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单词 Cavalry
1. He was once an officer in the cavalry.
2. The enemy cavalry rode our men down.
3. The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry.
4. The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort.
5. The cavalry regrouped and attacked again.
6. The cavalry unit must be remounted immediately.
7. The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops.
8. The cavalry charged down on the defenceless villagers.
9. The Black Prince led a cavalry charge against them.
10. The cavalry wore a suit of light armour and carried a shield.
11. The cavalry were advancing.
12. In a modern army,()cavalry regiments use armored vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
13. The cavalry charged up the hill to engage the rebels.
14. In a modern army, cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
15. The cavalry scattered them and chased them off the field.
16. Harris tweed sports jacket, cavalry twill slacks.
17. I didn't call any goddamn cavalry.
18. The volunteer evacuees wait for the cavalry.
19. Two other cavalry officers stood behind the Captain.
20. Act the ambassador rather than the captain of cavalry.
21. The next morning Vauban and his horde of cavalry trotted into the castle grounds as if they were a welcoming relief.
22. Above these were the heavily armed cavalry, who were free vassals of noble blood.
23. It is the perfect complement for an aggressive cavalry advance.
24. A cloud of dust on the horizon announced the arrival of the cavalry.
25. I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry.
26. He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength.
27. These were organized into four divisions of foot soldiers and about 500 light cavalry.
28. Both Rennenkampf and Samsonov had distinguished military records as cavalry commanders in Manchuria, but they had quarrelled and become bitter enemies.
29. The riders use stirrups and large supporting saddles, so may be a cavalry unit.
30. Their pickets were posted too close to camp, and no cavalry patrols were out.
1. He was once an officer in the cavalry.
2. The enemy cavalry rode our men down.
3. The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry.
4. The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort.
5. The cavalry charged down on the defenceless villagers.
6. The cavalry were advancing.
7. In a modern army, cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions.
31. Preston Barracks was built before the Second World War for a cavalry regiment.
32. This will get your cavalry into close combat and hopefully out of the hail of missiles fairly quickly.
33. It would need only a charge of the cavalry, or a shot fired over their heads, to set them off.
34. Smiling feebly, Mundin stood silent just when I needed him to bring in the cavalry and rescue my besieged story.
35. It was the cavalry and the knightly host which had taken the beating.
36. The rebel cavalry were on the left of the second line.
37. The following day Arista ordered General Torrejon with 1(), 600 cavalry to cross the river.
38. He acted as the intellectual cavalry, seeking out new fields, harrying the enemy with his pen and probing unknown territory.
39. There, the tracks were given to the mechanized infantry and powerful armored cavalry units.
40. The cavalry technique would have been the single mass charge carrying maximum force, with following attacks from foot soldiers.
41. Moorish infantry and cavalry, armed with bows, swords and spears, and carrying small round shields.
42. The cavalry officer pushed a hand through his long golden hair as he ran up the house steps.
43. A large cavalry patrol moved across it stage by stage like bedbugs across a clean sheet.
44. Against fast moving shock troops such as armoured cavalry this is also true.
45. It's usually worth protecting those high-cost cavalry units with a banner of Arcane Warding or Protection.
46. He said he had Achilles' tendinitis, the medical equivalent of the cavalry for Lewis' relay hopes.
47. The vast army numbered around 100,000 cavalry and 25,000 musketeers as well as divisions of war elephants and camel-artillery.
48. But last week the Republican ad cavalry charged to the rescue.
49. The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about.
50. He left Westminster to raise a cavalry regiment for the king.
51. Bathing huts, a steam engine, cavalry on manoeuvre and beached fishing boats: it must have been lovely.
52. The game consisted entirely of cavalry charges end to end.
53. The infirmary and stables had become dilapidated during the wars, having been occupied by enemy cavalry, and were empty.
54. That would justify the presence of horses on the frieze, since cavalry competitions were a feature of funerals for heroes.
