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单词 Constancy
1 The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 
2 The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
3 We live in a world without constancy.
4 Never doubt the constancy of my love for you.
5 Second, stability does not imply fixity or constancy.
6 Numerous mental capacities show similar constancy.
7 The secret to success is constancy of purpose. Benjamin Disraeli 
8 There is also a remarkable constancy of lamellar thickness,[] but this increases as the temperature increases.
9 Constancy is what it takes to get kids to help out and develop a sense of responsibility.
10 The argument for solar constancy is essentially the one I have already outlined.
11 As for size constancy it is linked with the coordination of perceptually controlled movements.
12 A parenting network can create a constancy of love one person can not generate.
13 Nor has this heroic constancy been exceptional, limited to a few chosen souls.
14 Rosemary is emblematic of constancy.
15 He admired her courage and constancy.
16 Sable or black - Constancy, sometimes grief.
17 Neither constancy nor relentless change will support a creation.
18 The hotel stands on the shore of lake constancy.
19 Deeply he respected her for her constancy.
20 The pine is a badge of constancy.
21 Constancy in love is a good thing.
22 This depends on their constancy throughout many allied groups.
23 Climate reflects a basic struggle between constancy and change.
24 The Secret of Success is the Constancy of Purpose.
25 Believing in the other person - extending trust - helps to create and sustain constancy and trustworthiness.
26 But he had chosen to serve his womenfolk with constancy.
27 Very few people have a career of great longevity, constancy and consistency in films.
28 It will be a long, slow and tedious process requiring patience and constancy of purpose.
29 As a woman who had chosen not to marry, Leapor looked for constancy primarily in relation to friendship.
30 Very few people have a career of great longevity, constancy and consistency in films. I mean a real career.
31 Traditional color constancy algorithms can only handle the images which intensities are linear with the scene reflected illuminations.
32 Color constancy refers to the invariability of color perception of the same surface under different illuminations.
33 I learned so much from the new President of the United States—hope, might, reanimation, freedom, ease, constancy and masculinity.
34 Through love the universe with constancy makes changes all without discord.
35 A conservation is a statement of constancy in nature - in particular, constancy during change.
36 Lozenge - Honesty and constancy,[http:///constancy.html] also held to be a token of noble birth.
37 Cubes , squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.
38 Furthermore, the degree of color constancy fluctuated with surface variation in the surface matching test, which showed that color constancy was also dependent on the characteristics of the surface.
39 Symbolizing sport or play in language of flowers, hyacinth represent constancy, while blue hyacinth expresses sincerity.
40 Spectral characteristics between intraspecies reflect the component constancy and habitat difference.
41 The constancy of the speed of light seems, at first thought, unremarkable.
42 The key to correct size constancy perception of image object is to correctly estimate the depth of objects in the image.
43 This state of mind in theory of meeting changes with constancy caused the disjointedness between theory and practice which also makes realistic theory lose its basic quality.
44 Early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds.
45 Constancy is therefore inconstancy held in check and confined to the same object.
46 The degree of color constancy in the same background was higher than that in a different background.
47 According to the mathematics relation between thermal resistance and temperature, controlling the voltage and electric current of thermal resistance invariable to realize the constancy of temperature.
48 Therefore they are not practical. In this dissertation, we provide a new color constancy algorithm which can handle uncalibrated images and is free of camera and shot parameters.
49 Hypothalamus and maintain good physical constancy, control autonomic nervous system and other related emotions.
50 In this paper, we proposed a new supervised colour constancy algorithm based on histogram analysis of a colour chart.
51 In this paper, we analyze the variation of saturation, also we compare the previous methods of color constancy and point out that they can not get the constant saturation information.
52 It is essential for realizing color constancy to acquire color descriptors that are not affected by illumination and geometry conditions.
53 This article, on the basis of four dimensional coordinates and four dimensional wave vectors of world space, proves the phrase constancy of electromagnetic waves.
54 Can the principle of constancy of light velocity be proved by Michelson-Morley experiment?
55 Supervised colour constancy, which uses colour chart to calculate and correct illumination changes, is used widely because of its simplicity and efficacy.
56 Lack of constancy of purpose is a deadly disease in business.
57 According to Hegelian Characterology, it is complexity, specificity and constancy that make the character Willy vivid.
58 We demonstrate the constancy of Maxwell's equations in inertial frame.
59 This description of the surface spectral reflectance has the property of color constancy.
60 It was our first duty to give loyal support to General de Gaulle in his valiant constancy.
61 Size constancy is one of the most important perceptual constancy.
62 Constancy in love is of two kinds: one comes from continually finding new things to love in the beloved, and the other from making it a point of honor to remain constant.
63 The results in the experiment supported the conflicting cues theory but did not support the misapplied size constancy theory.
64 The method relies on the constancy of masses and of the length of the wire.
65 Then I guess you jet - sitting fancy free bustards need that kind of constancy splashy reassurance.
66 This study verifies and discusses color constancy with experimentation in terms of human vision and design.
67 Given the allowance of space colour constancy,[http://] the riddling of LED for large screen display can be made using the method.
68 To get a color descriptor that is robust to illumination and has the color constancy function is very important for the entire computer vision system.
69 This interesting paper shows that this illusion "automatically" occurs as a by-product when an artificial neural network is trained for brightness constancy.
70 The disinhibitory IF of subcortical neurons contributes to transmission of low spatial frequency information of visual images and tO the maintenance of color constancy.




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