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单词 Retrograde
1. Closing the factory would be a retrograde step.
2. The closure of the factory is a retrograde step .
3. He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefit.
4. The slow, retrograde axial rotation of Venus is a puzzle to which I shall return in section 4.2.
5. The closure of the plant is a retrograde step, as that technology is very much needed.
6. Venus's rotation is retrograde.
7. However, the recent lunar eclipse and Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain.
8. The nature of the retrograde messenger may give clues to the processes responsible for the sustained increase in transmitter release.
9. I was told this was a retrograde step: what I was advocating was narrow nationalism in an age of increasing internationalism.
10. The appointment of Valuev was not quite the retrograde step that some contemporaries thought it to be.
11. The retrograde rotation of Venus came as a considerable surprise.
12. The remainder is a retrograde of the same series a semitone lower.
13. Retrograde pyelography could locate accurately for the carcinoma.
14. He has retrograde amnesia, acute psychological suppression.
15. The rotation in the elliptic is retrograde.
16. Root canal was prepared with gradually retrograde method.
17. This retrograde conduction does not always take place.
18. A new calculation method of formation retrograde condensate oil saturation has been established.
19. Parkinson's disease is a commonly encountered central nervous retrograde affection in elder persons.
20. The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as "a retrograde step".
21. The closure of the factories is seen as a retrograde step .
22. In view of the benevolent rule of the communes this might seem to have been retrograde step.
23. Mr. Hurd I do not think that it would be a retrograde step.
24. The global health scene has been characterised by major steps forward but with some disturbing retrograde features.
25. The trade in live exports will begin again which is a major retrograde step.
26. The diagnosis was made in 57 patients by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and in three by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
27. On the other hand patients presenting with very advanced disease were not included through compassionate avoidance of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
28. Six patients, all with malignant strictures, had bile samples taken at both endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
29. To eliminate the possibility of this would seem to be a retrograde step.
30. All patients underwent an abdominal ultrasound examination before endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
31. Results: All the patients had anterograde amnesia in different degree, and some cases had retrograde amnesia.
32. These are all wonderful things to do while Mercury is retrograde.
33. Objective : To observe the improving methods of retrograde insertion of silicone pipe in the nasolacrimal duct.
34. Retrograde amnesia can be caused by Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury (ask an NFL player), thiamine deficiency or other insults.
35. Conclusions Trajectory , Voiding cystourethrography, especially retrograde urethrography, are effective means for diagnose urethral duplication.
35. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
36. We have formulated retrograde flow test of injection gas with pressure to the spermatic duct cecum to prove if the vasocentesis is successful after vasopuncture percutaneously.
37. Abdominal aortic dissection with retrograde extension to the ascending aorta during diagnostic coronary catheterization has not been reported before.
38. Conclusions: To enhance the diagnostic rate of PSIT, parallel evaluation using gastroduodenoscopy, CT, selective arteriography and endoscope retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is needed.
39. When the retrograde flow neurocutaneous island flap was raised, the end to side neurorrhaphy was carried out between the sural nerve carried by the flap and the cutaneous nerve of the foot dorsum.
40. To study the effect of ketamine on patients retrograde amnesia and implicit memory.
41. Results: The diagnosis was preoperatively confirmed in 22 cases using B-ultrasound, intravenous pyelogram (IVP), cystoscopy, retrograde pyeloureterography, urinary sediment, CT, MRI or ureteroscope.
42. Retrograde tracing revealed that regenerated axons originated from brain stem nuclei, including red nucleus, locus coeruleus, raphe nucleus, vestibular nucleus, and reticular formation.
43. Methods 4 cases sesamoid retrograde degeneration was analysed retrospectively, exploring the cause and pathology on automical and biological characteristics of the foot.
44. The opening into the maxillary sinus is probed with a curved suction, and any disease or secretions are removed. The meatotomy is then completed using retrograde forceps.
45. Ejaculatory disorder includes premature ejaculation, unejaculation and retrograde ejaculation. Ejaculatory disorder is one of the most important causations of male infertility.
46. Methods: Tetramethyl rhodamine ( TMR ) or horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) retrograde tracing and biotinylated dextran amine ( BDA ) anterograde ...
47. The possibility of obstructive uropathy was completely excluded by retrograde pyelography.
48. Most Pisceans are the soul of tact, which is fortunate since with Mercury still retrograde and accenting those closest, at work and at home, others are in a confused state.
49. Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny : Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb.
50. Retrograde injection with the homologous embolus through the external carotid artery initiated the vascular dementia rats.
