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单词 Homebody
1. We're just homebodies who like staying home watching TV.
2. But if you're a homebody and a schlemiel like me, you may not find the system very useful.
3. Mum's a real homebody.
4. Don't be such a homebody - let's go see a movie tonight!
5. He's a typical homebody.
6. Wife : No, I'd rather not. I'm a homebody. You knew that when we met.
7. A homebody at heart ,() the Crab enjoys a good home - cooked meal or take - out.
8. You're more of a homebody than many of the other signs of the zodiac and may find attending large public events stressful.
9. I am a homebody except when I'm working but always want to spend my time with a lady every chance I get.
10. I'm a homebody, I'd rather be in the kitchen cooking than hanging out in a bar.
11. To do this, Citysense will categorize people into "tribes". So far, 20 tribes have been identified, including "young and edgy, " "business traveler, " "weekend mole, " and "homebody."
12. China's tourist hotspots are hoping to capitalize on this homebody spirit.
13. Isaac loved Esau who was a strong, masculine-looking hunter, but Rebekah loved Jacob, a mild-mannered homebody (25:27, 28).
14. I love to go out and do thing but am also a bit of a homebody to.
15. A couple of years ago, John did a bit of soul-searching in his travels, but now he's got a kid and is more of a homebody.
16. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even like to go out to dinner.
17. During the Bush years, Washington got used to a homebody president who preferred bringing friends into the Executive Mansion to venturing outside it.
18. Most malaria researchers believe that the world's most dangerous mosquito—a malaria-parasite-carrying species called Anopheles gambiae—is a homebody that prefers biting people indoors.
19. Is your mother working or a homemaker, outgoing or a homebody, loves to travel or do gardening or maybe loves fashion or shopping every few days.
20. This alliance is a waste of time for both parties. yxtVg. comou are a homebody and the Archer is a travel nut. This is not a likely attraction.
21. The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests.
22. Even in this post-Madoff world, where Daddy the Hedge Fund Manager is now Daddy the Homebody, nuptials have not yet become bankruptials.




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