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单词 Conflicting
(1) A thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through his mind.
(2) The debate is centred around two conflicting theories.
(3) The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
(4) She felt torn by conflicting emotions.
(5) There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.
(6) There are conflicting views about what caused the accident.
(7) Confusion reigned when the two managers gave conflicting instructions.
(8) The jury heard conflicting evidence from three different witnesses.
(9) She was prey to all kinds of conflicting emotions.
(10) They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.
(11) The debate brings together experts with conflicting views.
(12) I had been given a great deal of conflicting advice.
(13) There have been conflicting reports on the number of people killed.
(14) We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests.
(15) Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.
(16) My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter.
(17) He used technology to mediate between conflicting political goals.
(18) A positive image in conflicting times.
(19) These conflicting values waged war in my subconscious.
(20) We are faced with a fund of conflicting speculations.
(21) They often occur because of conflicting considerations producing inactivity.
(22) Alvin Sharpes stiffened[ ], torn by conflicting obligations.
(23) But theories -- often conflicting -- abound.
(24) Determination weighed the heavier in his conflicting emotions.
(25) However, conflicting opinions of several doctors gained their acquittal.
(26) Not surprisingly research on different places produced conflicting results.
(27) My Internet provider gives conflicting answers.
(28) With all this brass flying overhead, conflicting orders were a real possibility.
(29) My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
(30) But so must the subsidiary places of other modes and classes, despite their conflicting interests.
(1) A thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through his mind.
(2) The debate is centred around two conflicting theories.
(3) The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
(4) She felt torn by conflicting emotions.
(5) There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.
(6) Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.
(31) No firm recommendations on weeding practice can be drawn from the conflicting findings of these reports.
(32) Inconsistencies can be very confusing for young children and conflicting attitudes over toilet training and discipline can lead to frustration and unhappiness.
(33) Nader advanced a variety of conflicting predictions for the Democratic party over the course of an hour.
(34) Your contribution may well resolve some of this difference or create more conflicting points for further argument.
(35) Discusses the conflicting arguments for and against sustainable development, with particular reference to architecture.
(36) There have been conflicting reports concerning the form of gastrin that is increased in H pylori infection.
(37) These conflicting currents of public opinion have a particular fascination for me.
(38) There had been conflicting opinions by individual judges on whether injuries must be sustained by a living person before next-of-kin could sue.
(39) That collision of conflicting air masses usually causes particularly rambunctious storms to slam California.
(40) These conflicting demands of the two principles are something of which people are consciously aware.
(41) Caroline realised that she was floundering in such a morass of conflicting emotions that she hardly knew what to resent most.
(42) Although there was conflicting testimony on whether or not the course was religious, the judge ruled that it was.
(43) The conflicting thoughts gnawed at his mind like wasps at a timber.
(44) She is flailing about in a cultural whirlpool of conflicting expectations, standards and demands.
(45) Some legislators feel such deep loyalty to particular group or societal norms that they seldom experience seriously conflicting pressures.
(46) Previous studies of the effect of smoking on gall bladder disease have reported conflicting results.
(47) Turning away from forecasts and towards theories about the relationship between technical change and employment we find a number of conflicting views.
(48) Unprecedented secrecy and conflicting information surrounds the launch of the book.
(49) The response of most governments has been to manipulate the economy in order to secure some trade-off between the conflicting economic objectives.
(50) Conflicting official versions of the circumstances of the assassination fed doubts as to where ultimate responsibility lay.
(51) Ever since the very beginning the pentecostal phenomenon has been the subject of conflicting interpretations.
(52) The classification exercise provides another arena for the conflicting points of view as to the relative importance of good people as opposed to good systems.
(53) But she was being battered by so many conflicting emotions that her brain felt numb.
(54) When conflicting political interests were involved, the supervisor would be forced, however reluctantly, to choose between them.
(55) My own life is contorted with conflicting ideas, plans and decisions.
(56) And I marvel at how two conflicting philosophies could shoot out in opposite directions and then somehow manage to connect.
(57) Somewhere in the middle of the conflicting forces Bush must decide whether stem cell research should get federal funding.
(58) The effect of wage rates is a result of two conflicting elements.
(59) Firstly there is the assumption that a settlement comprises individuals, groups and sub- groups who have conflicting interests and goals.
