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单词 Des
1 She's got a nice little des res in Chelsea.
2 The police came back and cross-questioned Des again.
3 Des is a big gambler, you know.
4 When Des cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert.
5 Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.
6 Des, having opted for safety, had to play first.
7 Des O'Connor Tonight returns on Christmas Day.
8 Des lounges against it and switches on his walkie-talkie.
9 Hammer had the consolation of an excellent goal, Des O'Byrne hitting an unstoppable volley from Andy Powell's perfectly placed cross.
10 Chairman Des Moffatt says he's familiar with another unflattering nickname for the flats, but the Bronx comparison's an exaggeration.
11 The Place des Lices resounds with the laughter of schoolchildren on their way to a nearby outdoor centre.
12 Banque Worms, a wholly owned unit of Union des Assurances de Paris, will increase to 5 percent from 2 percent.
13 Even Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garcons, high priestess of the black fashion statement, is designing in color.
14 Beyond Des Jardins' cooking, there are two things that would bring me back to Jardiniere in a heartbeat.
15 Going out on to Des Voeux, she breathed in the hot, humid air.
16 In a school gymnasium full of caucus-goers in Des Moines, Dole inadvertently coined the best phrase of this perplexing campaign.
17 I let two more minutes pass then tap Des on the shoulder.
18 A ticket inspector wakes from his slumber and Des shoots past me waving his tube pass.
19 Rose had previously worked with the programme's host Des O'Connor and also with comic Mike Reid.
20 Prince's music makes me think of Des Esseintes's symphony of perfumes: exquisite, heady, overpowering, slightly nauseous.
21 Rightly or wrongly, the Pavillon des Arts has decided to emphasise the festive spirit of the time.
22 Union des Assurances de Paris is tipped to buy the 21 p.c. stake in Skandia.
23 She got out of the taxi on Des Voeux and handed the driver a crumpled fistful of Hong Kong dollars.
24 Richard claimed that William des Barres surrendered to him and was released on parole while he went in pursuit of more victims.
25 I walked home on air across the Esplanade des Invalides and bored everyone with his parting words for weeks afterwards.
26 I should be charmed if you could visit me at home at the Villa des Lilas tomorrow evening.
27 There were something like 41 officials but only 21 players from the home unions at Parc des Princes.
28 In 1882 a reaction against Muybridgitis appeared in the February issue of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts.
29 Rachel left the office and ran out on to Des Voeux, hailing a taxi to take her home.
30 Ironically, he has been appointed to select the items tobe exhibited in the Pavillon des Sessions.
31 Des was telling me about when they were in training for the Commandos.
32 He'd been discovered by fishermen on the Plage des Basques about half way between the Villa des Lilas and the town.
33 Come on Des, give me a hand to shift these and then we can go home.
34 Des shuffles his feet, like he's just the driver and didn't oughta be around.
35 McCarthy has been a prosecution witness against Stedeford in Des Moines and at a pretrial hearing here against Langan.
36 In a hotel ballroom in Des Moines, the post-caucuses victory party was low-key but had a quiet inevitability.
37 Every year, the girls' state tournament in Des Moines sells out.
38 When I trudge to the door, only Des comes to let me out.
39 Des Jardins' mix of cultures is reflected in the food she cooks.
40 After a glittering military career, Des is ready for what will be a comparatively unexciting civilian life.
41 I looked out of the window and saw we were negotiating one of the sharp bends not far from the Villa des Lilas.
42 At its western extremity this ridge merged into the Bois des Corbeaux that flanked the Mort Homme directly from the northeast.
43 Then in 1952 Coppi was once more in the yellow jersey at the old Parc des Princes track in Paris.
44 Until 1960 des Forges and Harber recorded eight cases and a pair may have bred in 1973.
45 Should I drop out of grad school and move to Des Moines?
46 I first came across Charlie Tonelli in some Des Moines newspaper clips from back in the 1940s.
47 And Des works out in his home gym to keep up with her youthful vigour.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48 At the top of the Holiday Inn tower in Des Moines(), a shabby room has been brightened with balloons.
