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单词 Physicist
1 He is a famous physicist.
2 Her husband is a world - known physicist.
3 He does not pretend to be a physicist.
4 He is a physicist of the first rank.
5 He's known to be an outstanding physicist.
6 I think he's a physicist or something of that nature.
7 Trust a physicist to take things to extremes.
8 Our definition is equally acceptable to the classical physicist.
9 Not, alas, from one ex-Colorado theoretical physicist.
10 Oliphant, a nuclear physicist, was new to radio technology - as were most of those he later recruited.
11 When Kurt had finished his training as a physicist, there had been sixteen other graduates on his course.
12 Kuhn started his academic career as a physicist and then turned his attention to history of science.
13 Shevek is a brilliant physicist working on a Theory of Simultaneity.
14 Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.
15 But Oppenheimer soon discovered that physicist I. I. Rabi and others balked at militarization.
16 Few children interpreted the question as a physicist might, involving the way light is scattered from objects into our eyes.
17 This problem was solved by another Birmingham physicist, James Sayers.
18 Their friend Otto Korn, the physicist, had shown that particles move backwards in time.
19 She was also a physicist, one of the rare female students to study pure science.
20 Last century, the physicist Michael Faraday showed that there is no electric field within a conductor.
21 Natural science managers usually start as a chemist, physicist, biologist, or other natural scientist.
22 A converted physicist not afraid of over-simplification, Valentino Braitenberg, has proposed a scheme so simple that it needs no diagram.
23 This is the point at which I as a mathematical physicist begin to splutter and go red in the face.
24 If basic math stumps you, there might not be a future for you as a particle physicist.
25 Undoubtedly, the human interest story of how I have managed to be a theoretical physicist despite my disability has helped.
26 Once again, everything we have said is crashingly obvious to the well-versed classical physicist.
27 They then appear to us as what a classical physicist would call waves, such as waves of light or gravitational waves.
28 I was torn between being an artist and being a physicist.
29 They had two sons, Nicolas, who became a journalist and lecturer, and Jeremy, who became a physicist.
30 Anushkia Smyslov had bandaged Alex Bannen's head, and the physicist was propped in a sitting position against a workstation.
1 He is a famous physicist.
2 Her husband is a world - known physicist.
3 He is a physicist of the first rank.
4 I think he's a physicist or something of that nature.
31 A physicist by training, Davis never pursued a career in science.
32 The brilliant physicist Paul Dirac first put forward this theory back in 1990.
33 The details of how Strominger and collaborators forged the link are highly mathematical arguments only a physicist could love.
34 Amongst its alumni, the school can count the Nobel prize-winning physicist Ernest Walton.
35 The theoretical physicist gets more credit than the experimental because the behavior of the latter clearly depends on laboratory practice and observation.
36 The distinguished physicist, Sir Hermann Bondi, once described the sort of people who become scientists.
37 What the little company did have was the vision and fierce determination of its leader, nuclear physicist John Robert Beyster.
38 If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. Albert Einstein 
39 I started out to be a physicist, but I soon went astray, seduced by a fascination with the brain.
40 The 33-year-old physicist lashed his camera to an ice-pick and took the photo by setting the timer.
41 Solana, a physicist, was from 1982-88 Minister of Culture,(http://) and from 1985 also official government spokesperson.
42 Not being a particle physicist, I shall leave the complete renaming process to people who are better qualified.
43 Ferris, a physicist and prize-winning popular science writer, is qualified for the job if anyone is.
44 Like chemist and physicist we hope one day to be able to find out whether our icons are truly representative of reality.
45 He is famous as a physicist.
46 The physicist fudged on his experimental data.
47 He wanted to be a physicist.
48 A physicist is atom's way of knowing about atoms.
49 Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer.
50 Conan is a physicist, don't high-hat him.
51 The successful physicist never puts on airs.
52 The physicist refocused the light beam.
53 The physicist was aware of the potential danger of nuclear fusion.
54 In a courtroom in Portland, she said that Hubbard had been portrayed to her as a nuclear physicist; in fact, he had failed to graduate from George Washington University.
55 I-Dosing is actually a variation on the phenomenon - "binaural beats" - found by German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839.
56 Many possibilities which are open to the physicist today were impracticable not long ago.
57 In the movie Dr. Strangelove, Sellers portrays a brilliant but psychotic physicist.
58 Legend has it that he procured two toy pistols and enlisted the aid of fellow physicist George Gamow.
59 Given your reputation as a brilliant physicist, what ordinary interests do you have that might surprise people? —Carol Gilmore, JEFFERSON CITY, MO.
60 "We're on the verge of a new route to the bomb, " said Frank N. von Hippel, a nuclear physicist who advised President Bill Clinton and now teaches at Princeton.