(60) Whenever their conflicting playing schedules allowed, these two attractive superstars of sport managed to meet in a blaze of publicity.
(61) Conflicting views' Of course arable land in some places is going out of cultivation because of erosion and other destructive forces.
(62) Wars, hot and cold, were not the product of competing alliances but of conflicting ideologies.
(63) The announcement came from the Department of Health, besieged by a welter of conflicting evidence.
(64) Assessment of intestinal permeability in ulcerative colitis after the ingestion of various markers has yielded conflicting results.
(65) Some working moms worry about the conflicting demands of home and job.
(66) Faced with conflicting advice from radio stations and the state authorities about whether to evacuate, many people just fled.
(67) The elements selected from the confusion of conflicting movements have this different and very distinctive bias.
(68) Schools have to attempt to satisfy the conflicting demands of a whole range of individuals and groups.
(69) Water had to be continually directed, rivers deepened, dikes checked, canals dug, and conflicting interests reconciled.
(70) Furthermore, the packets were too costly for the average people to buy, conflicting with the second criterion.
(71) With two conflicting styles of dancing taking place simultaneously on sometimes crowded dance floors, collisions are bound to happen.
(72) Attempts to measure bile salts directly by continuous aspiration have produced conflicting results.
(73) The situation is further complicated because of the tensions created by conflicting expectations.
(74) The task of the state apparatuses is therefore to mediate between the conflicting interests of classes.
(75) Where two agencies put forward conflicting options, the search is inevitably on for a third option, which may involve negotiation.
(76) As with the Casket Letters,[sentence dictionary] conflicting theories concerning the event have proliferated ever since.
(77) The president signed a series of laws reintroducing a peculiar mixture of conflicting symbols from the past.
(78) Beneath all these particular situations there are conflicting values which claim the law's attention.
(79) However the research has been of variable quality, there are conflicting findings, and the full implications for practice remain unclear.
(80) The social sciences embody a range of sometimes conflicting stances towards the human world.
(81) But it became a real nightmare of conflicting noises a little later on.
(82) And Whitehurst suggested that, when technical instruments produced conflicting results, lab guidelines at times were unclear on how to proceed.
(83) For a moment Peng Yu-wei hesitated, his duty to chaperone the children conflicting with the explicit command of the young master.
(84) Other treaties stipulate that no conflicting obligations can be made, but without specifying any consequence of breach.
(85) We need to ensure that such increases can be accommodated without conflicting with the core work carried out in support of our primary objectives.
(86) They learn quickly, and keep trying even in confusing and conflicting circumstances. 2.
(87) Sometimes different people have conflicting frames of reference that can lead to problems of understanding.
(88) Various parties pursued conflicting objectives, often making tenuous alliances with each other for the sole purpose of expediency.
(89) Which of these conflicting sides of the country will prevail became a matter of intense conjecture after the Kursk disaster.
(90) There were many conflicting smells -- musty scents suggestive of faded perfumes, herbal teas, and an aging woman.
(91) It has, however, yet to establish its credentials in understanding the views and conflicting perspectives of local communities.
(92) The root of the problem, however, lies in the capitalist form of production which generates these conflicting tendencies.
(93) How will the new millennium children reconcile conflicting demands on scarce resources against the background of global warming?
(94) Evidence linking vitamin antioxidants and cancer obtained from epidemiological studies is conflicting.
(95) PEAS-the ruling alliance-was a classic coalition of conflicting interests(), united in a common hatred but divided by irreconcilable ambition.
(96) The research is designed to adjudicate between these conflicting theories.
(97) We are only a small organisation and there are many conflicting demands on our time.
(98) Bradwell also claimed that the issue highlighted conflicting rights of parents and school over the moral education of the children.
(99) The authors also briefly review some of the earlier research and suggest that the conclusions appears to be conflicting.
(100) There is no previous Supreme Court ruling on this subject, although state courts have made conflicting judgments since the 1970s.
(101) Equally conflicting results with regard to glycaemic control and platelet-specific protein levels have been reported in longitudinal studies.
(102) Attitudes expressed in the poll reflect a society with conflicting views of firearms.
(103) When the session was adjourned, the judiciary and defence lawyers gave conflicting accounts of the outcome.