49 Des Collins, of the Royal Ontario Museum, doubts that it deserves quite such an honour.
50 The car was chugging along the Promenade des Anglais, a boulevard lined with splendid palm-trees.
51 The first house they lived in, in Des Moines turned out to be just the first of many.
52 Des Etrangers A complimentary bottle of Spumante for all guests staying 14 nights.
53 The crucial Mort Homme was to be taken by a flanking attack from the northeast, via the Bois des Corbeaux.
54 An increase in subscriptions and a merger with the Syndicat des Antiquaires of antique dealers are both being considered.
55 Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers.
56 It amply demonstrates the great warmth Des is held in by the public.
57 On peut identifier celles du centre comme des lys.
58 This program is chatting to secure communication using des.
59 Elle produit des biens et des services marchands.
60 DES encryption and decryption very junior.
61 Des, 18, was working as a club doorman.
62 On se donne des souvenirs quand on se quitte.
63 Alison Des Forges demanded justice for the genocide victims.
66 Mr. Fairchild : 13 Rue des Beaux Arts.
67 DES algorithm is a data encryption algorithm.
68 Steelmaking process is a typical discrete event system(DES).
69 On vend ici des articles depuis cent francs.
70 Pour nous en sortir chacun devra faire des efforts.
71 Paul veut profiter des vacances pour voir ses amis.
72 Everybody wants to go to Des Moines.
73 DDR - die Bastion des Friedens in Deutschland.
74 At Vivendi, Compagnie G é n é rale des Eaux , the vision was of glamorous celebrity parties on Park Avenue.
75 It's the same story in cities and suburbs across the country, from Chicago to Raleigh to Des Moines.
76 Visit Triumphal arch, Avenue des Champs Elysees, la Place de la Concordevisit the opera and sightsee in the downtown of Paris.
77 It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.
77 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78 And their offer of "Der Ring des Nibelungen, " will furthermore meet the tastes of the customers who always pursue high-quality symphonic music.
79 Presidential hopeful Senator Clinton speaks at the Iowa Democratic headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.
80 It's not a full-blown language like american sign-language or langue des signes quebecoise but it's a language nonetheless, with words and syntax and phonology.
81 They eventually decided to raise their children in Iowa's capital city, Des Moines, because it boasted good schools, affordable housing and a strong sense of community.
82 Leben wir noch in Zeiten des Kaisers Wilhelm II. ?!
83 Atelier pratique de formation sur la conservation des structures en terre en Asie centrale et en Afghanistan.
84 The Leitmotiv is an important method to express the plot in Wagner's music drama The Nibelung's Ring (Der Ring des Nibelungen).
85 Ils doutent de la v é racit é des d é clarations du porte - parole de leur minist è re des Affaires é trang è res.
86 DPI , des ( B - chain C - terminal ) pentapeptide ( B 26 - 30 ) insulin; DOI, des ( B - chain C - terminal ) octapeptide ( B 23 - 30 ) insulin.
87 The three des Grassins had their adherents too, their cousins and their trusty allies.
88 La pire des souffrances est celle de ne plus pouvoir aimer.
89 McCain strongly defended Palin in a meeting with the Des Moines Register newspaper earlier this week.
90 The recall isn't enough to scare off Charles Mettler, who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner's in Des Moines, Iowa.
91 The discrete event control system(DECS), as a kind of discrete event system(DES), has its own characteristics such as simultaneous eruption, being multi-valued, and having time sequence.
92 A rescue team from the Des Moines Fire Department tried several times to rescue the woman but could not get close enough to her.
93 The original bacteria YDF30 producing acidic isoamylase was isolated from the soil, after UV and DES mutagenetic treatments, a high-yielding mutant HY19 was obtained from a lot of mutants.
