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单词 Nominal
1 Food is supplied at a nominal cost.
2 She is only the nominal chairman: the real work is done by somebody else.
3 The shares were sold for well below their nominal value.
4 A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.
5 She's the nominal head of our college - the real work is done by her deputy.
6 The king was only the nominal head of the state.
7 He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.
8 The charge of the box lunch was nominal.
9 This service is available at a nominal charge.
10 We only pay a nominal rent.
11 She charged only a nominal fee for her work.
12 The settler got the house at a nominal price.
13 Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.
14 I was brought up a nominal Christian.
15 The charity pays a nominal sum to lease the premises.
16 We had to pay a nominal fee to join the club.
17 We make a nominal charge for use of the tennis courts.
18 For a nominal fee,[] they will deliver orders to customers' homes.
19 The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
20 Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms.
21 If prices rise and the nominal wage remains constant, the real wage falls.
22 Clinton has nominal opposition in the Democratic primary.
23 The nominal rate of interest has two components.
24 It is misleading, however, to compare nominal interest rates.
25 Emap will acquire nominal net assets.
26 All levy a nominal admission fee.
27 It's fairly clear that he is only the nominal head of the local party -- in fact he's got no authority at all.
28 As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.
29 All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.
30 Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.
1 The shares were sold for well below their nominal value.
2 A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.
3 As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.
4 She's the nominal head of our college - the real work is done by her deputy.
5 The king was only the nominal head of the state.
6 He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.
7 The charge of the box lunch was nominal.
8 The settler got the house at a nominal price.
9 The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.
31 For these reasons, if none other, the Lord Chancellor, is more than a nominal head of the judiciary.
32 The fourth equation of the model describes the process by which the average quantity of nominal money holdings is determined.
33 The rate of interest on a new loan is referred to as the nominal interest rate.
34 He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.
35 The nominal value is meaningless and may be misleading, except in so far as it determines the minimum liability.
36 The firm obtained a nominal tariff protection of 35 percent in 1981.
37 Services had 30, 736 fewer unemployed, the biggest drop in nominal terms of any group.
38 This clause must state the company's nominal capital, and how the capital is divided into shares.
38 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
39 Schemes vary, but usually you keep on your mortgage by holding back a nominal amount, say £1.
40 The mean underwriting fee was 1.4 percent of the issue's nominal value.
41 These were leased for a nominal sum from a very understanding Tangmere Parish Council.
42 Homes for the elderly were shut, and formerly nominal charges increased and extended.
43 This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.
44 Company A took merger relief and recorded its investment in B at the nominal value of the shares issued.
45 The rise in the inflation rate, in turn, raises the nominal interest rate. 5.
46 A nominal charge is made for table tennis and tennis tournaments.
47 Grand Trunk shares traded at around three times their nominal value.
48 Traditionally, the people's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee.
49 However, the trailer's loss was not merely nominal because he had lost a sale.
50 The Zener voltage should be chosen so that it is approximately 1V less than the nominal on-load battery voltage.
51 The outcome of the political merry-go-round that sets nominal tax rates has produced a roughly proportionate tax structure.
52 The trip to Milan would otherwise have undoubtedly fallen to her, as the nominal fashion editor.
53 Our nominal essences of modes, however, are ideas of their real essences.
54 A weekday canteen, managed by Mrs Forsythe of Seagoe, provided meals for servicemen and women at nominal cost.
55 The first investor, the small business owner, pays 28 % of the nominal gain.
56 The box, with a nominal value of £5, was for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow trust.
57 Giant and inefficient marketing boards have had the opposite effect of their nominal purpose, and have further squeezed farmers' margins.
58 Even when successful prosecutions have been brought, the courts have been reluctant to impose little more than nominal sanctions on miscreants.
59 Oil prices in nominal dollar terms are expected to stay flat, at best, between now and the year 2000.
60 The nominal value is the original purchase and redemption price.
61 Under the program, the government sold shares to citizens for a nominal fee to quickly transform state enterprises into private companies.
