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单词 Consolidation
1. Although it has yet to happen, cross-border consolidation of Europe's banking industry is regarded as a done deal.
2. The companies have been mentioned as possible consolidation candidates.
3. The shakeout fuels the consolidation, as groups of lawyers from failed firms attach themselves to larger firms.
4. Using consolidation to get rid of duplicative layers or segments is fine, with an important caveat.
5. Competition for the lowest price and consolidation in the health-care industry are making things worse.
6. In middle age a nation seeks safety and consolidation of material gain.
7. The organizer says that retail consolidation was responsible for some of the fall-off.
8. Meanwhile, the wave of consolidation in financial services has reduced the pool of big advertisers on news and finance shows.
9. With downsizing and consolidation all the rage, owners are left with empty spaces and few choices in reusing them.
10. With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
11. With most forms of taxation, there is the consolidation of contributing towards a social purpose.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. In this sense, it may be that democratic consolidation is merely a political situation in which democracy has not broken down.
13. In line with our current policy of consolidation, no new courses have been introduced during the year.
14. On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings are translated at the completion rate of exchange.
15. The next decade should be one of consolidation a d steady improvement.
16. Such consolidation was indeed commended by contemporary writers on agriculture.
17. Advertising revenue has taken a pounding from the consolidation among retailers.
18. S., prompting, among other things, hospital consolidation and the formation of large regional health-care-delivery systems.
19. Following consolidation, farmers would have irrevocable freehold tenure to their land.
20. Continuing international consolidation through cross-border mergers is likely in the near future.
21. The Act brings together much existing employment legislation and is a welcome consolidation.
22. The two variables that have the most impact on successful democratic consolidation are prior regime type and the initiator of the transition.
23. A definitive and concise statement on democratic transition and consolidation with contemporary relevance and applicability.
24. There could be no doubt that he deserved the credit for the republic's political consolidation.
25. There are still problems with the definition of democratic consolidation.
26. Now London was a glorious bust and overdue for consolidation, at an estimated loss of a hundred million dollars.
27. Music have the magic of bringing people together, and creating unity and consolidation. Dr T.P.Chia 
28. Similarly in certain circumstances a subsidiary may, under section 229, be omitted from the consolidation.
29. Maher, 52, takes the helm at a time of consolidation and competition in the banking industry.
30. The history of many colleges can be seen as periods of conflict and confrontation alternating with periods of consolidation and relative calm.
31. It was believed that fixity of exchange rates was necessary for the consolidation and development of these achievements.
32. Meager pickings in the industry have provided the back-drop to increasing consolidation.
33. This stage of the manufacturing process involved tailoring complex systems to customer specifications, testing, order consolidation and shipping.
34. The other is the old bludgeon of robber barons, industry consolidation.
35. It involves staff cuts, budget caps, a stronger inspector general and consolidation of three economic-development bureaucracies into one.
36. Moreover, the proposed business units would span several establishments and would not lend themselves easily to rapid consolidation.
37. Globalization does bring the death of distance, through the consolidation of markets and the use of modern communications and transportation.
38. As well as being a year of further expansion, 1991/92 was also a year of consolidation.
39. United Kingdom will show leadership in financing the consolidation of industries across national boundaries.
40. The deal prompted speculation about further consolidation in the sector.
41. This acceptance of the democratic rules of the game and the eventual sharing of electoral victories leads to democratic consolidation.
42. We want to do a fundamental consolidation, a package of measures for a group of small banks.
43. Thus the trend toward consolidation, as more than 200 hospital mergers were announced in 1995, up from 50 in 1990.
44. Once the required level of consolidation is reached the surcharge material will be removed to allow the construction work to begin.
45. It is also used when the parent owns more than 50 percent of the subsidiary but consolidation would be considered inappropriate.
46. Ellis said the proposed telecommunications bill is driving the consolidation of the industry -- and his strategic planning.
47. Thus, the lesson for new democracies is that the choice of institutions is directly linked to the challenges of democratic consolidation.
48. The unsecured debt consolidation loans apply to the tenant.
49. Voucher checking, bank statements consolidation checking check cash stocktaking.
50. Outstanding debt and to pay personal debt consolidation loan.
51. Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts.
52. Consolidation makes it even more worrisome.
53. Aggressive virtual machine consolidation requires a performance trade-off.
54. After applying the data consolidation pattern to a particular integration scenario, the result of the consolidation process can be provided as a service to multiple service consumers.
55. How can you know the best debt consolidation service that can assist you reach your aim?
56. The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy.
57. This is a lobar pneumonia in which consolidation of the entire left upper lobe has occurred.
58. These findings are consistent with other evidence that anisomycin blocks both the consolidation of original learning and extinction.
59. Furthermore, the effects of vertical consolidation, radial consolidation and sand drained foundation on the sensitivity of uncertainty are investigated.