94 Britain Defense Secretary Des Browne urges for participation in establishing the peace process in Afghanistan.
95 Just ten years after arriving from Des Moines, Reagan now led the union representing the biggest movie stars in the world.
96 Inner flow in Francis turbine is simulated by using DES model and a large amount of data at test points is exported. The result agrees well with the experiment.
97 Was ist die Bedeutung des "Sehens" in Brechts Leben des Galilei ?
98 Diethylstilbestrol ( DES ), is a kind of nonsteroid synthesized estrogen.
99 Monsieur Fran? ois est ainsi et avec lui , des millions de Fran ? ais moyens.
100 What is itsrelationship with the existed Data Encryption Standard ( DES )?
101 Et loin des beaux discours, des grandes th é ories.
102 I recommend buying advance tickets, or the Paris Museum Pass, as doing so will allow you to bypass the lines using the Passage Richelieu, Porte des Lions, and Galerie du Carrousel entrances.
103 ENSIETA : Ecole Nationale Sup é rieure des Ing é nieurs des Etudes et Techniques d'Armement.
104 This paper first researches the principle of encryption - decryption and the basic algorithm - Data Encryption Standard ( DES ).
105 One of the strongest encryption algorithms used by remote access authentication products is the widely tested and implemented industry-standard Data Encryption Standard (DES).
106 His experiments on indigo had been no more successful in the Jardin des Plantes than in his garden at Austerlitz.
107 Reagan was a former radio sports announcer, who in the 1930s recreated games of the Chicago Cubs for station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa.
107 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
108 L 'é criture des choses mat é rielles ne saurait ê tre diff é rente de celle envisag é e pour la litt é rature.
109 A private key encryption-decryption algorithm that uses a key that is twice the length of a Data Encryption Standard (DES) key.
110 Conclusions— Incomplete stent apposition is highly prevalent in patients with very late stent thrombosis after DES implantation, suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of this adverse event.
111 A city of central Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines. Population, 8, 482.
112 Defines a wrapper object to access the cryptographic service provider (CSP) version of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.
113 ESSA : Ecole du Service de sant é des arm é es de Bordeaux.
114 Se tenir au courant de l'actualit é , des grandes questions d'actualit é en France et dans le monde.
115 There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon.
116 Ascomycete car les spores sont enferm é s dans des sacs ( asques ) et hypog é e car souterraine.
117 Monsieur Dupont nous a apport é des disques de jazz. C'est fomidable.
118 Cryptographic transform libraries in OpenBSD include Blowfish, Data Encryption Standard (DES), 3DES, and Cast.
119 Represents the base class for the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm from which all DES implementations must derive.
120 Please make cheques payable to "Hong Kong Juvenile Diabetes Association" and send with completed form to Unit 1802, 18/F Tung Hip Comm. Bldg , 244-252 Des Voeux Rd Central, HK.
121 Il utilise des couleurs vives comme le rose, le vert et le bleu.
122 In some detail, the paper expounds the principle about simple power analysis(SPA) attacks against the general cryptography and a particular theory against data encryption standard (DES) algorithm.
123 In 1984 the Office International des Epizooties listed hog cholera as one of the A kind 16 legal infectious diseases because it caused huge economic loss.
125 H & ocirc ; tel National Des Invalids is a majestic building with a golden hemispherical housetop.
126 Objective To study the effects of diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) on the histomorphology of skeleton in ovariectomized rats.
127 The complete antigen, DES - BSA and DES - OVA , were synthesized by combining diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) with BSA or OVA.
128 DE VERLI, the top-class bespoke gentlemen's wear shop in Paris, has established itself at Avenue des Champs Elysees, the international fashion center, for more than one hundred years.
129 An assay of desmosine ( DES ) in elastin hydrolysate was performed by HPLC.
130 All above indicated that the DES could inhibit the proliferation of orchic cells in embryo, then influenced the testicle development, damaged the testicle structure.