62 Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
63 In 1887 Davies set up a limited liability company, the Ocean Coal Company, with a nominal capital of £536,000.
64 And a neighborhood in Southern California went looking for a corporate sponsor to become its nominal founding father.
65 The chairman vacates the chair and a Speaker or Deputy Speaker takes it and receives a purely nominal report.
66 The nominal stock of money, M 1, is assumed to remain unchanged in the face of balanced deflation.
67 It started in Fat Harry's, long after the nominal closing time, across a table littered with empty glasses.
68 This time, there was no question of nominal suzerainty: El Cid was virtually King of Valencia,[] though uncrowned.
69 Consequently, a nominal 60-year loan would in practice be made up of many short-, medium-, and long-term loans.
70 Nominal independence in 1960 brought a succession of inept, mostly military governments.
71 A red cotton T-shirt or running vest is available at a nominal charge of £1.00 together with sponsorship forms.
72 The local agents provide an extensive catalogue of programs available at a nominal charge.
73 However low nominal rates of interest go, they still remain positive in real terms.
74 To the east lay border regions - Berry and Auvergne - where even the Duke's nominal suzerainty was at times doubtful.
75 A nominal diameter may also be derived from the volume of the pebble.
76 Life insurance funds invest more in fixed interest securities because a large part of their liabilities is in nominal terms.
77 For equilibrium(), where is the rate of change of the nominal money supply set by the monetary authorities.
78 Amsler shows that this notion ignores important classes of words such as open nominal compounds, phrasal verbs and idioms.
79 It follows that their demand for bank deposits is also growing at twice the rate of growth of nominal income.
80 Although Bowman was nominal Captain on this phase of the mission, no outside observer could have deduced the fact.
81 The accumulated fund represents the nominal value of the net assets of the Law Society valued at historic cost.
82 So we have: where m t is the economy-wide average quantity of nominal money.
83 The bond is currently priced at 98-16 per 100 nominal with a yield to maturity of 12.50 percent.
84 Also barred would have been gifts, except for items of nominal value, such as shirts or mugs.
85 Phillipon refused to say whether the framework assigns nominal dollar amounts for each individual or uses a funding formula.
86 Soon you and I are going to be nominal proprietors of a rather sophisticated installation.
87 Over 100 stocks were listed with a total nominal value of just under £125 billion and a market value slightly in excess of this.
88 The compromise solution is therefore for management to subscribe a nominal number of shares in Newco early in the proceedings.
89 Tickets for the concert are a nominal $3 for students.
90 He measures each country's aggregate demand at any time by its total nominal spending.
91 Further small cuts in nominal rates would be welcome but are not enough.
92 We are allowed to use the tennis courts for a nominal fee.
93 Nevertheless other generals - Sanjurjo, the nominal head of the rebellion.
94 Those registered users of Word for Windows requiring the upgrade can obtain it from Microsoft for a nominal fee of £7.75inc.VAT.
95 The daughter had all the brains and did all the accounts -- the son was just the nominal boss of the business.
96 The nominal daily devaluation of the peso was halved from 40 to 20 pesos.
97 With Nina out of the office, however, some one was going to have to take nominal charge.
98 The nominal costs of collecting domestic rates were also reduced between 1983/4 and 1984/5 and rose very little over the whole period.
98 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99 Elite: Kewill-Omicron has updated the nominal ledger for its Elite package.
100 In particular, establishing a close and sustained relationship between money and nominal income or prices has been especially elusive.
101 On paper we have a nominal fund of £2.3m covering our 8000 patients.
102 A.. There are some people whose physical and mental age is a whole lot younger than their nominal age.
103 Additional effects are found from the growth in nominal income which is associated with an increase in own-country relative returns.