51. Cystoscopy and retrograde ureteropyelography were of great value in diagnosis of primary carcinoma of ureter.
52. One of the major complications of ECT is the potential for cognitive impairment including retrograde and anterograde amnesia.
53. The diagnosis was established readily on IVU, cystoscopy , retrograde pyeloureterography or dye studies.
54. Methods Adopt double-pole electric-coagulative hemostasis, combine order method with retrograde method in minichclecystectomy.
55. Conclusions The diagnosis may be established with intravenous urogram and retrograde pyelography and surgical exploration may be performed when necessary.
56. Last month, in January, you were hampered with Mercury retrograde.
57. The afferent projections of the orbital cortex were studied from telencephalon in rat. Methods: HRP retrograde tracing technique.
58. Mercury retrograde always marks a time when delays, postponements, and re - do's are common.
59. Method 19 cases with forefoot defects were repaired with medical dorsal neurocutaneous flaps, in which 17 of retrograde flaps and 2 of antegrade flaps.
60. Methods The model of ANP was established in 90 rats by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into biliopancreatic duct.
61. Mercury also rules transportation, shipping, and communication, and when retrograde, these areas go haywire.
62. Conclusion: Transplantation of the lateral superior genicular retrograde flap, with the pedicle of the lateral superior genicular artery, can cure severe scar contracture of popliteal fossa.
63. Sometimes, people also experience transient retrograde amnesia, forgetting some portion of their previous memories.
64. The other involving calcific metamorphosis of canal space was treated by surgical endodontic therapy(retrograde filling).
65. Conclusions:IVU and cystoscopy , especially retrograde ureteropyelography, were essential for the diagnosis of primary ureteral carcinoma. The prognosis correlated with the stage and grade of tumor.
66. Conclusion: It is a new and feasible method to retrograde perfusion of the azygos vein for spinal cord protection during aortic operation.
67. This is probably fortunate, for during Mercury retrograde, no one of any sign should buy electronics, jewelry, furniture, or any other big-ticket items.
68. Objective : To study the myocardial protective effects on retrograde perfusion via coronary sinus in beating heart.
69. Results The patients with stenotic left anterior descending coronary artery were found localized acceleration flow or retrograde flow by echocardiography.
70. It is cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger.
71. Anterograde amnesia and minimal retrograde amnesia with thalamic and hippocampal lesions in neuro-Behcet's disease is rare.
72. Objective To observe the preventive effects of NGF on the retrograde degeneration in cholinergic neurons of basal forebrain in rats with frontal cortexes injuries.
73. Objective:The morphological bases of retrograde coronary sinus perfusion (RCSP) and retrograde right atrium perfusion (RRAP) were studied with pig heart model.
74. The retrograde labelling is present in wide areas of cortices including areas 1 and 2 in frontal cortices, areas 1 and 2 in the parietal cortices and the cingulate gyrus.
75. Adriamycin can selectively kill perikaryon by way of retrograde axoplasmic transport.
76. The synaptic relationship between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons were studied by using anterograde degenerating combined with HRP retrograde tracing methods.
77. Conclusion : IVU, retrograde pyelography and percutaneous pyeloureterography are most commonly used and effective diagnostic methods, and may partly make the clearcut etiological diagnosis.
78. Now Mercury is retrograde too, so you won't likely see a big shift until June, and more in mid-September, but it will be a change you like, and you will see steady progress.
79. Objective:To explore the value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP)in diagnosis of cholangio pancreatopathy.
80. Methods:73 cat teeth were studied in practical anatomy, Capping pulp. root canal treatment, apicectomy and retrograde filling.
81. Objective To observe the effect of transplanted fetal brain tissue on the retrograde degeneration of cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrains induced by the bilateral frontal cortexes in the rats.
82. Methods The ANP model was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate solution into biliopancreatic duct.
83. Infection can spread retrograde down a drain from the exterior.
84. Objective To discuss the retrograde nailing internal fixation in the treatment of femur comminuted fracture.
85. Conclusion Retrograde urogram plays a very important role in the diagnosis of the condition. The final diagnosis of RPF depends on pathology and surgery.
86. Con clu sion CT has advantages over retrograde cystogram in diagnosing traumatic bladder rupture.
87. Objective:To Compare the imaging findings of pelvic fracture between x-ray and CT scan, and evaluate the value of the retrograde urethrography in the diagnosis of merge pelvic organ injuries.
88. Conclusion The diagnosis may be established with intravenous urogram and retrograde pyelography and surgical .
89. To address this issue, a series of experiments in this paper are performed and compared to quantitatively investigate the revaporization efficiency of retrograde condensate by lean gas injection.