61 If M-theory does indeed turn out to enable a unified theory, Hawking may be able in future to say how the universe started, but as a physicist he cannot answer the question "why?"
62 Guglielmo Marconl, Italian physicist and pioneer in the use of wireless telegraphy, died in Rome.
63 There are rules and training programs for almost every conceivable job, from sanitation engineer to nuclear physicist, but no set curriculum teaches you how to be a boss.
64 Another innovator — the Egyptian physicist Alhazen, born in 965 — laid the foundation for the modern understanding of optics.
65 N early 20 years ago, I entered the hospital room of a retired nuclear physicist who had worked on the Manhattan Project with Enrico Fermi.
66 Physicist Robert Goddard, rocketry pioneer, stands next to one of his experimental A-series rockets in front of his workshop in Roswell, New Mexico, in the 1930s.
67 Milton believes in the principle espoused by the famous physicist Murray Gell-Mann: anything that is not forbidden is compulsory.
68 Thebrainchild of Manhattan Project physicist Edward Teller, ProjectExcalibur was supposed to fire off atomic-powered lasers from land orspace at incoming missiles.
69 Charles Percy Snow was trained as a physicist but served the British government in several capacities, including technical director of the Ministry of Labour during World War II.
70 To test for the ringing acoustic signatures of tiny bubbles, physicist Helen Czerski of University of Rhode Island has devised a specially-designed echo chamber about the size of a soccer ball.
71 Amiri, a nuclear physicist in his 30 s,(http://) vanished in June 2009.
72 Isaac Newton , theoretical physicist and mathematician, was born in 1642.
73 Back in 1950, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi was having lunch with friends.
74 Italian physicist and inventor Guglielmo Marconi died on July 20 th at the age of 63.
75 To meet this required of high quality studies at low dose, high attention to quality control is required on the parts of radiologist, radiographer and medical physicist.
76 Harvard University physicist Abraham Loeb says that "overall, it's a good idea to test modifications of gravity" using black holes.
77 Donal Keating, a physicist who leads Microsoft's forensics work, has turned the lab into an anti-piracy playpen full of microscopes and other equipment used to analyze software disks.
78 American physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb ( 1904 - 1967 ).
79 Subsequently, mathematicians proved the point in theory and the physicist Huygens invented the pendulum clock on the basis of this theory.
80 Make much mathematician, physicist, astronomer wait to be enrolled to enter Microsoft.
81 Excerpt from a talk with the Chinese - American physicist Prize winner Professor Tsung - Dao Lee of Columbia University.
82 New Zealand nuclear physicist Ernest Rutherford died on October 19 at the age of 66.
83 Statics, the physicist knows, is only an abstraction from dynamics.
84 Norman is a research physicist who does not believe the Bible and refuses to read it. Whenever I mention Bible prophecy to him, he smiles condescendingly .
85 Physicist, cosmologist and something of a dreamer. Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.
86 The theory of ground-effect vehicles goes back to the 1920s, when Carl Wieselsberger, a German physicist, described how the ground effect works.
87 Respected nuclear physicist and prolific writer Freeman Dyson moonlights as a science fiction writer's dream.
88 This is a misguided mission, argues physicist and former "Unifier" Marcelo Gleiser of Dartmouth College.
89 The unit of resistance is called ohm in honor of Dr. G . S . Ohm a German physicist.
90 Marie Curie, Polish - French chemist and physicist, was born in Warsaw as Marie Sklodowska.
91 "The situation is pretty bad," said Frank N. von Hippel, a nuclear physicist who advised the Clinton White House and now teaches international affairs at Princeton. "But it could get a lot worse."
92 It may be for this reason that physicist Ingmar Riedel-Kruse and his colleagues, at Stanford University, have developed a few video games starring Paramecia.
93 Huxley quipped to physicist John Tyndall, "For once, reality and his brain came into contact and the result was fatal."
94 The panel was headed by H.P. Robertson, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., and included other physicists, an astronomer, and a rocket engineer.
95 The first passive home was built here in 1991 by Wolfgang Feist, a local physicist, but diffusion of the idea was slowed by language.
96 Physicist Ian Hutcheon, of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is what you might call a nuclear detective.
97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South Korea and Japan.
98 Along with Locke, Steven Chu (Zhu Diwen), the 1997 Nobel Prize-winning physicist was named secretary of energy.
99 Muscovite physicist and engineer association will be in charge of grooming Iranian engineer.
100 In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman bet $1000 that it was impossible to build a motor no bigger than 1/64 of an inch on each side.
101 The German physicist Gabriel D. Fahrenheit (1686-1736) invented an alcohol thermometer.
102 The more historically minded might look back a century further for the true golden age, to Gustav Fechner,(http://) a physicist turned proto-psychologist.
