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单词 Cardboard
1. The string is wound round a cardboard cylinder.
2. I came home laden with cardboard boxes.
3. It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
4. She packed her books in cardboard boxes.
5. They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
6. There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.
7. He put the cardboard boxes in a heap and stamped them down.
8. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.
9. There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.
10. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
11. It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
12. I made a full-size cardboard model.
13. He reached into the cardboard box beside him.
14. She glued the two pieces of cardboard together.
15. Glue the two pieces of cardboard together.
16. We covered the hole with a sheet of cardboard.
17. The photograph was backed with cardboard.
18. A large cardboard box will serve the purpose .
19. Back the photo with strong cardboard.
20. She brought the shopping home in a cardboard box.
21. Paper folds more easily than cardboard.
22. Don't throw that cardboard box away it may come in handy.
23. Cut out two pieces of cardboard and gum them together.
24. There was a life-size cardboard cut-out of Elvis Presley in the shop window.
25. Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.
26. With its superficial cardboard characters,(http://) the novel was typical of her work.
27. You can make your own distorting mirror by pasting a sheet of kitchen foil to a piece of thin cardboard.
28. They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood and cardboard.
29. She would have to wait in the truck, fanning herself with a piece of cardboard.
30. He was living on the streets for three months, and his home was a cardboard box.
1. I came home laden with cardboard boxes.
2. It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
3. They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
4. There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes.
5. He put the cardboard boxes in a heap and stamped them down.
6. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.
7. There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.
8. You can make your own distorting mirror by pasting a sheet of kitchen foil to a piece of thin cardboard.
9. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
10. She brought the shopping home in a cardboard box.
31. The term 'cardboard city' was coined to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes.
32. The cardboard disintegrates organically.
33. I've never enjoyed his plays - somehow all his characters are all cardboard.
34. An old cardboard box makes a comfortable bed for a kitten.
35. The children cut out shapes from the piece of cardboard.
36. Crates and cardboard boxes still littered the floor.
37. The bombs were plastic and cardboard and also weighted.
38. Cardboard pilgrims, turkeys and pumpkins decorate the walls.
39. The simplest substitute is corrugated cardboard.
40. Cardboard folders of stamps lay haphazardly within my reach.
41. A slice of black bread, supple as cardboard.
42. With a sinking heart I noticed that he was holding up a piece of torn cardboard with my name scrawled on it.
43. He was carrying four thick brown cardboard accordion folios tied with faded red ribbons.
44. It is like eating cardboard, and tastes about as good.
45. Our cherished records were enfolded by large new cardboard boxes tied with pink tape and marked with inscrutable computer codes.
46. Do not be tempted to make too large a frame from cardboard, unless it is very thick indeed.
47. They were used to store trunks, suitcases, large misshapen cardboard boxes and broken furniture.
48. Amid all the dust and the commerce we come upon a guy stationed at a cardboard carton desk.
49. We went in cardboard boxes, in fridges, in metal coffins fixed like mummies, in sacks like animals for market.
50. Have a new student volunteer place one hand on top of the cardboard while carefully turning the glass upside-down.
51. Cover with a cardboard frame - the acetate being centralised.
52. Nowadays boards can means pasteboard, cardboard, strawboard or any other stiff material used in hard-covered books.
53. Demand for by-products from waste paper and cardboard recycling is exceeding supply in the West Country.
54. No staples are allowed, as the boxes are recycled, so we glue the cardboard together.
55. This made a partial vacuum, which kept the cardboard attached to the mouth of the glass.
55. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
56. Hicks waited until the last Dumpster was almost full and then personally conveyed two cardboard barrels of bakery refuse to its maw.
