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单词 Found on
1. Wolves are still found on the continent of Europe.
2. A gun was found on his person.
3. His prints were found on the gun.
4. Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.
5. A diary was found on the body.
6. The car was found on a piece of waste ground.
7. The traces of petrol found on his clothing provided the forensic evidence proving that he had started the fire deliberately.
8. Every item found on the archaeological dig is given a code number .
9. Details of the course can be found on our website.
10. The DNA samples found on her body did not match up with a sample taken from the accused.
11. Usually found on the back of the title page.
12. No abnormalities were found on clinical examination.
13. They are most often found on drawer divans.
14. A suicide note was found on a china cabinet.
15. Typical examples of instructions and warnings can be found on household paints.
16. In 1873, however, one was found on a trajectory that brought it in to cross the orbit of Mars.
17. Lesley's body was found on moorland near Halifax, West Yorks.
18. Naturalistic versions were found on older Caucasian items, and may still be encountered on some contemporary Persian workshop items.
19. A body was found on Saturday in Okanagan lake 200 miles east of Vancouver.
20. They are generally found on the banks of shallow waters.
21. An increasing amount of organic produce is to be found on supermarket shelves.
22. Relatives of the dead man were traced through an address found on his person.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. Gunmen pumped dozens of rounds into Gutierrez, and more than 120 spent shells were found on the pavement, Anaya said.
24. Some 500 details of people's credit card magnetic stripes were found on computers.
25. Yes, well, I suppose they also told you that intelligent life has been found on Mars?
26. Replacement heifers accounted for a proportion but male stores were also found on many units.
27. It is from this stratum, extending under the sea, that the amber found on the shore gets eroded.
28. The pictures are the best indication so far that traces of life may be found on the red planet.
29. The bruises join a growing list of suspicious marks found on Katelyn in the final 15 weeks of her life.
30. Hence their smaller size reflects domestic use and they are of a similar size to those found on settlements.
31. Markstones can often be found on the roadside, in a bank or beneath a hedge.
32. The gene is found on the X chromosome, males being more severely affected than females.
33. His buckle was found on the ice and he stands to gain from his brother's death.
34. Large shoals may be found on quite shallow reefs or close to the walls of steep drop-offs beyond the protecting reef.
35. Such textiles as these are found on the Continent between the fifth and the eighth centuries.
36. Desktop publishing is one of the most seductive executive toys that can currently be found on any computer system.
37. They are found on the external genitalia and on the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen.
38. Swingarms made from the tough, light material are already found on some state-of-the-art race bikes.
39. OpenVision's technology is aimed at managing large geographically dispersed networks of heterogeneous computers with controls similar to those found on mainframes.
40. Thirty four of 53 patients who had no specific symptoms or signs of gastrointestinal disease had a lesion found on investigation.
41. This section will provide an overview of the popular applications found on the Internet.
42. Such V-shaped ribs are not found on brachiopods, which have never developed the capacity for burrowing.
43. These results were identical to those found on Aburto, the gunman.
44. His fingerprints are also to be found on the introduction of the hated social fund.
45. These markings are found on many of the cat family and are used for signalling their intentions and mood to others.
46. A shod note accompanied the card, informing me that it had been found on Oberleutnant Bauer's body.
47. It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
48. Emotions have been running high in the community since James's body was found on a railway embankment.
49. Such items are often found on Roman sites and are normally classed as votive offerings.
50. The study of the buildings found on the farms tells us little at present that is definite about the rural economy.
51. The remarkable feature of Kallibunker's fur was that it completely lacked the usual long guard hairs found on all other cats.
52. Traces of yellow pigment were found on the craft, suggesting that it was brightly painted.
53. Why not tear them up like everyone else and contribute to the litter found on every bookie's floor?
54. I have a friend who has created a set of rune stones using natural flints found on a foreshore.
55. By comparison, the few dozen minerals found on the Moon are usually quite simple in composition.
56. Still less was he interested in what he considered the barbarous traditions of the Anglo-Saxon Church which he found on his arrival.
57. Optional AA 5 Star service - details of cover are to be found on page 82.
58. Large quantities of unused frozen meat and blubber have been found on rubbish dumps after recent drives.
59. Curtain rods found on shelf in garage of Ruth Paine.
60. After he had finally set off, a box was found on the quay, full of vital repair equipment.
61. The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico.
62. Adam finally turned the icon over and found on the back a small silver crown inlaid in the wood.
63. Keys found on the person of Janet Iverson included one fitting the lock on the door to the alley.
64. In 1951, some nesting burrows, occupied, were found on islets near Castle Roads.
65. Despite the continuing decline in the workforce there has not been a corresponding reduction in the number of tractors found on farms.