104 However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training.
105 It would save money simply to give the pits to the miners for a nominal sum, say £1.
106 A is the nominal output of the auxiliary signal.
107 Everything was nominal during the test.
108 The nominal diameter has little significance in sediment transportation.
109 Three-terminal low current negative voltage regulator. Nominal voltage -9V.
110 All nominal outputs of the shift register are 1.
111 the nominal leader of the party.
112 Reference and Attendance letters are at nominal cost.
113 He is the nominal partner of the large company.
114 The trustee company has a nominal share capital.
115 Single Interpretation refers to the semantic conclusion of land-ownership transfer based on the nominal and real land-ownership, especially the real one.
116 Coil Resistance . A nominal value of the resistance of the coil winding of a relay.
117 Temporary accounts are called nominal accounts, while permanent accounts are called real accounts.
118 The river near the Expo site, Saturday Day, there will be a small market, the local government to encourage young people to the original, some cost a nominal income.
119 The meteorological representative error is the main source of EDM error, as well as the main obstruct to realize the nominal accuracy of the precision electronic tachometer also.
120 In this respect, nominal wage growth has been on an upward trend which, according to preliminary indications, may have come to a halt only recently.
121 A nominal yield of 3 - 4 % looks attractive in real terms if prices are falling.
122 After the reform, the nominal rate of return of effective tax rate, planning space reduced the amount of taxable income should be the focus of tax planning.
123 The main objects of this paper are RMB nominal exchange rate and net barter terms of trade.
124 Also it reflects society's move from elitism to at least nominal or desired equality.
125 But this higher level of structural inflation is not cause for alarm in an economy where nominal income growth will once again be in double-digits and GDP growth will be about 9.5 per cent in 2011.
126 Shareholder's right trust both has the relation and has the difference with nominal holding of shares, custody of equity shares, voting right agency and shareholder's right transfer.
127 HL-relay. Space saving power relay. 1 form C. Nominal switching capacity 15A 125V AC, 10 A 250 V AC. Top mounting. Coil voltage 240 V AC.
128 Thus, all deliveries have higher than the nominal power output.
129 Measured in 1996 prices, the $30,000 of nominal income in 2004 turns out to be only $15,000 of real income.
130 Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
131 He claimed that since money held its nominal value over time, there was little reason to be in a hurry to spend it.
132 These days, it would rank eighth, falling between Italy and Brazil on a nominal exchange-rate basis.
133 The annual data during 1994-2002 shows empirically that there is no stable relationship between U. S. -China trade balance and RMB's exchange rate (nominal or real exchange rate).
134 Then it analyzes the interaction among the inflows of foreign fund under the condition of its unsymmetrical flow, domestic nominal interest rate, and inflation of currency, as...
135 Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile.
136 If they should decide to reduce the current account surplus, should they allow faster appreciation of the nominal exchange rate or overheating and faster inflation?
137 The rule of the distribution of the nominal and pronominal anaphora based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory is employed in this paper to analyze the texts from FIDIC Contract Conditions.
138 Hong Kong stocks. There is a very interesting term. Called penny stock. Is the nominal price of one dollar per share following the stock.
139 The first drive element is capable of movement relative to the second once a nominal decoupling position has been reached.
140 Among which, the price changes have the highest correlation following by the nominal growth of the investment in capital asset and value added in industry, with the GDP growth behind.
141 A stream of data from a data source (6) is transmitted to a data destination (3) using a nominal bandwidth.
142 But since the 1990s villages have at least had the nominal power to elect their own heads (real power is often still held by unelected Communist Party secretaries).
143 The present paper presents a general formula of calculating multiple-series relevant coefficient with the method of matric estimation through evaluation of the nominal variables.
144 India's per capita income ( nominal ) is US $ 977, while its per capita ( PPP ) is US $ 2700.
145 The Linked Exchange rate system rules out the use of nominal exchange rate movements as a mechanism of adjustment.
146 Share premium refers to the difference between the equities value when sold by the company and its nominal value.
147 Compared to the new wheel tread, the worn tread is easy to form two-point contact nearby the depression area of the nominal diameter position of wheel tread.
