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单词 Rarely
1. Great men are rarely isolated mountain-peaks; they are summits of ranges. 
2. The police rarely shoot to kill .
3. She is old and rarely goes out.
4. She was rarely astir later than 7 o'clock.
5. Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question.
6. Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.
7. Rarely have I seen such a scene.
8. The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise.
9. Industry rarely thrives under government control.
10. She was a placid child who rarely cried.
11. Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.
12. Cancellations and late departures rarely rile him.
13. The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans.
14. This is an area rarely visited by Europeans.
15. He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.
16. Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.
17. It rarely happened that people in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.
18. One can habituate oneself to living alone, though rarely with any pleasure.
19. She very rarely complains.
20. It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely avowed.
21. Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
22. His mother had rarely criticized him or any of her children.
23. He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything.
24. Nowadays people are rarely shocked by the sex they see on television.
25. Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.
26. They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.
28. The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet. 
29. The secret of a good momory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it-- We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. 
30. Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it.
1. The police rarely shoot to kill .
2. She is old and rarely goes out.
3. She was rarely astir later than 7 o'clock.
4. Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question.
5. Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.
6. Rarely have I seen such a scene.
7. The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise.
8. Industry rarely thrives under government control.
9. She was a placid child who rarely cried.
10. Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.
11. Cancellations and late departures rarely rile him.
12. The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans.
13. This is an area rarely visited by Europeans.
14. He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.
15. Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.
16. It rarely happened that people in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.
17. One can habituate oneself to living alone, though rarely with any pleasure.
18. She very rarely complains.
19. It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely avowed.
20. Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
21. His mother had rarely criticized him or any of her children.
22. He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything.
23. Nowadays people are rarely shocked by the sex they see on television.
24. Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.
25. They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.
26. In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. His executive position entitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others.
28. The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
29. Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
31. His executive position entitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others.
32. The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
33. I rarely buy anything second-hand.
34. I had rarely seen him so animated.
35. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong.
36. The animals do not hunt and rarely consume meat.
37. Fortune has rarely smiled on me.
38. Immigrants rarely return to their country of origin .
39. Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
40. We rarely dine out these days.
41. The leader rarely shows herself in public.
42. She owns a car but rarely drives it.
43. I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely.
44. These animals rarely thrive in captivity.
45. She very rarely asserts her authority over the children.
46. His work rarely rises above the mediocre.
47. He's a very private man and rarely does interviews.
48. She rarely went anywhere except to her office.
49. Pandas rarely mate in captivity.
50. She is rarely yielding on such an issue.
51. I rarely have time to read a newspaper.
52. More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.
53. A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children.
54. This method is rarely used in modern laboratories.
55. The collection is rarely on view to the public.
56. Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention.
57. Animals rarely live in completely stable environments.
58. She is rarely seen in public nowadays.
59. She dallies over her work and rarely finishes it.
60. Only rarely do I eat in restaurants.
61. Journalists are rarely admitted to the region.
62. Leicester rarely threatened to pierce the Manchester United defence.
63. In olden times, people rarely travelled.
64. We rarely see each other now.
65. Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.