60. Loess has the characteristics of structural properties, such as incomplete consolidation, collapsibility; And the multi-arch tunnel of highway has complex excavation steps and structure stress.
61. Our results imply that one of the key features signifying the transition of a market from emerging to developed status is the appearance and consolidation of distinct group identities.
62. The vertical and the horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be adequately modeled by either a lognormal distribution or a gamma distribution.
63. Even though their country's long-term budget outlook is famously dire, Mr Obama and the Republicans did not even try to find an agreement on medium-term fiscal consolidation this week.
64. It is concluded that the average degree of radial consolidation for a given soil layer increases with its buried depth since the geostatic pressure increases with the lattar.
65. Index Economy is a new historical stage after Commodity Economy and Price Economy, and it can possess the pricing right in a larger part, which also can promote the resource consolidation.
66. Godard also said JP Morgan, which caters for the super rich with $25 million and above, was hoping to find a suitable target in the consolidation wave that is shaking up the industry.
67. In this article, the author wants to further research on the issue of arbitral consolidation, and make some suggestion to Chinese legislator before the Arbitration Law being revised.
68. The directors of each constituent company must approve a written plan of merger or consolidation.
69. Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents: proprietorship theory, entity theory and parent company theory.
70. Monday the London Metal Exchange base metals are mostly out of shock wave of market consolidation.
71. The formulas for computing mean and deviation of the average consolidation degree of double-layered soil are derived as vertical coefficient of consolidation submitting to Gamma distribution.
72. Consolidation circuitry is one of the keys for MHD power conditioning system.
73. This paper tested some factors like water content of wood(), temperature of treatment and solvent additive affecting the rate of consolidation solution permeating the water-logged wood.
74. The consolidation equations were discretized using Crank - Nicolson finite difference form to facilitate solving them.
75. The 1990s proved to be a period of expansion and consolidation.
76. The short-term policy interest rate fell by an average of about 20 basis points for a fiscal consolidation worth 1% of GDP.
77. A closer view of the lobar pneumonia demonstrates the distinct difference between the upper lobe and the consolidated lower lobe. Radiographically, areas of consolidation appear as infiltrates.
78. Resin A on the adhesives for cold consolidation molding of coke powder were studied.
79. This lung is as solid as liver because of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). There is diffuse consolidation. PCP is typical of immunocompromised patients, particularly those with AIDS.
80. We adopt a stochastic method and develop a two-state Markov chain model to formulate the collaborative freight consolidation problem.
81. Results 12 cases of pulmonary mycosis showed consolidation in the segment or lobe of the lung (6 cases), cavity with thick wall (2 cases), nodule or mass (2 cases), and fungal ball (2 cases).
82. After rising for two consecutive days after the stock markets opened Wednesday consolidation high.
83. To consider the application of two types of loan consolidation line of credit.
84. The thermal stress:in consolidation of concrete is analyzed for construction of the National Stadium, the main track and field stadium for Olympics 2008 in Beijing.
85. Figure 2-3 The same patient. Figure 2 was the pre-treatment CT image, the left lobe consolidation with tree-in-bud in lingular lobe(dissemination).
86. Which doesn't mean that all four OTAs would remain independent companies. Consolidation still is a possibility.
87. This trade however was a bit risky as it was a breakout trade after ten days consolidation testing a trendline angling upwards.
88. A service that enables deposits from multiple locations, being credited to a single corporate account, to be identified and reported. Also known as branch consolidation service.
89. The results indicate the distribution pattern of vertical consolidation coefficient influence greatly on the probability calculation of degree of consolidation.
90. This new era is now calling on the consolidation and exertion of knowledge-cultivation(KC) to dominate the topic of the MPE .
91. Generally, the data latency or data currency is dependent on the refresh cycle of the data consolidation process.
92. This type of consolidation both reduces code redundancy and makes it possible to maintain and change our application's data formats when we need to.
93. Fluorinated polymers were applied to sand stone heritage in order to increase its compressive strength and consolidation as well as to enhance its resistance to desegregation by water.
94. In the mechanism analysis of consolidation of foundation soil by heavy tamping method, the dynamic contact stress calculation of hammer bottom and foundation surface is the key technical problem.
95. PCCW has proposed a five - for - one share consolidation.
96. Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.
97. Large - scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for a major part of the destruction.
98. X - ray chest film or CT showed multi - node and patchy consolidation.
99. Convenient and favorable international consolidation service for small batches of export goods.
100. The anorthosite underwent at least two more times of deformation than the norite, suggesting that the norite was emplaced after the consolidation and cooling of the anorthosite.
101. These findings suggested that catecholamine ( CA ) played a modulatory role in the processes of acquisition and consolidation of conditioned reflex, but had no significant effect on long term memory.http:///consolidation.html
102. But that is based on today's agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
103. The platform's textile functional finish technology mainly includes the processing technology of compound function and consolidation and protection technology under extreme conditions.
