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单词 Voluntarily
1. Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .
2. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.
3. He voluntarily surrendered to the police.
4. He voluntarily surrendered himself to the police.
5. The fund is voluntarily administered.
6. He surrendered voluntarily to his enemies.
7. He made the promise quite voluntarily.
8. They were said to have left their land voluntarily.
9. Susan worked in the studios voluntarily, to gain experience.
10. He submitted voluntarily to arrest.
11. He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.
12. Steir voluntarily surrendered his license to the State.
13. Last June, he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else.
14. They subscribed materials voluntarily.
15. I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.
16. We prefer you to work voluntarily rather than by coercion.
17. As I was voluntarily unemployed, I wasn't entitled to benefit.
18. Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.
19. No one ever thought she would go voluntarily.
20. I would never leave voluntarily until I had finished.
21. Of the rest, one left voluntarily because he was bored with his job, and one because of her pregnancy.
22. They invited state employees to voluntarily submit proposals for projects to improve performance.
23. Most fare very badly in captivity and are voluntarily banned from being brought into the country by most of the large importers.
24. Volenti non fit injuria means that the plaintiff voluntarily agrees to undertake the legal risk of harm at his own expense.
25. Other young people left voluntarily to seek work and earn money, viewed as more important than education.
26. The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
27. Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily.
28. It happens every year and no department of the council will cut its costs voluntarily.
29. Creed stepped inside and closed both doors again, feeling as if he'd just voluntarily shut himself up in a cell.
30. She felt suddenly, confusedly, a little like a man who had voluntarily passed a death sentence on himself.
1. Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .
2. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.
3. He voluntarily surrendered to the police.
4. The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
5. He voluntarily surrendered himself to the police.
6. They were said to have left their land voluntarily.
7. They subscribed materials voluntarily.
8. We prefer you to work voluntarily rather than by coercion.
31. Between 30 and 50 percent of constituency management committees voluntarily consulted their full membership before casting their votes.
32. At that time, enough members paid their dues voluntarily to keep services going.
33. One stands on the threshold of miracles that one can not create voluntarily....
34. Officially, they maintained they are moving on a ratings system voluntarily.
35. The advocacy system gives the child the right to voluntarily admit himself or refuse admission.
36. The company voluntarily recalled about 11,(Sentencedict)000 of the devices to check them for defects.
37. They do not voluntarily crawl across sand or mud and most species are predominantly intertidal.
38. They are voluntarily shrinking themselves, cutting workforces and branch networks.
39. He said Hanssen had begun spying in 1979 and stopped voluntarily in 1981.
40. But why should corrupt politicians voluntarily give up their powers of patronage and intervention?
41. Payment under such pressure establishes that the payment is not made voluntarily to close the transaction.
42. Parents may therefore voluntarily agree to give notice before recovering their children.
43. But why did society voluntarily accept the constraints imposed by the gold standard?
44. It would be surprising for importers to voluntarily adjust their prices upwards.
45. The first is that students are adults, and enrol and attend their courses voluntarily.
46. In the first year of the war a million men enlisted voluntarily.
47. This evolution of Diamond Rio signals that the group is not ready to rest on its laurels -- at least not voluntarily.
48. Allstate is enforcing the action only in California, although the company has urged agents nationwide to become independent brokers voluntarily.
49. Where a person has voluntarily chosen to undertake an economic transaction, he is legally bound to complete it.
50. The president's foes are vowing to hold large demonstrations every few days to keep pressure on Estrada to resign voluntarily.
51. Of those purchased, some were sold under duress and others voluntarily.
52. How can an unprecedented association of nations which come together voluntarily govern itself effectively, responsibly and responsively?
53. Authorities did not order an evacuation in the neighborhood, but several residents left voluntarily.
54. It would better all round if Mr Mugabe, 75, voluntarily heeded that call.
55. He told the court that he had not used drugs since his arrest and had voluntarily sought help and advice.
56. Each of the protesters was told that they faced trespassing charges unless they left voluntarily.
57. It may, for example, involve liquidation fraud, where a company voluntarily goes into liquidation to avoid its responsibilities.
58. How many people will voluntarily give up driving cars to prevent acid rain or global warming?
59. Others lose their bids for reelection or voluntarily leave the occupation.
60. He will not voluntarily do anything which conflicts with his personal moral code, nor can he be induced to do so.
61. All subjects had voluntarily given written informed consent before the start of the study.
62. In theory, it should be easy to tell whether you have left voluntarily or have been dismissed.
63. After he voluntarily returned home in 1985, Kim was placed under house arrest again.
64. Some manufacturing companies are also voluntarily cleaning up old waste dumps.
65. McGregor has said he will voluntarily restrict himself to $2.2 million in campaign spending.
66. This, despite a record total income, mostly given voluntarily,(http://) last year.
67. Even if she were to go voluntarily before the next election, that could only be very bad news for him.
68. Here an attempt was made to make voluntarily given consumer guarantees legally enforceable.
69. Many women have now moved voluntarily to paying the full national insurance contribution.
70. Magnus was either dragged out of sanctuary from a church on Egilsay or he voluntarily surrendered himself to his enemies.
