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单词 Revival
(1) There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival.
(2) The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.
(3) This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.
(4) We're staging a revival of a 1950s play.
(5) A revival of the timber industry is needed.
(6) An economic/artistic revival is sweeping the country.
(7) Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity.
(8) Recently, there has been some revival of ancient music.
(9) He toured South Africa organizing revival meetings.
(10) Jazz is enjoying a revival.
(11) Our economy is undergoing a revival.
(12) His work is enjoying a revival in popularity.
(13) A 1970s fashion revival is sweeping Europe.
(14) Neeson was excellent in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's 'Anna Christie'.
(15) The exhibition has stimulated a revival of interest in the Impressionists.
(16) The economy has staged something of a revival in the last year.
(17) The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning.
(18) There has been a revival of interest in Picasso's work.
(19) Traditional English food seems to be enjoying a revival at the moment.
(20) The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
(21) Opera is enjoying a revival.
(22) His comments caused a revival of takeover rumors.
(23) There's been something of an Abba revival recently.
(24) Galway's revival is no overnight success.
(25) Cross-country skiing is also enjoying a revival.
(26) The US and the UK have expectations of economic revival.
(27) In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot".
(28) The late 19th century was a time of religious revival.
(29) St Peter's Church is a striking example of mission revival architecture.
(30) He claimed the housing market was showing signs of a revival.
(1) There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival.
(2) The period saw a great revival in the wine trade.
(3) This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.
(4) The US and the UK have expectations of economic revival.
(5) In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot".
(6) The late 19th century was a time of religious revival.
(7) The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
(8) He claimed the housing market was showing signs of a revival.
(31) The toads at the revival meeting.
(32) It is a fine example of Bohemian Renaissance Revival.
(33) The revival was a sold-out success, leaving viewers amazed, he says.
(34) In the 1890s there was a revival of interest in the sect, and several members of the Salvation Army joined Prince.
(35) All this is far superior to the dressy emptiness of the last star-studded Haymarket revival.
(36) At this rate the revival of the slalom is going to be a short one.
(37) The ideology of inclusion is withering away, to be replaced by a revival of survival-of-the-fittest capitalism.
(38) Built in 1923, it is a special example of mission revival architecture.
(39) But to get the revival off the ground, the pioneers in the 17305 had to demonstrate a need in the colonies.
(40) Three points became one, but at least the faithful have something to cheer about and the revival might just be under way.
(41) The organ is a rare example of the Gothic Revival style from the beginning of the 18C.
(42) This was not just a matter of revival of basic industries in previously depressed areas.
(43) Would not a massive increase of jobs ensure that training be integrated to economic revival and be more productive in finding work?
(44) There's a religious revival in card designs, but most people opt out for holly and robins.
(45) It was in no sense a revival of the political dissent symbolised by Cromwellian puritanism.
(46) For Revival More is accomplished in a few weeks through revival than is accomplished in years of ordinary labours.
(47) The recent revival of the movement began during the 1960s.
(48) While most historians have come to call this religious revival the Great Awakening, this name came a century after the event.
(49) In 1861, two years later, the corresponding figure was 43, a direct result of the Revival.
(50) The new religious revival is fueled by a revulsion with the corruptions of contemporary society.
(51) Then Tranmere began their rain dance and the revival began.
(52) On one side was the museum, a marvelous Romanesque Revival creation in an old reddish stone.
(53) The 20-year-old, recovering from a hernia operation, returns to full training convinced he can boost Spurs revival still further.
(54) As part of his revival of a medieval atmosphere, Noel encouraged morris dancing outside the church.
(55) And after the resignations of Heseltine and Brittan there were signs of a revival of collegiality in the Cabinet Room.
(56) Yet prayer meetings for the renewal of the church and for revival in the nation are not an automatic answer to decline.
(57) The revival of interest in its ideas might be explained by this, rather than by its standing as a political organisation.
(58) He really wasn't too worried about this revival, in spite of the casting of Ingrid and Therese.
(58) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(59) In the manner of revival meetings, the mood was alternately serious and entertaining, the outcome expectable.
(60) The revival of non-Stalinist Marxism had breathed new life into the Trotskyist groups.
(61) These works are long overdue for revival in major surroundings and von Otter puts forth an impressive case for their exhumation.
(62) The revelation of Elvaston led to a topiary revival in the 1850s.
(63) The revival has given aristocrats like Lord Ferrers the opportunity to play an active role in politics again.
(64) But we must hope this will change next year with economic revival abroad.
(65) The Buddhist revival gained momentum in the 1870s after a series of public debates between Buddhist and Protestant preachers increased Buddhist self-confidence.