104. In the case of isotropic consolidation, the effect of ambient pressure on the increment of the cumulated axial strain was determined by the vibration frequency of wave load.
105. The pulmonary consolidation was distributed along the bronchovascular bundle or subpleural area.
106. Vertical leakage-proof technique is critical in vacuum preloading treatment for improving consolidation of soft clay sediment subsoil with deep sand inclusion.
107. The DM method improves the bearing capacity of the soft soil; and more than 80% consolidation settlement is finished during the construction period, which effectively reduces the residual settlement.
108. The author believes the structural approach in English teaching can reach a strong effect, specially in the further consolidation of the English training in basic skills.
109. Just Imagine how many teachers we could rehire, if the DOJ just did some consolidation in house.
110. The consolidation service collects the statistics from a given lab and stores them in the company's centralized tracking system.
111. The paper concludes that earned value method can be applied in the analysis of the total cost variance in land development and consolidation projects.
112. Yesterday, I met representatives of them - they, and even their Chinese schoolmates, expressed the willingness to teach Haitian in the one-day camp and make consolidation for local people.
113. The effects of soil friction angle and coefficient of consolidation on pile ultimate bearing capacity were both analysed.
114. Of course, the consolidation of our state is not due primarily to the elimination of counter - revolutionaries .
115. Results: Patchy consolidation, ground glass opacity, wedge-shaped shadow, "mosaic oligemia" etc can be seen on plain CT.
116. This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.
117. There is evidence, he says, that digital technology is already damaging the long-term memory consolidation that is the basis for true intelligence.
118. This is also the upper edge of a longer term consolidation band, and also inside the long term group of Guppy Multiple Moving Averages .
119. It will carry out the reform of collective enterprise through capital transfer, equity structure adjustment, enterprise consolidation, and other effective way.
120. Third , advancing China's political democratization process, the consolidation of the CPC's ruling position.
121. Relatively the dilapidation of concrete structure is rather universal. Maintenance and consolidation are very important for the concrete structure's serviceability.
122. Moreover, comparing with odeometer test, the time required for consolidation by centrifuge test is much shorter. So it offers higher efficiency in consolidation tests.
123. Debt consolidation loan home loan debt can be used two ways.
124. After years of development, Long sheng Logistics beforehand developed to a comprehensive Logistics company providing multiplex logistics service, with core cariness as consolidation service always.
125. After years of development, Long sheng Logistics already developed to a comprehensive Logistics company providing multiplex logistics service, with core business as consolidation service always.
126. With the accession of enterprise consolidation cases, how to disposal the consolidated goodwill has become more and more important.
127. There was a clear preference for horizontal consolidation mergers among peers particularly in Europe.
128. When grouting gallery of depth-curtain, lining and consolidation grouting to full-face of the gallery is necessary to meet the needs of the grouting pressure.
129. And further carry into execution trial, modification and consolidation of aesthetic values through dialogue and communication with open culture and profound life.
130. As a new numerical method, element free Galerkin method (EFGM) has more advantage in the solution to consolidation equation as it only needs the information of nodes rather than element.
131. Recently, land consolidation is started all over the country, but methods of land consolidation planning and design are timeworn and lack of applications of Hi techs.
131. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132. Investors also worry about the danger of a 'double dip' European recession if governments get the timing and pace of budget consolidation wrong and choke off the recovery.
133. It is found that the central design coefficient is a decreasing function of the variation coefficient of vertical consolidation coefficient and is an increasing function of probability of failure.
134. As soon as possible after consolidation, it is advisable to apply a bituminous emulsion waterproof seal over the stabilized subsoil.
135. The areas of consolidation are firmer than the surrounding lung.
136. Reorganization and consolidation following the Second Fulton Report provided the conditions for further advances.
137. But the new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation.
138. This may roll out as a full consolidation, over time, between pharma, biotech and generics companies.
139. Cargo operation modes include container stuffing, unstuffing, break bulk and consolidation.
140. Citigroup's acquisition , for an undisclosed sum, underlines the continuing consolidation in the global custody industry.
141. The analysis method and calculation expressions of oblique section consolidation of reinforced concrete bridge are discussed on the basis of test analysis.
142. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation.
143. The merger was different from the debt loans, unsecured debt consolidation loan does not require collateral.
144. The accumulative total settlement less than tradition soft foundation consolidation method.
145. Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for the destruction.
146. Moreover, a consolidation curve is obtained through a case of uniform loading on one load level. Some useful conclusions are obtained based on the computer results, the relevant behavior of l...
147. Diagnosis Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia ( BOOP ) , presenting with consolidation and ground - glass opacity .