57. He slept on a camp bed in a room full of the cardboard boxes he had filled with books.
58. In one street, the pavement is stacked with cardboard boxes of Toshiba television sets.
59. Now, at forty-three, he had to be content with cardboard bloaters!
60. Once satisfied, I got a large cardboard carton and broke it open so that the development could be accurately drawn.
61. She fed the little slips of cardboard one by one into its grinding jaws.
62. I ended up putting the cardboard from that box in the bottoms of my shoes.
63. Many species have a finely folded margin, crumpled like corrugated cardboard.
64. It was that rectangular piece of cardboard that musical compact discs used to come in.
65. She shut the trunk and moved on to a large cardboard box.
66. Two of them consisted of a large cardboard box with a lid.
67. Everything was still in his suitcase; he put the clothes in a cardboard shirt box.
68. We buried him in a cardboard shoebox about 75 centimetres down.
69. There was a large cardboard box on the floor next to the fridge.
70. Near a well-traveled box of spices was a piece of cardboard on which the Oz campers' wish list was written.
71. Better than a view of cardboard panes and the next-door privies.
72. Buckingham Palace is at one end of the Mall, and at the other end people are sleeping in cardboard boxes.
73. His breathing sounds like the cardboard flap you pin to the back wheel of your bike to make a motorcycle.
74. You can buy a round cardboard footing form at most home improvement centers that makes the process easier.
75. One artist concluded his deal by standing on a cardboard box full of notes while Berry taped it up.
76. I carry Jack in a cardboard box and he seems relaxed as we have a quiet conversation in the dark.
77. Make a post box out of a cardboard box, a shoe box with a lid, or a baby wipe container.
78. By night it is lined with ragged figures, sleeping on cardboard or scraps of bubble-wrap.
79. He has been seen in the square scooping the birds into a cardboard box 40 at a time.
80. This is cut from cardboard and should be matt black on the inside, at least.
81. The ambience was mechanical, the chips like cardboard and the bread poor.
82. To make one, fill a cardboard box with sand or other heavy material.
83. He flattens the empty cardboard boxes, stacks them and ties them into a bundle with cord.
84. When I reach its head the man in charge goes away to conduct a transaction involving cardboard boxes.
85. Most of the torpedoes were built from fibreglass and cardboard tubing and weighted to fall properly when dropped.
86. Ahead the red light glowed evilly and the spectral figures moved into its aura to become cardboard silhouettes.
87. Or buying boxes of chocolates that taste like cream-filled cardboard.
88. A further trick of the light throws their roller-coaster ridge into sharp relief, like a cardboard cut-out.
89. It seemed impossible that there could be anything of interest to him in this firetrap of dried papers and cardboard.
90. That is why producing yet more images, he wrote, is like eating cardboard.
91. On one level are what appear to be rolls of cardboard, stacked neatly.
92. It already recycles plastic shrink-wrap into shopping bags, and 550 own-brands products are packed in recycled cardboard.
93. At the base of the wardrobe, buried beneath pairs of shoes, he discovered a large cardboard carton.
94. The kite blew into the sky like something wild, hoisting its tail with a noise like tearing cardboard.
95. They're all wrapped up in bits of cloth and lying on all this cardboard.
96. Have the student slowly remove the hand that was holding the cardboard in place.
97. The cedar lining that once protected fine cigars from deteriorating is equally efficacious at preserving cardboard rectangles from insect damage.
98. Elephant pizzas Cut a template of cardboard into the shape of an elephant's head.
99. The door opened after a brief tap and the wench with the cardboard box came in.
100. Frank Gauci steps off the Callisto into the coldest winter ever clutching a cardboard suitcase.
101. Windows shattered with the heat from the blaze and metal doors buckled like cardboard.
102. It hung limply from the tubercular shoulders of its master like a wet rag on a cardboard donkey.
103. For similar reasons, they enjoy playing with sand and cardboard boxes.
104. Keaton and DiCaprio manage to bring several levels of emotion to their characters, but everyone else is a cardboard cutout.
105. In Colonia Anapra, homes are made from plywood sheets, wooden pallets, unpainted cinder blocks and cardboard.
106. I hauled my bargain table outside and propped up the cardboard three-books-for-a-buck sign.
107. Bert started to move a huge pile of cardboard boxes which had once housed a variety of motor spares.
108. McGowan walked to the car and returned with the long canvas bag and the cardboard box.
109. Cardboard City all but vanished in the daytime, and reappeared like a gypsy camp at night.
110. He was shovelling up the broken glass on to a piece of cardboard.
111. Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
112. She kicked a cardboard box in his direction, and he began piling the leaves and petals inside.
113. We have people living rough in cardboard boxes in doorways in the streets of London.
114. Home is a cardboard box a little larger than the size of a coffin.
115. I also have a life-size cardboard cut-out of our former no.4.
116. Check for level with a spirit level 2 Slip a sheet of corrugated cardboard behind the fireback before final positioning.