(66) Sutton was lucky to escape a red card when he handled a Campbell shot outside his area as Derby maintained their revival.
(67) Sixties pop music enjoyed a big revival in the mid-90s.
(68) Restoring culture can just as easily lead to a new and virulent form of fundamentalism as to a revival of cultural diversity.
(69) Varley was one of a number of itinerant lay evangelists who emerged after the 1858-9 religious revival.
(70) The vacuum created by the postponement of the presidential elections led to a revival of campaigns for a revitalized democracy.
(71) The interior received unsuitable eighteenth century classical additions, then nineteenth century Gothic Revival alterations.
(72) The Azusa Street revival itself continued day after day, month after month for three years.
(73) They say he is not planning to move the show to Los Angeles, despite a revival of those rumors.
(74) This was partly due to the economy's revival, but a major factor was the growth of long-distance commuting.
(75) The Charismatics see direct satanic involvement in this revival, and say the neo-pagans are devil-worshipping.
(76) The dramatic events of Black Wednesday leave little chance of avoiding a quick revival of inflationary pressure.
(77) The result could herald the revival of the dormant kit car industry.
(78) No Damascene trauma lay behind that shift, nor was it to do with John Lawrence's forecasts of national spiritual revival.
(79) Railside Revival was developed to improve the old industrial sites bordering the railway through Darlington.
(80) His achievements include a finish for silk that feels like the skin of a peach, and the revival of paisley.
(81) But the free marketeers are wrong to suspect a revival of intervention in industry.
(82) Such communities acquired their own distinctive character and many welcomed the Evangelical Revival with enthusiasm.
(83) Morris dancers, instead of soap box politicians, entertained the crowd at the revival.
(84) The store is housed in a gabled two-story Tudor Revival building with a magnificent split staircase to the second level.
(85) Its brief revival was sparked by Dziekanowski who fed Tarasiewicz and for once a long shot had Shilton in trouble.
(86) Single Gloucester is another traditional cheese that is enjoying a revival.
(87) The second half of the nineteenth century was a time of religious revival and controversy, especially in the Low Country.
(88) Ten years later, the leader of the pentecostal revival in Los Angeles put it quite another way.Sentencedict
(89) If ever a songwriting team were ripe for revival, it's Bacharach and David.
(90) And it is on mud that the albeit small revival of interest is focused.
(91) A revival in 1957: boat-car in Clifton Drive on a Circular Tour.
(92) But the main thrust of them was towards a religious revival.
(93) What a catalogue of redresses can be compiled to bear witness to the new spirit of revival in art!
(94) It has just invited audience sponsorship for this season's revival of the Shostakovich opera Lady Macbeth of Mtensk.
(95) Finance ministers claimed that all the conditions for economic revival were already in place.
(96) President Fidel Ramos welcomed the accord as a step towards restoring political stability to the country, a precondition for economic revival.
(97) Councillors have also turned their attention to the Skerne and are busy working on a riverside revival project.
(98) Continental Protestants who did not use the terms of revival and were generally more passive reworked their Pietism to fit the moment.
(99) Mr Prescott said his priority would be to lead a revival in Labour's organisation, membership and finances.
(100) Revival under Law, 1911-1914 Few contemporaries would have expected Balfour's retirement to lead to a Unionist recovery.
(101) After the flat-chested 60s and seventies, bosoms are now experiencing a revival.
(102) As a consequence, greater emphasis has been placed upon encouraging locally-based regeneration, and especially upon a revival of small firms.
(103) Hopefully, the new marketplace will spark a neighborhood economic revival.
(104) But the retail revival will continue only for those companies that can deal with unprecedentedly fierce competition.
(105) Darwin challenged this approach with his revival of the materialistic alternative.
(106) Without this revival before 1914 it is difficult to see how the parry could have survived the ten turbulent years that followed.
(107) Some of its leaders fear a revival of left-wing parties waving the banner of social justice.
(108) Moreover, national economic revival and the economic revitalization of distressed cities were not necessarily compatible.
(109) Revival is all talk LET'S be honest about it, the great Kendall revival is not going to happen.
(110) Strangely, she wasn't so upset by the revival of a strong physical attraction.
(111) Clinton hailed the economic revival that has taken place in New Hampshire during his presidency.
(112) This was based on a revival of Plato's ideas and so is called Neoplatonism.
(113) The revival in the island's economy has come about because of radical reforms introduced over the past three years.
(114) Durham had undercut the entire theological rationale for the revival.
(115) No doubt both men, as supporters of the Gothic Revival, expected Scott to adhere to his stated principles.
(116) The force of the disconnection had certainly lessened the chances of a swift revival of all physical functions.