148. Based on in-situ measurement and test, the treatment effect is assessed in terms of settlement, degree of consolidation and soil strength.
149. But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.
150. In Europe mobile - telecoms markets are highly fragmented and ripe for more consolidation.
151. A reasonable method to modify the calculated settlement of soft clayey foundation in superload and vacuum preloading consolidation is analyzed and discussed in this paper.
152. But the bulk of that is consolidation within group companies or orchestrated deals.
153. You are sure to get the best debt consolidation service that can assist get rid of your debt problems.
154. Next year consolidation will continue, though at a less busy pace.
155. But we have to prepare also for the next phase: fiscal consolidation.
156. The reason for this tremendous consolidation is not hard to find.
157. A joint venture between rivals does not involve a complete consolidation of their operations.
158. Under the conditions of the radius coefficient of consolidation being a gamma distribution, the formulas for computing central design coefficient are derived.
159. We own offices in Tianjin and Dalian, leveling both the main ports of China. Both of their consolidation service holds the dominant position in local market.
160. Another form is the consolidation of orders by a number of companies in order to take advantage of bulk buying.
161. When using beetle for sand control, the cost is low, surface viscosity is low, pumpability is good, operation is simple, and both the strength and permeability after sand consolidation are high.
161. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
162. Get a debt consolidation loan to pull all of your outstanding debts together and put them in one secured loan.
163. Conclusion: The consolidation treatment in pityriasis versicolor can reduce the recurrence rate and increase the cure rate.
164. This homeostasis includes memory consolidation, problem solving, immune system maintainability, and countless other properties.
165. Have own consolidation service weekly to United State of America, Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore, India, Australia, China and other Asia Countries.
166. Simultaneously about as 2/3 static strength as dynamic strength at same failure strain under equipressure consolidation condition of mucky soil in Xiamen is gotten.
167. The design value of horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be made by multiplying its standard value and design coefficient or by multiplying its mean and central design coefficient.
168. Examination shows consolidation which usually affects one or both lung bases.
169. In general, at relatively high price area, stock prices are set horizontal consolidation can not.
170. This dissertation introduces the necessity, mechanism and developing of the vacuum-heaped load combining precompression in the Consolidation of the Soft Highway foundation .
171. You could also consider a home equity loan, which may offer a tax deduction, or a consolidation loan.
172. service of shipping 、 airfreight 、 land transportation 、 warehousing 、 consolidation 、 package 、 turnover 、 insurance ...
173. The State ensures the consolidation and development of the state-owned economy.
174. Mechanization has contributed to the consolidation of farms in larger holdings.
175. During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation, mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures.
176. Thus, in order to get the in-situ consolidation coefficient, geotechnical engineers have searched for better testing methods in these years.
177. Tenancy - related matters, including security of tenure, are governed by the Landlord and Tenant ( Consolidation ) Ordinance.
178. Finally, drawing a conclusion, the research about multi-vehicle loading problem and multi-packaging cargo consolidation problem is significant, and have a wide studying foreground.
179. Diagnosis Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia ( BOOP ) resulting from respiratory infection, presenting with consolidation.
180. The denser population necessitates closer consolidation both for internal and external action.
181. Thursday consolidation dollar to continue to shock, and the overall steady.
182. What people don't remember is that Hitlerism was about more than just militarism, nationalism, and consolidation of identity politics.
183. The rate of consolidation derived from centrifuge test is faster than the solution from conventional theory, but agree with the solution by finite linear consolidation theory.
184. Much of the hoped-for consolidation in China could come at the expense of mills that make lower-margin construction grade steel.
185. The mixed pattern included cyst, nodule, cavitary lesion with adjacent consolidation or ground-glass opacity.
186. During Franco's autocratic rule, the party had opposed joining the EEC, because the membership perferred the consolidation of the regime.
187. CFS services, including cargo consolidation in bonded area, tax refund, etc.
188. Done properly, you should go through workload consolidation and hardware optimization before you start thinking about true hardware consolidation.
189. If your applications require significant storage, it may make sense to use an emerging best practice -- consolidation of all storage in your infrastructure into a storage zone.
190. Theirs is a generation of consolidation and neo-traditionalism — a generation of sunscreen and bicycle helmets, more anxious about parenthood than anything else.
191. The coupling of consolidation time step and viscoplasticity time step can guarantee the program's stability and precision.
192. While in the foreign trade out of education, but in another level of development, the foreign writing and oral communication I have more knowledge of the consolidation and expansion.
193. The design value of vertical consolidation coefficient is adopted as the product of standard value times the design coefficient or equal to the product of average value times the design coefficient.
193. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
194. The application and effect analysis of preloading drainage consolidation method for Tianwan Nuclear Power Station east revetment soft foundation treatment.
195. When the name of the proposal obtained by debt consolidation loans can be opposed to the resettlement of the loan application security.




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