66. He rarely appears in public these days.
67. I rarely eat in restaurants.
68. Newspaper reports rarely get anyone's name right.
69. This type of bee rarely stings.
70. Peter is rarely / seldom late.
71. Jean rarely sounded so negative about her mother.
72. The two groups rarely meet socially.
73. He rarely gets up before noon.
74. Members of the Senate rarely attack each other personally.
75. In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.
76. He rarely used taxis, which he regarded as extravagant.
77. He rarely comes here anymore.
78. The bars rarely hot up before 1am.
79. I rarely have short drinks.
80. Dictators rarely go down without a fight.
81. McKenzie's judgement rarely lets him down.
82. He rarely consents to do interviews.
83. Temperatures rarely rise above zero in winter.
84. The temperature rarely drops below 30°C.
85. They rarely ventured beyond their local market town.
86. These days divorce is rarely contested.
87. Events of this type rarely go according to plan.
88. We rarely agree on what to do.
89. The trains are rarely on time.
90. He rarely follows through with anything.
91. He rarely mingles with other students on the campus.
92. The subject was rarely mentioned in polite society.
93. He was a happy child who rarely cried.
94. Children rarely show any appreciation of/for what their parents do for them.
95. I go out most weekends, but rarely during the week.
96. Legal questions rarely exist in the abstract; they are based on real cases.
97. Rarely do schoolteachers have leeway to teach classes the way they want.
98. It's not that I don't like her - it's just that we rarely agree on anything!
99. Geniality is my middle name. I rarely write a fierce word about any restaurant.
100. Brian rarely, if ever, goes to bed before 3 am.
101. We keep in contact by phone but we rarely see each other.
102. He can be magical, he can be comical, but only rarely does he occupy the middle ground.
103. You will rarely, if ever, have to wait longer than an hour.
104. Sometimes customers buy books in twos and threes, but rarely in larger quantities than that.
105. Lady Ainslie is an undemonstrative woman who rarely touches even her own son.
106. In Italy they rarely do things by halves. Designers work thoroughly, producing the world's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics.
107. As a student she lived very economically, rarely going out and buying very few clothes.
108. He's a family man who rarely goes out with his friends.
109. He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign.
110. Of course, as a teacher I had authority, but rarely did I have occasion to use it.
111. Twenty years ago environmental issues rarely made the news .
112. He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves.
113. I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.
114. Developing countries which are anxious for hard currency can rarely afford to protect the environment.
115. He's not very generous with his money; he'll pay for necessary things, but rarely lashes out.
116. My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am.
117. I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.
118. In all his years as a book publisher,[] he rarely backed the wrong horse.
119. The phrase "yeah yeah yeah" can rarely have been delivered with so much unhinged passion.
120. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.
121. The players are bonded by a spirit that is rarely seen in an English team.
122. I'm rarely under pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me.
123. His familiarity with many rarely used languages surprised us all.
124. Following her son's death, she became quiet and withdrawn and rarely went out.
125. Over half of those questioned said they rarely took any exercise.
126. She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.
127. This disease is rarely transferred from mother to baby .
128. Now a celebrity chef, he rarely talks about his life as an army cook.
129. Money was plentiful, and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure.
130. There is a secret collusive relationship between politics and the media which the outside world rarely glimpses.
131. In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints which are rarely seen.
132. You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.
133. The club is careful not to let the younger players be overexposed, and rarely allows them to be interviewed.
134. She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop.
135. a dreadful little man . Note that it is usually only used before a noun and that it is rarely used in the comparative and superlative.
136. Such fish is rarely met with in the north country.
137. His children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work.
138. The museum has a large reserve collection in storage, which members of the public rarely get to see.
139. She rarely sleeps for eight hours at a stretch .
140. In contrast to similar services in France and Germany, Intercity rolling stock is very rarely idle.
141. Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.
142. She rarely spoke her mind out of fear of being ridiculed.
143. But you could rarely be absolutely certain.
144. Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? George W. Bush 
145. McKinsey rarely acquires other businesses, preferring to grow organically.
146. Rarely promise, but, if lawful,[] constantly perform. William Penn 
147. I never paint landscapes and I rarely travel abroad.
148. We are rarely proud when we are alone. Voltaire 
149. The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde 
150. Although some modern dancers do without music in the accepted sense of that term, they rarely do without rhythmic phrasing.
151. To tell the truth is very difficult, and young people are rarely capable of it. Leo Tolstoy 
152. After the great disaster of his failed health reforms, he rarely tried again to do anything bold.
153. I rarely drink in the week, and I've never acquired a taste for wine.
154. He had grown accustomed to Salomon Brothers' bonus sessions, where he had rarely got more than he expected.
155. Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them. Oscar Wilde 
156. If you love someone but rarely make yourself available to him or her, that is not true love. Thich Nhat Hanh 
157. Poor families could rarely afford medical insurance and treatment for more than one member, usually the father.
158. She pointed out that they rarely seemed to express affection towards Pamela and that this might be making her feel insecure.
159. As a result, there is rarely the time to provide adequate explanations as to why a particular step is carried out.
160. Solar and lunar eclipses, however, occurred far too rarely to provide any meaningful aid to navigation.
161. I am always amazed that the basic rules of portraiture are rarely taught.
162. In return, Blackpool trams were granted access to the Company tracks as far as Lytham, but rarely exercised the privilege.