71. Under Johnwick, rehabilitation became the means whereby eligible patients were encouraged to leave voluntarily.
72. Food labels are not required to list it, but some do so voluntarily.
73. Some Tories even forecast that Mr Major would quit voluntarily rather than face the humiliation of a Tory leadership challenge.
74. Men are blind to their weaknesses or defects, and refuse to admit their faults or mistakes voluntarily and gracefully. Dr T.P.Chia 
75. Programs designed to motivate patients into leaving voluntarily brought into sharp focus conflicting institutional dynamics inherent in the leprosarium setting.
76. Attorneys for the two men said they left voluntarily and had no prior knowledge of the accounting fraud.
77. November extended buyout packages to 72, 000 managers in hopes that employees would voluntarily leave.
78. It looks therefore as if the court's intervention will be required here unless s 92 compensation is given voluntarily.
79. On entering the asylum involuntarily, he voluntarily made vows of poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
80. The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
81. The company has voluntarily recalled the product to check for defects.
82. Mr Marchant said Durham police have voluntarily referred the shooting incident to the police complaints authority for a full investigation.
83. Senior Vice President Antonio Samson said 910 employees in targeted areas voluntarily applied for the program, which includes a benefit package.
84. The old live on what they have been forced to save and the additional saving that they have voluntarily done.
85. It must be shown that the plaintiff acted voluntarily in the sense that he could exercise a free choice.
86. By the age of 3 years most children can voluntarily initiate emptying a full bladder and later a partly full bladder.
87. However, Cambridgeshire voluntarily introduced formula funding in April 1988, whilst Solihull continued to oppose it.
88. That is why we have taken the lead in the restaurant industry to voluntarily list and explain the ingredients in our food.
89. Certainly one German bomber landed voluntarily in Devonshire.
90. He voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting.
91. A good many young men leave their jobs voluntarily.
92. The Donghua honorable person pleads pointdeath , undergoes 33 disasters voluntarily, 99 plundering, guidance Eight Immortals homing.
93. Finally, section 555 ( b ) applies only to those compelled to appear, not those who appear voluntarily.
94. I say voluntarily because your offer is not to add up paid overtime hours.
95. Google is therefore more likely to voluntarily shut down its search operation if it is unable to reach a compromise with China, rather than unilaterally lift censorship(http://), she said.
96. Crooks get on top of the food chain and won't ever voluntarily release their strangleho od grasp of others.
97. More MySpace execs will soon be leaving, voluntarily or not, as Van Natta fills the gaps and adds loyal lieutenants.
98. After years of court-ordered desegregation , the school district will appear before the U. S. Supreme Court next Monday, arguing that it should be allowed to use the same system voluntarily .
99. Bio Bio region in southern Chile Lota coal mines, 33 women voluntarily put himself in the 900 meters underground, to protest their dismissal.
100. One day, however, she suddenly disappeared, and Dorothy does not know if she left the capuchin group voluntarily or was killed by a predator.
101. However, Ironside said this is the first time this year that a militia group has voluntarily handed over children from its ranks.
102. Regardless whether they do it voluntarily or passively, it is a deprival of their innocence and childhood.
103. We provided samples and responsible for the accuracy of the data, ensure well cooperation, and shall voluntarily undertake agreed consignation testing costs.
104. After six weeks at Promises in Malibu, the 21-year-old checked out of the facility but will voluntarily wear an alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet as part of an outpatient program.
105. International advanced level twin - roll squeezer has been explored and manufactured voluntarily in recent years.
106. Any briber who confesses the bribery voluntarily prior to prosecution may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.
107. The settlements outside the fence would be evacuated and legislation is already before the Knesset that would pay settlers living west of the fence $305, 000 each to leave voluntarily.
108. When a state chooses to participate in an international institution voluntarily, it will achieve absolute gains which can not be achieved in the situation of non-participation.
109. Organically combined with social welfare system, negative income tax is one kind of the effective mechanism, providing the payment voluntarily to the poor under certain level of income.
110. The indoor experiment shows, it is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.
111. He voluntarily follows the law of value when he guide s economic construction in revolutionary base.
112. We have succeeded in persuading many districts to desegregate voluntarily.
113. Voluntarily the prisoner laid his head down upon the bloodstained marble.
114. Underground one supposes double-decked garage and voluntarily the garage, underground two suppose double-decked garage, underground three suppose the spare room for the subway and the host building.