(104) Sometimes these two-survival and acquiring a mate are conflicting goals.
(105) States are expected to ensure that they do not enter into conflicting treaty arrangements.
(106) As a result of diminishing confidence and conflicting internal impulses, the organization inevitably falls into patterns of self-defeating organizational behavior.
(106) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(107) There are conflicting reports as to whether negative feedback inhibition exists in humans and whether it is mediated by cholecystokinin.
(108) There have been many conflicting ideas and suggestions about what should be done.
(109) Programs designed to motivate patients into leaving voluntarily brought into sharp focus conflicting institutional dynamics inherent in the leprosarium setting.
(110) This may result in his experiencing conflicting approaches and being given contradictory advice.
(111) In so far as the flat told us anything at all, it told two conflicting stories.
(112) Dwyer also wanted to ensure that conflicting political and business factions did not undermine the regeneration strategy.
(113) The inquest jury returned an open verdict because of conflicting evidence.
(114) In numerous House and Senate hearings, Congress heard conflicting testimony from expert witnesses.
(115) In the final analysis, conflicting molecular data sets can be judged by considering the biology of the considered organisms.
(116) In the final analysis, the Supreme Court will be called upon to resolve these conflicting interpretations.
(117) When the law imposes obligations it does so by seeking to balance conflicting claims.
(118) Sabine watched him go, prey to all kinds of conflicting emotions.
(119) In order to understand your conflicting emotions, it may pay you to seek some help from a counsellor.
(120) Billis and Harris have identified the conflicting goals of funders and agencies as a major concern in the voluntary sector.
(121) There have been conflicting reports of raised levels of neutralising, circulating antibodies to adenovirus 12 in coeliac disease patients.
(122) Similar conflicting policies prevail in the context of treaties and third parties.
(123) These authors identify two conflicting influences on total labor requirements that arise during this transition.
(124) The very act of concluding a conflicting treaty would constitute breach and could be treated as such by its other parties.
(125) And gender relationships may be subject to the problems that can arise from conflicting discourses about femininity or masculinity.
(126) This is not a problem of conflicting treaties but of domestic policy conflicting with an agreement.
(127) These are the more controversial matters where sometimes people have conflicting views or there are dilemmas and contradictions for people.
(128) We shall soon be knee-deep in conflicting legal views here.
(129) There are conflicting reports of spontaneous and stimulated growth hormone secretion in childhood Crohn's disease.
(130) Emerging technologies Airline pilots offer conflicting views about the safety of flying into Lindbergh Field.
(131) Assessing the magnitude of these conflicting variables and their impact on management motivation is clearly problematical.
(132) In the Phoenix case, and from the perspective of local officials, the federal program contains conflicting objectives.
(133) Conflicting treaties A different claim is where an earlier treaty contains a restriction upon entry into subsequent treaties.
(134) If treatment was applied to the generality of elderly people with hypertension these conflicting trial results suggest four possible outcomes.
(135) Even the active minority will feel torn between conflicting loyalties.
(136) The mind of a young child is not yet strong enough to hold the two conflicting emotions.
(137) How do you make sense out of the many conflicting issues and statements about the political world that confront you each day?
(138) The conflicting interests of client,[] contractor and subcontractor have provided the basis for numerous court cases.
(139) She'd felt strangely vulnerable, half afraid, overcome by a mass of conflicting emotions.
(140) If state laws establish certain certification requirements for teachers, the collective bargaining contract can not set up conflicting standards.
(141) How does an organization go about achieving this harmonious blend of conflicting interests?
(142) We were bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
(143) Of Sally Brass , conflicting rumors went abroad.
(144) Her heart was rent by conflicting emotions.
(145) He reflects on these conflicting memories.
(146) Uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting games.
(147) Metaphor and irony juxtapose meanings: harmonious, contrasting, or conflicting.
(148) They confused me by their conflicting advice.
(149) The two approaches are not conflicting but complementary.
(150) Her heart is torn by conflicting emotions.
(151) Conflicting fancies milled about in his mind.
(152) Before the flight went down, sensors gave conflicting information on air speed to the plane's computers, possibly because of ice.
(153) I went back to the hotel with very conflicting feelings in my breast.
