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单词 Antics
1. The children laughed with glee at the clown's antics.
2. But the rock-star whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars is older and wiser now.
3. Their antics never fail to amuse.
4. Her antics brought a smile to my face.
5. She was laughing at his antics.
6. We're all growing tired of his childish antics.
7. Everyone laughed at his foolish antics.
8. I eventually grew tired of his antics on the tennis court.
9. Sadly, despite the crazy antics and the relentless wisecracking[/antics.html], there's very little plot to carry this film.
10. They laughed at the antics and language of Topsy.
11. Their antics are advertised by playbill and word-of-mouth only.
12. Screen Antics Windows screen savers don't generally stop people from working, at least they didn't before Johnny Castaway came along!
13. The bad boy rapper's antics with the lethal-looking saw have become one of his trademark images.
14. We chat about the lumbering, and the latest antics at Mount Blue, in my neck of the woods.
15. Certainly, in comparison to Errol Flynn's, Finch's antics were mild.
16. When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.
17. John gave the police control room a running commentary on the driver's antics as he followed him at 90mph.
18. The youngsters got up to all sorts of amusing antics.
19. The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player's antics on and off the court.
20. The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity.
21. Neil Foster faces a hefty fine from Essex today following his hot-tempered, stump-kicking antics during the current round of championship matches.
22. Oh yes, I felt tearful, but I laughed more at your antics.
23. I looked up, startled to find how I had forgotten everything but the antics of these two monstrous beings.
24. The anti-globalisation movement is in danger of being discredited because of the antics of a small group.
25. David Dorn takes time off from watching the screen antics to bring you the details.
26. Classical music elders may turn up their noses, but so far, the antics are working.
27. It was rough on Leeds but not on Harte, who deserved little better for his theatrical antics.
28. Poor kids, but in those days youngsters had their wits quickly sharpened by such antics.
29. She glanced around with an innocent expression on her face, but all eyes were on the Doctor's antics.
30. She has to put her life back in order to rid her of Fred whose antics are only adding to her problems.
1. But the rock-star whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars is older and wiser now.
2. When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.
3. John gave the police control room a running commentary on the driver's antics as he followed him at 90mph.
4. The youngsters got up to all sorts of amusing antics.
31. Though maybe we shouldn't be too surprised at the antics of a girl from a town called Horizontina!
32. Her shoulder was stinging, but Maria couldn't help laughing at his effervescent antics.
33. Three skydivers jumped off a skyscraper, but most skydivers disapprove of such antics.
34. The antics were a throwback to earlier days at the Springs.
35. The newspaper Paris Soir reported the antics of Liverpool supporters with some confusion.
36. Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's antics.
37. In the video Jones is, in the main, observing rather than advocating the ruthless antics of the hard men.
38. The dual control antics of the two drunks was spotted on police video, a court heard yesterday.
38. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
39. Now, though, the irony is wearing off; they don't even bother to put their antics in quotation marks.
40. The Queen is said to disapprove of the antics of some of the younger members of the Royal Family.
41. Primarily, however, her antics seem playful, befitting a king who ascended the throne at age 10.
42. Still, much to your chagrin, you find yourself occasionally tickled by the screwball antics of the likable cast of characters.
43. People Join in the toe-sucking antics of Fergie and David Mellor without the risk of athlete's foot.
44. The antics of the main protagonists certainly seemed to prove that something was radically wrong in the way our schools were organised.
45. The patients loved it and several laughed out loud at her antics, while Martha and Yvonne exchanged looks of glee.
46. The Bloomsbury Group is only one of dozens of such groups, albeit one whose antics have been chronicled at numbing length.
47. Alison exclaims, when Quivers is angry with Stern because his antics got her fired.
48. However, an expert on the aristocracy says Jamie Blandford's antics are adding fuel to the Republican cause.
49. I smiled at their antics and immediately Kovacs's suspicions were roused.
50. Don't let the Round Table's antics get to you.
51. The antics of wildebeests are often clownish and entertaining.
52. He can watch the Marx brothers'zany antics for hours.
53. Its front page depicted Johnson's Olympic flag waving antics with the headline "Don't drop the baton Boris!"
54. His performance is all sly looks and bone-dry readings, held together by a general air of barely contained exasperation at the antics of the fools and knaves who surround him.
55. There is one reason and one reason only that a couple like Wilma and Fred Flintstone could stay together, despite her somewhat shrewish nature and his boorish antics.
56. My antics don't come between those lines , everything is around the lines.
57. His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics.
58. Under the guise of active wits they will lead us to the parental meditation of antics.
59. Time Generally we provide party content mainly have game, magicians, antics, videotape, sugar-coated figurine sugar painting, dough and facial coloured drawing or pattern, etc.
60. Taking her cue from some of MADONNA's more risque antics, it was pure raunch from the outset, which saw the star sporting a sexy circus mistress's uniform.
61. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the zany story of a cartoon bunny's madcap antics as he battles a corrupt legal system that has framed him for a brutal homicide.
62. The odd collection of air pirates are more rivals than villans, and their screwball antics are played for comedy.
63. Bill's antics with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office nearly got him impeached.
64. But as you can see, your so-called Phantom Kitty is alive and well, and amusing all your webfans with his antics—the way he did that slam-dunk with the wad of paper into your bookcase was a classic.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. We were in stitches watching the antics of the chimpanzees at the zoo.
66. President Bush has caught the public eye with his antics.
67. With such antics and an increasingly outlandish dress sense, the Libyan leader often seemed clownish and deluded.
68. Back at the newspaper he has inherited, Britt takes pains to ensure that the escalating antics of the newly dubbed "Green Hornet" remain front-page news.
69. The antics of the monkeys at the zoo made everyone fall about.
70. Back at the newspaper he has inherited, Britt takes pains to ensure that the escalating antics of the newly dubbed "Green Hornet" remain front-page news. (He is, in Spider-Man terms, his own J.
71. Anyone with a little bug background can entertain dinner companions with tales of arthropodal antics.
72. For much of this decade, the older men who drove this country to the top of the economic league tables have looked on in bewilderment at the foppish antics of the generation below.
73. Freeman's crazy antics didn't scare off potential patients, though: John F. Kennedy's sister Rosemary got a lobotomy from Freeman, which left her a vegetable for the rest of her life.




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