131 M. the Prior and Vicar-General of Saint-Germain des Pres ordered a solemn procession of all his clergy, in which the Pope's Nuncio officiated.
132 DES declassified document source code, can declassify any type of any size document.
133 Ich habe die Modulation und Demodulation des analogen und digitalen Signal gelernt.
134 Le CIGB est aujourd'hui la vedette des centres de bio-sciences parmi ce qu'on appelle le Tiers-monde.
135 Pour sauvegarder des donn é es , tu utilise une disquette ou un graveur de CD?
136 Marne is a southwestern Iowa community with a population of just 149 or so, about 60 miles from Omaha and 80 miles from Des Moines.
137 Traders disagreed on the extent to how much higher-priced physical fixed price DES ARA deals were influencing bullish paper market sentiment.
137 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
138 A week ago she'd been in Des Moines buying a pink dress.
139 Kaulback has watched all sorts of wildlife traipse across his yard over the nearly 50 years he's lived in Des Plaines.
140 It is sponsored by businessman and philanthropist John Ruan and is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, a city in one of the great U.S. farming regions.
141 Realize ECM generation adopting DES algorithm and realize EMM generationadopting RSA algorithm.
142 Au bonheur des dames, the eleventh volume of the Rougon-Macquart series, is a novel about a Parisian department store named "Au Bonheur des Dames", created and imagined by Emile Zola.
143 In this thesis, the author wants to show the similarities and differences between Gaulle, Charles des and Konrad Adenauer s strategies and relevant political actions on European Integration.
144 This paper briefly describes the objects which may able to attack, and using security device-FPX4802/DES against these threats in Frame Relay network.
145 I went to Des Moines, Iowa, for the first time, to speak to a Democratic Party workshop for state and local officials.
146 DES, the United States Data Encryption Standard, is a block cipher algorithm with 8-byte long blocks and a key length of 56 bits.
147 DES(Data Encryption Standard) encryption arithmetic has stood the long test from when it became the encryption standard to now.
148 For the J2ME-based Kerberos client, I'll only support one encryption algorithm, which is DES (data encryption standard) in CBC (cipher block chaining) mode.
149 La plupart des gar ? ons aiment le sport, les filles pr é f è rent la musique.
151 By considering data encryption standard algorithm, an improved method of the digital image encryption based on DES is proposed in this paper.
152 While this girl's getup might pass for Comme des Gar?
153 His elder sister had also des eloped a similar skin pigmentary defect since about the same age.
154 By comparison with Data Encryption Standard (DES), the concept to design new key generation algorithm of block ciphers was analyzed.
155 Pardon, o ù se trouve le rayon des chaussures et des chapeaux?
156 The paper describes the structure and principle of PCI interface logic emphatically and analyzes the key of the timing design. Finally the software and hardware des...
157 This paper first introduces the architecture of our access switch, and then provides the framework of the software system. We will emphasis on the des...
158 Vertically into the needle, gently rotate Des needle extraction, good adhesive plaster paste.
159 The Bishop had just bent down, and was sighing as he examined a plant of cochlearia des Guillons, which the basket had broken as it fell across the bed.
160 Graduated Master of Fine Arts Degree at Hong Ik University, Korea. She had attended art course at the Fontainebleau Ecole des Beaux-Arts , France.
161 At the earth of Saint Emilion appellation, Clos des Menuts is a good-keeping wine which is round and full-bodied.
162 Stentdrug - eluting stent ( DES ) implantation, and its cause remains unknown.
163 Luo est furieux contre l'organisation des secours et les autorit é s locales.
164 Bonne connaissance de l anglais et pratique des outils informatiques.
165 ENSMM : Ecole nationale sup é rieure de m é canique et des microtechniques.
166 Nous avons vu aussi des Tib é tains tu é s ou bless é s.
167 Celtic tribes may have founded the city and also established a fort at the site now known as Rocher des Doms,( ) along Avignon’s northern edge.