148 As a grammatical device for the cohesion of discourse, ellipsis in both the Chinese language and English can be divided into nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis.
149 In 1990 personal incomes grew a nominal 6.8 per cent.
150 Nominal ambiguity is classified into two kinds: nominal lexical ambiguity and nominal structural ambiguity , two of which can produce ambiguity when moved from D-structure to S-structure.
151 A depreciation of the nominal exchange rate is the least painful way to achieve this outcome.
152 Many of these tools are free, and many others are available at a nominal cost.
153 The scheme with infinite prediction horizon and finite control horizon can guarantee nominal asymptotic closed - loop stability.
154 The quantitative relation between dynamic nominal fragment size and porosity is developed by employing the energy description of dynamic fragmentation.
155 TIPS offer a nominal yield, plus principal indexed to inflation.
156 DK-relay. Miniature power relay. Nominal voltage 12 V DC. 1 form A 1 form B. 2 coil latching.
157 In 2007 liquidity was tight, with the M2 measure of money supply growing more slowly than nominal GDP. Today excess liquidity (money growth minus GDP growth) is growing at its fastest pace on record.
158 MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Radial lead. Ampere rating 6/10. Nominal resistance cold 0.430 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
158 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
159 So we would say the real interest rate equals the nominal rate-- approximately equals--the nominal rate minus the inflation rate.
160 A new method is proposed for determining the nominal horsepower of a single belt subject to operational loading according to its expected service life under practical working conditions.
161 In inflation, the real purchasing power of money decreased, the government's real income from the coinage tax is less than the nominal income.
162 In order to determine the universal and applicable parameter for the fatigue life estimation of spot-welding un-der various multi-axial loads, the nominal structural stress was shown by D.
163 Long-term inclination variation will induce the relevant changes both of the nominal semi-major axes and local time of descending node.
164 "Up until quite recently, even when you saw strong nominal wage growth, productivity growth was even stronger," Buchanan said. "More recently, that may no longer be the case."
165 I am prepared to sell my shares at a nominal price.
166 If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.
167 After he was driven from Kabul in 1996, he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance, mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks, who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban's fall.
168 The interpretation of nominal tautology can be based on some concepts and theories in psychology and cognition, of which the most important are metonymic mapping, categorization and space mappings.
169 These variables are carrier frequency off-set value, pre-emphasis factor, weighting factor, video spectral distribution and nominal peak to peak frequency deviation.
170 How to scientifically estimate the basic price is very important in nominal quotation of land use right.
171 Money shock is more influential than nominal exchange rate and import price on domestic inflation fluctuation, but it is not the main course of producer price fluctuation.
172 Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12℃, out 7℃; entering air DB 35℃ , WB 24℃.
173 Sipahis are feudal cavalry, land holders given nominal power over their fiefs , called timars, in exchange for military service.
174 The specification required the fuse to open at a certain percentage over its nominal rating within a certain number of milliseconds over a range of temperatures, as well as after shock and vibrations.
175 When passed a dimension, the function returns the nominal value even if the dimension is set to the upper or lower bound.
176 The life prediction methods of notched specimen are reviewed, especially on nominal stress approach, local stress-strain method and stress field intensity approach.
177 The similarities shown by conjunct heads will help the automatic identification of nominal coordinate structures in natural language text processing.
178 The analysis of large break loss of coolant accident(LBLOCA) which occured at nominal power of nuclear power plant is given.
179 Undervoltage Sensing for Each Phase of Normal Source: Pickup voltage is adjustable form 85 to 100 percent of nominal, and dropout voltage is adjustable from 75 to 98 percent of pickup value.
180 So the nominal price stickiness makes the money supply influence the output in the second link.
181 The robust controller is designed using Linear Matrix Inequality(LMI) for the nominal linear flight system. And then, the uncertain nonlinear input term is compensated using the neural network.