90. Results Retrograde amnesia was observed in test animals 24 hours after concussion , 48 and 72 hours after concu.
91. OBJECTIVE To study the medial retrograde island flap with superior genicular artery and anterior tibia recurrent artery of the knee on clinical application.
92. The Doppler parameters of CFV: the retrograde a wave - velocity peak ( Va ) and duration time ( Ta ) were obtained.
93. Conclusion: Retrograde excision of pterygium combined with autotransplantation of corneal limbus stem cells decreases the rate of recurrence and promotes the effect of cosmetology.
94. Objective To evaluate the value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)and endoscopic papillotomy (EPT) in diagnosis and management of post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS).
95. Objectives : To study the myocardial protective effects on retrograde perfusion via coronary sinus in beating heart.
96. Objective To explore the palliative effect of endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage(ERBD) on irresectable biliary obstruction caused by malignant neoplasm.
97. Objective:To evaluate the clinical effects of minocycline ointment (Perioline) supplementary treatment on retrograde pulpitis.
98. Conclusions Trajectory, Voiding cystourethrography , especially Retrograde urethrography,(http://) are effective means for diagnose urethral duplication .
99. A special case is presented by a phenomenon known as retrograde ejaculation.
100. Conclusions:Retrograde gastric mucosa prolapse is easily misdiagnosed as esophageal hiatus hernia.
101. What's more, with the communication planet Mercury retrograde from Monday and accenting your plans, mistakes and unexpected revelations could revolutionise your thinking.
102. Objective To study the clinical effects of repair of soft tissue defects at the lower limbs by transplanting the retrograde island skin flap pedicled with saphenous nerve and nutrient vessel.
103. The pre-exist amphibolite facies rocks in the fracture belt have been superimposed by retrograde green-schist facies with neoformation of chlorite, anthophyllite, sericite and cordierite.
104. Conclusion: The combined osteoperiosteal flap, with the retrograde peroneal vessel pedicle, may be used to repair tibia nonunion and defect of ankle joint.
105. There was no bile reflux gastritis , retrograde infection, anastomosic ulcer, dumping syndrome.
106. Whether you're looking through rose-colored glasses or beer goggles, the effect of Mercury Retrograde is the same ... skewed vision.
107. Jupiter has not been retrograde at all, which meant he was wide-awake and working hard for you.
108. Retrograde urethrography revealed a penile urethral diverticulum with a large stone. Diverticulectomy with stone removal and penile urethral stricture repair were performed simultaneously.
109. The pyriform sinus entry point were localized with retrograde reamed; then, intramedullary nail was performed through the anterograde approach after limited reamed.
110. Anterograde cholecystectomy was used for the patients whose calot triangle could easily be distinguished, otherwise retrograde cholecystectomy or partial cholecystectomy should be used instead.
111. The Distributions of the primary afferent neurons of Albumin Secreting Part of the uterine tube in the chickens were retrograde traced using CB-HRP methods.
112. In this paper , the retrograde route of infection from stomach to oropharynx to lower respiratory tract is summarized.
113. It was cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger.
114. The efferent projections of hypothalamic and brain stem nucleuses to nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi were studied by means of the retrograde axonal transport of HRP technique in cats.
115. Then, HRP was injected into the area where the phrenic motor neurons occupied, retrograde labelled neurons were found in medulla oblongata.
116. Purpose To approach to algogenic causes and parts of knee joint retrograde degeneration, except osseous causes.
117. Recently, from March 6 to April 17, Venus was in retrograde but from now on, Venus will be operating in top form.
118. Recurrence was determined using cystoscopy or retrograde urethrography and long-term voiding functions were determined using residual urine and uroflowmetry.
119. In recent years, retrograde adriamycin sensory ganglionectomy has been used in treatment of refractory neuralgia.
120. Let's talk about Mercury first, because I just about to go retrograde.
121. Objective: To evaluate knee function in patients having femoral diaphyseal fractures treated with antegrade or retrograde intramedullary nail insertion.
122. Host - rock alteration is made up of retrograde and mineralized alteration.
123. Accessory minerals and retrograde fluids are main factors controlling the trace elemental behavior during retrograde metamorphism.
124. But today, thanks in large part to Abdullah's efforts to "tame Wahhabi zeal, " the most retrograde country has taken some cautious steps to join the modern world.
125. Methods: A model of experimental PCH induced acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis(AHNP) was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.
126. Topsy-turvy things happen like this all the time when Mercury is retrograde.
127. Radiographs of the urinary bladders and urethras after retrograde administration of 10% compound meglucamine diatrizoate were very clear(Sentencedict), but urethrography with air contrast was not satisfactory.