117. And weren't defectors like displaced persons,() small and shabby with cardboard suitcases.
118. Cardboard shacks went up, in no particular sequence, until field after field was covered.
119. Decoy and sabotage have moved far beyond Saddam's cardboard tanks and missile launchers.
120. Then there's the furniture, notably the super-curvy bentwood chairs for Knoll and the cardboard stuff for Vitra.
121. He put the papers into a cardboard folder and tied it with a red ribbon.
122. During camera rehearsals earlier in the day he was able to cut out, align and stick down his black cardboard mask.
123. Between head and pillow, a hard rectangle was interposed, the marbled cardboard of a notebook, sea-green.
124. Next to me a lady with a perforated cardboard box.
125. They handed me a cardboard plate on which was an apple, a slice of cake, and some homemade toffee.
126. Houses were shoulder-high, made of old packing crates and strips of sheet metal, the walls stuffed with cardboard and rags.
127. He rested his hand on a cardboard box behind the tea chest and pushed himself up.
128. He kicked himself when he discovered it behind two large metal waste bins full of rubbish and old cardboard.
129. I saw them passing enormous sheets of colored paper and cardboard through the sharp blade of humming, dangerous machinery.
130. The music was simply put into cardboard boxes and left in his brother's basement.
131. They take it in turns to crouch in a cardboard box - edging it closer and closer to the track.
132. A procession of Treasure Island pirates carrying cardboard boxes bulging with beer bottles were already noisily boarding the coach.
133. You will need the following materials: two cardboard tubes, two index cards, scissors, and glue. 1.
134. Alternatively, make a frame out of a large piece of cardboard.
135. Have a student volunteer fill the glass completely with water and place the cardboard on top of it.
136. The 28 Fluanxol pills are pink, round and sugar-coated and were in foiled paper in a cardboard box.
137. He had picked up one of the pups and examined it roughly before replacing it in the cardboard box with the others.
138. He returned with an old, torn suitcase and a flat cardboard box.
139. Lay one of the long strips of cardboard over this join and staple through card and fabric on to the batten.
140. These included waste reduction, paper and cardboard recycling and improving energy efficiency.
141. My feet are tangled in old cans and cardboard boxes.
142. Her pups were now piled together in a cardboard box lined with an old woollen jumper and several sheets of brown paper.
143. Mrs Vanya came back in just a few moments, carrying a very large white cardboard box.
144. Invitations with balloons Buy balloons and make a cut-out shape as below with thin cardboard.
145. He turned a small cardboard rectangle over and over between his fingers: the train ticket.
146. The person who lost the most weight the week before pinned cardboard pigs on the gainers.
147. He picked the can off the flame, using a small piece of cardboard to protect his fingers from the hot lid.
148. She collected up the letters and stuffed them back, higgledy-piggledy, into their brown paper and cardboard nest.
149. The kit offers an assortment of cardboard sheets printed with the materials of siding, roofing, doors, windows and skylights.
150. We unload the flattened cardboard boxes and other packing material.
151. The kit comes complete in its cardboard case, which is given a fabric texture and embellished with gold lettering.
152. From the kitchens came the new master, carrying an armful of cardboard chain-mail.
153. I slit along the seam of the cardboard wrapper where it had been taped over.
154. The mottled lock on the front still held, but its dusty cardboard strap had fractured with age.
155. Adam Rolston, taking a distinctly Warholian Pop point of view, works with cardboard, making commercial cartons in series.
156. His gift of stolen peonies was discarded in a cardboard box, and she did not seem to mind at all.
157. Another sign made of cardboard, resting against the venetian blinds in the window, announced Seven Topless Dancers.
158. There remained only a cardboard box lodged behind where the journals had been.
159. You will need a strip of stiff cardboard to make this hat.
160. There aren't enough places in short-stay hostels, so the homeless are reduced to sleeping in cardboard boxes.
161. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item, greeting each like an old friend.