168 In this article, it was adopt symmetric encryption DES (data encryption standard, DES) algorithm, To achieve higher security, we have developed triple DES algorithm, 3-DES is an upgrading of DES.
169 The Des Moines, Iowa, group plans flash mobs at three malls in an attempt to get people to think more about what they're buying.
170 DES cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt important data, files, safe.
171 Bravo Sport : Lukas , du wurdest ja bei der WM 2006 zum besten Youngster des Turniers gew? hlt.
172 ENST BRETAGNE : Ecole nationale sup é rieure des t é l é communications de Bretagne.
173 In places like Des Moines, that often means young people leave to explore the country when they reach college age, but eventually head back home, says Hamilton-Morris.
174 A recently developed theory of discrete event system(DES) provided a uniform and efficient method for test of the digital and analog signal in the mixed-signal circuits.
175 It has arrived at the Hotel des Princes , Rue de Richelieu.
176 A transketolase - defective Bacillus subtilis strains HG 02 was treated with diethylsulfate ( DES ) to obtain D - ribose producing strain.
177 It features a 1/2 scale, 540 foot (164.6 m) tall replica of the Eiffel Tower out front, a two-thirds size Arc de Triomphe , the Montgolfier balloon , and a replica of La Fontaine des Mers .
178 DES encryption and decryption system, including avalanche effect Differential analysis of the contents.
179 Liberty offers Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption with Over-the-air Rekeying (OTAR) and all of the typical features that are available in LMRs today.
180 This is the catalogue for the exhibition in the Orangerie des Tuileries, Paris.
181 Conclusion: Like DES, both GEN and OP possess estrogenic property and may affect the growth and development of rats.
182 Gordon Brown's ill-judged appointment of Des Browne in 2006 as defence secretary, doubling the next year as Scottish secretary, alienated some of the top brass.
183 She looked as American as anyone I might have passed in the streets of Des Moines or Denver.
184 American Press Institute advertising Vice President Myrtle gowkarran des said.
185 Les Bains Des Docks Aquatic Center in Le Havre, France, is the brain child of designer Jean Nouvel, a stunning center of relaxation inspired by classic Roman baths.
186 ENSPM : Ecole nationale sup é rieure du p é trole et des moteurs.
187 Now his work has earned him this year's World Food Prize from the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines, Iowa.
188 Furthermore, in order to real-time computing and display in a two-frequency laser interferometer, a"speedy random pulse subtractor" is developed, its main clue and features are briefly des...
189 Shunning law - lessons, Bonnard attended the Academic Julian and in 1888 entered the Ecole des Beaux - Arts.
190 In this research, firstly, DES was mixed with succinic anhydride, the production is DES hemisuccinate (DES-HS) , which was purified and identified by high-resolution Mass Spectroscopy.
191 With analysis of DES encryption algorithm and declassification process, this paper pointed out its shortcomings, and introduced seven improvements to enhance its security.
192 Most DES students are sponsored by the National Department of Education.
193 A methodology to design and characterize a DPA-resistant standard cell library is introduced in this paper, and then the designed standard cells are used to implement an S-box of DES.
194 Selbst der gr & ouml ; & szlig ; te Unsinn aus dem Munde des Dalai Lama bleibt unwidersprochen.
195 DES algorithm combines 64 express importation into 64 blocks of dense text output block , it is also the key 64.
196 He left behind him the Rue de la Clef, then the Fountain Saint-Victor, skirted the Jardin des Plantes by the lower streets, and reached the quay.
197 Confecleration Generale des Travailleurs de Mauritanie: f. 1992; obtained official recognition in 1994.
198 Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Dienestrol (DI) are synthetic estrogen and as a growth promoter in meat-producing animals and fowl.
