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单词 Underperform
1) Sierra has, perfectly legally, targeted underperforming investment trusts.
2) The Kennedy and Reagan tax cuts came at a time when the economy was under-performing.
3) Over the previous 12 months the portfolio underperformed its expected rate of return by just over 2.5 percent.
4) But industrial stocks generally underperformed the market, and many cyclical stocks posted negative returns.
5) Lafley, the company has been shedding underperforming brands and focusing on cutting costs and building sales in its biggest product brands.
6) As a firm with which to merge, the underperforming Liggett is hardly alluring.
7) On the whole, shares in privatized companies have underperformed the rest of the equity market.
8) In September I was informed my mortgage would underperform by 20 per cent.
9) Unfriendly takeovers represent a constant threat to underperforming companies with ill prepared strategic plans.
10) Hakeem, of course,[http:///underperform.html] is underperforming only in the context of the unique standard he has established for himself.
11) So are mutual funds doomed to underperform?
12) Markets in the peripheral euro-zone countries continued to underperform.
13) Netflix was raised to "buy" from "underperform" at Bank of America Corp.
14) By far, most market prognosticators significantly underperform the market, despite their claims to the contrary.
15) And emerging markets outperform and underperform with significant lead times; they tend not to lag the developed markets, waiting for them to get going, but, instead(), precede them.
16) Separately, Credit Suisse downgraded AIG to "underperform" from "neutral," saying near-term sale of businesses would leave little to no value for common equity holders.
17) One question policyholders should ask is - if the company did underperform last year, has this limited its options?
18) When the market thinks an investment is going to underperform munis, it's safe to say we are not in the midst of euphoria.
19) And it may lead to a vicious cycle in which women are first objectified and, as a result, underperform, confirming the notion that women's looks are more important than what they can do.
20) An environment of uncertainty, negative real interest rates and turbulent stock markets will cause gold equities to underperform, even while they benefit from a rise in the gold price, HSBC said.
21) But given that enthusiastic support, Apple ads tend to underperform on the web; only one has made Ad Age's viral chart in the past year, which is typically populated by lesser marketers.
22) But even prior to the FIFA ranking system, favorites have tended to underperform at the World Cup.
23) You might conclude that without radical reform Japan will continue to underperform.
24) There are also valuation discrepancies ( growth stocks tend to underperform ).
25) But you may remember that Larson is an extremely conservative investor who would naturally underperform in boffo years.
26) "Most female candidates fare relatively better when we ask people to rate the faces, but then generally underperform their male counterparts in actual elections," Lenz notes.
27) Research by Lucian Bebchuk, a Harvard professor, found that US companies with mechanisms to block takeovers underperform those that lack them.
28) Already, some construction lawyers have said that owners might face additional risk of lawsuits if buildings are found to underperform.
29) These stocks have been regarded in the past as a geared play on global growth, and thus tended to underperform as the economy slowed.
30) I said that no stock is likely to outperform the market or underperform the market.




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