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单词 Swarm
1. A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly. 
2. A swarm of ants are moving busily.
3. A swarm of bees flew into the garden.
4. There is a swarm of bees in the tree.
5. The waters swarm with life.
6. A swarm of mosquitoes fly into the room.
7. A swarm of/Swarms of journalists followed the film star's car.
8. Attorneys swarm around the room conferring with clients.
9. Jaq scanned another swarm of these hybrids, on the rampage with guns and blades.
10. Getting closer, the swarm was so noisy it sounded like a war all by itself.
11. But in swarm systems, positive feedback can lead to increasing order.
12. Somehow, the charm of seeing city streets swarm with uneducated, unemployable and unsupervised children is lost on the cops.
13. They abound in our hamlets and swarm in our cities.
14. Every day tourists swarm through the narrow streets of the old city.
15. Picked out in silhouette is a swarm, a veritable plague,() of humanity.
16. A swarm of killer bees has attacked 70 children in a village in northern Mexico.
17. Swarm logic tries to comprehend the out-of-kilter, to measure the erratic, and to time the unpredictable.
18. The proper awareness required to appreciate the swarm nature of complicated things might be called hive mind.
19. Violet receives a great swarm of attention wherever we go.
20. Alter all, the swarm can only cover about a metre of ground every three minutes.
21. A swarm of people were buzzing around outside the Tower, most of them looking rather aimless.
22. In swarm systems with heritability, individual variation and imperfection will lead to perpetual novelty, or what we call evolution.
23. Sandflies are tiny insects that swarm and bite, sometimes drawing blood.
24. But complex swarm systems with rich hierarchies take time to boot up.
25. But many disbelieving locals have stayed behind, even as technicians in plastic suits and respirators swarm over the town.
26. Flies zigzagged across the room, speeding about their business like bees in swarm.
27. He trotted in sync across the yard as the swarm eased away.
28. Thousands of individuals, each not quite as big as a housefly make up the swarm.
29. His lips were impassioned and she swum dizzily in the swarm of love that buzzed through her.
30. They come out to feed on the insects and other invertebrates that swarm on the soft oozy surface of the mud.
1. A swarm of ants are moving busily.
2. A swarm of bees flew into the garden.
3. There is a swarm of bees in the tree.
4. The waters swarm with life.
31. Outside the school a swarm of small children ran around shouting and laughing.
32. In one scene, giant grasshoppers swarm atop the Wrigley Building in Chicago.
33. She wanted to keep moving and soon she was out of the easy swarm of Portobello and drifting through streets of stately serenity.
34. Apparent Disadvantages of Swarm Systems NonoptimalBecause they are redundant and have no central control, swarm systems are inefficient.
35. An average-sized locust swarm devours in the region of 20,000 tons of vegetation every day.
36. Locusts can swarm in densities of 15,000 per square metre.
36. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
37. He is surrounded by police, reporters and photographers who move with him like bees in a swarm.
38. He was always friendly enough, but seemed fully occupied with the bevy of young beach-boys who seemed to swarm around him.
39. When the adventurers move from 5d to either 5c or 5e they are attacked by a swarm of shadowy, ethereal forms.
40. Insects swarm in deserts as well as forests; they swim below water and crawl in deep caves in perpetual darkness.
41. In the second half, the Steelers defense resembled a swarm of bumblebees.
42. They sat up a good while, watching the stars swarm along the edge of the veranda roof.
43. The beekeeper hived the swarm.
44. They swarm and swoon around him.
45. He is hiving a swarm with care.
46. At last a swarm settled in a hive.
47. Fish landing jetties now swarm with activity.
48. The dike swarm converges on West Spanish peak.
49. An improved immune particle swarm optimization was presented in this study in order to increase the effectiveness of feature selection for emotion recognition based on Galvanic Skin Response (GSR).
50. This paper proposes an effective approach based on binary coding Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to identify the switching operation plan for feeder reconfiguration.
51. The computing result of the algorithm is nearer to the global optimal solution by combining local search of ALA algorithm and global optimization of particle swarm optimization.
