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单词 Infect
1. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.
2. A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
3. Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.
4. Her optimism seemed to infect all those around her.
5. The birds infect the milk.
6. Don't worry. I never infect.
7. His urge for revenge would never infect her.
8. A good teacher should be able to infect his students with his own keenness for his subject.
9. They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside. They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults.
10. He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas.
11. Female prostitutes also can infect their unborn babies.
12. Viral infectiousness is defined as the ability of a virus to enter and infect a cell in the target host.
13. Approximately one out of ten persons infected with hepatitis B becomes a chronic carrier, able to infect others for decades.
14. A reduction in number occurs as the larvae infect the intestine.
15. The motivation of the already infected is altruism, the desire not to infect others.
16. On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
17. Partner A may infect partner B, but things will end there.
18. Before a virus can infect an animal cell it must first bind to specific receptor molecules embedded in the cell membrane.
19. An infected female who becomes pregnant could infect her unborn child.
20. She would infect even the trivialities of conversation with the vileness of her thought.
21. People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others.
22. A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells.
23. The main importance of the virus, however, lies in its capacity to infect the foetus in utero.Sentence dictionary
24. She slowly choked to death, a combination of tuberculosis and laryngitis-two of the diseases that infect Aids patients.
25. In this case, Acheson said one rotten apple would infect the whole barrel.
26. Some people may remain well but even so they are able to infect others.
27. These can get into food or water, especially in countries with poor sanitary facilities, and thus infect other people.
28. Less accomplished lecturers repeated the message at meetings of the second-rate institutions that infect academic life.
29. Soap bosses pulled out all the stops so football fever could infect Albert Square.
30. When the blisters burst, they release virus particles that infect healthy animals.
1. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.
2. People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others.
3. A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
4. Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.
5. They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside. They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults.
31. Bonds has a pulled hamstring, which is seldom fatal, but it was threatening to infect the entire team.
32. The book may infect you with a passion for mountain climbing.
33. The savage becomes a disease which can infect the civil, and the disease is best eradicated by harsh medicine.
34. One, the act of reading electronic messages will not infect a computer.
35. After release, viruses remain inactive until they come into contact with and infect another cell.
36. The general hilarity began to infect me and I could see Louise catching it.
37. Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.
38. Blame drench can you connect what those ways infect?
39. What symptom does syphilis have? Through what to infect?
40. Sclerotinia can infect more than 400 plant species.
41. Have cure to infect model the medicine of halitosis?
42. Airborne spores infect freshly exposed wood.
43. Because these viruses abortively infect human and most mammalian cells yet still effectively present encoded foreign genes to the host immune system.
44. Infection of host cells by virus is the key for the virulence, virus particles infect the host cells by binding to cellular receptor and by the receptor-mediated membrane fusion reaction.
45. Aim HBV could infect fetus through placentae, which is intrauterine transmission of HBV.
46. The host range test showed that the pathogen could also infect Notopterygium incisum, Angelica biserrata and Datura stramonium.
47. Not only damnifying of animal disease infect on the human life-demand, but also some disease of altogether trouble man and animal intimidated human health.
48. The paper explains a term-stride length of middle-distance run from two aspects, one is the basic factors infect on speed, the other is kinematics parameter of support period.
49. Proventriculus type of avian infectious bronchitis isolate virus D971 was used to infect SPF chickens. Infected chickens manifested emaciation, diarrhea and mild dyspnea after inoculation.
50. It is presumed that chlamydospore may be the major primary infection source of rice false smut and begin to infect the panicles of rice before or after florescence.
51. Anonymous : Revised guidelines for the control of methicillin - resistance Staphylococcus aureus infection in hospitals . J Hosp Infect 1998 ; 39:253 - 90 .
52. Through the medicine sensitive experiment's result, may infect the patient for the mycoplasma chlamydia to write the prescription target-oriented, provides personalized the therapeutic schedule.
53. Abstract: Objective : To study the effection of using metronidazole to wound to prevent episiotomy infect.
54. The Yersinia genus includes 11 species, of which Yersinia pestis(/infect.html), Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infect human beings.
55. Coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease in poultry and caused by several species of Eimeria that infect the gut of chickens.
56. But infect the given to one's eyes should start with the shoes on one's feet ways of protecting eyes are as follows:Firstly, don't fasten your shoes too tight.
57. Every patient of bad cold will possibly infect the others around.
58. Earthly mirror viruses might mistake synthetic mirror cells for their usual prey, come out of hiding to infect them, and then snap!
59. Gynecological inflammation, such as vaginalitis, cervical disease could infect fallopian tube, cause oviduct inflammatory.
60. Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that can infect a wide variety of animals ranging from insects to human.
61. Henk Bekedam, head of the WHO's Chinese office, said yesterday (17 November) that he does not expect bird flu to infect a large number of people in China.
62. The virus can infect the early fetus, induce immunotolerance and a lifelong persistent viremia.
63. Microscopic parasites include single-celled protozoans such as amoebas and sporozoa, fungi, and bacteria, which can infect animals and plants.
64. Such optimism may underplay the potential channels through which the subprime mess can infect other countries.
65. This is the artistic singing said by people usually, using beautiful singing to infect and move people, to arouse the appreciators'wonderful sensibility, and to intersperse life, influence society.
66. This only will suffice for we cannot plumb the depths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples.
67. The superinfection also has the occurrence, 12 half year infects, 10 two years infect, 1 two years infect 4 time.
68. File sharing programs and swapping media online can infect your computer with spyware.
69. Could a plant virus have found a way to infect humans?
70. The indoor experiment shows, it is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.
71. Finally, the bacterial host is destroyed (lysed), releasing virus particles into the environment to infect new bacterial cells.
72. Liu's two employees, dressed in white, are strictly sequestered so no outside bacteria infect the small wheels of Camembert.
73. Maybe if I feel more confident inside, that self-assurance will flow outward and infect the people around me.
74. Domestic fowl influenza, this type of disease, pass the air, direct infect.
75. Avian influenza viruses are highly species-specific, but have, on rare occasions, crossed the species barrier to infect humans.
76. On rare occasions, however, a virus will infect the T cell and become dormant.
77. Congenital syphilis says the embryo passes syphilis again, it is syphilis helicoid to infect fetal syphilis via placenta.
78. Methods With the digestion method, the achatina fulica arid ampullaria gigas were transacted from the district, then infective larvae from the snails were used to infect rats.
79. The lethality of this influenza strain stems from its ability to infect mammals and birds.
80. Conclusion: HCV can infect the ovary and oviduct, presenting relationship vertical transmission of HCV.
81. A program or code segment written in the internal macro language of an application. Some macros replicate, while others infect documents.
82. Using the new bug in the Windows, these viruses infect the computer unnoticeably .
83. If you infect more than the target percentage for a level,(http:///infect.html) you'll score bonus points!
84. Clew: Before use floppy disk guides the computer must floppy disk write protection to shut, bring about virus to infect floppy disk likely otherwise.
85. In the Panamanian tropical forests, for instance, researchers found that where there are fewer rodent species, more of the remaining species carry Hantaviruses known to infect humans.
86. On rare occasions, avian influenza viruses have crossed the species barrier to infect humans.
87. The poplar viral sap can infect Nicotiana tobacum, N. glutinosa and other herbaceous plants.
88. Our lab is one of the largest bio-containment facilities in the world dealing with animal pathogens, some of which have the potential to infect and kill humans.
89. The definitive host is the dog but it can also infect cats, wolves, coyotes , foxes and other animals, such as ferrets, sea lions and even, under very rare circumstances, humans.
90. T . gondii is a protozoan organism that can infect all mammals, who serve as intermediate hosts.
91. Later, of course , they managed to infect me with the anxious demands of clock time.
92. It will not infect or colonize dead or dried plant tissue.
93. The nursing factors are detected which infect allogeneic peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cell infusion in ABO-major incompatible transplantation or ABO-minor incompatible transplantation.
94. Basically infect means to pass tub, bath the medium, medical apparatus and instruments that disinfects lax case or make love filthily and infect.
95. Bacteriophage phage : Any of a group of usually complex viruses that infect Bacteria.
96. But she denied intending to infect anyone, as she stood trial for grievous bodily harm.
97. When the lytic pathway is selected, the virus utilizes bacterial resources to replicate and then destroys the host cell, releasing new viruses that can infect other cells.
98. Syphilis mainly through male or female article when the skin or drills the rubber immediate contact to have the syphilitic spirochaeta to infect.
99. Proper infection dosage and routes were selected to make the chickens artificially infect avian colibacillosis successfully.
100. The number of hyperendemic epidemic infect patients is a dynamic variable whose dynamic model must be one of the goals of the public medical science.
101. Drinking black tea has been found to prevent dental plaque formation and to kill bacteria that infect teeth.
102. I was been aureate by this to infect in autumn. infatuating with.
103. They infect a tobacco plant with the gene-carrying virus by scratching the virus on its leaves.
104. ERICH ORIGEN: "His ideas infect others, eliminate him immediately! Then backdate a charge on his credit card and raise his APR by seventy percent!"