182 When the biaxial nominal stresses are equal to each other, the mathematical relationship between loading strength and porosity can be also gained for the foamed metals under biaxial equal loads.
183 Finally, the PRC Budget Law in 1995 can't meet the requirements of economy, which make the PC's budget scrutiny and approval system become nominal.
184 Each brigade has a health station giving medical care at nominal cost.
185 The first table shows the effect on the nominal value of exports, interest paympents, and lending.
186 Yet the FA has known this for many months, and as the game's nominal overseer, could have obliged the Premier League to rejig its fixtures.
187 Also known as registered share capital or nominal share capital. It is the maximum number of shares issued.
188 NPS, followed by a dimensionless number,[] is the designation for nominal fitting size.
189 The output power of the controller is calibrated according to the nominal voltage specified when ordering.
190 There is relatively strong nominal price stickiness in China's commodity market.
191 The US has attracted by far the most foreign bank holdings throughout the entire data series, and the intensity of these links has increased (in nominal terms) over time.
192 This meant, when the time nominal exchange rate is very difficult to avoid the distortion which occurs because of the currency authority exchange rate policy function.
193 It is shown that the nominal proof stress of non-proportional torsion and the nominal torsion strength are much higher than the true's.
194 As a commercial company, we need to charge at least a nominal amount to keep .NET Reflector up-to-date and relevant.
195 This is the simple ratio of the nominal output lumens over the nominal operational wattage.
196 HA-relay. Cost saving subminiature PC board relay. 1 form C. Dust cover type. Nominal voltage 115 V AC, nominal operating current 8 mA.
197 If nominal exchange rates do not change, the adjustment will come through inflation in emerging economies and disinflation in major advanced economies.
198 Nominal interest rate swap futures votes from the current 6 % to an annual 4 %.
199 Totally, renminbi nominal exchange and real rate of exchange since 1980 has been on the trend of depreciation.
200 The theoretic analysis and simulation results demonstrate that this control algorithm has better robustness than PID control algorithm when the process parameters are far away from the nominal value .
201 Due to the influence of manufacture technology and practical working environment, there are random errors between the nominal value and the component or input parameters in electronic circuits.
202 Sum of the plug electric current cannot surpass the nominal current of the generator 2.
203 Bankers on one loan syndicate desk reported that French banks have tried to offload assets but are asking prices at or close to par, the nominal value of the debt.
204 "If you instead deflate the nominal GDP growth of 3.0 percent with the 4.3 percent increase in the gross domestic purchases deflator, then growth was -1.2 percent," he wrote on his blog.
205 According to the test pressure and nominal pressure of pipes, calculated and compared their numerical value.
206 The old man is only the nominal head of the business.
207 Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.
208 In other words, countries target a nominal exchange rate and try to keep inflation down.
209 Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage.
210 The total GM IPO will represent at least one quarter of the company, the source said, but added that Friday's filing will be for a nominal amount, below the eventual amount to be raised.
211 Fisher effect: the one - for - one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.
212 What's more, this dissertation analyzes the nominal and real value of import and export. It means that we will make four parts analysis. The results reflect economic phenomenon from different aspects.
213 There are two factors affecting the real income disparity among regions: the nominal income and the price level among regions.
214 Nominal cooling capacity conditions : chilled water in 12℃, out 7℃; entering DB 35℃, WB 24℃.
215 Also known as registered share capital or nominal share capitalnumber of shares issued.
216 Such a nominal phrase mainly acts as the subject or object in a sentence.
216 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
217 MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Plug-in. Ampere rating 4. Nominal resistance cold 0.0202 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
218 Similar to par non callable bonds, if a fixed income investment was bought at par and is called at par - the yield to call will equal the nominal rate.
219 The nominal stickiness is gradually adjusted by the price level ( wage level) as the change of the market demand and supply.
220 Based on syntactic position, other demonstrative pronoun can be divided into two categories: nominal and additional.
221 For example, big power firms that now get carbon allowances free have been passing on their nominal cost to customers.




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