128. The synaptic connections between the medial lemniscus and the thalamocortical projecting neurons (TPN) were studied by using both anterograde degenerating and HRP retrograde tracing methods.
129. Retrograde urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethral rupture.
130. Reed, J. M. , and L. R. Squire. " Retrograde Amnesia for Facts and Events: Findings from Four New Cases. " J. Neurosci 18 (1998): 3943-54.
131. AIM: To analyze the characteristics of nerve root compression of lumbar spine with retrograde scoliosis and the association with pattern of convex shape.
132. The high - pressure metamorphic rocks underwent an isothermal decompressional retrograde process after the peak metamorphism.
133. Another 64 - year - old male was referred for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography because of common bile duct dilatatin in sonography.
134. The main passage for venous counter current flow in the retrograde flap is through the regional inactive venous valves.
135. Shortly after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure , right - sided pneumothorax , subcutaneous, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal emphysema were noted.
136. Methods A rat model of SAP was induced by retrograde infusion of 5% sodium taurocholate into the biliary pancreatic duct.
137. Method: Retrograde grafting of island skin flap with forehead branch of arteria temporalis superficialis in temples region was used.
138. Analysis of the retrograde sequence of AP activation may localize and ablate the APs successfully.
139. This flap is supplied by the retrograde flow of the saphenous artery via communication mainly with the medial inferior genicular artery.
140. Retrograde motion can be seen each time Earth overtakes and laps planets orbiting farther from the Sun, the Earth moving more rapidly through its own relatively close-in orbit.
141. HRP retrograde transport and PAP double labelling method combined with nodose ganglionectomy to detect nature of projecting fibers from the NG to the NTS.
142. Conclusion:The antegrade or retrograde island flap could be designed by sural nerve and its nutrient vessels.
143. Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of biological osteosynthesis of retrograde self locked nail for humeral fracture.
144. Retrograde ejaculation requires that sperm be retrieved from the urine.
145. Method 17 patients with non-opaque ureterolith calculi were treated with ESWL by intravenous urography(IVU) and retrograde urography(RGU) location.
146. Methods In total 112 patients underwent digital urography, including intravenous pyelography (IVP) in 38 cases and retrograde pyelography in74 cases.
147. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of needle-knife fistulotomy (NKF) for difficult cannulation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
148. Objective: To display the location of somatic neurons of the musculocutaneous nerve in the rabbit with retrograde axonal tracing method of horseradish peroxides (HRP).
149. The simplest home - related activities can go haywire during a Mercury retrograde period.
150. The afferent connections of the lateral preoptic area in the rat were studied by using the HRP retrograde tracing method.
151. It is common for a major planet to retrograde for several months at a time.
152. The water seems to retrograde back into the ocean low tide.
153. Conclusions: IVU and cystoscopy , especially retrograde ureteropyelography, were essential for the diagnosis of primary ureteral carcinoma.
154. Methods Retrograde pancreatic duct injection of 5% sodium taurocholate to establish ANP models.
155. If you keep this moon-phase, perpetual calendar,() retrograde behemoth running continuously it won't need adjusting until 2100.
156. Conclusion: In SSS, the vertebral retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery could be used to reflect the degree of stenosis in proximal subclavian or innominate artery.
157. The diagnostic methods were cystoscopy, retrograde ureteropyelography , CT and ureteroscopy. Operation was the choice of treatment.
158. Methods: Acute pancreatitis model was induced by intraperitoneal injection of cerulein or retrograde infusion of 5% sodium taurocholate into the bilipancreatic duct in SD rats.
159. There were no further seizure attacks and the retrograde amnesia improved gradual 1 yduring two months of follow - up.
160. To display the location of somatic neurons of the musculocutaneous nerve in the rabbit with retrograde axonal tracing method of horseradish peroxides (HRP).
161. Conclusion: It is possible that retrograde lag screw fix the posterior column of the acetabulum clinically.
162. Methods A model of experimental PE in AHNP was induced by retrograde injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.
163. CONCLUSION:Perforating branch-muscular branch of medial vastus muscle retrograde flap can be transposed to repair the soft tissue defect around knee.
164. The NT-LI terminals also had obvious interactions with the HRP retrograde labeled preganglionic neurons in the dorsal vagal nucleus.
165. Methods: In case of fibular fracture, fixation of half cast plate or retrograde Kirschner's wire fixation after reduction under fluoroscopy were recommended.
166. Conclusion The antegrade or retrograde island flap or free flap could be designed by the four cutaneous nerve and their nutrient vessels to adjacent and hand soft tissue defect.




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