162. They sat on bedrolls or collapsed cardboard boxes along Park Boulevard.
163. Printing, writing, and tissue papers, corrugated cardboard and wrapping paper are of excellent quality.
164. Most of these romantic novels are full of cardboard characters.
165. A cardboard nativity scene on the gravelled forecourt was all that remained standing.
166. Flatten the cardboard boxes and stack them in the corner.
167. I had in fact made my own labels using some vulgarly bright pink fluorescent cardboard I had found lying about.
168. And, as the cardboard cylinder could be removed and replaced without crinkles, the recording retained its clarity.
169. In the center of the room sat a stack of cardboard boxes that had once held equipment.
170. You can also use a horn or make one up out of cardboard.
171. She rolled up the poster and put it in a cardboard tube.
172. I thought they'd be a nice durable cardboard.
173. The cardboard backing was just a strengthener.
174. Crepe paper covered the ugly cardboard.
175. The cardboard box was crushed.
176. The children enjoyed making a playhouse out of cardboard.
177. Glue it to poster board or thin cardboard.
178. We keep our rice in a cardboard box.
179. He put his books in a large cardboard box.
180. A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box.
181. With the tide of industrialization in Europe, cardboard consumption increase sharply, engineers denominate is nokia factory soon following.
182. The destitute congregated in cardboard shacks in so - called Hoovervilles the edges of cities across the nation.
183. Price included: knob ; Napkin - hanger ; wall plates ; cap; packing with cardboard box.
184. Creating arts and crafts that stand for life on the farm can be a amusing part of this homeschoo unit study. Build a barn with red construction paper and a cardboard box.
185. S - flute, Special type of corrugated cardboard. Many colors available. 50 sheets per pack. FOB Shenzhen, China.
186. One young woman put the address label on a brown cardboard shipping box and the packing slip inside.
187. The children's playhouse has been made from a pile of cardboard boxes.
188. The Colonel's groom, a small wizened dwarf with grey skin, and he was pushing a large flattish cardboard box into her arms.
189. Cardboard coffins — which are as thick as their wooden counterparts — can be decorated by family and biodegrade within three months.
190. Someone brought a moppet and put it on the haulm in the cardboard manger. pretended to be little Jesus.
191. Our company main product has the paper box packing equipment, the cardboard compound device two big series, altogether more than 30 varieties.
192. We watched enviously as they gathered wood, old tires and cardboard boxes for a huge bonfire.
193. Please pack one TV seta cardboard box, 4 sets a wooden case suitable for export.
194. Solution to Corrugated Sheet and Cardboard Shanghai Dapeng provides a complete solution to corrugated sheet and cardboard conveying.
195. Adopts vacuum assistant absorb paper system, set grade adjust suction,[] let flexual cardboard automatic favourably entered.
196. At first glance the middle-aged man, grinning widely to reveal missing teeth, holds the kind of shabby cardboard sign used by rough-sleepers the world over.
197. Everything from our steel, hardwoods, and cardboard to our lexan and linen is diverted from the incinerator.
198. Disposable paper filter housings generally fall into the general framework of cardboard boxes and high strength die hardboard . Pleated filter in the filter materials for metal-lined single screen.
199. In another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby grubby, hands.
200. The packaging, with a " matchbook " housed in a sleeve, is made of recyclable cardboard so it's biodegradable.
201. At last, stick them on the multicolor cardboard and decorate it more.
202. A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held up a cardboard sign offering a telephone land line as another officer held up the handset.A third officer used a bullhorn.
203. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.
204. In order to maintain color and corrugated cardboard box type.
205. So, I developed a small teaching aids: with a hard cardboard note value by cutting a small proportion of the length of paper and draw a note in the above and the corresponding name.
205. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
206. Cover the glass with the cardboard and turn the glass over.
207. The boy is trying to cut out a five-pointed star from a piece of cardboard.
208. Ron may be terrified of the giant spider in the movie, but Rupert had no fear of the "real-life" spider: it was cardboard!
209. Their cardboard boxes were wrapped and tied neatly with waxed twine.
210. Patterson pointed toward a plain cardboard box beneath a long wooden table.
211. Oils have been used on linen, burlap, cotton, wood, hide, rock, stone, concrete, paper, cardboard, aluminum, copper, ply wood, and processed boards.