(117) Pass revival: Langbaurgh Council is set to reintroduce a concessionary fares scheme for pensioners and the disabled from July 1.
(118) Finance ministers claim that all the conditions for an economic revival are in place.
(118) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(119) HIGH-RIDING Swansea swept into an eighth minute lead against a Chester side looking to continue their recent revival.
(120) A fine revival of a highly original piece of music theatre.
(121) The revival of the West Midlands economy has also been accompanied by increasing demands for high quality industrial sites in attractive locations.
(122) He says that there's been a revival in the popularity of stuffed animals.
(123) There has recently been a revival of interest in changes in colonic motility in ulcerative colitis.
(124) Even more interestingly, he was possibly one of the last people to have vivid personal memories of the 1859 Revival.
(125) He was cured, got to his feet, and preached at a revival in which many souls were saved.
(126) The Campaign now has more paid-up members than it did at the height of the 1970s real ale revival.
(127) Republican conference meetings, the closed-doors strategy sessions, have often resembled revival meetings, said Rep.
(128) This may relate to its revival in the garden, where the style, as architecture, first secured a footing.
(129) Beanpole striker Andy Smith has emerged as one of the key figures in the Diamonds' recent revival.
(130) Check the fashion student who has obviously been far too heavily influenced by the recent Abba revival - Benny goes porno!
(131) This year's Revival paid tribute to Jim, so they were very keen to have the Porsche along.
(132) The skinhead revival is too recent to present anything but a confused picture to the observer.
(133) Social sciences are poised for a revival in schools but will there be enough qualified staff to teach the subjects?
(134) This may indeed have been an underlying cause of the revival of Baldwin's own fortunes.
(135) The North-East Railside Revival project follows the success of a £6m upgrading of the Darlington line which won several environmental awards.
(136) Finally the new adverts themselves were partly responsible for the revival of early 1960s soul music in the late 1980s.
(137) No one expected Jackson to succeed in such a blatant revival of the Cold War.
(138) Jim Mitulski, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church(), where the gospel revival was held.
(139) Any truth in the rumour that Amanda's legs are going to star in a revival of Open All Hours?
(140) When the revival was announced a storm of protest followed.
(141) A revival of his quotes of the period might call his judgment, if not his character, into question.
(142) The Manual Revival Sequencer was contained in a small cabinet at the head of the coffin-shaped hibernaculum.
(143) The revival pest, he said, filled the church with confusion and the state with disorder.
(144) United had won promotion all the way to the 1st division, the Milk Cup win capping a glorious but brief revival.
(145) In addition, Fortunatus's panegyrics are a revival, if not a continuation, of the form in which Sidonius had excelled.
(146) A 1903 revival at the Opera-Comique set the tone for international acclaim.
(147) But was Bobby the great hope for a Democratic revival?
(148) Their subsequent revival and belated acceptance into the rock fold was one of the period's more surprising reversals.
(149) Its revival or rediscovery was especially appropriate to the Surrealist brand of pictorial egalitarianism.
(150) Indeed[/revival.html], not for many years yet do we come upon any positive evidence of revival.
(151) It has proved to be a great success - and it marked the start of the Garrison revival.
(152) The other aspect is the revival of trade protectionism.
(153) Califano said Watergate would bring a Democratic revival.
(154) World trade is showing signs of revival.
(155) Sam shows up at a revival meeting, seeking help.
(156) Political Folk, Folk Revival, Folk-Rock.
(157) Is this West Side Story revival worth seeing?
(158) He feared the revival of German nationalism.
(159) Today there is a considerable revival of tarot.
(160) The scheme repose on a revival of trade.
(161) Pugin was the leading figure of the British Gothic Revival movement in the early 19th century. His functionalism theory was regarded as a forerunner of modern architectural theory.
(162) Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army rehearse a musical drama titled "The Road of Revival" in Beijing.
(163) Concerning the revival of Kurdish terrorism, the army is privately warning that it will close down the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) camps in neighboring Iraq if no one else does.
(164) Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival.
(165) In the post-cold war era, the traits of the Baath Partys rule are: symbolistic democratization, anti-America and anti-Israel complex; potential pan-Arab psychology influence; revival of tribalism.
(166) There is little chance of a revival in new car sales until at least August next year.
(167) the revival of trade.
(168) The social policy trend is linked to a revival of central government power.
(169) One cannot rule out a couple of quarters of sharp GDP growth as the inventory cycle and the massive policy boost lead to a short-term revival.
(170) Modern Druidism (a. k. a. Modern Druidry) is a continuation of the 18th-century revival and is thus thought to have some, though not many, connections to the Ancient Religion.
