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单词 Ulcer
1 She had an ulcer in her mouth.
2 My mouth has an ulcer.
3 He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.
4 The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.
5 An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall.
6 "It's my ulcer," he added by way of explanation.
7 Aspirin can ulcer the stomach lining.
8 My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time.
9 A history of prior slow ulcer healing.
10 The ulcer was no real surprise.
11 The main, unsolved clinical problem is chronic duodenal ulcer.
12 All endoscopically proved ulcer relapses were then registered.
13 Eighty unrelated controls, 61 patients with gastric ulcer, and 57 patients with duodenal ulcer were studied.
14 Epigastric pain is uncommon and concurrent peptic ulcer disease may lead to an incorrect diagnosis.
15 Discussion Duodenal ulcer disease has traditionally been associated with excess secretion of gastric acid.
16 Thus H pylori infection combined with active ulceration may cause the increased basal acid secretion seen in duodenal ulcer disease.
17 Ulcer pain is relieved by food and tends to come back an hour or more after eating.
18 A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.
19 If you think you may be suffering from an ulcer, see your doctor immediately.
20 Bismuth has also become popular in recent years as a treatment in peptic ulcer to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.
21 In contrast, there is still a considerable dearth of knowledge on the post-therapeutic course of gastric ulcer disease.
22 He's said to be acutely depressed, and is also thought to have a stomach ulcer.
23 This indicates that the stimulation of cell proliferation may not be the only factor in ulcer healing by sucralfate.
24 The role of the increased serum gastrin concentration induced by H pylori in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease is also unknown.
25 Only a minority of patients infected with H pylori will eventually develop a duodenal ulcer.
26 Indeed, there were fewer patients than expected taking NSAIDs, perhaps since intake had been reduced because of chronic duodenal ulcer disease.
27 Treatment failure was defined as evidence by endoscopy of a recurrent duodenal ulcer crater.
28 There are few data concerning the role of anti- H pylori treatment in gastric ulcer disease.
29 There was no obvious relationship between age and the development of gap junctions in patients with gastric ulcer or in healthy volunteers.
30 The studies were designed to evaluate the H pylori eradication potency of the various regimens and the post-therapeutic course of ulcer disease.
1 She had an ulcer in her mouth.
2 A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.
3 My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time.
31 These studies therefore show that the ulcer formation is not due to hypersecretion of acid or pepsin.
32 These findings suggest that loss of intercellular communication via gap junctions is associated with gastric ulcer formation.
33 No control subject individuals had evidence of peptic ulcer by endoscopy.
34 No other model of chronic ulcer shows such morphological and behavioural similarity to the human duodenal ulcer.
35 But finally, she would make of it an ulcer, a running sore that would never heal.
36 All patients had a history of ulcer recurrence confirmed by endoscopy.
37 Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
38 In doing so, he developed a blister on his foot that turned into a diabetic ulcer.
39 The exaggerated acid response to gastrin can be explained by the increased parietal cell mass present in duodenal ulcer patients.
40 H pylori was not examined because its importance in duodenal ulcer disease was not widely recognised when this study was being planned.
41 In addition, our data indicate genetic heterogeneity of gastric ulcer disease.
42 The figure illustrates the cumulative ulcer free survival curves of patients randomised to each drug.
43 The patients with gastric ulcer had significantly fewer gap junctions than did the healthy volunteers.
44 There were eight smokers in the duodenal ulcer group and three in each of the other two groups.
45 The relationship between these alterations, hypergastrinaemia and chronic ulcer disease has also been suggested.
46 All carriers of the bacterium, however, do not suffer from duodenal ulcer.
47 He always drank tea in the morning, and she, suffering from an ulcer, always drank hot chocolate.
48 Risk factors for delayed duodenal ulcer healing are mentioned in all textbooks as important considerations in the management of duodenal ulcer disease.
49 We conducted such a study in patients with active duodenal ulcer disease.
50 In addition, the phospholipid composition of gastric mucosa was compared with that of duodenal mucosa in 10 patients with duodenal ulcer.
51 Nevertheless, the data suggest that if levels were more accurate they would have been lower in the peptic ulcer group.
52 Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be.
53 The concentration of other essential cationic metals in gastric juice did not differ between healthy subjects and those with peptic ulcer disease.
54 Yet we have confidently shown that the ulcer is not caused by hypersecretion of acid or pepsin.
55 Endoscopy in the nine H pylori positive non-uraemic patients showed oesophagitis in one patient and active duodenal ulcer in another.
56 When food leaves the stomach or duodenal during the night, the ulcer is bathed in acid.
57 The ulcer has perforated.
58 The first hint of a problem came when he developed a small ulcer on his tongue in 1990.
59 Epigastric pain was the main clinical symptom of duodenal ulcer disease: this was experienced by all patients before entering the study.
60 Very late in life, bald with worry and eaten by a stomach ulcer, her father became a dentist.
61 Patients with incomplete ulcer healing after six weeks were reinvestigated by endoscopy at four week intervals.
62 Interestingly, gap junctions in patients with recurrent ulcer were much fewer than in patients with first onset ulcer.