55. My grandfather said the cavalry from Fort McDowell sent out patrols to chase Apaches.
56. Charles Coffin continues: The cavalry of the Army of the Potomac had been of little account.
57. His look of annoyance abruptly changed to a delighted smile when he recognized the young cavalry officer.
58. The army was a mainly infantry force, with a light cavalry screen, supported by a strong artillery arm.
59. He came overland for 2 or 3 hours and galloped up, much like the U. S. Cavalry did in the movies.
60. Mertseger's father, the general in command of cavalry, was a stocky man like Huy.
61. His speech varies between a chaotic cavalry charge and a slow, incomprehensible drool.
62. Elements of mechanized battalions were held in reserve, kind of like the cavalry.
63. Three cavalry companies gave pursuit, but were scattered when the warriors turned to defend a lava escarpment.
64. The explanation that for so many hours he managed to withhold from us was simply this: The cavalry!
65. The general was killed and his armies were routed in a magnificent cavalry charge.
66. We found two old bill hooks in the shed and proceeded to become cavalry.
67. We see newsreel footage of cavalry, blazing buildings, war planes - from revolutions, civil war,(http:///cavalry.html) world war.
68. The columns included foot soldiers, artillery and cavalry units, white-topped sup-ply wagons, and dark-hued ambulances.
69. The Black Prince led a cavalry charge against them and forced them back towards the River Miosson.
70. The fact that these were generally long swords tends to confirm the use of cavalry.
71. The survivors scrambled back to the sepoy lines pursued by a vengeful squadron of Sikh cavalry.
72. Yellow is the official colour of the United States Cavalry, used in the piping of uniforms and on regimental standards.
73. Five had served in the Guards, two in the Cavalry.
74. The Germanic cavalry often had morning stars made entirely of iron.
75. A section of the Iceni revolted and had to be suppressed by a dismounted cavalry regiment.
76. And I could see no more, until the cavalry came to the rescue.
77. The substantial remains of the cavalry fort include a bath house showing the sophisticated workings of the underfloor heating system.
78. The survivors returned to Alexandria to refit as cavalry and received replacements from the County.
79. A wounded horse limped in the wheat, trying to catch up with the other cavalry horses.
80. Silver Helm cavalry swiftly raced along the coast and came upon the Dark Elves on the cliffs.
81. Otley's cavalry twill and brogues were doing their best to keep up and he was breaking out in a sweat.
82. Expecting to use tanks, Navarre picked a cavalry officer to command.
83. The game consisted entirely of cavalry charges end to end. As dire a Leeds win as I have seen.
84. We used to take hay down to the cavalry barracks in Norwich.
85. Achaemeniann foot guards, Parthian warriors, the cavalry of Xerxes, litters, chariots, tanks, Bactrian camels.
86. In fact, Clemens might be the entire cavalry.
87. Cavalry, raising clouds of choking dust, went past endlessly.
88. They've probably bombed hell out of their own cavalry.
89. A horse trained for battle; a cavalry horse.
90. Tank consigned horse cavalry to the pages of history.
91. The cavalry charged to the front.
92. Always plant stakes to skewer your own cavalry on.
93. The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.
94. The cavalry rode off at a dash.
96. I'm like an cavalry horse , he thought; if I stayed at home I would feel ashamed.
97. Pyrrhus ' elephants were so frightening to the Roman horses that their cavalry retreated in disorder.
98. Assyrian cavalry were armed with either a bow or a spear ( usually handled overarm ).
99. These men are the elite of Russian cavalry , being the household troops of the grand princes,(http:///cavalry.html) or "Tsars" as they were later to style themselves.
100. The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to ', 000 infantry troops and 00 to 200 cavalry troops.
101. The Indian cavalry under Haig became a functionally efficient unit.
102. Cuirassier ( French heavy cavalry who wore breastplates and metal helmets ): Now has a radius attack.
103. They counted on the fifty-second regiment, on the fifth, on the eighth, on the thirty-seventh, and on the twentieth light cavalry.
104. Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom.
105. Troop selections: Light - medium infantry, assault infantry, pikemen, bowmen, light - medium melee and skirmisher cavalry.
106. At first, he to be a soldier, and after tossing and finally nationhood, when the cavalry.
107. Are to arriveyan men Zhi County, Xiongnu cavalry army would back away from yan men.
108. Weapons of an earlier age, such as the bayonet, became almost obsolete in this new kind of warfare, and the role of cavalry and field artillery was greatly reduced.
109. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant.
110. Lightning ripped through purple-black clouds, letting loose torrents of rain. There was a drumroll of thunder, and suddenly the squall was racing toward him with the fury of charging cavalry.
111. Caravansary greatly increases trade, and allows the recruitment of elite camel cavalry.
112. The Athenian playwright Aeschylus tells us that among the Persian commanders who were killed during this war, was a cavalry leader 'on a mail-clad horse' called Arsaces ( Persians 996).