(171) Speaking on behalf of the Nigerian Textile Manufacturers Association (NTMA), the producers stated that, disbursal of textile revival funds was in fact important to revive the sector.
(172) There was a revival of ancient Roman forms, including the column and round arch, the tunnel vault, and the dome.
(173) Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.
(174) The Badaguan (Eight Passages) District is where wealthy merchant lived. Here hundreds of mansions, villas and Victorian architecture— featuring Renaissance Revival and Art.
(175) The revival and spread of Aristotle's doctrine in medieval Latin World exerted a tremendous and far-reaching influence on the development of Western culture.
(176) John Wesley was the primary figure in the eighteenth century Evangelical Revival and founder of Methodism.
(177) Any sustained economic recovery will ultimately have to come from the revival in private demand—i.e., through consumption and investment—both of which will be constrained by structural factors.
(178) Mussolini's bid for a Fascist revival plunged Italy into the horrors of civil war.
(178) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(179) Federer continued his recent revival with a 6-2 6-3 win over French wildcard Adrian Mannarino.
(180) "Dong Xuan, said:" Your Majesty Holy Spirit High German in the hope of revival of the Han dynasty, but now they condone the killing of innocent people Jianu, you will tell the Control the world?
(181) The time may have come, however, for a Cheever revival.
(182) Best symbolized by the senior party leader, Bo Xilai, it includes a romantic revival of Maoism, harking back to a time when the Chinese were more unified and more isolated from the rest of the world.
(183) It may mean a forced restriction acreage, in the American AAA plan, or its revival.
(184) In 1829 he conducted the first performance of J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion in 100 years, greatly contributing to the Bach revival.
(185) This monthlong program is led by Nancy Leigh DeMoss of Life Action Ministries, a revival ministry based in Buchanan, in southwest Michigan.
(186) The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death.
(187) The initial strategic targets of Japanese government are economic revival and self-support.
(188) The Bogda mountain chain is an ideal area for the study of intracontinental orogeny and revival orogeny.
(189) There had been a steady revival of interest in Melville's work.
(190) Massa's revival is not news - he has been back to something like his best since last autumn - but it is remarkable nonetheless.
(191) It is unfair to upbraid the drawback of some educational examination without exception as "the revival of the imperial examination system".
(192) With the revival of normative IR theory, cosmopolitanism came to the forefront again.
(193) But the constant prayer of his wife, Lynn, who came to accept Jesus Christ as her savior first in 1987, helped lead him to recommit his life to Christ during a revival meeting in 1992.
(194) Needless to say we were overjoyed by the revival and the renascence of the Chinese Left Opposition, despite the most ferocious police persecutions it had endured.
(195) I think there'll be a big revival of building this year.
(196) The thesis is mainly divided into four parts except the introduction and the conclusion . In chapter one, the European ultra-rightist parties' types and revival thought roots in Europe are discussed.
(197) The term Renaissance originally indicated revival of classical Greek and Roman arts and sciences.
(198) The praising for the female body and attention to self-appreciation symbolizes the revival of the female's respecting their bodies, which is very important to propel the development of modernization.
(199) With the revival of cities, the merchant class formed their own values as opposed to those of the then society.
(200) The impersonal approach of allopathic medicine has aroused the great revival of interest in natural therapies, the nature's way to health and relaxation.
(201) Exilic literature of the Southern Song Dynasty was born in the national catastrophe, disgrace and revival.
(202) Recently, the hygienic emergency detecting is rising due to the globaleruption of SARS and Bird Flu and the revival of Cholera, Impaludism that had been controlled.
(203) One day there will be, when we stand on the holy rostrum, telling the open-eared crowd what a beautiful thing revival is.
(204) But China's new presence in Central Asia is in many ways more Silk Road revival than Great Game redux.
(205) After a long lapse from favour there has been a revival of interest in the use of grain-size distribution in the interpretation of environments.
(206) The dollar's revival is likely to make Asian central banks and other large holders of reserve assets more comfortable about sticking with the greenback.
(207) A moment passed while Jamey transmitted the signal. Jack risked a peek at the gang revival meeting.
(208) It is fairly well known because of swing music's mainstream revival through bands like The Brian Setzer Orchestra and Cherry Poppin' Daddies.
(208) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(209) Based on the inseparability of law and morality, the revival of natural law of Fuller regards law as a cause with the interaction of objectives.
(210) All the talk of corporate and regional revival, however, will prove premature if the marque fails to hit the mark this time around.
(211) Egypt, relieved for a time from Assyrian pressure, entered upon a phase of revival.
(212) This property has led to a revival of interest in celluloid.