66. No drugs were found on Guiding Lights but two extremely clever concealments were uncovered.
67. Much fine sculpture of the period has been found on Paros and Naxos as well as other islands, especially kouroi and korai.
68. Species of both genera are frequently found on gorgonians and corals.
69. The white dust often found on the casing of salami is bacterial and usually contributes to the flavour of the sausage.
70. Lapointe had been shot, and there was no gun found on the other lieutenant, Lefevre.
71. More like-minded people can be found on other Web sites.
72. His mutilated body was found on a railway embankment in Walton last Sunday.
73. A few miles away at Ness Point near Lowestoft, the body of a man wasa found on the seashore.
74. The skeletons found on this site were buried in unorthodox manner and might have been plague victims.
75. A chancre is also sometimes found on the cervix and rarely on the vaginal wall.
76. Other racial graffiti has been found on campus as well.
77. Grey seals prefer rocky, exposed sites, while common seals prefer more sheltered areas and are frequently found on sandbanks.
78. Hot, hydrothermally altered ground and relatively weak fumaroles, but no active hot springs, are found on these volcanoes.
79. This selection of carbonated and still waters cam be found on most supermarket shelves.
80. Traces of radioactive contamination were found on the flask when it was being washed after arrival.
81. Food is to be found on the farmland all around and so the herds help themselves.
82. They used her shoulder-bag and the satchel Travis had found on the plane to pack them in.
83. The old gallery will be found on the first floor of the house; previously on an outside wall facing East.
84. The justification for an involvement in partnership can readily be found on philosophical grounds about which there is little dispute.
85. The authorities will confiscate firearms found on a boat or plane if the owner cannot show proof of US licensing.
86. In an effort to boost club funds,[http:///found on.html] a small tent will soon be found on the far side of the ground.
87. Take the third turning on the right into Dene Road where number 86 can be found on the left hand side.
88. His body, with multiple injuries, was found on a railway line two days later.
89. Colonoscopy showed over 100 adenomatous polyps, but no carcinoma was found on removal of the colon and rectum.
90. The police are investigating the puzzling death of a man found on the freeway.
91. But it still remains significant that some of the pathetic figures are to be found on funerary urns.
92. Contact names and numbers can usually be found on staff noticeboards or obtained from regional offices.
93. Enriching texture Many people mistake pattern for texture, yet intricate patterns are often found on smooth, tranquil surfaces.
94. In winter most Golden Plover are found on coastal farmland, including the permanent grassland of the levels.
95. Three of the meteorites were found on rocky terrain where they may have fallen directly or been deposited by melted ice.
96. Called biz / ed, the new service can be found on the Internet, and reached via your computer and modem.
97. Real bananas and papayas are found on the west side of the Waimanu Valley.
98. A second set of grade symbols may be found on graded eggs available in the supermarket.
99. The first and largest asteroid discovered, Ceres, was found on the night of January 1, 1801.
100. Traditional Aboriginal art is also found on items from scarves to dishes to boomerangs to key rings.
101. The oldest rocks found on the Earth's surface are about the same age as the youngest rocks found on the Moon.
102. He was arrested after his wife informed police about two images she had found on his computer.
103. Reports on these seminars, and news of forthcoming events, can be found on page 8.
104. This term list was found on the web.
105. Also found on money: staphylococcus bacteria and fecal matter.
106. This device is most commonly found on acetylene cylinders.
107. Found on the sleigh bed package offer?
108. Blunt trauma injury was found on the victim's head.
109. Tank wrecks found on maps are no longer salvageable.
110. Extensive corrosion product was found on all surfaces.
111. the danish mid-century credenza was found on craigslist.
112. A new disease, which is caused by Puccinia coronata Corda var. coronata on Poo sp. , was found on the lawn of Jilin Agricultural University, in Changchun city of Jilin province.
113. If no databases are found on the local server, then fault analyzer shuts down.
114. An inscription had been found on an ancient bone box (ossuary) that reads "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
115. Specific change was not found on the CT and MRI of cranium. Conclusion Initial symptoms of neurosyphilis have various patterns of manifestation .
116. A function found on the data of porosity depth or density depth from a given layer in one well or poly wells could be more reliable so that it can figure out a satisfying decompaction thickness.