52. A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for nonlinear system identification is presented.
53. To solve the models, it presented a dynamic particle swarm optimization algorithm based on sub-group collaboration.
54. A cultural-based particle swarm optimization (CBPSO) algorithm is proposed to improve the computational accuracy and efficiency of PSO and avoid premature.
55. An optimization scheme of analog filter design based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are proposed.
56. These shores will still swarm with the dead of my people.
57. Particls swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm is a stochastic global optimization method.
58. Nowadays, because of various factors, more and more corporations swarm into the incorporative tideway, so the technology of middleware becomes more important.
59. A swarm of locusts in stretch pants. And yet, you're all still starving Because hunger doesn't just come from the body, It also comes from the soul.
60. For locating the critical failure surface, the particle swarm or the harmony method is used, which is an upper bound approach.
61. Africanized honeybees swarm toward an Ochroma flower just after sunset.
62. An algorithm for discretization based on Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is presented, which can settle the problem of continuous attributes discretization in systema modeling perfectly. ?
63. Within just a light-year of the black hole swarm more than 100,000 other stars caught far more firmly in its grip.
64. There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions, in holiday time; and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule.
65. At the same time the technique of immune PID and swarm optimization applies to hydraulic width control to improve the ability of the hydraulic width control system.
66. At the same time, in order to insure the calculability of the objective function in the searching process of the particle swarm,[http:///swarm.html] neural network is used to model the voltage boosting circuit.
67. Compared with the real data, particle swarm neural network with sliding time window technique in modeling the mid and long term electric load is effective, and the model can meet the actual demands.
68. The bintree structure based on SA rule makes it more flexible and simple to control the robots swarm.
69. A swarm of planets absorbed most of the available angular momentum.
70. They have no real weakness, unless a swarm is placed on top of them, a mortar is launched their way or a rain of plasma falls on them from a Devastator.
71. Not even a swarm of flies disturbs a cheetah's after - dinner catnap.
72. The blast of the brightly-coloured plastic trumpet has been likened to an elephant or a swarm of angry bees. It will provide a discordant and ever-present backdrop to events on the pitch.
73. This paper presents a new polygonal approximation approach based on the particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm.
74. The results have shown the effectiveness of particle swarm optimisation for flexible job shop scheduling.
75. This young capybara was dragged into the water by a caiman, a local alligator. But now a swarm of piranhas is feasting on the prize.
76. Improved Particle Swarm Optimization is applied to short-term optimal scheduling of the cascade hydropower plants.
77. The results have shown the effectiveness of particle swarm optimization for flexible job shop scheduling.
78. And this mock-up shows how the swarm robots could actually operate together.
79. Finally, the proposed method is verified by the design process planning of a transmission. (2) We propose a Swarm Intelligent based Scatter Search method (SISS).
80. The locust swarm has destroyed all the crops and vegetables.
81. I've seen more than a few hives throwing off a swarm, and never has one failed to transfix me utterly, or to dumbfound everyone else within sight of it.
82. Thus, the high-temperature-loving microbes that swarm around deep-sea hydrothermal vents are often genetically and metabolically similar to the microbes in the hot springs of Yellowstone.
83. Each scout inspects the site she navigated to and if she agrees that is a desirable dwelling place, she too performs a waggle dance when she returns to the swarm.
84. A new improved discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm is designed to tackle the Traveling Salesman Problem.
85. The approach divided the exploring region into several sub-regions, and then used the particle swarm to depth-first search the sub-regions.
86. A method to evaluate spatial straightness errors adopting particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is proposed.
87. Every so often a comet gets flung out of the Oort Cloud, a swarm of comets on the fringes of the solar system, and gets close enough to Earth for us to see it.
88. Particle swarm optimized particle filter (PSOPF) incorporates the newest observations into sampling process and also optimizes it.
89. This study trained them to swarm around the location of the scent of 2, 4-dinitrotoluene, a chemical residue left by several different types of bombs.
90. One day, as the herd funneled through a gully at the tree line, Karsten and Leanne spotted a wolf creeping up. The herd responded with a classic swarm defense.
91. Of course, Miller cautions, swarm behaviour in humans can have a downside, especially when it manifests as groupthink or peer pressure.