(213) But many high-income taxpayers will be affected by the revival of the personal-exemption phaseout, or PEP.
(214) Although the number of monks in most monasteries has declined over the decades, Mount Athos has enjoyed a revival in the last 25 years.
(215) While, both revival and renascence are based on the new choice made by ourselves.
(216) Mr. Anderson, 50, has changed TED from being a party to something blending a graduate seminar and a revival meeting.
(217) Even as, Geodynamics and others try to develop EGS, traditional geothermal is experiencing its own revival.
(218) In the Renaissance, such leaders of the revival of learning as Montaigne and Erasmus made lists of the books they read.
(219) Since R. Albert Mohler became the president of Southern Seminary, there has been a revival of the Calvinism of the Abstract of Principles.
(220) Due in part to the 1980s revival of g spot research and also our changing commercialised and sexualised culture, the self help market was quick to pick up on the idea of a g spot.
(221) At the time of the Gaelic revival, Synge explored the soul of Ireland, using the islands' legends and way of speaking in his plays.
(222) Out west, classic 1900s Arts and Crafts design themes are enjoying a revival, making hand-hewn slate styles a popular choice.
(223) The revival is largely at the lower end, which helps explain this week's $1.4-billion acquisition of Centex, a home-builder which specialises in cheaper houses, by Pulte Homes.
(224) The revival laid the scholarly and nationalistic groundwork for the Irish Literary Renaissance.
(225) His theater credits include a 2008 stage revival of "Taking Sides," which was paired with his newest play, "Collaboration," about the conduct of composer Richard Strauss during the Third Reich.
(226) We strive perseveringly for national prosperity and revival and our and our family members' happiness.
(227) Li Long Gaelic girls , unfortunately, was selected as the revival of the ceremony live offerings.
(228) A social and religious movement called the Great Revival renewed religious fervor among the people of New England.
(229) Neo- Platonism ; Revival of Plato's concept of reality of "ideas" and his concentration on the "last days" affected Christianity.
(230) There had been a tremendous revival of fundamentalist religion, mainly Methodism, in England, and this evangelical enthusiasm spread itself into the interests of the empire.
(231) Historical profile from prehistory through revival. Contains glossary, links and a comprehensive bibliography.
(232) The 12th century renaissance in Western Europe was a revival movement of Christian culture which took place after Carolus renaissance.
(233) There is no indication of an imminent revival of nuclear orders.
(234) Neoclassical architecture: Revival of Classical architecture during the 18 th and early 19 th centuries.
(235) However, there is also a strong Christian revival, especially among the fundamentalist and Pentecostal sects.
(236) The result is that the impact of a unilateral U. S. attempt at revival by deficit financing may be dissipated abroad.
(237) On the background of revival of republicanism, it is essential and possible to study Machiavelli's republicanism.
(238) The revival led to the development of pharmacology under the influence of Paracelsus and to the rise of modern chemistry.
(238) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(239) Soldiers the People's Liberation Army rehearse a musical drama The Road of Revival in Beijing.
(240) As for as the study of the revival of contemporary clan, the study on clan and village self-government got excellent achievements.
(241) That points to one reason the fledgling revival of the vaccine sector may yet flounder: politics.
(242) His company's annual "Alifest" is practically a revival meeting for Alibaba-Taobao users, and the waif-like Ma is their inspirational leader.
(243) There was also a revival of the middle baroque composers such as Purcell and Corelli.
(244) After the Opium War, China becomes semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step, facing the subject of the revival of nationhood.
(245) The steel revival has hampered China's ability to bargain down iron ore prices paid to Rio, Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd.
(246) The revival is further supported by the city of Brno as a means of boosting tourism.
(247) Lushun this has a long history of civilization, beyond the ancient city are witnessing a great revival of history.
(248) Instead, in the heart of the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, Christians held a Pentecostal revival, complete with faith healing and speaking in tongues.
(249) For the first time since the decline of Dadaism , we are witnessing a revival in the fine art of meaningless naming.
(250) In fact, the works of the Gawain-poet belong to a type of literature traditionally known as the Alliterative Revival[Sentence dictionary], usually associated with northern England.
(251) Lady Gaga staged a one-woman revival of Phantom of the Opera3 by wearing a gold mask across the left side of her face.
(252) The tailings of magnetic separation have effect on medium revival, slurry settlement peculiarity and choice of flocculate after we adopt HMC craft.
(253) When it comes to revival of tradition, above all, we pay attention to Blue Sea Strategy: make our products unique, discover market difference and reach certain level.
(254) On the day I visited, the strains of Creedence Clearwater Revival filled the room; a Ping-Pong table dominated the small kitchen.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 6:01:09