117. Da Vinci's fingerprints have already been found on da Vinci's painting of "St. Jerome" in the Vatican.
118. This germ is found on things used by the patients.
119. But whatsoever shall be found on the third day shall be consumed with fire.
120. Primary Orientation Flat - The longest flat found on the wafer.
121. In this paper, the quasi-steady quasi-three-dimensional heat and mass transfer model in the tail water tunnel was found on the principle of thermal balance by using finite cell to control volume.
122. Because of low vertical bearing capacity, especially horizontal bearing capacity, row-lock cavity wall has not enough bearing capacity, so that cracks are often found on row-lock cavity wall.
123. Bas-relief egg-and-dart moldings (with alternating oval and pointed forms), and scrollwork such as that found on Ionic capitals and in the running-dog pattern (or wave scroll).
124. The thesis also discusses the probability of intercept the attacking torpedo by utilizing the coalescent of torpedo' locate buoy and rocket depth charge, which found on the trait of vector hydrophone.
125. Probably made in Norway , found on the Isle of Lewis , outer Hebrides, Scotland.
126. Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold.
127. So far, more than 30 viruses or viroid were found on potato, and the virus diseases restrict the potato producing.
128. Intracystic hemorrhage of pre - existing arachnoid cyst with hematoma was found on CT and MRI of brain.
129. Bean curd made by a pock-marked woman" will no longer be found on menus in English."
130. Figure 6 and the wiring diagram can be found on the next page.
131. Arachnoid cysts are the most common type of cysts found on the brain surface.
132. 2010-11-11 A failed parcel bomb found on the cargo plane at East Midlands airport last month was timed to detonate over the Eastern seaboard of the United States, British police said.
133. The sulfonating reaction was found on the unsaturation bonds of polybutadiene basing on the research of dynamics of the sulfonating action and FTIR analysis of reacted products.
134. The police charged Pickton in 2002 with 26 counts of second-degree murder after the remains of young women were found on his suburban pig farm.
135. The complete text of the Guideline may be found on the AHA Journal's Web site under Scientific Statements.
136. No genetic effects were found on Histrionic, but common environmental effect accounted for 54.08%( 44.50- 62.43) of the total variances.
137. Found on golf courses, at picnic grounds, and at playgrounds, Red Fire Ants are very common.
138. The fingerprints found on the gun were used to convict her.
139. In the case of the two victims found on the Nuevo Laredo bridge Tuesday, their ears and fingers were mutilated, said Mancillas, who works for the public prosecutor's office.
140. Bowhead skeletons are found on elevated beaches through the Canadian archipelago.
141. Left ureteral obstruction with suspicious tumor encasement and hydronephrosis was found on imaging studies.
142. Information found on social networking profiles was not always a negative factor in finding a job.
143. Samples examined, no mechanical damage found on physical construction of the samples,[] integrity remains upon completion of the test.
144. My editorial work is copyrighted but the unedited posts and the people who experienced it are in the public domain can be found on other sites listed inside.
145. Detailed information, photos, and a full step-by-step procedure can be found on my blog.
146. One system found on the basis of HPLC system, which was suit for high temperature. The temperature selectivity was studied through analyzing benzene homologue and aromatic hydrocarbons.
147. Bladder 1.A modified leaf, found on the stems of members of the bladderwort family, that develops into a distended structure for trapping small invertebrates.
148. Rupture of the renal pelvis found on intravenous pyelography (IVP) is uncommon, is usually associated with acute ureteric colic, and may be a relatively benign condition.
149. The pump was not dissimilar to those once found on every farm.
150. The signal changes in brain cortex and peripheral region of lateral ventricle could be found on MR DWI in this group, but the differences between the normal and abnormal were not obviously.
151. And one species in particular possesses an extraordinary ability - the New Caledonian crow, which is found on the Pacific island of New Caledonia.
152. So he and other experts recommend shoppers look at the item's cost per unit, which is found on the shelf sticker next to the item.
153. The largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau.
154. The greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game.
155. Particle - A small piece of material found on a wafer that is not connected with it.
156. The kinetochore thin. The kinetochore was not found on each SC in our experiments and probable reason has been discussed.
157. The "Old Stone age" hall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.
158. Many instances of cruelty and inhumanity can be found on both sides.
159. A batfish as flat as a pancake was dredged up from the oil-slick waters in the Gulf of Mexico. A new species of antelope was found on sale at a West African bush meat market.
