to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries.




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