63 Some degree of heterogeneity has already been shown in peptic ulcer disease.
64 The finding of enhanced fasting gastrin concentrations in H pylori positive subjects and in duodenal ulcer disease can not easily be explained.
65 A child with any or all of the symptoms of an ulcer should be evaluated by a physician.
66 Endoscopic injection, however, is still the most convenient and cost effective means for the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage.
67 Despite numerous published reports, however, the most important risk factors associated with delayed ulcer healing are still undefined.
68 There are many models of duodenal ulcer - do we need a new one?
69 Pepsin measurements were not performed in two of the 10 duodenal ulcer patients after treatment.
70 In addition, H pylori eradication speeds up ulcer healing and is associated with healing of previously refractory ulcers.
71 Thus, in addition to duodenal ulcer disease, H pylori eradication may also cure gastric ulcer disease.
72 It was not attempted to correct the estimated prevalences for the under registration of ulcer drug users by probably 10%.
73 Compared with peptic ulcer, these diseases are rare and not particularly prevalent among the oldest in the population.
74 Models of mucosal damage in which a noxious agent such as ethanol is employed are simply not relevant to chronic duodenal ulcer.
75 Records of previous admission for peptic ulcer were sought for people in the case and the comparison groups.
76 It has been reported that the concordance rate for peptic ulcer in monozygotic twins is greater than in dizygotic twins.
77 A slight shift in the age distribution would be expected because of the increasing prevalence of non-operated peptic ulcer patients in the population.
78 In addition, gap junctions in patients with recurrent ulcer were significantly fewer than in those with first onset ulcer.
79 If they are preoccupied with the wound, they may develop ulcer dressing rituals and interfere with the prescribed treatment.
80 Bonnevie reported that the incidence rate of duodenal ulcer was four times higher than that of gastric ulcer in Copenhagen County.
81 In 1989-90, the prevalence of use of peptic ulcer drugs was 1.3% in men and 1.2% in women.
82 All of the patients had an improved ability to walk, reduced pain and improved ulcer healing.
83 It certainly sounds as if he might have a peptic ulcer - especially as the pain is eased by milk.
84 Sometimes they have an ugly yellowish look to them(/ulcer.html), as if the ulcer is filled with pus.
85 Duodenal ulcer patients were asked to stop any antisecretory treatment two weeks before the secretory studies.
86 Phosphatidylglycerol was detectable in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, but not in controls or in patients with duodenal ulcer.
87 This finding provides support for the belief that adequate treatment of H pylori infection will give longterm protection from duodenal ulcer recurrence.
88 This study examined whether the phospholipid composition of the full thickness gastric mucosa is changed in peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
89 The high pepsinogen C concentrations in patients with duodenal ulcer are probably related to H pylori related chronic active gastritis.
90 In one female patient, the body ulcer was later identified as a gastric lymphoma and surgical resection was done.
91 This band sounds like an ulcer, a festering sore, a self-consuming but none the less exhilarating secretion of bile.
92 Kothary etal have reported that terminally extended forms of gastrin in conjunction with G14 are more prevalent in duodenal ulcer patients.
93 What is the cost of an ulcer, high blood pressure and other ailments endemic in banking?
94 From these findings, it can be suggested that pepsinogen genes are involved in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer.
95 In addition, peptic ulcer disease represents a heterogeneous group of disorders attributable to a variety of genetic and environmental causes.
96 At the first, two week follow up appointment, endoscopy to assess ulcer healing was obligatory.
97 The difference between mean rates of secretion of acid and pepsin in control subjects and patients with duodenal ulcer is about 190%.
98 The phosphatidylethanolamine value was higher in duodenal ulcer and lower in chronic atrophic gastritis compared with the control group.
99 Their wiping out would merely free the individual from anxiety, heal his ulcer, lighten his step, brighten his eye.
100 The ratio of radioactivity of ulcer area v intact mucosa was calculated for each group of rats.
101 Patients were excluded if they had taken ulcer healing agents, antibiotics, or cytotoxic drugs within one week of endoscopy.
102 After eradication of H pylori in the duodenal ulcer patients both their basal acid output and basal gastrin fell by 50%.
103 And for some women, the ulcer drug Tagamet also exacerbates the problem, making alcohol dehydrogenase even less active.
104 It started with skin, which it sells for burn victims and for which it is seeking approval for diabetic ulcer sufferers.
105 Therefore, we decided to compare gap junctions between gastric surface mucous cells of gastric ulcer patients with those of healthy volunteers.
106 Among the various solutions, epinephrine and pure alcohol are proved to be effective in the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage.
107 Five patients had additional selective gastric vagotomy because of excessive gastric acid or a history of duodenal ulcer.
108 Cyclical changes in H pylori infection may cause the variations in basal acid secretion that are seen in duodenal ulcer disease.