103 Probably that I was a talented young physicist, or words to that effect.
104 This relationship is called Boyle's law, in honor of the English physicist who discovered it.
105 When a nuclear physicist try to increase energy of electron, the electron immediately pleased transition immediately from low energy level to high level.
106 In 1929, though, Leo Szilard, a Hungarian physicist, added a wrinkle.
107 Archimedes, a great physicist, discovered the principle of floating bodies.
108 Obama's choice of Steven Chu, the Nobel laureate physicist, as secretary of energy only heightened the allure.
109 Einstein, the illustriously famous physicist of the 20 th century.
110 The four together feel as elegant, as whole, and as complete to a physicist as a Shakespearean sonnet does to a poet.
111 The death of DUSEL, or a serious delay, would haveeffects that would ripple across the scientific community, saysMilind Diwan, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory inUpton, New York.
112 During the second world war, the physicist Enrico Fermi asked General Leslie Groves of the US Army how many generals might be called "great" and why.
113 Second, in 1820, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) demonstrated the connection between electricity and magnetism by deflecting a magnetic needle with an electric current.
114 Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South KoreaJapan.
115 Galileo Galilei , 1564 - 1642, Italian physicist and astronomer.
116 Richard Feynman, the late physicist and Nobel laureate, argued that this one-by-one bullet-point style helped lead NASA to make critical misjudgments that resulted in the Challenger disaster.
117 J . Robert Oppenheimer ( 1904 -- 1967 ), U.S. theoretical physicist, one of the world's greatest nuclear scientists.
118 Recent recruits include a former oil prospector and a nuclear physicist, social workers, doctors, and dentists.
119 He wanted to be a physicist and devote himself to research.
120 Albert Einstein was a great physicist and a scientific thinker.
121 Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), an Italian physicist who won the Nobel Prize for his invention of a system of radiotelegraphy.
122 Sir Isaac Newton , mathematician and physicist, is one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time.
123 , physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer thought of a linefrom the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita: "I am become Death, thedestroyer of worlds."
124 He tells them he is a nuclear physicist who was severely wounded while serving with the U.S. Navy in World War II.
125 Stephen William Hawking is a British theoretical physicist, whose world-renowned scientific career spans over 40 years.
126 The claim was met with skepticism, with one outside physicist calling it the equivalent of saying you have a flying carpet.
127 John Hasrouck Van Vleck, the famous American theoretical physicist, is the laureate of Nobel prize for physics in 1977.
128 George Gamow, the physicist, had steered14 me to Leonard Lerman, then working at the University of Colorado Medical Center.
129 French physicist de Broglie wave-particle duality of light based on the bold inference: all physical particles have wave-particle duality.
130 "I would have been surprised if it had come out the other way," says Joseph Lykken, a physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.
131 Physicist Niels Bohr believed, that if you held opposites together, then you suspend your thought,(http://) and your mind moves to a new level.
132 He came to the fore as a physicist at an early age.
133 Andre Ampere , French physicist noted for his word on electrodynamices , died.
134 If it was revealed that a brainy physicist likes to figure skate, what would that tell you?
135 Ines Brunn is a German physicist and passionate cyclist that lived in the USA for 6 years.
136 The best known is the Nicol prism, invented in 1828 by the Scottish physicist William Nicol.
137 Named after Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834-1906), American astronomer, physicist, and pioneer in the development of heavier-than-air craft.
138 The most renowned birefringent polarizer was introduced in 1828 by the Scottish physicist Nicol.
139 More from Ernst: "The testing of historical narratives implies that the wide gap between science and the humanities that so troubled physicist C. P. Snow is actually nonexistent."
140 I was visiting a physicist in this office tower jutting from his Illinois farmlands.
141 First used by quantum physicist Richard Feynman, it has generally been applied to subatomic particles.
142 Yamamoto is a nuclear physicist, trained at Yale, now teaching in Tokyo.
143 "What always makes X-rays in general is electrons that are moving very fast and suddenly get stopped," Camara, a physicist, said.
144 German physicist who developed the Geiger counter ( 1882 - 1945 ).
145 How it got here: Scottish chemist and physicist Sir James Dewar invented the vacuum flask Iin 1892 as a way to keep liquid nitrogen from warming up and turning into gas in his lab.
146 Take what is now known as the Copenhagen interpretation, for example, introduced by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr.
147 Since Fermi's death in 1954, no physicist has been at once a master experimentalist leading theoretician.
148 The movie talks about nuclear war very cavalierly and shows an American president utilizing the horrible judgment of making a Nazi physicist his scientific advisor.
149 British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
150 F. W. Aston, the British experimental physicist, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1922 due to the invention of a mass spectrograph.
151 Brattain:American physicist. He shared a 1956 Nobel Prize for developing the electronic transistor.
152 It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.
153 To obtain a doctorate in physics and a physicist is my plan.




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