(154) There are conflicting reports about the future of the Syrian ambassador to France, Lamia Chakkour.
(155) Cross-border tax disputes can arise when two states assert conflicting rights to tax an individual or company.
(156) Shareholders have to weigh up the conflicting risks, and these are usually reflected in share prices during the offer period.
(157) There may also be misalignment between words, tone and body language, such as gestural slips, which are physical equivalents of speech errors and indicate internal conflicting thoughts.
(158) In contemporary administrative practice, these conflicting concerns are addressed through a series of information disclosure statutes.
(159) Explain the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or advisor in meeting conflicting needs of stakeholders.
(160) In other words, Macau in determining their own cultural identity, the emergence of St. Paul's arches and the Lisboa Hotel, the two conflicting cultural symbol.
(161) The task of the state apparatuses is to mediate between the conflicting interests of classes.
(162) Currently it is not possible to reconcile this conflicting evidence.
(163) However, they found no link between the use of enteric-coated aspirin and resistance to the drug; past studies, they note, have had "conflicting" findings on this point.
(164) Here we outline some of the some-times conflicting forces moulding the debate.
(165) There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage.
(166) Multiobjective optimization is a useful mathematical model in many areas, such as economics, engineering, and decision making, to solve real world problems with conflicting objectives.
(167) Besides, E-zine and contents Provide business tradition distribution channel etc. may be confronted with benefit conflicting in the pattern making use of advertisement to gain a profit.
(168) The actual file number is conflicting with the management regulations.
(169) These not-so-silent partners may have conflicting interests or demands and the consequences can be devastating.
(170) Summers is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who believes in trying to keep the conflicting forces of the U.S. economy--free trade, worker protections, rising incomes and fair tax rates--in balance.
(171) They believed that China would be the stage for the conflicting Anglo Saxon and Slav civilizations.
(172) Because of the multiple relations, managers of IJV may be in a quandary, and exhibit confused multiple commitments and conflicting loyalties.
(173) These results may help to explain some of the conflicting data in the literature.
(174) That contretemps is just one example of the conflicting signals on the UK economy.
(175) The agenda manages the execution order of these conflicting rules using a conflict resolution strategy.
(176) To find the service conflicting with the program follow this trial and error method.
(177) The present medical security mechanism has many conflicting aspects and problems.
(178) Any conflicting designations of the assets in your Account by will, revocable living trust or any other instrument.
(179) Although study results have been somewhat conflicting, evidence suggests that devil's claw may help relieve low back and neck pain.
(180) We see his conflicting emotions both to see and not to see, a sense that he wished to observe and yet he is at, in some ways, at war with himself, knowing to gawk, to stare at this sight.
(181) Rather, the author obviously disagrees so goes about siting other, conflicting, studies.
(182) The super-ego tends to stand in opposition to the desires of the id because of their conflicting objectives, and is aggressive towards the ego.
(183) Conflicting statistics: Inconsistent statistics may cause the optimizer to derive the wrong estimated costs and to make the wrong decision on access plan assessment.
(184) Neuropathological studies have also failed to establish a clear diagnostic neuropathology , and findings have often been conflicting.
(185) Objectives of the syllabus Explain the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or advisor in meeting conflicting needs of stakeholders.
(186) The present consumption behaviour of female in China is of the following characteristics: arriviste consumption after inhibition, conflicting and symbolizing consumption.
(187) Now in my topic, the two temptations, one to abandon ourselves in the power arena and the other to live peacefully far from the madding crowd, are always conflicting with each other.
(188) Many Shakespearian tragedies are about conflicting family loyalties or a character seeking to punish others for the wrongful death of a loved one.
(189) Mixing the aversive with the appetitive sends conflicting information to the brain, and confusion is what the senses are trying to avoid as they supply you with useful, lifesaving information.
(190) Furthermore, two or more applications sharing processor time could be issuing conflicting instructions to the hardware.
(191) In addition, we give an algorithm to resolve the policy conflicts, and transform the conflicting policies into conflict-free ones.
(192) Underlying the legal questions about the oversight program are conflicting perceptions about its practical value.
(193) We already know that traditional toxicological assays and models can produce conflicting and often irreproducible results for nanomaterials.
(194) Prapai Sanusan, is a social welfare worker in this community of some 170,000 people. She says many conflicting announcements by authorities in recent days have led to increasing anxiety.