105. The results show that EHF virus is also pantropically infectious in human fetus, and can infect fetus throunghuman placenta.
106. Ahriman uses a corpse as a media of the black magic. The explosion of the corpse will cause enormous damage and will infect the target with disease.
107. The pathogen could infect sorghum, sudangrass, corn, foxtail millet and pearl millet under artificial inoculation conditions.
108. In 2003 and 2004 Nigeria was gripped by rumours that polio vaccine would sterilise children and infect them with HIV.
109. However, both types can infect oral, anal, and genital sites.
110. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can infect aves 、 mammal and human beings.
111. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses do not normally infect humans. Most commonly, direct transmission cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs.
112. Mother-to-child infection: the trypanosome can cross the placenta and infect the fetus.
113. Often, animals used for meat are processed in conditions that permit listeria to infect them.
113. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
114. In the orbit tumors which infect sight, most of that are neurogenous tumors. Malignant tumors in the orbit, and benign tumors in the top of orbit Because it press nerves.
115. Upon release these rat agents carried the Black Death - asas cholera and anthrax - to infect enemy Chinese.
116. The idea would also prevent an outbreak of illness in close military quarters, by quarantining troops before they have a chance to infect others.
117. Among the other areas the cold sore virus can infect are the finger (herpetic whitlow) and the eye (ocular herpes).
118. Oral sex can give either type the chance to infect the usual site of the other.
119. Microsporidian can infect a wide rage of the invertebrates and vertebrates, especially including the economic insect, fish, rabbits, fur animal, nibbling the teeth and primate.
120. Many people have the fallacious belief that touching someone with AIDS will infect them.
121. Trichinellosis is a serious parasitic zoonosis with worldwide distribution, which infect human and more than 150 species of mammals.
122. A biological weapon could infect millions of people with a deadly disease.
123. The time period during which an infected person may infect others.
124. MNSV can infect a variety of species of the family Cucurbitaceae, like:Cucumber, melon and loofah.
125. Am I a second liver patient can you infect when sexual intercourse?
126. The researchers say these parasites commonly infect salmon raised in farms, but also attack young wild pink salmon that swim nearby.
127. Besides, because people often infect HIV easily by promiscuousness and intravenous drugs injection, that is apt to cause prejudice to AIDS patients.
128. And Dai Peters, the Cassava Initiative's director, noted that a mealybug that damages Brazilian cassavas has leapfrogged the globe to infect Thai fields, too.
129. Several protozoan species in the genus Entamoeba infect humans, but not all of them are associated with disease.
130. Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a viral zoonosis that primarily affects animals but also has the capacity to infect humans.
131. After inoculated into healthy plants(), the isolate could infect and cause seedling blast disease of oil palm.
132. Next, you infect the tobacco plant with the bacterium. Inside the plant, the protein is produced in large quantities.
133. If ignoring, knees joint scathe can infect enhancing technology and training.
134. The experiment of sealed flower showed that it was possible that the conidium of Fusarium oxysporum could infect cotton seed through flower organ by air in the seriously infected field.
135. The miracidia can infect Oncomelania snails and the cercariae enable Apodemus agrarius and mice to develop infection.
136. Bacteriophage ( or phage ): Any of a group of usually complex viruses that infect Bacteria.
137. Curing does not destroy all the organisms known to infect uncooked meat.
138. Methods : The reviewing is analysed 63 ventricles of the bruin infect the clinical materials.
139. Studies on Infect of Nosema bombycis to Pieris rapae from the Three Gorges Reservoir Region.
140. Aerobe bacteria in the tissue were major. CONCLUSION Domifen osmotic tablet is one of effective way in preventive medication for the infect of maxillofacial soft tissue.
141. The ultrastructural and cytochemical analysis showed that NF9 and TC3 could enwind and infect the Phytophthora hyphae especially in the hypha within the medium.
142. It has always been assumed that plant viruses cannot infect animals, and vice versa,() but plant viruses are known to be abundant in human faeces.
143. If Plasmodium vivax is evolving to learn how to infect the Duffy-negative red cell, then a large continent of people suddenly becomes susceptible to a new form of malaria.
144. Objective : To study the effection of using metronidazole to wound to prevent episiotomy infect.
145. Further vindicating the viruses themselves was another study around the same time showing that rhinoviruses infect only a small number of cells lining the nasal passages.
146. However, since droplets from a sneeze can travel the length of a double-decker bus, and a cough can infect anyone within about a metre, this is not always possible.




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