109 H pylori infection was a strong predictor of ulcer recurrences.
110 The aim of our study was to find out if the more potent prokinetic drug cisapride could prevent duodenal ulcer relapse.
111 There was no significant difference in phospholipid composition between antral and duodenal sites in duodenal ulcer patients.
112 More important information about the influence of hereditary factors in ulcer disease has been derived from studies of twins.
113 Lysolecithin was the smallest component in the duodenal ulcer and chronic atrophic gastritis groups.
114 Peptic ulcer is a convenient term which covers both gastric and duodenal ulcers.
115 A more accurate analysis of ulcer recurrence can be derived using lifetable analysis.
116 Peptic ulcer is a sharply circumscribed loss of tissue.
117 Gastritis may cause symptoms resembling those of peptic ulcer.
118 Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his varicose ulcer.
119 Objective To study the preventive effect of honey milk tea on stress gastric ulcer, and to confirm the value of honey milk tea used as an alimentotherapy.
120 Objective: To compare anti-gastric ulcer action of sea buckthorn pulp oil(SBPO) with sea buckthorn seed oil(SBSO) and to explore its mechanism.
121 The complications of duodenal ulcer that require surgical management are hemorrhage , perforation, obstruction, and intractability.
122 Conclusion Lamellar keratoplasty combined with interlamellar padding is an effective method to treat perforated corneal ulcer.
123 Conclusion: MEBO can promote regenerative healing of diabetic skin ulcer.
124 To summarize the clinical experience of laparoscopic neoplasty in acute gastroduodenal ulcer perforation.
125 They concluded that EER extract possesses antisecretory, cytoprotective, and anti - ulcer activities against experimentally - induced gastric lesions.
126 Objective:To assess the long-term efficacy and safety of Astragalus granule in treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer.
127 An duodenal ulcer is seen in two views on upper endoscopy.
128 Methods:126 patients with oral ulcer were treated with dilantin cataplasm, and return visit at 1,3,6 days and six months. Then evaluate the curative effect by the therapic standard.
129 D: According to your symptoms, it looks like you have duodenal ulcer.
130 The ulcer is shallow and sharply demarcated, with surrounding hyperemia.
131 OBJECTIVE:To study the effects and security of amlexanox oral coating for treatment of minor recurrent aphthous ulcer.
132 Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of health officals current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.
133 Conclusion Composite procaine mixture has protective effects on acidulated alcohol induced gastric ulcer in rat.
134 It begins as a raised itchy lesion and develops into a painless ulcer with a black center.
135 Wudian has her particular experience of treating peptic ulcer asstomach in TCM.
136 Pregnant women and stomach, duodenal ulcer patients not take it.
137 Conclusion: EELC is a suit medicine inhibitory effect of gastric ulcer protective.
138 There was no bile reflux gastritis , retrograde infection, anastomosic ulcer, dumping syndrome.
139 The physiology of only ulcer disease only then base, also won't cause cankerous disease directly.
140 Methods Rats model of chronic gastric ulcer was made by acetic acid and instillation.
141 OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the clinical effect of Kangfuxin plus Buflomedil hydrochloride on diabetic ulcer foot.
142 Objective:To compare and evaluate the short term effect of laparoscopic neoplasty and open neoplasty in the perforated duodenal ulcer.
143 Sucralfate was given to 27 patients with cutaneous ulcer. Its curative rate was 40.7%, total effective rate was 92. 6%, No side effects were found during the treatment.
143 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144 Aim To study the effects of chitosan - bismuth on experimental rat ulcer models.
145 Objective To investigate the effect calcitonin gene - related peptide ( CGRP ) 、 endothelin ( ET ) on duodenal ulcer ( DU ).
146 To sum up, the prineiple mechanism of anti-gastric ulcer of DEG may be by raising the levels of PGE2 in gastric juice and inhibiting pepsinia and promoting synthesis of protein.
147 Secondary radiologic signs that are indicative of active dwodenal ulcer are mucosal edema and spasm.
148 Cigar smoker: In 1893, Cleveland, a longtime cigar smoker, complained of an ulcer on the roof of his mouth, which later proved to be a carcinoma.
149 Ugloh! ss is a point of view : an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist.
150 Previous duodenal ulcer but quiescent for years - no contraindications to thrombolysis?
151 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Kangfuxin liquid in treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer ( RAU ).
152 Objective To investigate the utilization situation and the tendency of the drugs for antiacid and peptic ulcer diseases in the hospital during 2004 —2006.
153 All the diverticula with complications had histopathological signs of inflammation and 3 cases had signs of ulcer.
154 Methods: Treatment of 16 cases of corneal ulcer by amniotic membrane transplantation.
155 Cutaneous anthrax usually presents with painless ulcer, followed by central black eschar and surrounding lymph node swelling. It is the most common form of anthrax.
156 An acute duodenal ulcer is seen in two views on upper endoscopy.
157 What does perhaps eat to you can treat oral cavity ulcer?




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