160. The other difference is that you only need to send a text or scan a QR code found on a sticker on your receipt.
161. The largest diamond found on earth was the 3 , 106 - carat Cullinan.
162. The let-off may be activated intermittently or continuously. Together, negative and semi- positive let-off systems make up the majority of those found on looms.
163. Ancient Hebrews represented Saturn with the six pointed star, which later became the Star of David (it also had many other esoteric meanings). The symbol is still found on Israel's flag.
164. MATLAB ? software is required to run the. m files found on this course site.
165. This was the only sequin we found on the bed, right ?
166. The mosaic diseases found on beans, hyacinth dolichos and cowpeas in Guan- zhong Plain in Shaanxi is caused by CMV. The virus belongs to the leguminous systematic group.
167. The fine , powdery sand can only be found on this particular beach.
168. Mythological characters that can be found on the periodic table include Tantalus (Tantalum, Ta) and his daughter Niobe (Niobium, Nb), and Promethius (Promethium, Pm).
169. The full implementation, including complete comments, can be found on the CD - ROM.
170. Soaring above the dramatic Scablands of the United States, Brian discovers how the same landscape has been found on Mars.
171. Links to its 13 boards and committees, international conventions and notices of award of contract can be found on the website.
172. Some criticisms are found on the limited application of perjury charge only in the criminal suit, and therefore, it is held that perjury charge is also applicable in civil lawsuit.
173. Radioactivity is found on both sides of the failure plane in all cases.
174. I was convinced that there did not yet exist any electric outboard motor with a power over the "Indonesian" outboarder that I had found on the Web.
175. It is only part of the long Lombard Street and the crooked part can be found on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth streets.
176. This is everything the Alexandria PD found on Corporal Cohen.
177. Inspired by the picture of a valkyrie I found on the internet.
178. In a disputed translation of the apocryphal Gospel of Philip, found on a Nag Hammadi scroll in 1945, we may read: And the companion of the Saviour was Mary Magdalene.
179. It is named Easter Island because it was found on Easter Day.
180. Certain secondary cracks closely related with local whisker groupware found on the fracture surface.
181. Alaska's walrus, especially breeding females, in and fall are usually found on the Arctic ice pack.
182. In case 3, painful tissue necrosis was found on the left heel and later on the right great toe.
183. bibliomania: Over 2, 000 classic texts can be found on this site, as well as reference books, study guides and links to buy books.
184. At last they found on the quay one of those ancient night cabs which, as though they were ashamed to show their shabbiness during the day, are never seen round Paris until after dark.
185. I expanded the impression that I found on it and then I enlarged the partial lettering.
186. The sign on the door combines both the male and female icons found on ordinary toilet doors and the Thai word "bandoh", meaning transvestite.
187. Similar traditional verses are sometimes found on hope chests , jewel boxes , snuff boxes, and the like.
188. The carton length determines the distance between the pairs of pusher and retarder flight lugs found on the flighted carton conveyor.
189. Even the MacBook Pro has slightly cushier keys -- and let's not even get started on the pillowy keyboard found on any ThinkPad.
190. It can't be found on restaurant menus, but chefs from Tuscany and Umbria will know exactly what you mean if you ask for it.
191. Varanus macraei, found on the island of Batanta and described in 2001, is one of the most spectacular reptile discoveries anywhere.
192. In the fruit fly, the best-studied odor detectors, odorant receptors,[] are found on only about 70 percent of olfactory neurons.
193. Palmitic acid seemed to decrease the elongation percentage, although no conclusive results were found on tensile strength.
194. The model number of the air cell can be found on the tag sewn on the center of the air cell or bladder.
195. These recommendations can be found on the technical data sheet.
196. Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves.
197. Wikis can be a powerful online resource for the provision and sharing of information, with the proviso that information found on them should be independently verified.
198. Sheep farms are found on the more hilly South Island.
199. The Phalanger compiler, currently in beta 3, and VS integration can be found on CodePlex.
200. Core Image is designed to leverage the processing abilities of certain types of graphics processor found on high-end video cards.
201. Meanwhile, build relevant mathematical model based on Analytical Hierarchy Process found on weight analysis and decision-making.
202. Acceleration is also provided on the SPEs by vector processing features not found on the PPE, including 128-bit wide vector processing.
202. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
203. For some sessions, it also provides links to additional ( optional ) reading material found on the Web.
204. Lines that appear straight in the Parthenon are found on measurement to be curved.
205. Any number of software tools can be used to import the data files found on this course site.
206. The same ethic is applicable to cultural artifacts found on public land.
207. The first documentary mention of a Venetian glassmaker is found on a deed of donation in 982 to the Benedictine monastery on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore by a Domenico.
208. I should note that purported free lunches are found on both sides of the political divide.
209. In China, Sidel has a 40,000sqm multi-product facility in Beijing with the capability to assemble all equipment found on Sidel's complete lines, from blow molding to palletizing.
210. He was found on the beach of one of the Pao Islands by a female sabre-toothed Jaguar.
211. No significant difference was found on the expression of P(53) protein between primary and metastatic sites in 3 paired samples of meibomian gland carcinoma.
212. Tyler Clementi's wallet was found on the George Washington Bridge on 22 September after two witnesses saw someone jump from the structure, authorities told the AP news agency.
213. Nowadays almost all secret Tantra teachings can be found on internet.
214. Larix gmelini forest at Daxingan Mountains fruited again in 1991 after 1989's fruitage. The average fruiting rate is 63.8%, and most fruited trees are found on burned stands.
215. Receptors were found on the plasmalemma of superficial and prickle cells of normal esophageal epithelia.
216. Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold. The species seems to be particularly common near Beech trees.
217. The Flesh and the Blood have the same blood type, AB, which is also the same blood type found on the Shroud of Turin and all other Eucharistic Miracles.
218. The timeline which is included in the Hogwarts Timeline which can be found on the DVD ROM extra material on the CoS film DVD edition use the obvious dating based on the Deathday Party.
219. Light yellow saponificational spots were found on the epiploon and the common biliopancreatic duct.
220. An older user is as likely to be suspicious of information found on the Internet as to believe it.
221. Periocular basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on the lower eyelid and medial canthus.
222. The whiskers disappear as the fish grow, and are not found on adult flying fish.
223. Pit - A non - removable imperfection found on the surface of a wafer.
224. In 2009 the Vatican announced that the oldest known icon of the Apostle Paul had been found on the catacomb's ceiling.
225. Most of the stones are found on an old lake bed, known as the Racetrack Playa, where the ground is particularly flat.
226. They are also found on the roofs of pagodas, because they represent the liquid element that protects from fire.
227. She pulled out a perfect sand dollar she found on a California beach.
228. This includes printer settings , which are often erroneously found on the File menu.
229. The pirates, with some of the newfound wealth they found on Laputa, went off to start new lives.
230. Lingcod, Ophiodon elongates , a rare fish found on the west coast of North America, are an important commercial and recreational fish species.
231. The finest vineyards are found on well-draining gravel, where quartz and flint pebbles lie over a subsoil of marl.
232. Later, "Israelite" or "Jew" was changed into "Samaritan, " which introduces an element of inconsistency, since no Samaritan would have been found on the road between Jericho and Jerusalem (ib. 30)./found on.html
233. The kitchen and dining room are found on the upper deck, while the bedroom and bathroom are on the lower deck.
234. Abnormal vibration has been found on rear installation plane in a turbofan engine durability test.
235. Eleven new diseases were found on cayenne pepper in Jiangxi province.
236. The company provides mainly six kinds of vegetables, including field mustard and komatsuna, a food widely found on Japanese dining tables.
237. Anchovies Small fish, found on pizzas and in some brands of worcester sauce.
238. You want to explain to me why your prints were found on the cash register?
239. Some of the world's largest volcanoes are found on Hawaii and Maui; they provide spectacular displays.
240. More information on exploratory testing can be found on
241. A duplicate copy of the file can be found on my desk.
242. The area was found on the Upper Sun River, in the Tanana lowlands forest in central Alaska, and it includes remains of a seasonal house and stone tools used for cutting.
243. The bodies were found on Tuesday in a house south of Los Angeles suburb of Wilmington.
244. Sea urchin tests are periodically found on the beaches of northeast Florida.
245. Smudge - A defect or contamination found on the wafer caused by fingerprints.
246. The antibodies in question target phosphorylcholine, a fat found on the surface of various bacteria and parasites.
247. Moreover, very few researches on load balancing can be found on the hypercube networks.
248. Instructions on downloading eon and vida though cvs can be found on our code forum.
249. Found on the situation, the paper presents the method of Car Tire Pressure Inspecting and Monitoring system based on CAN-Bus.




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