92. This paper according to the requirement of netting in the present defence area, adhibits improved particle swarm optimization algorithm with disturbance term(PSO-DT)embattling optimize.
93. Many students swarm into job market or look every talent fair for potential employers.
94. A novel algorithm of parallel particle swarm optimization based on ring structure model with Buffer storage is designed and implemented. It is enlightened parallel genetic algorithm.
95. The result shows that the life cycle of Physarum tenerum comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.
96. Summoning Swarm – the ground surrounding the Mantis will begin to swarm with small beetles ( swarm - statted ).
96. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
97. And meanwhile, a large number of farmers swarm into a city again.
98. A swarm of cusk eels, seen attacking a piece of bait in a 2010 picture, were spotted 3.7 miles (5.6 kilometers) underwater during Oceanlab's expedition to the Peru-Chile trench.
99. Can summon mongrel things that he can cast locust swarm on, which buffs their damage.
100. And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion.
101. A cons - picuous earthquake swarm appeared in Germany - Czechoslovakia border region.
102. I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengers swarm into the platform.
103. Desgined a mixed intelligent arithmetic by using the technique of combing the stochastic simulation with fuzzy simulation and particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve this kind of problems.
104. Finally, an architectural design example was illustrated for showing the application of particle swarm optimization in assembling process of cooperative architectural design.
105. The passionate students swarm into the attend a lecture by the celebrated professor of Cambrige University.
106. To improve the efficiency of goods location assignment in autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system, an optimal method based on discrete particle swarm optimization is proposed.
107. There was also a sparkle in her eyes through the lenses of her orange glasses as she shared the story of riding her motorcycle through a swarm of palmetto palmetto s.
108. Artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) is a novel optimization algorithm proposed lately. A new method based on this optimization is proposed to design the IIR digital filters.
109. A new routing table is given, adaptive routing algorithm based on particle swarm optimization( PSORA ) is designed and realized.
110. The particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm is improved to get better global search ability.
111. This paper proposed a novel method of global optimal path planning for mobile robots based on the grid and particle swarm optimization.
112. The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used in the multi-object optimization of PID controllers so that automatic tuning of the PID parameters can be achieved.
113. You will strike a hornets' nest which extends from mountains to oceans. Millions now quiet will swarm out and sting us to death.
114. At the same time, aiming at the shortage of conventional algorithm, the model is analyzed and designed concretely by using improved particle swarm optimization algorithm.
115. The midsummer night's exposure, held for 20 seconds, captured some of the hundreds of insects engaged in a nocturnal swarm.
116. Space division particle swarm optimization is proposed to solve the high-dimensional numerical optimization problem in this paper.
117. An active olfaction implementation scheme based on evolutionary gradient search (EGS) using a swarm of robots is put forward.
118. Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization(QPSO) is based on the particle swarm optimization(PSO) by adding quantum wave mechanics, then it has better global searching ability.
119. The nonlinear blind source separation algorithm is proposed using improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) combined with natural gradient algorithm.
120. Put forward unified frame pattern of swarm intelligent optimization algorithm and discussed the future direction and content of it.
121. The most extreme death, however, was caused by blood loss after a swarm of mosquitoes attacked a thick-billed murre.
122. Fuzzy adaptive programming algorithm based on particle swarm multi-optimum is proposed on the basis of the static particle swarm multi-optimum information programming mode.
123. A hybrid algorithm is proposed based on binary particle swarm optimization and local search method.
124. Fallen ones display no obvious tendency towards greater organization beyond their predisposition to swarm.
125. Higher-level, or "swarm", intelligence emerges from those rudimentary rules in ways that would be difficult to program into conventional software.
126. The particle swarm algorithm is introduced to job shop scheduling operation. Consequently, the function of job shop scheduling and control of the integration module is realized.
127. An enumeration method was used to get the optimal splitting of the candidate branches. A modified discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm (MDPSO) was used to get the final strategy.
128. At the mention of Tientsin a swarm of doubts had assailed his over - wrought mind.
129. The advantages are via apomixis and degenerate the speed of convergent and diversity of the swarm are improved apparently.
