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单词 Thorn
1. There is no rose without a thorn
2. No rose without a thorn.
3. Every rose has its thorn.
4. One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 
5. The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
6. An optimist sees the rose; a pessimist the thorn.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand.
8. His finger was spitted a thorn.
9. The little boy stepped on a sharp thorn.
10. My shirt got hooked on a thorn.
11. The dog had a thorn in its pad.
12. She had pricked her finger on a rose thorn.
13. A thorn stuck in her finger.
14. He's been a thorn in the side of the party leadership for years.
15. The Party was a thorn in the flesh of his coalition.
16. A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.
17. He's been a thorn in my side ever since he joined this department.
18. Cutlasses of thorn stood guard at one.
19. Gino was a thorn in their side.
20. Almost as bad as the thorn bush, Lollo said.
21. Above them, tied to a thorn tree, faded red and white streamers dangle like the tattered carcasses of scrawny birds.
22. Thorn said it began negotiations to re-sign Jackson with its Virgin label in December.
23. Thorn is determined to prove that Bilko is not just a con artist but a crook.
24. She screamed out when she pricked her finger on a thorn.
25. The old general store had gone but the shade thorn tree was still there, bewildered by its surround of concrete pavement.
26. At the first steep slope of Great Ararat they tethered their horses to a thorn tree and hobbled them.
27. Down below, fires are being lit and the cattle are being driven gently into the enclosures of thorn bushes.
28. But a lot of the impetus has come from the cash Thorn paid when he sold the record company.
29. A rose, isn't quite as beautiful as it once was, when after its thorn pricks you. Anthony Liccione 
30. There is the camel rider of Blunt in the glaring light and the thorn bushes clutching at him with their crooked hands.
1. The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
2. She screamed out when she pricked her finger on a thorn.
3. The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand.
4. The dog had a thorn in its pad.
31. I was born at Thorn House on the same day - or night - as Donna Hazell.
32. Others carried head-bundles of leaves and grass for the sheep and goats now penned behind thorn fences beside the houses.
33. Although Thorn has backed away from chrome, other record companies are supporting it.
34. Thorn scrub is widespread on the lower slopes, although the upper slopes still support secondary pine-oak woodlands.
35. He ended up in a thorn bush where he finally managed to break free from his billowing parachute.
36. Jean remained at the hostel and continued to attend the Jules Thorn Unit.
37. Its nail was a rose thorn; she allowed it to scratch at her skin, making a faint red mark.
38. Together they made their way to the patch of thorn bushes which was Sabina's preferred place for drying.
39. Staring at me through the branches of a twisted thorn was a tawny owl perched on a rock ledge.
40. Feel briar and thorn snag heel and heart and soul, but never think that hiding is the end of it.
41. John Thorn, who makes red boxes for ministers, is standing by for a rash of orders.
42. Thorn said that midsummer sunset was observed from a small platform on a steep hillside overlooking the stone.
43. Take a dry, dormant savanna, desert or thorn scrub and rouse it into spring with rising temperatures.
44. Lee Thorn got what he deserved and what he was entitled to in our system -- a fair trial.
45. Then there was just a bank where rabbits obviously lived, topped with thorn trees.
46. I called across a tall thorn fence towards the shelter.
47. Certainly thorn trees occur along leys, and planting is a way of establishing a mark with relatively little effort.
48. Thorn threatened after the Van Exel incident to severely punish the next player who made physical contact with a referee.
49. The Volksgerichte had long been a thorn in the flesh of the administration of justice in the Reich.
50. A democratic committee of journalists? - a thorn bush for the editor to hide in.
51. Elizabeth understood, though neither would have put it into words, that her mother was a thorn in George's flesh.
52. But for the Thorn deal cash, the bottom line would have looked very shaky.
53. Shaking off years of symbolic retirement, hedges now bristle with the double thorn of enclosure and exclusion.
54. Colette works at marshalling our feelings of revulsion at this voracious creature who has almost killed the poor box thorn.
55. Thorn Lighting, of Borehamwood, is one such company which specialises in providing lighting for tennis courts.
56. The cart-track crossed by a brick culvert and climbed the opposite slope to a five-barred gate in the thorn hedge.
57. Palace had Andy Thorn stretchered off with concussion, but he was given the all-clear after X-rays.
58. The horse landscape Today in a horse landscape horses steam in the lee of thorn hedges on soaking fields.
59. It galloped towards the boy in silence, swinging a thorn bush from its arm.
60. Thorn EMI owns the rights to music from many top Broadway shows.
61. She got the post because she proved such a thorn in the Government's side on this very issue.
62. When the sun sets, its inhabitants bow down in unison amid their baobab and thorn trees toward Mecca to pray.
63. Because if there's a thorn bush around, the ball will land in it.
64. The man has been a thorn in our side since the day he arrived three weeks ago.
65. The thorn trees crowned the edge of a little valley where ran a track as old as the land itself.
66. Parnell Forbes: one eye pricked out,[http:///thorn.html] with an acacia thorn.
67. The company still plans to sell off Thorn Security and Electronics, which makes security and surveillance equipment for the defence industry.