115. The painkiller Vioxx was voluntarily withdrawn in 2004, and more recently the diabetes drug Avandia, which is still on the market, has been the focus of congressional inquiries and lawsuits.
116. Back in August, on Friday the 13th, Goya issued a press release voluntarily recalling a mamey pulp product produced in Guatemala because of a potential health risk from Salmonella.
117. There are many reasons why an active node could stop functioning properly in an HA cluster, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
118. SuperMemo was originally developed as a doctoral dissertation, and Mnemosyne is programmed by a professor who is using it to collect data (voluntarily) in a long-term research project on human memory.
119. The gyroscope compass makes the vessels keep on the fixed course voluntarily.
120. Arbitrament and other disputes of the intermediation , litigation...etc. solve a mechanism to compare, having a following advantage:The first, the candor second, voluntarily sex.
121. The focus is on the use of a deposit-refund requirement by the government when the collection rate voluntarily achieved by the firms is deemed insufficient.
122. "Based on important new drug safety information, FDA has been working with the manufacturers of pergolide products to voluntarily remove these drugs from the market, " said Douglas Throckmorton, M.
123. Will a smaller smelter voluntarily cut output if its larger competitors do not?
124. To lose the present in lamenting the past, was voluntarily to protract a melancholy vision.
125. An uninhabited piece of city-sized land,(Sentence dictionary) provided voluntarily by a host government.
126. It was a call to voluntarily give up the security of the boat for the insecurity of walking on rough water (Matthew 14:22-31).
127. Maintain post a hygiene environment. Greet to all the leaders of hotel voluntarily fervidly. Speak in a civilized manner in the wk.
128. It would be virtually the first time they had voluntarily relinquished a client regime.
129. Country music sensation Keith Urban has voluntarily checked himself into rehab, according to media reports.
130. The balcony door is unfolded, and the room air - condition shall cease voluntarily.
131. The department is using a pilot rule development process to field-test the draft rule, and the pilot rule is now being voluntarily tested by a group of children's products manufacturers.
132. By necessity , the first lesson is controlling shapeshifting voluntarily.
133. Relocates the work site the reward standard by to relocate the human respectively to determine voluntarily that the capriciousness is quite big.
134. Being a very pious churchgoer, she visits church, rain and voluntarily takes part in every ceremony.
135. You have come here voluntarily to this blue green incarnated into the physical tenacities of flesh.
136. Voluntarily maintaining, protecting and having concrete contribution to dormitory environment nattiness and beauty.
137. For the community to voluntarily city and county governments and the relevant departments donated funds for the protection of urban low-cost housing tax preferential policies.
138. Moral authority is the power that people obey voluntarily in their moral life, which has the characteristics of inductivity, persuasiveness and mental enforceability.
139. Christ voluntarily put Himself in union with humanity living in a human body.
140. "there is phoenix tree in home , phoenix will come voluntarily", this will take a new turning point for company's transition .
141. We should voluntarily, do things actively, should not passively, passivism do things.
142. On Sept. 30, 2004, pharmaceutical giant Merck announced it would voluntarily recall its worldwide stock of Vioxx, an arthritis drug that had brought in $2.5 billion in sales the previous year.
143. Supplementary pension is the second pillar and important part of the social security system, which is established by enterprise and its employees voluntarily based on their basic pension.
144. Used to refer to a self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.
145. Criminal elements who voluntarily surrender may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.
146. She even induced Winston to mortgage yet another of his evenings by enrolling himself for the part-time munition work which was done voluntarily by zealous Party members.
147. It was something to which she voluntarily closed her eyes.
148. It would be nice if corporations voluntarily disclosed their actual tax bill so we could have an informed discussion.
149. Though not regulated by the new legislation, auto racing groups voluntarily began conserving as well.
150. Methods Compounded one kind of trisaccharide iron urea indol culture medium and the trisaccharide iron agar has carried on the contrast experiment with the national standard method in voluntarily.
151. The sound value is the property and the debt according to the fair deal, familiar situation's transaction both sides carry on the property exchange or the discharge amount voluntarily.
152. I did it of my own free will , ie acting voluntarily.
153. Rio also appears to have accepted information that steel mill representatives handed over voluntarily.
154. Forty-three generations later, the mice descended from long distance runners are voluntarily running seven miles a day—three times as far as their lazy counterparts.
155. He died voluntarily as a sinless substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, thereby satisfying God's righteous judgement against sin.
156. Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.
157. Any shipper or passenger who has voluntarily applied for insured transport of valued articles shall be entitled to an indemnity on a par with the actual loss but not exceeding the insured value.
158. The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army,(Sentencedict) Ironside told CNN.
159. She had voluntarily entered that chilling world of long silence.
160. Ofcom admits that without new powers a shared network across the entire country is improbable, although some companies are already taking voluntarily steps to merge networks.




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