199 A model francis turbine with two new types of guide vanes is simulated using DES model.
200 For the Des Moines, Iowa, teenager, her 14,000 texts-per-month habit reaped its own rewards, landing her the competition prize of $50,(http:///des.html)000 just eight months after she got her first cell phone.
201 Une question: il y a en France des bons forums de la R é publique de Chine?
202 Cryptography curriculum design to achieve DES encryption and decryption functions.
203 The strain BX - 2 ( Bacillus subtilis ) was matagenized by ultraviolet light and DES , a high - D - ribose - producing strain ( BY - 5 ) was obtained.
204 So I agree to meet with them in Des Moines the following week.
205 Ce jardin est le lieu de rencontre privil é gi é des promeneurs.
206 Georges Seurat studied at the Ecole des Beaux - Arts where he was a disciplined and academic student.
207 The session will open at 10 a.m. on Monday, 23 May 2011, in room XIX of the Palais des Nations.
208 Taking advantages of DES algorithm and chaotic sequences, the communication system is securer than that using any encryption technique lonely.
209 Conclusion The massage increases traction under the Acupotomy Des stellate ganglion block treatment of cervical syndrome.
210 Heavy metal pollution des sevious harm to plant growth and development, crop yields and qualities, and does sevious harm to human and environment by the bio - megascopic effect of biochains.
211 Do you think DES is suitable for all patients and all lesions?
212 Mr Monod was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux .
213 This awareness runs from the pedestrian (such as not showing plaintext in a password field on a login page) to dizzying heights of cryptographic methods (such as DES, MD5, SHA1, Blowfish).
214 Wendell Cox is a Visiting Professor, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris and the author of " War on the Dream: How Anti-Sprawl Policy Threatens the Quality of Life"
215 American 20th century data encryption standard DES is so far usesbroadly, discusses one of most block cipher algorithms.
216 Transboundary animal diseases such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), screwworm and peste des petits ruminants (PPR) are especially threatening in Iraq and in the region.
217 L'amour comporte des moments vraiment exaltants, ce sont les ruptures.
218 The key and the plain text are processed together according to the DES algorithm to produce the encrypted (cipher text) form of the plain text data.
219 La Chine est un pays immense . Chanque r é gion est diff é rente des autres.
220 The perks that attracted Hamilton-Morris' family to Des Moines are among the reasons it tops our list of the best cities to raise a family.
221 Introduced DES, AES, and IDEA encryption algorithm, RSA, and ECC encryption algorithm, finally, produced the mix crypto-algorithm design proposal.
222 In this paper a function calculation method of preloaded bending moment distribution for leaves of spring is des...
223 Made by the court artisan Fran?ois Jacob-Desmalter in around 1810, the table was placed in the Palais des Tuileries, close to the Louvre in Paris.
224 Hence, in "Das Wesen des Christenthums", he regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice is conceived and fixed only in its dirty- judaical manifestation.
225 The Discrete Event System(DES) theory gives a uniform, systemic and efficient method for the measure of digital and analog signals in the mixed-signal circuits.
226 We implement and verify the DES circuit on behavior level and Register Transfer Level (RTL).
227 Objective To induce hypospadias in rats by diethylstilbestrol ( DES ).
228 Un film de Coppola ,(/des.html) [ et ] des h é licopt è res en col è re.
229 Whereafter , realizes the DES algorithm, changes the kernel, and adds some functional kernel modules.
230 A complement register structure is proposed for a DES circuit. The structure can reduce the differential power signal of a DES circuit and lead to the failure of differential power analysis.
231 "You feel safe all the time, and people are extremely friendly, " says Hamilton-Morris, a spokeswoman for the city of Des Moines, Iowa.
232 While these issues have killed many proposals elsewhere, some public high schools including those in Minneapolis and West Des Moines have adopted later starting times.
233 He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.
234 Spiel des Jahres Winner , Special Award for Fantasy Game.
235 Des Moines attorney and former candidate for Iowa state treasurer Joan Bolin agrees.




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