163. By contrast, Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, rarely display affection in public.
164. Having ditched Belladonna, they produced an album burning with an intensity and fury rarely paralleled.
165. People rarely succeed unless they are believers of positive values and good habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
166. But schools are rarely held accountable for a far worse rate of failure.
167. Rarely, it seems, is a park committee and farmer unable to reach agreement.
168. Even in summer, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.
169. I am against the notion that comedians are loners. However the fact remains that we comedians and character artistes are far more sensitive than heroes. We feel more, observe more, convey more and are easily hurt. With he¬roes it is not the case. They would rather hurt than be hurt. They rarely express what is inside them. Asrani 
170. Criminal libel is unlikely to occur other than rarely, but is available to define the limits of acceptable behaviour.
171. Young men's friendships rarely achieve the depth of intimacy of young women's.
172. Questionnaires are rarely useful, because greater time and cost are involved in administering them.
173. Technology offers us a unique opportunity, though rarely welcome, to practice patience. Allan Lokos 
174. Although the mite rarely kills bees, it weakens and deforms them, reducing their ability to make honey.
175. Yet it is rarely posed as a major issue of AIDS prevention.
176. Post-war development of parachutes acting as brakes on jet aircraft are also covered in this rarely written about subject.
177. You rarely see a direct response ad which does not put a clear offer - and the price - in its headline.
178. The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while. Albert Einstein 
179. It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered - so many locks not enough keys. Sarah Dessen 
180. People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. Dale Carnegie 
181. Numerous interviews with cold callers, all reluctant to be named, readily acknowledge that they rarely call women.
182. Today, we rarely think of the act of cooking as something sacred.
183. Technical terms are rarely occurrent in literature.
184. Rule 19 : Trends rarely turn on a dime.
185. I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake.
186. A singleton is used comparatively rarely in application development.
187. Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention.
188. Massive infestation of Sarcoptes mites is rarely observed , especially in the scalp area.
189. The Rwandan genocide was a human tragedy on a scale rarely seen in recent history.
190. It is only very rarely a sign of an undiagnosed internal malignancy , however.
191. With Victoria on tour, the couple have rarely been spotted together this year.
192. Despite the widespread fear of these enormous predators white shark attacks are rarely fatal.
193. Unfortunately, they rarely reshape established processes and hardened attitudes at the speed of change.
194. Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) to the right atrium occurs rarely and may lead to lethal perioperative complications.
195. Convulsions look terrifying, but they are rarely fatal unless they recur repeatedly.
196. This form of spina bifida rarely causes disability or symptoms.
197. Soft water with calcium and magnesium content is relatively small, so this problem rarely occurs.
198. And yet, in Vermeer, things are rarely as they seem.
199. The survey also showed white - collar workers are rarely involved in public welfare work.
200. This arousement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, not followed.
201. So far this has kept images small: they are rarely bigger than a shoebox.
202. If the bulk of New England writing was ponderous, at least it was rarely trivial.
203. But nuance rarely figures in the debates of our age.
204. He very rarely puts his threat into practice - usually it's just saber – rattling.
205. Localized tissue infection induced by Salmonella has been rarely described in humans.
206. Experts note that done open prostatectomy patients,[] and rarely part of people would return.
207. I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.
208. Although Bifidobacteria have rarely caused disease through translocation, an undesired side need to be avoided.
209. John rarely snores, but last night he really started snore.
210. Rarely the slave, but almost always the oppressor turned slave.
211. Vigorous debate is welcome, but acting offensively towards others in the group is rarely helpful.
212. A medieval sailing ship would rarely if ever exceed its hull speed.
213. Instead, users talk out controversies online, and only rarely pull the plug on someone. As Mr.
213. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
214. They may defend themselves by inflating the Body quickly and ( rarely ) spurting Blood from the eyes.
215. But in an economy that comprises 13 diverse nations, such blessings are rarely unmixed.
216. Influenza is basically an extreme upper respiratory infection and, by itself, is rarely fatal.
217. In a war, each soldier generally fought for himself and the phalanx was rarely presented.
218. This problem is rarely acknowledged and little understood in public debate.
219. The problem is that the contours of a cultural community rarely coincide with a political entity.
220. Philately is my favorite hobby now, but I have rarely previously issued stamps.
221. History teaches that worrying overmuch about technological change rarely stops it.
222. When you go away on vacation, Scorpio, you rarely a forwarding number.
223. He put rarely - used things into the wicker bag.
224. Despite Argentina along rich South Atlantic fisheries, seafood is rarely seen on dinner tables.
225. A: Rarely did I see a Roach vs Roach match up.




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