113. Marshal Saxe wished to arm the French cavalry with a blade of a triangular cross section so as to make the use of the point obligatory.
114. When Pyrrhus saw this, he commanded his cavalry to charge, and that won him the battle.
115. But the cavalry officer melted imperceptibly out of her existence.
116. No one from the common soldier to the general expected a battle; and they were all calmly engaged in peaceful occupations—feeding their horses in the cavalry, gathering wood in the infantry.
117. The laboratory, at Fort Missoula, was once a stable for the United States Cavalry.
118. A single horse, Comanche, survived and for many years thereafter appeared in 7th Cavalry parades, saddled but riderless.
119. As there were insufficient men in the village, a 20-year-old girl, Juana Galan, took to the street to fight in hand-to-hand combat with the French cavalry, armed with a club.
120. Then the two heads of state and their spouses stepped on the inspection stage and watched the march-past of the motorcycle guards, infantry and cavalry.
121. What is a little brush between a guerilla band and a squadron of cavalry?
122. Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights.
123. Jeremi and Polish Hetman Martin Kalinowski stayed to further fight with about 17.000 cavalry, and moved toward the Ukraine and joined up with the equally victorious Lithuanian army.
124. Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords.
125. Meanwhile, three miles east of Gettysburg, Stuart's cavalry was engaged by Federal cavalry under Brigadier General David Gregg.
126. Such sentimentality towards animals helped cavalry men retain their humanity.
127. Sipahis are feudal cavalry, land holders given nominal power over their fiefs , called timars,() in exchange for military service.
128. Everyone I knew was either in the cavalry or the infantry.
129. Oprishnik ( Russian Cossack light cavalry ): now he does more damage vs . buildings than Hussars .'Bout time.
130. Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.
131. If Bohemia or Moravia are to be the scene of action , unless you mean to destroy all your cavalry .
132. In the rearguard Dohturov and the rest, rallying their battalions , had been firing at the French cavalry who were pursuing them.
133. We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.
134. Troop selections: Light - medium infantry, assault infantry, short range skirmishers, light cavalry.
135. The chap outside was a museum piece -- cavalry mustache, single -- eye glass, gray cutaway.
136. Large crowds stood in the space between the Persian cavalry.
137. During the Second Balkan War as chief of the Operations Bureauthe 1 st Cavalry Division.
138. After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U. S. expedition in Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, Thorn recommends four soldiers for the Medal of Honor.
139. Then the king appointed Cendebeus commander - in - chief of the seacoast and gave him infantry and cavalry forces.
140. In the 7th Cavalry, we got a captain from Uric, another from Porto Rico.
141. Macrinus at first sought to quickly crush the rebellion, by sending his praetorian prefect Ulpius Julianus with a strong cavalry force against them.
142. The lack of a reserve of the mountain troops (the infantry and the cavalry had the training divisions) meant that all the replacements came from the frontier-guards or from the gendarmerie .
143. The last of the line of cavalry, a pock-marked man of immense stature, scowled viciously on seeing Rostov just in front of him, where he must inevitably come into collision with him.
144. Household troops of the Tsar, these are formidable , well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry.
145. I heard that Caucasia cavalry Dao has power of anti-impact, so I want to know the above. Please comment.
146. At the Pentagon, however, senior naval officials appear smugly confident that the Chinese would turn tail once the U. S. carriers show up like the cavalry.
147. When the war came he was sent at once to join the cavalry at Curragh Camp in Ireland.
148. His famous "Ironside" cavalry and New Model Army defeated the king.
149. Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds.
150. Theoreticians argued infantry could a cavalry charge by firepower alone.
151. From there Holofernes took, the infantry, cavalry, and chariots, and marched into the mountain region.
152. Troop selections: light - medium infantry, short and long range skirmishers, light - medium skirmisher and melee cavalry.
153. His cavalry would smash through the redoubts opening the way for the infantry to scale the Russians' wooden walls and engage them in hand-to-hand fighting.
154. Basic Seljuk missile cavalry troops armed bows and little armour, belonging to Amirs who have aligned themselves with Crusaders.
155. Light cavalry used as mercenaries by Muslim forces. These Akinjis fight unarmoured for speed and are armed with a bow.
156. They could only keep a formation in static mode and thats very vulnerable to mobile cavalry horse archery tactics.




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