212. The solution is based on paperboard characteristics set up transmission paper force parameter values, cardboard stablizable.
213. This adhesive has now found a successful application in the production of corrugated cardboard case.
214. It is strictly forbidden to use cardboard, cloth, and so do shade of inflammable substances.
215. The window was roughly patched with cardboard and masking tape.
216. Paper feeding and positioning system adopt imported high-precise photoelectric control device to make the paper and cardboard location more accurate.
217. Mr. Zhang saves almost nothing of the $260-a-month salary he earns assembling cardboard boxes, another notable shift from the previous generation, which saved voraciously.
218. In recent year, PA polyamide, white cardboard, electronic mesh screen and other projects of relatively high technical levels have been launched into production one after another.
219. I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for transport by sea.
220. The sides of a cardboard carton of milk will often curve outwards.
221. He found thehouse, a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month, but at the lastminute the firm ordered him to Washington, and I went out to the country alone.
222. I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for the transport by sea.
223. Overhead streetlights highlight the hues of the costumes and banners intricately designed and patterned from minute strips of crepe paper of all colors glued to clothing, cardboard and wood.
224. Application: Suitable for interior gypsum board, concrete, putty, bricks, cardboard, wallpaper, wood, gypsum board, paper, cardboard, MDF surface.
225. Plummer had described being offered a "wax cylinder" containing Queen Victoria's voice. But Tritton knew that Morse had made his recording on a Graphophone, which used a wax-coated cardboard cylinder.
226. Preheat your oven to 275 degrees. Peel the modeling clay paw imprint away from the cardboard and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 15 minutes.
227. You can see the sight dome across the lower bout of the guitar by setting the edge of a straight piece of paper or cardboard on the soundboard.
228. Before I left the contest, I gave Linda my Star Trek cardboard cutout a consolation prize.
229. Called "The Flat Daddy, " the gift is a life-sized poster that can be pasted up on a cardboard, foam, wood to remind children that their parents always love them.
230. The blouses will be packed in plastic bags, each four dozens in a corrugated cardboard box.
231. The children's playhouse has been formed from a pile of cardboard boxes.
232. Little cardboard tags dangle from their wrists or ankles, bearing the names of their makers, faithful and nimble-fingered Waldorf mothers who can also, it's rumored, spin wool!
233. Using broad, flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey, these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging.
234. He could still remember the smell of the damp cardboard.
235. Electronic counter can accurately control the number of printed cardboard.
236. Wild boar mask, in order to leave head to the production of cardboard or varnished cloth.
237. He stands and leaves while I put the cup, together with the rudimentary family tree I have sketched, into a cardboard box, which will be posted off to a testing company based in Utah.
238. The POP corrugated cardboard display frame can promote product sale, is both environmental protection and convenience to transport.
239. Three - wheeled bicycles piled impossibly high with plastic, cardboard and Styrofoam ply the streets.
240. Diverse deposed cloth, a piece of white paper, scissors, glue and multicolor cardboard.
241. The cardboard was sodden and fell apart in his hands.
242. You, too, can avoid astronomical costs by watching stars through a tricked-out cardboard tube.
243. The rest of the space was taken up by cardboard boxes piled right to the ceiling, ten deep.
244. Each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 20 and wrapped in sheet plastic.
245. At the foot of the slope there are cinder block houses, but as you climb the ridge, concrete gives way to wood and tarpaulin, then cardboard and twigs.
246. At night, outreach workers often find him nestled within a thin cardboard box, near the scaffolding of a building under construction.
247. The astronauts made the connector from a plastic bag, cardboard, and tape.
248. It is suitable for compound the paper of color printing and base paper(corrugated sheet or cardboard).
249. She said: "A dental hygienist Barbie can only work as a dental hygienist . But a cardboard box can become anything."
250. Check what items are picked up by your local authority's kerb-side collection, if it has one. All paper including used office paper,(http:///cardboard.html) newspapers and cardboard.
251. They live in a favela, or shantytown, where living spaces consist of crude huts built of cardboard and wood scraps.
252. a piece of cardboard.




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