(195) But, even today, much about Scott Joplin remains a mystery. There is conflicting information about the most basic facts, like when and where he was born.
(196) A series of emotions subtle and conflicting flowed behind the surface of his face.
(197) The bubble policy was the source of conflicting rulings in the D . C . Circuit.
(198) Have the ability to handle multiple tasks and conflicting objectives with a sense of balance.
(199) It is worth discussing that the legal fiction in judical interpretation may exceed interpretation authority and limitation,[http://] which is conflicting with the views of modern criminal law.
(200) They are used to resolving conflicting principles, says Dick Willems gold , a Dutch doctor and ethicist.
(201) The system will overwrite any conflicting files and patching any faulty programming.
(202) The conflicting influences of town and country colored the entire period of my school life.
(203) Deadlock prevention: ConTest can analyze whether locks were taken nestedly in conflicting order, which indicates a danger of deadlock.
(204) The human soul is hospitable, and will entertain conflicting sentiments and contradictory opinions with much impartiality.
(205) Background: There hae been conflicting descriptions of brachialis muscle anatomy in the literature.
(206) Such estimates can aid the breeder by pointing to conflicting trends in relation to selection.
(207) Autonomy: refers to the extent of the state's independence from self - serving and conflicting social pressures.
(208) The QS regulation requires that the input procedures shall address incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.
(209) Lucy is also able to see the conflicting change (in inverse order) in the modeling changes and workspace changes panes.
(210) The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.
(211) The Fed has to pursue full employment and low inflation by the Federal Reserve Act of 1978, but these two objectives are conflicting.
(212) There are two conflicting explanations for the origin of the common name for the thyroid cartilage in men.
(213) These results show that it is possible to completely reverse normal behavioral responses by presenting males with unanticipated and conflicting sensory cues.
(214) Profit system is the core of husbandry industrialisation. The focuses of conflicting in Sunan husbandry industrialisation are that the system is not sound or perfect enough.
(215) The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction.
(216) If supervisors have conflicting opinions when they exercise their authorities independently, the chief supervisor shall call the meeting of the Board of Supervisors to resolve it.
(217) Are they non-toxic to humans, the environment, both?I've found conflicting information about the toxicity of ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (which Lush would call a "safe synthetic") et al.
(218) This "reality principle" makes sure we meet the needs of the Id, without conflicting with the laws of the Ego.
(219) E pluribus unum? All these conflicting interests are helping to polarise further America's politics.
(220) There were conflicting reports about which side controlled Sirte's main Avicenna Hospital.
(221) Management has two conflicting objectives with respect to the accounts receivable.
(222) The results in the experiment supported the conflicting cues theory but did not support the misapplied size constancy theory.
(223) The pilots got conflicting air speed readings in the minutes leading up to the crash, according to an interim report.
(224) The net effect of these conflicting tendencies has not been empirically resolved.
(225) The link between anger and injuries has been more tenuous; studies have yielded conflicting results.
(226) There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north - south differentiation in loblolly pine.
(227) A process in which a specified data station resolves conflicting or erroneous conditions arising during the transfer of data.
(228) They begin with a discussion about audience and a detailed case-study on four conflicting analyses of Capra's It's A Wonderful Life.
(229) Much like a teeter-totter(), one's life goes through periods of harmony and periods of difficulty with those that one has conflicting ties within extreme polarity.
(230) There is no way of reconciling the conflicting interests of the parties.
(231) Conflicting views of the Chinese economy's health are thwarting negotiations over iron - ore prices.
(232) In takeover of the target company, the directors stand in the center of the conflicting interests.
(233) This content that signs up for exposure and Kilpatrick are in before this the testimony on the court is conflicting, because perjured blame loses government-owned put in prison, force a mayor finally.
(234) They are used to resolving conflicting principles, says Dick Willems, a Dutch doctor and ethicist.
(235) Toxicology requires that all authors sign a declaration of conflicting interests.
(236) Chapter Four will explain the causes of Hawthorne's conflicting Puritanism in The House in the social,(http:///conflicting.html) religious and biographic aspects.
(237) There was no difference in readmission rates at any follow-up time and results for hospital length of stay were conflicting.




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