130. Glitter like a swarm of fire - flies tangled in a silver braid.
131. So multimodal problems has turn into unimodal problems in some clusters in which the optimal solution is guaranteedly located through the guaranteed convergence particle swarm optimizer.
132. It seems these two kinds of method accentuate different aspects of the meteor swarm in 3-dimentional space.
133. There are difference in conditions which subgroup cooperate and swarm cooperate depending on.
134. Ants can swarm over a field and find the choicest food in it as if the swarm were a large compound eye .
135. In order to solve the divergence phenomenon which produced by the common state estimation methods, a state estimation method based on improved particle swarm algorithm was proposed.
136. The result shows that the life cycle of Physarella oblonga comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.
137. These pellets could burst the decoy balloons that would accompany a swarm of warheads.
138. Knowledge, truth, and information flow in networks and swarm systems.
139. Most tasks will balance some control for some adaptability, and so the apparatus that best does the job will be some cyborgian hybrid of part clock, part swarm.
140. An asynchronous pattern of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm based on Converging Factor Model is presented in this article.
141. This paper proposes a novel clustering routing algorithm based on Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization APSO.
142. They swarm to the injury to engulf and destroy bacteria with toxic molecules and biochemicals.
143. Then the cocoa-nuts would be ripe for picking, and her cousins (like all the natives, Ata had a host of relatives) would swarm up the trees and throw down the big ripe nuts.
144. Recently, When multinational retailers swarm into China, the competition of our retail industry comes into perfervid condition.
145. Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) for the TSP complete source code, has been tested.
146. Signal shock and precursory earthquake swarm and foreshock activities always accompany the anomalous space-time patterns of seismic'ty.
147. The particle swarm optimization(PSO) technique is applied to find the optimal location of TCSC with maximum system load ability and minimum cost of installation of TCSC.
148. Secondly, the improved particle swarm optimization for flying robot for overhead powerline inspection is used to resolve the global path planning issue.
149. Embellish of low cost, usury attracts people to swarm into fast give job.
150. The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.
151. An active olfaction implementation scheme based on evolutionary gradient search using a swarm of robots is put forward.
152. For minimized seller's total expected loss and seasonal products, the paper proposes an optimal pricing model that is solved by Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO).
153. A hybrid algorithm for unit commitment problem optimization ( ACO ) and particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is proposed.
154. A customer behavior analysis algorithm based on swarm intelligence is proposed.
155. Swarm Intelligence is an untraditional computational intelligence technology which is abstracted from individual cognitive behavior and law of group cognitive.
156. How to control swarm formation in unknown environment is a challenging problem. In this paper, Swarm-robot distribution control and optimization is studied.
157. Ant colony algorithm is a kind of swarm intelligence heuristic approach that inspired from ants finding foods.
158. The swarm controllers running Linux are connected to an off-the-shelf USB Wi-Fi dongle. The output of these (the desired turn rate, speed or altitude) is sent to the autopilot.
159. The result shows that the life cycle of Didymium iridis comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage.
160. Nonpredictable - The complexity of a swarm system bends it in unforeseeable ways.
161. For just a short time every year these silversides swarm caves and swim-throughs at Cayman's dive sites.
162. We can in fact observe similar things in psychotic illnesses, especially in the paranoid forms of schizophrenia,[http:///swarm.html] which often swarm with mythological images.
163. In this paper, a new routing approach based on discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm is briefly discussed to obtain the optimum path between two nodes in the network.
164. You might have a few support powers at your fingertips, the best ones are buzzer swarm and cloaking field, but those only work if you are teched that far.
165. The improved algorithm replaced part of the swarm with new particles and made the new ones far from the local optimum in solution space. By means of that, the diversity of particles was promoted.
166. Simultaneously, we also studied the subdimensional feature of 35 foreshock , aftershock and swarm series and found that 29 of the 35 had subdimensional texture.
167. Through mechanism analysis of several modified particle swarm optimizations (PSO), a new uniform model of PSO is described, and the convergence is analysed with linear control theory.
168. Swarm Traps used in an Apiary will not cause managed colonies to swarm.




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