68. Moreover, pearl neckline, silver thorn, edges with roses, brambles.
69. There's no rose without a thorn.
70. Professor Thorn: I have tenia. What's your excuse?
71. He removes a thorn from a lion's paw.
72. A shrub of the genus Pyracantha; the fire thorn.
73. Do thorn slender acanthopanax and root of red - rooted salvia eat together can you treat hypertension?
74. To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
75. And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.
76. Is the skin that the thorn of sensitive plant plunged into a person poisonous?
77. Thorn slender acanthopanax piece what is He Guwei element kind medicaments, is there contraindication?
78. The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.
79. Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to "The Thorn Birds".
80. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
81. The thorn apple has a strong purgative –it makes you go to the toilet.
82. THORN Rentals an AV equipment rental and maintenance service company, Which was established in 1981.
83. The louse is established eating patterns by Asia orange wood thorn attracts the dyadic mouthpart insect , the person conducts poisoning way and choosing to eat behavior go hand in hand.
84. but then the possessiveness and competition, ingrained in us from early childhood, from preschool even, is like a thorn in our side which pricks every time a foreigner is seen.
85. Finally, the ship arrived in Martinique and the coffee tree was replanted, where it was surrounded by a thorn hedge and watched over by slaves.
86. Beh ind is a thorn in rats called horsetail beefwood trees in rats gill and common horsetail beefwood role of sand was locked.
87. Professor Emerson Sillerton was a thorn in the side of Newport society.
88. Because puncture does not relapse when this inject, increase thorn to destroy hemal opportunity.
89. No house without a mouse, no barn without corn, no rose without a thorn.
90. In disease of black thorn skin ill philtrum can discover insulin of the existence in serum suffers body antibody.
91. But the thorn had not yet reached her heart, so the rose's heart remained white, for only a Nightingale's heart's-blood can crimson the heart of a rose.
92. Glossal form and glossal condition, those who include a tongue is old crackle of thorn of tender, awn, bilge, shrivelled, the soft, hard, battle with the tongue, Wei, crooked, easy, shrink, spit lane.
93. Thorn Grass, which stands for life and the spirit of pertinacity , is the only green color appears in the desert.
94. Leika - Thorn's UAT electronic surveillance equipment, the company Thorn 675 (2) electronic jamming planes.
95. Every thorn plucked is pain on the Porcupine's body and Fish's heart.
96. A good many people never learn to sing until the darkling shadows fall. The fabled nightingale carols with his breast against a thorn.
97. Luo Tuoci have spent within and outside the two nectary spend, spend, bleeding nectary cemented juice sugar tablets, known as thorn sugar, group output up to 30-40 kg.
98. "German during that time great running attack. He has to reverse the adverse situation has changed throughout the war. " Court match of the Nets president Rod - Thorn said.
99. After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U. S. expedition in Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, Thorn recommends four soldiers for the Medal of Honor.
100. The plant that brings thorn may injure a person, but the fine leaf, plant that brings thorn is not lucky, blankety-blank.
101. He drove a travelling carriage, drawn by six horses and surrounded by pages, adjutants, and an armed escort, along the route by Posen, Thorn, Danzig, and K?nigsberg.
102. The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity.
103. Provide branch thorn. 3 flocculus compound leaf, each other is unripe, flocculus is provided toothed, be nodded closely by transparent oil.
104. Emperor Qianlong was not careful to eat when the thorn to the cusp.
105. In order to get the flat fracture without, thorn and loss of metal and keep tubes sheared from varying shape when cutting tube, the periphery shearing method with core bar is presented in this paper.
106. A pointed object, such as an ice pick, a goad, or a thorn.
107. As the saying goes(Sentence dictionary), There is no rose without a thorn.
108. Bush, bine, branch gives birth to fine thorn closely, blade appearance and tea are similar, the brim has a tip toothed, compound leaf grows 5 flocculus .
109. But carry away in the rapturous honor song , she impaled herself on the longest, sharpest thorn.
110. To defend his purity, Saint Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow, Saint Benedict threw himself into a thorn bush, Saint Bernard plunged into an icy pond...You..., what have you done?
111. Like an abduction , and like a thorn one's desire follow.
112. Professor Emerson Sillerton a thorn in the side of newport society.
113. But now the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, jaguars and snakes known as the Chaco is being transformed by a Christian fundamentalist sect and hundreds of Brazilian ranchers.




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